package org.xbib.elasticsearch.common.decompound.patricia; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.StringTokenizer; /** * */ public class CompactPatriciaTrie { private static final int EXACT = 0; private static final int LOWER = 2; private static final String TAB = "\t"; private static final String NL = "\n"; private boolean reverse = false; private boolean ignorecase = false; private double thresh = 0.0; private Node root; private char[] stringtree; private int offset; private int basis; private int startchar; private int endchar; private char attentionNumber; private char attentionNode; private char endOfWordChar; public CompactPatriciaTrie() { this.root = new Node(); this.stringtree = null; this.startchar = 33; this.endchar = 248; this.attentionNumber = 2; this.attentionNode = 3; this.endOfWordChar = 4; this.basis = this.endchar - this.startchar + 1; this.offset = (int) Math.ceil(Math.log(Integer.MAX_VALUE) / Math.log(this.basis)); this.reverse = false; this.ignorecase = false; } public CompactPatriciaTrie(int sc, int ec, int az, int ak, int eow, boolean rv, boolean ic, char[] stringtree) { this.root = null; this.stringtree = stringtree; this.startchar = sc; this.endchar = ec; this.attentionNumber = (char) az; this.attentionNode = (char) ak; this.endOfWordChar = (char) eow; this.basis = this.endchar - this.startchar + 1; this.offset = (int) Math.ceil(Math.log(Integer.MAX_VALUE) / Math.log(this.basis)); this.reverse = rv; this.ignorecase = ic; } public void train(String word, String classify) { train(word, classify, 1); } public void train(String trainWord, String classify, int nr) { String word = trainWord; if (root == null) { root = getObjectTree(stringtree); } stringtree = null; if (ignorecase) { word = word.toLowerCase(); } if (reverse) { word = reverse(word); } Node k = new Node(word + endOfWordChar); k.classes(new ArrayList<String>()); k.classes().add(classify + "=" + nr); insert(k); } public String classify(String word) { if (root == null) { return classifyString(word); } return classifyObject(word); } public void setStartChar(int c) { if (c < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Character number must be greater than 0"); } else { if (this.root == null) { this.root = getObjectTree(this.stringtree); } this.stringtree = null; this.startchar = c; this.basis = this.endchar - this.startchar + 1; this.offset = (int) Math.ceil(Math.log(Integer.MAX_VALUE) / Math.log(this.basis)); } } public void setEndChar(int c) { if (c < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Character number must be greater than 0"); } else { if (this.root == null) { this.root = getObjectTree(this.stringtree); } this.stringtree = null; this.endchar = c; this.basis = this.endchar - this.startchar + 1; this.offset = (int) Math.ceil(Math.log(Integer.MAX_VALUE) / Math.log(this.basis)); } } public void setAttentionNumber(int c) { if (c < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Character number must be greater than 0"); } else { if (this.root == null) { this.root = getObjectTree(this.stringtree); } this.stringtree = null; this.attentionNumber = (char) c; } } public void setAttentionNode(int c) { if (c < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Character number must be greater than 0"); } else { if (this.root == null) { this.root = getObjectTree(this.stringtree); } this.stringtree = null; this.attentionNode = (char) c; } } public void setEndOfWordChar(int c) { if (c < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Character number must be greater than 0"); } else { this.endOfWordChar = (char) c; } } private void internalSetStartChar(int c) { if (c < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Character number must be greater than 0"); } else { this.startchar = c; this.basis = this.endchar - this.startchar + 1; this.offset = (int) Math.ceil(Math.log(Integer.MAX_VALUE) / Math.log(this.basis)); } } private void internalSetEndChar(int c) { if (c < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Character number must be greater than 0"); } else { this.endchar = c; this.basis = this.endchar - this.startchar + 1; this.offset = (int) Math.ceil(Math.log(Integer.MAX_VALUE) / Math.log(this.basis)); } } private void internalSetAttentionNumber(int c) { if (c < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Character number must be greater than 0"); } else { this.attentionNumber = (char) c; } } private void internalSetAttentionNode(int c) { if (c < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Character number must be greater than 0"); } else { attentionNode = (char) c; } } public double getThreshold() { return this.thresh; } public void setThreshold(double threshold) { this.thresh = threshold; } public boolean getIgnoreCase() { return this.ignorecase; } public void setIgnoreCase(boolean b) { this.ignorecase = b; } public boolean getReverse() { return this.reverse; } public void setReverse(boolean b) { this.reverse = b; } private String reverse(String s) { char[] ret = new char[s.length()]; StringBuilder torev = new StringBuilder(s); for (int i = torev.length() - 1, j = 0; i >= 0; i--, j++) { ret[j] = torev.charAt(i); } return new String(ret); } private String voted(List<String> classes) { if (classes == null) { return null; } int sum = 0; int maxval = 0; int actval; String maxclass = "undecided"; String actclass; for (String cl : classes) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(cl, "="); actclass = st.nextToken(); if (st.hasMoreTokens()) { actval = new Integer(st.nextToken()); } else { actval = 0; } sum += actval; if (actval > maxval) { maxval = actval; maxclass = actclass; } if ((actval == maxval) && !actclass.equals(maxclass) && !actclass.isEmpty()) { maxclass = new StringBuilder().append(maxclass).append(";").append(actclass).toString(); } } if (((double) maxval / (double) sum) >= this.thresh) { return maxclass; } else { return "undecided"; } } private List<String> add(List<String> one, List<String> two) { List<String> list = new ArrayList<>(); Map<String, Object> hash = new HashMap<>(); String clas; String snr; int nr; int nr2; String cont; for (String s : one) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(s, "="); clas = st.nextToken(); snr = st.nextToken(); hash.put(clas, snr); } for (String s : two) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(s, "="); clas = st.nextToken(); if (st.hasMoreTokens()) { snr = st.nextToken(); nr = Integer.parseInt(snr); } else { nr = 0; } cont = (String) hash.get(clas); if (cont != null) { nr2 = Integer.parseInt(cont); nr += nr2; } snr = Integer.toString(nr); hash.put(clas, snr); } for (Map.Entry<String,Object> entry : hash.entrySet()) { String instr = entry.getKey() + "=" + entry.getValue(); list.add(instr); } return list; } private Node insert(Node k1, Node k2) { String w0; String w1; String w2; if (k1 == null) { return k2; } int pos; int min; if (k1.getContent().length() < k2.getContent().length()) { min = k1.getContent().length(); } else { min = k2.getContent().length(); } for (pos = 0; pos < min; pos++) { if (k1.getContent().charAt(pos) != k2.getContent().charAt(pos)) { break; } } w0 = k2.getContent().substring(0, pos); w1 = k1.getContent().substring(pos, k1.getContent().length()); w2 = k2.getContent().substring(pos, k2.getContent().length()); if (w2.length() == 0) { k1.classes(add(k1.classes(), k2.classes())); return k1; } if (w1.length() == 0) { k2.setContent(w2); Node goalpos = getChild(k1, w2); if (goalpos == null) { k1.children().add(k2); } else { k1.children().remove(goalpos); k1.children().add(insert(goalpos, k2)); } k1.classes(add(k1.classes(), k2.classes())); return k1; } else { Node h = new Node(w0); k2.setContent(w2); h.children().add(k2); k1.setContent(w1); h.children().add(k1); h.classes(add(k1.classes(), k2.classes())); return h; } } private Node getChild(Node k, String w) { for (Node child : k.children()) { if (child.getContent().substring(0, 1).equals(w.substring(0, 1))) { return child; } } return null; } private Node lookup(Node k, String w) { Node node; String w1; String w2; if (k == null) { return null; } int min; int pos; if (k.getContent().length() < w.length()) { min = k.getContent().length(); } else { min = w.length(); } for (pos = 0; pos < min; pos++) { if (k.getContent().charAt(pos) != w.charAt(pos)) { break; } } w1 = k.getContent().substring(pos, k.getContent().length()); w2 = w.substring(pos, w.length()); if (w2.length() != 0) { node = lookup(getChild(k, w2), w2); if (node != null) { return node; } else { return k; } } if (w1.length() != 0) { return k; } return k; } public void prune() { if (root == null) { root = getObjectTree(stringtree); } stringtree = null; root = pruneNode(root); } private Node pruneNode(Node node) { String vklass; String aklass; StringTokenizer st; ArrayList<Node> temp; if (node.children().isEmpty()) { node.setContent(node.getContent().substring(0, 1)); } else if (node.classes().size() == 1) { node.setContent(node.getContent().substring(0, 1)); node.children().clear(); } else { vklass = voted(node.classes()); temp = new ArrayList<>(); for (Node akk : node.children()) { if (akk.classes().size() == 1) { aklass = akk.classes().get(0); st = new StringTokenizer(aklass, "="); aklass = st.nextToken(); if (!aklass.equals(vklass)) { akk = pruneNode(akk); temp.add(akk); } } else { akk = pruneNode(akk); temp.add(akk); } } node.children(temp); } return node; } private String classifyString(String s) { String word = s; if (ignorecase) { word = word.toLowerCase(); } if (reverse) { word = reverse(word); } Node k = getNearest(word + endOfWordChar); return voted(k.classes()); } private String classifyObject(String s) { String word = s; if (ignorecase) { word = word.toLowerCase(); } if (reverse) { word = reverse(word); } Node k = find(word + endOfWordChar); return voted(k.classes()); } public double getProbabilityForClass(String string, String cla) { String word = string; double ret = 0; if (root == null) { return getProbabilityForClassString(word, cla); } if (ignorecase) { word = word.toLowerCase(); } if (reverse) { word = reverse(word); } Node k = find(word + "<"); double valsum = 0; double goalval = 0; String actclass; int actval; for (String s : k.classes()) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(s, "="); actclass = st.nextToken(); actval = new Integer(st.nextToken()); valsum += actval; if (actclass.equals(cla)) { goalval = actval; } } if (valsum > 0) { ret = goalval / valsum; } return ret; } public double getProbabilityForClassString(String string, String cla) { String word = string; double ret = 0; if (this.ignorecase) { word = word.toLowerCase(); } if (this.reverse) { word = reverse(word); } Node k = getNearest(word + "<"); double valsum = 0; double goalval = 0; String actclass; int actval; for (String s : k.classes()) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(s, "="); actclass = st.nextToken(); actval = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()); valsum += actval; if (actclass.equals(cla)) { goalval = actval; } } if (valsum > 0) { ret = goalval / valsum; } return ret; } private Node getNearest(String word) { return get(word, LOWER); } private Node get(String word, int mode) { String currentWord = word; int i = 0; StringBuilder currentLabel; StringBuilder exlabel = new StringBuilder(); List<String> currentClasses; while (stringtree[i] != attentionNode) { exlabel.append(Character.toString(stringtree[i])); i++; } while (true) { currentClasses = new ArrayList<>(); currentLabel = new StringBuilder(); i++; i++; while (stringtree[i] != ']') { StringBuilder currentClass = new StringBuilder(); while ((stringtree[i] != ';') && (stringtree[i] != ']')) { currentClass.append(stringtree[i]); i++; } if (stringtree[i] != ']') { i++; } currentClasses.add(currentClass.toString()); } if (currentWord.length() == 0) { break; } if ((i + 1) == stringtree.length) { if (mode == EXACT) { exlabel .setLength(0); currentClasses = null; } break; } i++; while (stringtree[i] != currentWord.charAt(0)) { if (stringtree[i] == attentionNode) { if (mode == EXACT) { exlabel.setLength(0); currentClasses = null; } break; } while (stringtree[i] != attentionNumber) { i++; } i++; i += offset; } if (stringtree[i] == attentionNode) { break; } while (stringtree[i] != attentionNumber) { currentLabel.append(stringtree[i]); i++; } i++; if (currentLabel.length() > currentWord.length()) { if (mode == EXACT) { exlabel.setLength(0); currentClasses = null; } else if (mode == LOWER) { exlabel = currentLabel; currentClasses = getClassesAt(string2int(new String(stringtree, i, offset))); } break; } String w1 = currentWord.substring(0, currentLabel.length()); String w2 = currentWord.substring(currentLabel.length()); if (!(w1.equals(currentLabel.toString()))) { if (mode == EXACT) { exlabel.setLength(0); currentClasses = null; } else if (mode == LOWER) { exlabel = currentLabel; currentClasses = getClassesAt(string2int(new String(stringtree, i, offset))); } break; } int o = string2int(new String(stringtree, i, offset)); currentWord = w2; i = o; exlabel = currentLabel; } Node k = new Node(exlabel.toString()); k.classes(currentClasses); return k; } private List<String> getClassesAt(int pos) { int i = pos; List<String> retClasses = new ArrayList<>(); i++; i++; while (stringtree[i] != ']') { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); while ((stringtree[i] != ';') && (stringtree[i] != ']')) { sb.append(stringtree[i]); i++; } if (stringtree[i] != ']') { i++; } retClasses.add(sb.toString()); } return retClasses; } private void insert(Node k) { if (root == null) { root = getObjectTree(stringtree); } stringtree = null; root.classes(add(root.classes(), k.classes())); Node gpos = getChild(root, k.getContent()); if (gpos == null) { gpos = k; root.children().add(gpos); } else { root.children().remove(gpos); root.children().add(insert(gpos, k)); } } private Node find(String w) { if (root == null) { root = getObjectTree(stringtree); } Node wchild = getChild(root, w); if (wchild == null) { return root; } else { return lookup(wchild, w); } } private void addStringToMap(Map<String, String> m, char[] treestring, int pos, StringBuilder content) { int i = pos; i++; i++; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append('['); while (treestring[i] != ']') { sb.append(treestring[i]); i++; } sb.append(']'); i++; m.put(content.toString(), sb.toString()); if (i < treestring.length) { while (treestring[i] != this.attentionNode) { StringBuilder childContent = new StringBuilder(content); StringBuilder childOffset = new StringBuilder(); while (treestring[i] != this.attentionNumber) { childContent.append(treestring[i]); i++; } i++; for (int j = 0; j < this.offset; j++) { childOffset.append(treestring[i]); i++; } addStringToMap(m, treestring, string2int(childOffset.toString()), childContent); } } } private void addObjectToMap(Map<String, String> m, Node node, StringBuilder content) { content.append(node.getContent()); m.put(content.toString(), formatClasses(node).toString()); for (Node child : node.children()) { addObjectToMap(m, child, new StringBuilder(content.toString())); } } private void addStringToKeySet(Set<String> s, char[] treestring, int pos, StringBuilder currentContent) { int i = pos; i++; i++; while (treestring[i] != ']') { i++; } i++; s.add(currentContent.toString()); if (i < treestring.length) { while (treestring[i] != this.attentionNode) { StringBuilder aktKindInhalt = new StringBuilder(currentContent); StringBuilder aktKindOffset = new StringBuilder(); while (treestring[i] != this.attentionNumber) { aktKindInhalt.append(treestring[i]); i++; } i++; for (int j = 0; j < this.offset; j++) { aktKindOffset.append(treestring[i]); i++; } addStringToKeySet(s, treestring, string2int(aktKindOffset .toString()), aktKindInhalt); } } } private void addObjectToKeySet(Set<String> s, Node node, StringBuilder content) { content.append(node.getContent()); s.add(content.toString()); for (Node aktKind : node.children()) { addObjectToKeySet(s, aktKind, new StringBuilder(content.toString())); } } public String getAllEntriesString() { StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder(); if (this.root != null) { addObjectNodesEntriesString(ret, this.root, new StringBuilder()); } else { addStringNodesEntriesString(ret, this.stringtree, 0, new StringBuilder()); } return ret.toString(); } private void addStringNodesEntriesString(StringBuilder s, char[] treestring, int pos, StringBuilder content) { int i = pos; i++; i++; s.append(content); s.append(TAB); s.append('['); while (treestring[i] != ']') { s.append(treestring[i]); i++; } s.append(']'); i++; s.append(NL); if (i < treestring.length) { while (treestring[i] != this.attentionNode) { StringBuilder aktKindInhalt = new StringBuilder(content); StringBuilder aktKindOffset = new StringBuilder(); while (treestring[i] != this.attentionNumber) { aktKindInhalt.append(treestring[i]); i++; } i++; for (int j = 0; j < this.offset; j++) { aktKindOffset.append(treestring[i]); i++; } addStringNodesEntriesString(s, treestring, string2int(aktKindOffset.toString()), aktKindInhalt); } } } private void addObjectNodesEntriesString(StringBuilder s, Node node, StringBuilder content) { content.append(node.getContent()); s.append(content); s.append(TAB); s.append(formatClasses(node)); s.append(NL); for (Node aktKind : node.children()) { addObjectNodesEntriesString(s, aktKind, new StringBuilder(content.toString())); } } private Node getObjectTree(char[] treestring) { Node w = new Node(""); int i = 0; StringBuilder tmp = new StringBuilder(); while (treestring[i] != this.attentionNode) { tmp.append(treestring[i]); i++; } if (tmp.length() > 0) { w.setContent(tmp.toString()); } List<String> aktclasses = new ArrayList<>(); i++; i++; while (treestring[i] != ']') { StringBuilder aktclass = new StringBuilder(); while ((treestring[i] != ';') && (treestring[i] != ']')) { aktclass.append(treestring[i]); i++; } if (treestring[i] != ']') { i++; } aktclasses.add(aktclass.toString()); } w.classes(aktclasses); w.children(new ArrayList<>()); i++; if (i >= treestring.length) { return w; } while (treestring[i] != this.attentionNode) { StringBuilder aktInhalt = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder aktOffset = new StringBuilder(); while (treestring[i] != this.attentionNumber) { aktInhalt.append(treestring[i]); i++; } i++; for (int j = 0; j < this.offset; j++) { aktOffset.append(treestring[i]); i++; } Node aktKind = string2tree(treestring, string2int(aktOffset.toString())); aktKind.setContent(aktInhalt.toString()); w.children().add(aktKind); } return w; } private Node string2tree(char[] treestring, int pos) { Node w = new Node(""); int i = pos; List<String> aktclasses = new ArrayList<>(); i++; i++; while (treestring[i] != ']') { StringBuilder aktclass = new StringBuilder(); while ((treestring[i] != ';') && (treestring[i] != ']')) { aktclass.append(treestring[i]); i++; } if (treestring[i] != ']') { i++; } aktclasses.add(aktclass.toString()); } w.classes(aktclasses); w.children(new ArrayList<Node>()); i++; if (i >= treestring.length) { return w; } while (treestring[i] != this.attentionNode) { StringBuilder aktInhalt = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder aktOffset = new StringBuilder(); while (treestring[i] != this.attentionNumber) { aktInhalt.append(treestring[i]); i++; } i++; for (int j = 0; j < this.offset; j++) { aktOffset.append(treestring[i]); i++; } Node aktKind = string2tree(treestring, string2int(aktOffset.toString())); aktKind.setContent(aktInhalt.toString()); w.children().add(aktKind); } return w; } private char[] getStringTree(Node w) { StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder(); ret.append(w.getContent()); ret.append(tree2string(w, ret.length())); return ret.toString().toCharArray(); } public void save(OutputStream out) throws IOException { ObjectOutputStream oos2 = new ObjectOutputStream(out); if (this.stringtree == null) { this.stringtree = getStringTree(this.root); } oos2.writeObject("Pretree"); oos2.writeObject("Stringformat char[]"); oos2.writeObject("version=1.3"); oos2.writeObject(this.startchar); oos2.writeObject(this.endchar); oos2.writeObject((int) this.attentionNumber); oos2.writeObject((int) this.attentionNode); oos2.writeObject((int) this.endOfWordChar); oos2.writeObject(this.reverse); oos2.writeObject(this.ignorecase); oos2.writeObject(this.stringtree); oos2.close(); } private StringBuilder tree2string(Node aktKnoten, int startPos) { StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder(); ret.append(this.attentionNode); int relPos = 1; StringBuilder tmp; tmp = formatClasses(aktKnoten); relPos += tmp.length(); ret.append(tmp); tmp = formatChildrenContents(aktKnoten, relPos); relPos += tmp.length(); ret.append(tmp); int vorigerTeilbaum = 0; for (Node aktKind : aktKnoten.children()) { relPos += vorigerTeilbaum; formatPosition(ret, aktKind.getPos(), relPos + startPos); tmp = tree2string(aktKind, relPos + startPos); vorigerTeilbaum = tmp.length(); ret.append(tmp); } return ret; } private StringBuilder formatClasses(Node node) { StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder("["); int k = 0; for (String s : node.classes()) { k++; if (k != 1) { ret.append(";"); } ret.append(s); } ret.append("]"); return ret; } private StringBuilder formatChildrenContents(Node node, int startPos) { StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder(""); int relPos; for (Node child : node.children()) { ret.append(child.getContent()); ret.append(this.attentionNumber); relPos = ret.length(); child.setPos(relPos + startPos); ret.append(int2string(0)); } return ret; } private void formatPosition(StringBuilder str, int pos, int offset) { str.replace(pos, pos + this.offset, int2string(offset)); } private String int2string(int i) { StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder(); int rest = i; for (int e = this.offset - 1; e >= 0; e--) { int k = rest / ((int) (Math.exp(e * Math.log(this.basis)))); rest = rest % ((int) (Math.exp(e * Math.log(this.basis)))); char c = (char) (this.startchar + k); ret.append(c); } return ret.toString(); } private int string2int(String s) { int ret = 0; for (int i = 0; i < this.offset; i++) { char c = s.charAt(i); int k = (c) - this.startchar; ret += k * ((int) Math.exp((this.offset - i - 1) * Math.log(this.basis))); } return ret; } public void load(InputStream in) throws IOException { load(new ObjectInputStream(in)); } public void load(ObjectInputStream ois) throws IOException { try { ois.readObject(); ois.readObject(); ois.readObject(); int sc = (Integer) ois.readObject(); int ec = (Integer) ois.readObject(); int az = (Integer) ois.readObject(); int ak = (Integer) ois.readObject(); int eow = (Integer) ois.readObject(); boolean rv = (Boolean) ois.readObject(); boolean ic = (Boolean) ois.readObject(); char[] st = (char[]) ois.readObject(); ois.close(); internalSetStartChar(sc); internalSetEndChar(ec); internalSetAttentionNumber(az); internalSetAttentionNode(ak); setEndOfWordChar(eow); setReverse(rv); setIgnoreCase(ic); this.stringtree = st; this.root = null; } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { // can't happen, we use only primitives throw new IllegalArgumentException("class not found", e); } } }