package eu.ggnet.saft.core; import java.awt.*; import; import java.util.concurrent.*; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javafx.scene.Node; import javafx.scene.Parent; import javafx.scene.layout.Pane; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import eu.ggnet.saft.api.ui.FxController; import eu.ggnet.saft.core.all.*; import eu.ggnet.saft.core.fx.FxCreator; import eu.ggnet.saft.core.fx.FxSaft; import eu.ggnet.saft.core.swing.*; /** * The main entry point. * * Some rules which I invented on the way: * <ul> * <li>Result of null is indicator to break the chain</li> * <li></li> * <li></li> * <li></li> * </ul> * * @author oliver.guenther */ public class Ui { private final static Logger L = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Ui.class); public static <R> UiCreator<R> parent(Component parent) { if ( UiCore.isRunning() && UiCore.isFx() ) { L.warn("Using a swing component as parent in JavaFx Mode is not yet implemented"); return new FxCreator<>(null, FxCore.mainStage(), null); // TODO: Find a way to get a Stage from a Swing embedded component. } if ( UiCore.isRunning() && UiCore.isSwing() ) return new SwingCreator<>(null, SwingCore.windowAncestor(parent).orElse(SwingCore.mainFrame()), null); throw new IllegalStateException("UiCore not initalized"); } public static <R> UiCreator<R> parent(Parent parent) { if ( UiCore.isRunning() && UiCore.isFx() ) return new FxCreator<>(null, FxSaft.windowAncestor(parent), null); if ( UiCore.isRunning() && UiCore.isSwing() ) return new SwingCreator<>(null, SwingCore.windowAncestor(parent).orElse(SwingCore.mainFrame()), null); throw new IllegalStateException("UiCore not initalized"); } private static <R> UiCreator<R> creator() { if ( UiCore.isRunning() && UiCore.isFx() ) return new FxCreator<>(null, FxCore.mainStage(), null); if ( UiCore.isRunning() && UiCore.isSwing() ) return new SwingCreator<>(null, SwingCore.mainFrame(), null); throw new IllegalStateException("UiCore not initalized"); } public static <R> UiCreator<R> call(Callable<R> callable) { return creator().call(callable); } public static <T, R extends Pane> UiOk<R> choiceFx(Class<R> panelClazz) { return Ui.<T>creator().choiceFx(panelClazz); } public static <T, R extends FxController> UiOk<R> choiceFxml(Class<R> controllerClass) { return Ui.<T>creator().choiceFxml(controllerClass); } public static <T, R extends JPanel> UiOk<R> choiceSwing(Class<R> panelClazz) { return Ui.<T>creator().choiceSwing(panelClazz); } public static UiOk<File> openFileChooser(String title) { return Ui.<File>creator().openFileChooser(title); } public static UiOk<File> openFileChooser() { return Ui.<File>creator().openFileChooser(); } public static <T, R extends JPanel> SwingOpenPanel<T, R> openSwing(Class<R> panelClass) { return openSwing(panelClass, null); } public static <T, R extends JPanel> SwingOpenPanel<T, R> openSwing(Class<R> panelClass, String key) { return new SwingCreator<T>(null, SwingCore.mainFrame(), null).openSwing(panelClass, key); } public static <T, R extends Pane> SwingOpenPane<T, R> openFx(Class<R> panelClass) { return openFx(panelClass, null); } public static <T, R extends Pane> SwingOpenPane<T, R> openFx(Class<R> panelClass, String id) { return new SwingCreator<T>(null, SwingCore.mainFrame(), null).openFx(panelClass, id); } public static <T, R extends FxController> SwingOpenFxml<T, R> openFxml(Class<R> controllerClass) { return openFxml(controllerClass, null); } public static <T, R extends FxController> SwingOpenFxml<T, R> openFxml(Class<R> controllerClass, String id) { return new SwingCreator<T>(null, SwingCore.mainFrame(), null).openFxml(controllerClass, id); } public static <V> void exec(Callable<V> ie) { ForkJoinPool.commonPool().execute(() -> { try {; } catch (Exception e) { UiCore.handle(e); } }); } public static void closeWindowOf(Component c) { if ( !UiCore.isRunning() ) return; if ( UiCore.isFx() ) throw new RuntimeException("Cosing of embedded Swing in JavaFx not yet implemented"); SwingCore.windowAncestor(c).ifPresent((w) -> { w.setVisible(false); w.dispose(); }); } public static void closeWindowOf(Node n) { if ( !UiCore.isRunning() ) return; if ( UiCore.isFx() ) throw new RuntimeException("Cosing of JavaFx not yet implemented"); SwingCore.windowAncestor(n).ifPresent((w) -> { w.setVisible(false); w.dispose(); }); } }