/* * eGov suite of products aim to improve the internal efficiency,transparency, * accountability and the service delivery of the government organizations. * * Copyright (C) <2015> eGovernments Foundation * * The updated version of eGov suite of products as by eGovernments Foundation * is available at http://www.egovernments.org * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ or * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html . * * In addition to the terms of the GPL license to be adhered to in using this * program, the following additional terms are to be complied with: * * 1) All versions of this program, verbatim or modified must carry this * Legal Notice. * * 2) Any misrepresentation of the origin of the material is prohibited. It * is required that all modified versions of this material be marked in * reasonable ways as different from the original version. * * 3) This license does not grant any rights to any user of the program * with regards to rights under trademark law for use of the trade names * or trademarks of eGovernments Foundation. * * In case of any queries, you can reach eGovernments Foundation at contact@egovernments.org. */ package org.egov.demand.dao; import org.egov.commons.EgwStatus; import org.egov.commons.Installment; import org.egov.demand.model.BillReceipt; import org.egov.demand.model.EgBill; import org.egov.demand.model.EgDemand; import org.egov.demand.model.EgDemandDetails; import org.egov.demand.model.EgDemandReason; import org.egov.demand.model.EgDemandReasonMaster; import org.egov.demand.model.EgReasonCategory; import org.egov.demand.model.EgdmCollectedReceipt; import org.egov.infra.admin.master.entity.Module; import org.egov.infra.exception.ApplicationRuntimeException; import org.hibernate.Criteria; import org.hibernate.Query; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.criterion.CriteriaSpecification; import org.hibernate.criterion.Order; import org.hibernate.criterion.Restrictions; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; @Repository(value = "demandGenericDAO") public class DemandGenericHibDao implements DemandGenericDao { @Autowired private EgBillReceiptDao egBillReceiptDAO; @PersistenceContext private EntityManager entityManager; private Session getCurrentSession() { return entityManager.unwrap(Session.class); } /** * This method called getDemandReasonMasterByModule gets * List<EgDemandReasonMaster> objects. * * <p> * This method returns List<EgDemandReasonMaster> objects for given module. * </p> * * @param org * .egov.infstr.commons.Module module. * * @return List<EgDemandReasonMaster> objects. * * */ @Override public List<EgDemandReasonMaster> getDemandReasonMasterByModule(Module module) { List<EgDemandReasonMaster> list = new ArrayList<EgDemandReasonMaster>(); Query qry = null; if (module != null) { qry = getCurrentSession().createQuery( " from EgDemandReasonMaster where egModule =:module "); qry.setEntity("module", module); list = qry.list(); } return list; } /** * This method called getDemandReasonMasterByCategoryAndModule gets * List<EgDemandReasonMaster> objects. * * <p> * This method returns List<EgDemandReasonMaster> objects for given * egReasonCategory and module. * </p> * * @param org * .egov.infstr.DCB.model.EgReasonCategory egReasonCategory. * * @param org * .egov.infstr.commons.Module module. * * @return List<EgDemandReasonMaster> objects. * * */ @Override public List<EgDemandReasonMaster> getDemandReasonMasterByCategoryAndModule( EgReasonCategory egReasonCategory, Module module) { List<EgDemandReasonMaster> list = new ArrayList<EgDemandReasonMaster>(); Query qry = null; if (egReasonCategory != null && module != null) { qry = getCurrentSession() .createQuery( " from EgDemandReasonMaster where egModule =:module and egReasonCategory =:egReasonCategory "); qry.setEntity("module", module); qry.setEntity("egReasonCategory", egReasonCategory); list = qry.list(); } return list; } /** * This method called getDemandReasonMasterByCode gets EgDemandReasonMaster * object. * * <p> * This method returns EgDemandReasonMaster object for given code and * module. * </p> * * @param java * .lang.Integer code. * * @param org * .egov.infstr.commons.Module module. * * @return EgDemandReasonMaster object. * * */ @Override public EgDemandReasonMaster getDemandReasonMasterByCode(String code, Module module) { EgDemandReasonMaster egDemandReasonMaster = null; Query qry = null; if (code != null && !code.equals("") && module != null) { qry = getCurrentSession() .createQuery( " from EgDemandReasonMaster ReasonMaster where ReasonMaster.egModule =:module and ReasonMaster.code =:code "); qry.setEntity("module", module); qry.setString("code", code); egDemandReasonMaster = (EgDemandReasonMaster) qry.uniqueResult(); } return egDemandReasonMaster; } /** * This method called getDemandReasonByInstallmentAndModule gets * List<EgDemandReason> objects. * * <p> * This method returns List<EgDemandReason> objects for given * egReasonCategory and module. * </p> * * @param org * .egov.commons.Installment installment. * * @param org * .egov.infstr.commons.Module module. * * @return List<EgDemandReason> objects. * * */ @Override public List<EgDemandReason> getDemandReasonByInstallmentAndModule(Installment installment, Module module) { List<EgDemandReason> list = new ArrayList<EgDemandReason>(); Query qry = null; if (installment != null && module != null) { qry = getCurrentSession() .createQuery( " select DmdReason from EgDemandReason DmdReason , EgDemandReasonMaster master where DmdReason.egDemandReasonMaster.id = master.id and master.egModule =:module and DmdReason.egInstallmentMaster =:installment "); qry.setEntity("module", module); qry.setEntity("installment", installment); list = qry.list(); } return list; } /** * This method called getDemandReasonByDemandReasonMaster gets * List<EgDemandReason> objects. * * <p> * This method returns List<EgDemandReason> objects for given code and * module. * </p> * * @param org * .egov.infstr.DCB.model.EgDemandReasonMaster * egDemandReasonMaster. * * @return List<EgDemandReason> objects. * * */ @Override public List<EgDemandReason> getDemandReasonByDemandReasonMaster( EgDemandReasonMaster egDemandReasonMaster) { List<EgDemandReason> list = new ArrayList<EgDemandReason>(); Query qry = null; if (egDemandReasonMaster != null) { qry = getCurrentSession() .createQuery( " from EgDemandReason DmdReason where DmdReason.egDemandReasonMaster =:egDemandReasonMaster "); qry.setEntity("egDemandReasonMaster", egDemandReasonMaster); list = qry.list(); } return list; } /** * This method called getEgReasonCategoryByCode gets List<EgReasonCategory> * objects. * * <p> * This method returns List<EgReasonCategory> objects for given code and * module. * </p> * * @param java * .lang.String code. * * @return List<EgReasonCategory> objects. * * */ @Override public List<EgReasonCategory> getEgReasonCategoryByCode(String code) { List<EgReasonCategory> list = new ArrayList<EgReasonCategory>(); Query qry = null; if (code != null && !code.equals("")) { qry = getCurrentSession().createQuery(" from EgReasonCategory where code =:code "); qry.setString("code", code); list = qry.list(); } return list; } /** * This method called getDmdReasonByDmdReasonMsterInstallAndMod gets * EgDemandReason object. * * <p> * This method returns EgDemandReason object for given demandReasonMaster , * installment and module. * </p> * * @param org * .egov.infstr.DCB.model.EgDemandReasonMaster * egDemandReasonMaster. * * @param org * .egov.commons.Installment installment. * * @param org * .egov.infstr.commons.Module module. * * @return EgDemandReason object. * * */ @Override public EgDemandReason getDmdReasonByDmdReasonMsterInstallAndMod( EgDemandReasonMaster demandReasonMaster, Installment installment, Module module) { EgDemandReason egDemandReason = null; Query qry = null; if (demandReasonMaster != null && installment != null && module != null) { qry = getCurrentSession() .createQuery( " select DmdReason from EgDemandReason DmdReason left join fetch DmdReason.egDemandReasonMaster reasonMaster where reasonMaster = :demandReasonMaster and reasonMaster.egModule =:module and DmdReason.egInstallmentMaster =:installment "); qry.setEntity("demandReasonMaster", demandReasonMaster); qry.setEntity("module", module); qry.setEntity("installment", installment); if (qry.list().size() == 1) egDemandReason = (EgDemandReason) qry.uniqueResult(); else if (qry.list().size() > 1) egDemandReason = (EgDemandReason) qry.list().get(0); } return egDemandReason; } /** * This method called getDemandDetailsForDemand gets List<EgDemandDetails> * objects. * * <p> * This method returns List<EgDemandDetails> objects for given EgDemand and * EgwStatus. * </p> * * @param org * .egov.infstr.DCB.model.EgDemand demand. * * @param org * .egov.commons.EgwStatus status. * * @return List<EgDemandDetails> objects. * * */ @Override public List<EgDemandDetails> getDemandDetailsForDemand(EgDemand demand, EgwStatus status) { StringBuffer qryStr = new StringBuffer(2000); List<EgDemandDetails> list = new ArrayList<EgDemandDetails>(); Query qry = null; if (demand != null) { qryStr.append(" select DmdDetails from EgDemand egdemand left join egdemand.egDemandDetails DmdDetails where egdemand =:demand "); if (status != null) { qryStr.append(" and DmdDetails.egwStatus =:status "); } qry = getCurrentSession().createQuery(qryStr.toString()); qry.setEntity("demand", demand); if (status != null) { qry.setEntity("status", status); } list = qry.list(); } return list; } /** * This method called getDemandDetailsForDemandAndReasons gets * List<EgDemandDetails> objects. * * <p> * This method returns List<EgDemandDetails> objects for given EgDemand and * List<EgDemandReason> . * </p> * * @param org * .egov.infstr.DCB.model.EgDemand demand. * * @param java * .util.List<org.egov.infstr.DCB.model.EgDemandReason> list. * * @return List<EgDemandDetails> objects. * * */ @Override public List<EgDemandDetails> getDemandDetailsForDemandAndReasons(EgDemand demand, List<EgDemandReason> demandReasonList) { List<EgDemandDetails> list = new ArrayList<EgDemandDetails>(); Query qry = null; if (demand != null && demandReasonList != null && demandReasonList.size() > 0) { qry = getCurrentSession() .createQuery( "select DmdDetails from EgDemand egdemand left join egdemand.egDemandDetails DmdDetails where egdemand =:demand and DmdDetails.egDemandReason in (:demandReasonList) "); qry.setEntity("demand", demand); qry.setParameterList("demandReasonList", demandReasonList); list = qry.list(); } return list; } /** * This method called getAllBillsForDemand gets List<EgBill> objects . * * <p> * This method returns List<EgBill> objects for given EgDemand , * includeHistory and includeCancelled . * </p> * * @param org * .egov.infstr.DCB.model.EgDemand demand. * * @param java * .lang.String includeHistory. * * @param java * .lang.String includeCancelled. * * @return List<EgBill> objects. * * */ @Override public List<EgBill> getAllBillsForDemand(EgDemand demand, String includeHistory, String includeCancelled) { List<EgBill> list = new ArrayList<EgBill>(); Query qry = null; StringBuffer qryStr = new StringBuffer(2000); if (includeHistory != null && !includeHistory.equals("") && includeHistory != null && !includeCancelled.equals("")) { qryStr.append("from EgBill egBill where egBill.is_History =:includeHistory and egBill.is_Cancelled =:includeCancelled "); if (demand != null) { qryStr.append(" and egBill" + ".egDemand =:demand "); } qryStr.append(" order by createDate desc "); qry = getCurrentSession().createQuery(qryStr.toString()); if (demand != null) { qry.setEntity("demand", demand); } qry.setString("includeHistory", includeHistory); qry.setString("includeCancelled", includeCancelled); list = qry.list(); } return list; } /** * This method called getBillsByBillNumber gets List<EgBill> objects . * * <p> * This method returns List<EgBill> objects for given BillNo and Module . * </p> * * @param org * .egov.infstr.commons.Module module. * * @param java * .lang.Long BillNo. * * @return List<EgBill> objects. * * */ @Override public List getBillsByBillNumber(String BillNo, Module module) { Query qry = null; List<EgBill> list = new ArrayList<EgBill>(); if (BillNo != null && !BillNo.equals("0") && module != null) { qry = getCurrentSession().createQuery( "from EgBill egBill where billNo =:BillNo and module =:module "); qry.setString("BillNo", BillNo); qry.setEntity("module", module); list = qry.list(); } return list; } /** * Called to get the Sum of Demand and Sum of Collection with installment * and EgDemand . * * Penalty amount is being excluded from the Demand and Collection * * @param oorg * .egov.demand.model.EgDemand. * * @param org * .egov.commons.installment * * @return List of InstallmentId ,Demand and collection. * * */ @Override public List getDmdAmtAndCollAmt(EgDemand egDemand, Installment installment) { List list = new ArrayList(); if (egDemand != null && installment != null) { StringBuffer strBuf = new StringBuffer(2000); strBuf.append( " select dmdRes.ID_INSTALLMENT, sum(dmdDet.amount), sum(dmdDet.amt_collected) ") .append(" from eg_demand_details dmdDet,eg_demand_reason dmdRes ,eg_demand_reason_master dmdresmas ") .append(" where dmdDet.id_demand_reason=dmdRes.id and dmdDet.id_demand =:dmdId and dmdres.id_installment =:installId ") .append(" and dmdresmas.id= dmdres.id_demand_reason_master and dmdresmas.code not in('PENALTY','ADVANCE') ") .append(" group by dmdRes.id_installment "); Query qry = getCurrentSession().createSQLQuery(strBuf.toString()) .setLong("dmdId", egDemand.getId()) .setInteger("installId", installment.getId()); list = qry.list(); } return list; } /** * Called to get the EgDemandDetails Ids fron EG_DEMAND_DETAILS table . * * ex:- In COCPTIS there are four EgDemandDetails for every Installment * * @param oorg * .egov.demand.model.EgDemand. * * @param org * .egov.commons.installment * * @param org * .egov.infstr.commons.Module * * @param org * .egov.demand.model.EgDemandReasonMaster * * @return List EgDemandDetailIds. * * */ @Override public List<EgDemandDetails> getDmdDetailList(EgDemand egDemand, Installment installment, Module module, EgDemandReasonMaster dmdResMster) { List<EgDemandDetails> demandDetList = new ArrayList<EgDemandDetails>(); if (egDemand != null && installment != null && module != null && dmdResMster != null) { EgDemandReason dmdRes = this.getDmdReasonByDmdReasonMsterInstallAndMod(dmdResMster, installment, module); if (dmdRes == null) { throw new ApplicationRuntimeException("----EgDemand Reason is null For EgDemandID--" + egDemand.getId() + "--with InstallmentID--" + installment.getId()); } List<EgDemandReason> demandReasonList = new ArrayList<EgDemandReason>(); demandReasonList.add(dmdRes); demandDetList = this.getDemandDetailsForDemandAndReasons(egDemand, demandReasonList); } return demandDetList; } /** * Method called to get DCB(Demand and collection Totals with Some Basic * Info). * * @param org * .egov.demand.model.EgDemand * @param org * .egov.infstr.commons.Module * * @return java.util.List * */ @Override public List getDCB(EgDemand egDemand, Module module) { List list = new ArrayList(); if (egDemand != null && module != null) { String query = " SELECT dmdres.ID_INSTALLMENT, " + " SUM(dmdDet.amount) as amount, " + " SUM(dmdDet.amt_collected) as amt_collected, " + " master.id, master.category, SUM(dmdDet.amt_rebate) as amt_rebate " + "FROM eg_demand_details dmddet, " + " eg_demand_reason dmdres, " + " eg_demand_reason_master master, " + " eg_reason_category cate " + "WHERE DMDDET.ID_DEMAND =:dmdId " + "AND DMDDET.ID_DEMAND_REASON =dmdres.id " + "AND DMDRES.ID_DEMAND_REASON_MASTER=master.id " + "AND MASTER.CODE NOT IN('BASE') " + "AND master.module =:moduleId " + "AND cate.id = master.category " + "GROUP BY dmdres.ID_INSTALLMENT, master.id, master.category " + "ORDER BY dmdres.id_installment, master.category "; Query qry = getCurrentSession().createSQLQuery(query) .setLong("dmdId", egDemand.getId()).setLong("moduleId", module.getId()); list = qry.list(); } return list; } /** * Called to get Reasonwise Demand & collection details * * @param org * .egov.demand.model.EgDemand * @param org * .egov.infstr.commons.Module * * @return java.util.List * */ public List getReasonWiseDCB(EgDemand egDemand, Module module) { List list = new ArrayList(); String query = " SELECT drm.code, " + " i.description, " + " dd.amount, " + " dd.amt_collected, " + " dd.amt_rebate, " + " i.id " + "FROM eg_demand_details dd, " + " eg_demand_reason dr, " + " eg_installment_master i, " + " eg_demand_reason_master drm " + "WHERE dd.id_demand_reason = dr.id " + " AND dr.id_installment = i.id " + " AND dr.id_demand_reason_master = drm.id " + " AND dd.id_demand =:dmdId " + " AND drm.module =:moduleId " + "ORDER BY i.start_date "; Query qry = getCurrentSession().createSQLQuery(query).setLong("dmdId", egDemand.getId()) .setLong("moduleId", module.getId()); list = qry.list(); return list; } /** * Method called to get ReasonMaster IDs of the Demand which is provided. * * @param org * .egov.demand.model.EgDemand * * @return java.util.List * */ @Override public List getEgDemandReasonMasterIds(EgDemand egDemand) { List list = new ArrayList(); if (egDemand != null) { String query = "SELECT id " + "FROM eg_demand_reason_master " + "WHERE code NOT LIKE 'BASE' " + "AND id IN " + " (SELECT id_demand_reason_master " + " FROM eg_demand_reason " + " WHERE id IN " + " (SELECT id_demand_reason " + " FROM eg_demand_details dmddet " + " WHERE id_demand =:dmdId " + " )) " + " "; Query qry = getCurrentSession().createSQLQuery(query) .setLong("dmdId", egDemand.getId()); list = qry.list(); } return list; } /** * Method called to get Receipt Details. All the Receipt Details are stored * in Bill Receipt Object i,e Receipt Number ,Receipt Date and Receipt * Amount . * * @param org * .egov.demand.model.EgDemand * * @return java.util.List<BillReceipt> * */ @Override public List<BillReceipt> getBillReceipts(EgDemand egDemand) { List<BillReceipt> billReceipts = null; if (egDemand != null) { List<EgBill> billList = getAllBillsForDemand(egDemand, "N", "N"); if (billList != null && !billList.isEmpty()) { billReceipts = new ArrayList<BillReceipt>(); for (EgBill egBill : billList) { BillReceipt billRct = egBillReceiptDAO.getBillReceiptByEgBill(egBill); if (billRct != null) { billReceipts.add(billRct); } } } } return billReceipts; } /** * Method called to get all the Bill Receipt Objects which exists for the * Demands . Bill Receipts are one to one with EgBill.So Bill needs to be * existed. * * @return java.util.List<EgDemand> * */ @Override public List<BillReceipt> getBillReceipts(List<EgDemand> egDemand) { List<BillReceipt> billReceipts = new ArrayList<BillReceipt>(); Query qry = null; if (egDemand != null && !egDemand.isEmpty()) { Criteria criteria = getCurrentSession().createCriteria(BillReceipt.class, "billRct") .createAlias("billRct.billId", "egBill", CriteriaSpecification.LEFT_JOIN) .add(Restrictions.in("egBill.egDemand", egDemand)) .add(Restrictions.eq("billRct.isCancelled", Boolean.FALSE)) .addOrder(Order.asc("billRct.receiptDate")); billReceipts = criteria.list(); } return billReceipts; } /** * getReasonCategoryByCode gets List<EgReasonCategory> objects. * * <p> * This method returns List<EgReasonCategory> objects for code. * </p> * * @param code * . * * @return List<EgReasonCategory> objects. * * */ @Override public EgReasonCategory getReasonCategoryByCode(String code) { EgReasonCategory egReasonCategory = new EgReasonCategory(); Query qry = null; if (code != null && !code.equals("")) { qry = getCurrentSession().createQuery(" from EgReasonCategory where code =:codeStr "); qry.setString("codeStr", code); egReasonCategory = (EgReasonCategory) qry.uniqueResult(); } return egReasonCategory; } @Override public EgDemandReason getEgDemandReasonByCodeInstallmentModule(String demandReasonMasterCode, Installment installment, Module module, String egReasonCategoryCode) { EgDemandReasonMaster egDemandReasonMaster = getDemandReasonMasterByCode( demandReasonMasterCode, module); if (egDemandReasonMaster == null) { throw new ApplicationRuntimeException(" EgDemandReasonMaster is null for the CODE" + demandReasonMasterCode); } EgDemandReason egDemandReason = getDmdReasonByDmdReasonMsterInstallAndMod( egDemandReasonMaster, installment, module); if (egDemandReason == null) { throw new ApplicationRuntimeException(" EgDemandReason is null for the EgDemandReasonMaster" + egDemandReasonMaster.getId() + "Installment ::" + installment.getFromDate()); } return egDemandReason; } /** * Method called to get the balance Amount for the given Demand reason * Master Code ,module and demand Installment will be taken from EgDemand. * * @param demand * - EgDemand Object. * @param dmdReasonMasterCode * - Code of the EgDemandReasonMaster * @param module * - EgModule object * @return java.math.BigDecimal - returns the Balance(Demand - Collection) * */ @Override public BigDecimal getBalanceByDmdMasterCode(EgDemand demand, String dmdReasonMasterCode, Module module) { BigDecimal balance = BigDecimal.ZERO; if (demand != null && dmdReasonMasterCode != null && module != null) { List<EgDemandDetails> dmdDetList = getDmdDetailList(demand, demand.getEgInstallmentMaster(), module, getDemandReasonMasterByCode(dmdReasonMasterCode, module)); if (!dmdDetList.isEmpty()) { for (EgDemandDetails dmdDet : dmdDetList) { if (dmdDet.getAmount() != null) { balance = balance.add(dmdDet.getAmount()); } if (dmdDet.getAmtCollected() != null && dmdDet.getAmtCollected().compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) > 0) { balance = balance.subtract(dmdDet.getAmtCollected()); } } } } return balance; } @Override public List<EgdmCollectedReceipt> getAllEgdmCollectedReceipts(String receiptNo) { List<EgdmCollectedReceipt> CollectedReceipts = new ArrayList<EgdmCollectedReceipt>(); Criteria criteria = getCurrentSession().createCriteria(EgdmCollectedReceipt.class, "CollReceipt").add(Restrictions.eq("CollReceipt.receiptNumber", receiptNo)); CollectedReceipts = criteria.list(); return CollectedReceipts; } /** * @Description gets demand and collected amount for a specific reason master code * @param egDemand * @param module * @param reasonCode * @return */ public List getDCBByReasonCode(EgDemand egDemand, Module module,String reasonCode) { List list = new ArrayList(); String query = " SELECT drm.code, " + " i.description, " + " dd.amount, " + " dd.amt_collected, " + " dd.amt_rebate, " + " i.id " + "FROM eg_demand_details dd, " + " eg_demand_reason dr, " + " eg_installment_master i, " + " eg_demand_reason_master drm " + "WHERE dd.id_demand_reason = dr.id " + " AND dr.id_installment = i.id " + " AND dr.id_demand_reason_master = drm.id " + " AND dd.id_demand =:dmdId " + " AND drm.module =:moduleId AND drm.code=:reasonCode " + "ORDER BY i.start_date "; Query qry = getCurrentSession().createSQLQuery(query).setLong("dmdId", egDemand.getId()) .setLong("moduleId", module.getId()).setString("reasonCode", reasonCode); list = qry.list(); return list; } /** * Method called to get the balance Amount for the given Demand reason * Master Code ,Module and Installment. * * @param demand * - EgDemand Object. * @param dmdReasonMasterCode * - Code of the EgDemandReasonMaster * @param module * - EgModule object * @param installment * - Installment of the demand details * @return java.math.BigDecimal - returns the Balance(Demand - Collection) * */ @Override public BigDecimal getBalanceByDmdMasterCodeInst(EgDemand demand, String dmdReasonMasterCode, Module module, Installment installment) { BigDecimal balance = BigDecimal.ZERO; if (demand != null && dmdReasonMasterCode != null && module != null) { List<EgDemandDetails> dmdDetList = getDmdDetailList(demand, installment, module, getDemandReasonMasterByCode(dmdReasonMasterCode, module)); if (!dmdDetList.isEmpty()) { for (EgDemandDetails dmdDet : dmdDetList) { if (dmdDet.getAmount() != null) { balance = balance.add(dmdDet.getAmount()); } if (dmdDet.getAmtCollected() != null && dmdDet.getAmtCollected().compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) > 0) { balance = balance.subtract(dmdDet.getAmtCollected()); } } } } return balance; } }