/* * Copyright 2015 Red Hat, Inc. and/or its affiliates. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.drools.compiler.lang.dsl; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.io.Reader; import java.io.StringReader; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import org.drools.compiler.lang.ExpanderException; public class DefaultExpanderTest { private static final String NL = System.getProperty("line.separator"); private DSLMappingFile file = null; private DSLTokenizedMappingFile tokenizedFile = null; private DefaultExpander expander = null; @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { final String filename = "test_metainfo.dsl"; final Reader reader = new InputStreamReader(this.getClass().getResourceAsStream(filename)); this.file = new DSLTokenizedMappingFile(); this.tokenizedFile = new DSLTokenizedMappingFile(); this.file.parseAndLoad(reader); reader.close(); final Reader reader2 = new InputStreamReader(this.getClass().getResourceAsStream(filename)); this.tokenizedFile.parseAndLoad(reader2); reader2.close(); this.expander = new DefaultExpander(); } @Test public void testAddDSLMapping() { this.expander.addDSLMapping(this.file.getMapping()); // should not raise any exception } @Test public void testANTLRAddDSLMapping() { this.expander.addDSLMapping(this.tokenizedFile.getMapping()); // should not raise any exception } @Test public void testRegexp() throws Exception { this.expander.addDSLMapping(this.file.getMapping()); final Reader rules = new InputStreamReader(this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("test_expansion.dslr")); final String result = this.expander.expand(rules); } @Test public void testANTLRRegexp() throws Exception { this.expander.addDSLMapping(this.tokenizedFile.getMapping()); final Reader rules = new InputStreamReader(this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("test_expansion.dslr")); final String result = this.expander.expand(rules); } @Test public void testExpandParts() throws Exception { DSLMappingFile file = new DSLTokenizedMappingFile(); String dsl = "[when]foo=Foo()" + NL + "[then]bar {num}=baz({num});"; file.parseAndLoad(new StringReader(dsl)); assertEquals(0, file.getErrors().size()); DefaultExpander ex = new DefaultExpander(); ex.addDSLMapping(file.getMapping()); //System.err.println(ex.expand( "rule 'x' " + NL + " when " + NL + " foo " + NL + " then " + NL + " end" )); } @Test public void testExpandKeyword() throws Exception { DSLMappingFile file = new DSLTokenizedMappingFile(); String dsl = "[keyword]key {param}=Foo( attr=={param} )"; file.parseAndLoad(new StringReader(dsl)); assertEquals(0, file.getErrors().size()); DefaultExpander ex = new DefaultExpander(); ex.addDSLMapping(file.getMapping()); String source = "rule x" + NL + "when" + NL + " key 1 " + NL + " key 2 " + NL + "then" + NL + "end"; String drl = ex.expand(source); System.out.println(drl); assertTrue(drl.contains("attr==1")); assertTrue(drl.contains("attr==2")); //System.err.println(ex.expand( "rule 'x' " + NL + " when " + NL + " foo " + NL + " then " + NL + " end" )); } @Test public void testANTLRExpandParts() throws Exception { DSLTokenizedMappingFile file = new DSLTokenizedMappingFile(); String dsl = "[when]foo=Foo()" + NL + "[then]bar {num}=baz({num});"; file.parseAndLoad(new StringReader(dsl)); assertEquals(0, file.getErrors().size()); DefaultExpander ex = new DefaultExpander(); ex.addDSLMapping(file.getMapping()); //System.err.println(ex.expand( "rule 'x' " + NL + " when " + NL + " foo " + NL + " then " + NL + " end" )); } @Test public void testExpandFailure() throws Exception { DSLMappingFile file = new DSLTokenizedMappingFile(); String dsl = "[when]foo=Foo()" + NL + "[then]bar {num}=baz({num});"; file.parseAndLoad(new StringReader(dsl)); assertEquals(0, file.getErrors().size()); DefaultExpander ex = new DefaultExpander(); ex.addDSLMapping(file.getMapping()); String source = "rule 'q'" + NL + "agenda-group 'x'" + NL + "when" + NL + " foo " + NL + "then" + NL + " bar 42" + NL + "end"; String drl = ex.expand(source); assertFalse(ex.hasErrors()); ex = new DefaultExpander(); ex.addDSLMapping(file.getMapping()); source = "rule 'q' agenda-group 'x'" + NL + "when" + NL + " foos " + NL + "then" + NL + " bar 42" + NL + " end"; drl = ex.expand(source); //System.out.println( drl ); assertTrue(ex.hasErrors()); assertEquals(1, ex.getErrors().size()); //System.err.println(( (ExpanderException) ex.getErrors().get( 0 )).getMessage()); } @Test public void testANTLRExpandFailure() throws Exception { DSLTokenizedMappingFile file = new DSLTokenizedMappingFile(); String dsl = "[when]foo=Foo()" + NL + "[then]bar {num}=baz({num});"; file.parseAndLoad(new StringReader(dsl)); assertEquals(0, file.getErrors().size()); DefaultExpander ex = new DefaultExpander(); ex.addDSLMapping(file.getMapping()); String source = "rule 'q'" + NL + "agenda-group 'x'" + NL + "when" + NL + " foo " + NL + "then" + NL + " bar 42" + NL + "end"; String drl = ex.expand(source); assertFalse(ex.hasErrors()); ex = new DefaultExpander(); ex.addDSLMapping(file.getMapping()); source = "rule 'q' agenda-group 'x'" + NL + "when" + NL + " foos " + NL + "then" + NL + " bar 42" + NL + " end"; drl = ex.expand(source); //System.out.println( drl ); assertTrue(ex.hasErrors()); assertEquals(1, ex.getErrors().size()); //System.err.println(( (ExpanderException) ex.getErrors().get( 0 )).getMessage()); } @Test public void testExpandWithKeywordClashes() throws Exception { DSLMappingFile file = new DSLTokenizedMappingFile(); String dsl = "[when]Invoke rule executor=ruleExec: RuleExecutor()" + NL + "[then]Execute rule \"{id}\"=ruleExec.ExecuteSubRule( new Long({id}));"; file.parseAndLoad(new StringReader(dsl)); assertEquals(0, file.getErrors().size()); DefaultExpander ex = new DefaultExpander(); ex.addDSLMapping(file.getMapping()); String source = "package something;" + NL + NL + "rule \"1\"" + NL + "when" + NL + " Invoke rule executor" + NL + "then" + NL + " Execute rule \"5\"" + NL + "end"; String expected = "package something;" + NL + NL + "rule \"1\"" + NL + "when" + NL + " ruleExec: RuleExecutor()" + NL + "then" + NL + " ruleExec.ExecuteSubRule( new Long(5));" + NL + "end" + NL; String drl = ex.expand(source); // System.out.println("["+drl+"]" ); // System.out.println("["+expected+"]" ); assertFalse(ex.hasErrors()); equalsIgnoreWhiteSpace(expected, drl); } @Test public void testANTLRExpandWithKeywordClashes() throws Exception { DSLTokenizedMappingFile file = new DSLTokenizedMappingFile(); String dsl = "[when]Invoke rule executor=ruleExec: RuleExecutor()" + NL + "[then]Execute rule \"{id}\"=ruleExec.ExecuteSubRule( new Long({id}));"; file.parseAndLoad(new StringReader(dsl)); assertEquals(0, file.getErrors().size()); DefaultExpander ex = new DefaultExpander(); ex.addDSLMapping(file.getMapping()); String source = "package something;" + NL + NL + "rule \"1\"" + NL + "when" + NL + " Invoke rule executor" + NL + "then" + NL + " Execute rule \"5\"" + NL + "end"; String expected = "package something;" + NL + NL + "rule \"1\"" + NL + "when" + NL + " ruleExec: RuleExecutor()" + NL + "then" + NL + " ruleExec.ExecuteSubRule( new Long(5));" + NL + "end"; String drl = ex.expand(source); // System.out.println("["+drl+"]" ); // System.out.println("["+expected+"]" ); assertFalse(ex.hasErrors()); assertEquals(expected, drl); } @Test public void testLineNumberError() throws Exception { DSLMappingFile file = new DSLTokenizedMappingFile(); String dsl = "[when]foo=Foo()" + NL + "[then]bar {num}=baz({num});"; file.parseAndLoad(new StringReader(dsl)); DefaultExpander ex = new DefaultExpander(); ex.addDSLMapping(file.getMapping()); String source = "rule 'q'" + NL + "agenda-group 'x'" + NL + "when" + NL + " __ " + NL + "then" + NL + " bar 42" + NL + "\tgoober" + NL + "end"; ex.expand(source); assertTrue(ex.hasErrors()); assertEquals(2, ex.getErrors().size()); ExpanderException err = (ExpanderException) ex.getErrors().get(0); assertEquals(4, err.getLine()); err = (ExpanderException) ex.getErrors().get(1); assertEquals(7, err.getLine()); } @Test public void testANTLRLineNumberError() throws Exception { DSLTokenizedMappingFile file = new DSLTokenizedMappingFile(); String dsl = "[when]foo=Foo()" + NL + "[then]bar {num}=baz({num});"; file.parseAndLoad(new StringReader(dsl)); DefaultExpander ex = new DefaultExpander(); ex.addDSLMapping(file.getMapping()); String source = "rule 'q'" + NL + "agenda-group 'x'" + NL + "when" + NL + " __ " + NL + "then" + NL + " bar 42" + NL + "\tgoober" + NL + "end"; ex.expand(source); assertTrue(ex.hasErrors()); assertEquals(2, ex.getErrors().size()); ExpanderException err = (ExpanderException) ex.getErrors().get(0); assertEquals(4, err.getLine()); err = (ExpanderException) ex.getErrors().get(1); assertEquals(7, err.getLine()); } @Test public void testANTLREnumExpand() throws Exception { DSLTokenizedMappingFile file = new DSLTokenizedMappingFile(); String dsl = "[when]When the credit rating is {rating:ENUM:Applicant.creditRating} = applicant:Applicant(credit=={rating})"; file.parseAndLoad(new StringReader(dsl)); assertEquals(0, file.getErrors().size()); DefaultExpander ex = new DefaultExpander(); ex.addDSLMapping(file.getMapping()); String source = "rule \"TestNewDslSetup\"" + NL + "dialect \"mvel\"" + NL + "when" + NL + "When the credit rating is AA" + NL + "then " + NL + "end"; // String source="rule \"TestNewDslSetup\"" + NL+ // "dialect \"mvel\"" + NL+ // "when" + NL+ // "When the credit rating is OK" + NL+ // "then" + NL+ // "end" + NL; String drl = ex.expand(source); String expected = "rule \"TestNewDslSetup\"" + NL + "dialect \"mvel\"" + NL + "when" + NL + "applicant:Applicant(credit==AA)" + NL + "then " + NL + "end"; assertFalse(ex.getErrors().toString(), ex.hasErrors()); assertEquals(expected, drl); //System.err.println(ex.expand( "rule 'x' " + NL + " when " + NL + " foo " + NL + " then " + NL + " end" )); } private boolean equalsIgnoreWhiteSpace(String expected, String actual) { String patternStr = expected.replaceAll("\\s+", "(\\\\s|\\\\n|\\\\r)*");//.replaceAll( "\\n", "\\s*\\$" ); Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(patternStr, Pattern.DOTALL); Matcher m = pattern.matcher(actual); return m.matches(); } @Test public void testExpandComplex() throws Exception { String source = "rule \"R\"" + NL + "dialect \"mvel\"" + NL + "when" + NL + "There is an TestObject" + NL + "-startDate is before 01-Jul-2011" + NL + "-endDate is after 01-Jul-2011" + NL + "then" + NL + "end" + NL; String expected = "rule \"R\"" + NL + "dialect \"mvel\"" + NL + "when" + NL + "TestObject(startDate>DateUtils.parseDate(\"01-Jul-2011\"), endDate>DateUtils.parseDate(\"01-Jul-2011\"))" + NL + "then" + NL + "end" + NL; checkExpansion(source, expected); } @Test public void testDontExpandCommentedLines() throws Exception { String source = "rule \"R\"" + NL + "dialect \"mvel\"" + NL + "when" + NL + "// There is an TestObject" + NL + "// -startDate is before 01-Jul-2011" + NL + "// -endDate is after 01-Jul-2011" + NL + "then" + NL + "end" + NL; String expected = "rule \"R\"" + NL + "dialect \"mvel\"" + NL + "when" + NL + "// There is an TestObject" + NL + "// -startDate is before 01-Jul-2011" + NL + "// -endDate is after 01-Jul-2011" + NL + "then" + NL + "end" + NL; checkExpansion(source, expected); } @Test public void testDontExpandCommentedBlocks() throws Exception { String source = "rule \"R\"" + NL + "dialect \"mvel\"" + NL + "when" + NL + "/*" + NL + "There is an TestObject" + NL + "-startDate is before 01-Jul-2011" + NL + "-endDate is after 01-Jul-2011" + NL + "*/" + NL + "then" + NL + "end" + NL; String expected = "rule \"R\"" + NL + "dialect \"mvel\"" + NL + "when" + NL + "" + NL + "then" + NL + "end" + NL; checkExpansion(source, expected); } private void checkExpansion(String source, String expected) throws Exception { DSLTokenizedMappingFile file = new DSLTokenizedMappingFile(); String dsl = "[when]There is an TestObject=TestObject()" + NL + "[when]-startDate is before {date}=startDate>DateUtils.parseDate(\"{date}\")" + NL + "[when]-endDate is after {date}=endDate>DateUtils.parseDate(\"{date}\")"; file.parseAndLoad(new StringReader(dsl)); assertEquals(0, file.getErrors().size()); DefaultExpander ex = new DefaultExpander(); ex.addDSLMapping(file.getMapping()); String drl = ex.expand(source); assertFalse(ex.hasErrors()); assertEquals(expected, drl); } @Test public void testExpandQuery() throws Exception { DSLTokenizedMappingFile file = new DSLTokenizedMappingFile(); String dsl = "[when]There is a person=Person()" + NL + "[when]- {field:\\w*} {operator} {value:\\d*}={field} {operator} {value}" + NL + "[when]is greater than=>"; String source = "query \"isMature\"" + NL + "There is a person" + NL + "- age is greater than 18" + NL + "end" + NL; String expected = "query \"isMature\"" + NL + "Person(age > 18)" + NL + "end" + NL; file.parseAndLoad(new StringReader(dsl)); assertEquals(0, file.getErrors().size()); DefaultExpander ex = new DefaultExpander(); ex.addDSLMapping(file.getMapping()); String drl = ex.expand(source); assertFalse(ex.hasErrors()); assertEquals(expected, drl); } @Test public void testExpandExpr() throws Exception { DSLTokenizedMappingFile file = new DSLTokenizedMappingFile(); String dsl = "[when]Name of Applicant {nameVar:CF:Applicant.age}= System.out.println({nameVar})"; String source = "rule \"test rule for custom form in DSL\"" + NL + " dialect \"mvel\"" + NL + " when" + NL + " Name of Applicant Bojan Oklahoma and NJ,Andrew AMW Test" + NL + " then" + NL + "end"; String expected = "rule \"test rule for custom form in DSL\"" + NL + " dialect \"mvel\"" + NL + " when" + NL + " System.out.println(Bojan Oklahoma and NJ,Andrew AMW Test)" + NL + " then" + NL + "end"; file.parseAndLoad(new StringReader(dsl)); assertEquals(0, file.getErrors().size()); DefaultExpander ex = new DefaultExpander(); ex.addDSLMapping(file.getMapping()); String drl = ex.expand(source); assertFalse(ex.hasErrors()); assertEquals(expected, drl); } @Test(timeout = 1000) public void testExpandInfiniteLoop() throws Exception { // DROOLS-73 DSLMappingFile file = new DSLTokenizedMappingFile(); String dsl = "[when]Foo with {var} bars=Foo( bars == {var} )"; file.parseAndLoad(new StringReader(dsl)); assertEquals(0, file.getErrors().size()); DefaultExpander ex = new DefaultExpander(); ex.addDSLMapping(file.getMapping()); String source = "rule 'dsl rule'" + NL + "when" + NL + " Foo with {var} bars" + NL + "then" + NL + NL + "end"; ex.expand(source); assertFalse(ex.hasErrors()); } @Test public void testEqualSignInTernaryOp() throws Exception { // BZ-1013960 String source = "declare Person" + NL + " age : int" + NL + " name : String" + NL + "end" + NL + "" + NL + "rule \"Your First Rule\"" + NL + " when" + NL + " There is a Person" + NL + " - with a negative age" + NL + " - with a positive age" + NL + " - with a zero age" + NL + " then" + NL + " print \"Your First Rule\"" + NL + "" + NL + "end" + NL; String dsl = "[when][]There is an? {entity}=${entity!lc}: {entity!ucfirst}()" + NL + "[when][]- with an? {attr} greater than {amount}={attr} > {amount!num}" + NL + "[then]print \"{text}\"=System.out.println(\"{text}\");" + NL + "" + NL + "[when]- with a {what} {attr}={attr} {what!zero?==0/!=0}" + NL; String expected = "declare Person" + NL + " age : int" + NL + " name : String" + NL + "end" + NL + "" + NL + "rule \"Your First Rule\"" + NL + " when" + NL + " $person: Person(age !=0, age !=0, age ==0)" + NL + " then" + NL + " System.out.println(\"Your First Rule\");" + NL + "" + NL + "end" + NL; DSLTokenizedMappingFile file = new DSLTokenizedMappingFile(); file.parseAndLoad(new StringReader(dsl)); assertEquals(file.getErrors().toString(), 0, file.getErrors().size()); DefaultExpander ex = new DefaultExpander(); ex.addDSLMapping(file.getMapping()); String drl = ex.expand(source); assertFalse(ex.hasErrors()); assertEquals(expected, drl); } @Test public void testDotInPattern() throws Exception { // BZ-1013960 String source = "import org.drools.compiler.Person;" + NL + "global java.util.List list" + NL + "rule R1" + NL + "when" + NL + "then" + NL + "Log X" + NL + "end" + NL; String dsl = "[then]Log {message:.}=list.add(\"{message}\");"; String expected = "import org.drools.compiler.Person;" + NL + "global java.util.List list" + NL + "rule R1" + NL + "when" + NL + "then" + NL + "list.add(\"X\");" + NL + "end" + NL; DSLTokenizedMappingFile file = new DSLTokenizedMappingFile(); file.parseAndLoad(new StringReader(dsl)); assertEquals(file.getErrors().toString(), 0, file.getErrors().size()); DefaultExpander ex = new DefaultExpander(); ex.addDSLMapping(file.getMapping()); String drl = ex.expand(source); assertFalse(ex.hasErrors()); assertEquals(expected, drl); } }