package; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import; import; import; import orgomg.cwm.objectmodel.core.Classifier; import orgomg.cwm.objectmodel.core.Feature; import orgomg.cwm.objectmodel.core.ModelElement; import orgomg.cwm.objectmodel.core.Namespace; import orgomg.cwm.resource.relational.Catalog; import orgomg.cwm.resource.relational.Column; import orgomg.cwm.resource.relational.ForeignKey; import orgomg.cwm.resource.relational.PrimaryKey; import orgomg.cwm.resource.relational.Schema; import orgomg.cwm.resource.relational.Table; import orgomg.cwm.resource.relational.View; public class ModelChecker { public static void checkCWM(Catalog catalog, List<String> tables, List<String> views, Map<String, List<Tuple<String, String>>> table2properties, Map<String, String> table2PrimaryKey, Map<String, List<String>> table2ForeignKey, Map<String, String> view2queryexpression) { checkSchema1(catalog, tables, views, table2properties, table2PrimaryKey, table2ForeignKey, view2queryexpression); checkSchema2(catalog, tables, views, table2properties, table2PrimaryKey, table2ForeignKey, view2queryexpression); } /** * Check is no extra element generated. */ private static void checkSchema1(Catalog catalog, List<String> tables, List<String> views, Map<String, List<Tuple<String, String>>> table2properties, Map<String, String> table2PrimaryKey, Map<String, List<String>> table2ForeignKey, Map<String, String> view2queryexpression) { for (ModelElement schema : catalog.getOwnedElement()) { for (ModelElement me : ((Schema) schema).getOwnedElement()) { if (me instanceof Table) { if (tables.contains(me.getName())) { Table table = (Table) me; for (ModelElement m : table.getOwnedElement()) { if (m instanceof PrimaryKey) { assertNotNull("extra primary key " + m.getName() + " in table " + table.getName(), table2PrimaryKey.get(table.getName())); assertTrue("extra primary key " + m.getName() + " in table " + table.getName(), table2PrimaryKey.get(table.getName()) .equals(m.getName())); } else if (m instanceof ForeignKey) { List<String> foreignKeys = table2ForeignKey.get(table.getName()); assertNotNull("extra foreign key " + m.getName() + " in table " + table.getName(), foreignKeys); boolean check = false; for (String fk : foreignKeys) { if (fk.equals(m.getName())) { check = true; } } assertTrue("extra foreign key " + m.getName() + " in table " + table.getName(), check); } else if (m instanceof Column) { List<Tuple<String, String>> tuples = table2properties.get(table.getName()); boolean check = false; for (Tuple<String, String> t : tuples) { if (t.getElem1().equals(m.getName())) { assertTrue("Not the same datatype of " + m.getName() + " in table " + table.getName(), t.getElem2().equals(((Column) m).getType().getName())); check = true; break; } } assertTrue("the column " + m.getName() + " isn't a part of table" + table.getName(), check); } else { fail("the element " + m.getName() + " isn't a part of table" + table.getName()); } } } else { fail("the element " + me.getName() + " isn't a part of schema"); } } else if (me instanceof View) { View view = (View) me; if (views.contains(me.getName())) { if (view.getQueryExpression() != null) { assertNotNull("extra query expression in table " + view.getName(), view2queryexpression.get(view.getName())); String actual = view.getQueryExpression().getBody(); String expected = view2queryexpression.get(view.getName()); String message = "No correct queryexpression in " + view.getName() + "."; /* Required for OS-independent regression tests. */ expected = expected.replaceAll("\r\n", "\n"); expected = expected.replaceAll("\r", "\n"); actual = actual.replaceAll("\r\n", "\n"); actual = actual.replaceAll("\r", "\n"); assertEquals(message, expected, actual); } } else { fail("the element " + me.getName() + " isn't a part of schema"); } } else { fail("the model element isn't table or view"); } } } } private static List<ModelElement> findModelElement(Namespace namespace, String name) { List<ModelElement> mes = new ArrayList<ModelElement>(); for (ModelElement me : namespace.getOwnedElement()) { if (me.getName().equals(name)) { mes.add(me); } else if (me instanceof Namespace) { mes.addAll(findModelElement((Namespace) me,name)); } } return mes; } private static List<ModelElement> findFeature(Classifier classifier, String name) { List<ModelElement> mes = new ArrayList<ModelElement>(); for (Feature me : classifier.getFeature()) { if (me.getName().equals(name)) { mes.add(me); } } return mes; } /** * Check is all elements generated. */ private static void checkSchema2(Catalog catalog, List<String> tables, List<String> views, Map<String, List<Tuple<String, String>>> table2properties, Map<String, String> table2PrimaryKey, Map<String, List<String>> table2ForeignKey, Map<String, String> view2queryexpression) { for (String table : tables) { List<ModelElement> mes = findModelElement(catalog, table); assertTrue("No distinct table " + table + " found", mes.size() == 1); assertTrue("No table " + table + " found", (mes.get(0) instanceof Table)); Table t = (Table) mes.get(0); if (table2PrimaryKey.containsKey(table)) { mes = findModelElement(t, table2PrimaryKey.get(table)); if (mes.size() == 1) { assertTrue("No primary key " + table2PrimaryKey.get(table) + " in table " + table + " found",mes.get(0) instanceof PrimaryKey); } else if (mes.size() == 2) { ModelElement me1 = mes.get(0); ModelElement me2 = mes.get(1); assertTrue("foreign key and primary key not same name", me1.getName() .equals(me2.getName())); if (me2 instanceof ForeignKey) { assertTrue("No primary key " + table2PrimaryKey.get(table) + " in table " + table + " found", (me1 instanceof PrimaryKey)); } else { assertTrue("No primary key " + table2PrimaryKey.get(table) + " in table " + table + " found", (me2 instanceof PrimaryKey)); } } else { fail("No distinct primary key " + table2PrimaryKey.get(table) + " in table " + table + " found"); } } if (table2ForeignKey.containsKey(table)) { for (String foreignKey : table2ForeignKey.get(table)) { mes = findModelElement(t, foreignKey); if (mes.size() == 1) { assertTrue("No foreign key " + foreignKey + " in table " + table + " found", (mes.get(0) instanceof ForeignKey)); } else if (mes.size() == 2) { ModelElement me1 = mes.get(0); ModelElement me2 = mes.get(1); assertTrue("foreign key and primary key not same name", me1 .getName().equals(me2.getName())); if (me2 instanceof PrimaryKey || me2 instanceof Column) { assertTrue("No foreign key " + foreignKey + " in table " + table + " found", (me1 instanceof ForeignKey)); } else { assertTrue("No foreign key " + foreignKey + " in table " + table + " found", (me2 instanceof ForeignKey)); } } else { fail("No distinct foreign key " + foreignKey + " in table " + table + " found"); } } } if (table2properties.containsKey(table)) { for (Tuple<String, String> property : table2properties.get(table)) { mes = findFeature(t, property.getElem1()); String datatype = null; if (mes.size() == 1) { assertTrue("No column " + property.getElem1() + " in table " + table + " found", (mes.get(0) instanceof Column)); datatype = ((Column) mes.get(0)).getType().getName(); } else if (mes.size() == 2) { ModelElement me1 = mes.get(0); ModelElement me2 = mes.get(1); if (me1 instanceof Column) { assertTrue("No distinct column " + property.getElem1() + " in table " + table + " found", !(me2 instanceof Column)); datatype = ((Column) mes.get(0)).getType().getName(); } else if (me2 instanceof Column) { assertTrue("No distinct column " + property.getElem1() + " in table " + table + " found", !(me1 instanceof Column)); datatype = ((Column) mes.get(1)).getType().getName(); } } assertTrue("No corrrect datatype of " + property.getElem1() + " in table " + table + " found expected:" + property.getElem2() + ",actual:" + datatype, datatype.equals(property.getElem2())); } } } for (String view : views) { List<ModelElement> mes = findModelElement(catalog, view); assertTrue("No distinct view " + view + " found", mes.size() == 1); assertTrue("No view " + view + " found", (mes.get(0) instanceof View)); View v = (View) mes.get(0); if (view2queryexpression.containsKey(view)) { String actual = v.getQueryExpression().getBody(); String expected = view2queryexpression.get(view); String message = "No correct queryexpression in " + view + "."; /* Required for OS-independent regression tests. */ expected = expected.replaceAll("\r\n", "\n"); expected = expected.replaceAll("\r", "\n"); actual = actual.replaceAll("\r\n", "\n"); actual = actual.replaceAll("\r", "\n"); assertEquals(message, expected, actual); } } } public static void sameDdl(String expected, String actual) { /* Required for OS-independent regression tests. */ expected = expected.replaceAll("\r\n", "\n"); expected = expected.replaceAll("\r", "\n"); actual = actual.replaceAll("\r\n", "\n"); actual = actual.replaceAll("\r", "\n"); List<String> expectedList = Arrays.asList(expected.split("\n\n")); List<String> actualList = Arrays.asList(actual.split("\n\n")); for (String s : expectedList) { assertTrue("expected string " + s + " not in \n" + actual, actualList.contains(s)); } for (String s : actualList) { assertTrue("not expected string " + s + "not in actual", expectedList.contains(s)); } } public static boolean sameMappedModel(IMappedModel mm1, IMappedModel mm2) { return false; } public static void checkMappedModel(IMappedModel mm, List<String> classes, Map<String, List<String>> class2attributes, Map<String, List<String>> class2assEnds) { // The mapped Model should not contain the mapped Class 'falsePositive' assertFalse("mapped model has class falsePositive", mm.isClass("falsePositive")); // It also should not return this Class try { mm.getClass("FalsePositive"); // This should not happen. fail("IllegalArgumentException expected."); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // Expected Exception } // Check the Classes names for (String classname : classes) { // Each name should represent a Class assertTrue("the class with the name " + classname + " isn't represent", mm.isClass(classname)); // Each name should return a Class IMappedClass mc = mm.getClass(classname); assertNotNull("mapped class of " + classname + " is null.", mc); // The returned Class should have the given name assertEquals("the name of mapped class is not equal (" + classname + "," + mc.getName() + ")", mc.getName(), classname); // The class should not have the atrribute 'falsePositive' List<String> attributes = class2attributes.get(classname); assertFalse("mapped class " + classname + " has attribute falsePositive", mc.isAttribute("falsePositve")); // Each Class should have a Guide Object Guide cGuide = mc.getClassGuide(); assertNotNull("the class " + classname + " has no classguide", cGuide); // The Class should not have the Attribute Guide 'falsePositive' try { mc.getAttributeGuide("falsePositive"); // This should not happen fail("Illegal ArgumentException expected"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // Expected Exception } // Check if the mapped Class has all attributes specified in the // HashMap if (attributes != null) { for (String attribute : attributes) { assertTrue("the class " + classname + " has no attribute " + attribute, mc.isAttribute(attribute)); // Check if each Attribute has its Attribute Guide Guide attG = mc.getAttributeGuide(attribute); assertNotNull("the attribute guide of " + attribute + " of class " + classname + " is missed", attG); } } // The mapped Class should not have the AssociationEnd // 'falsePositive' assertFalse("the mapped class " + classname + " has an association end falsePositive", mc.isAssociationEnd("falsePositive")); try { // This Attribute should also not have an AssociationEndGuide mc.getAssociationEndGuide("falsePositive"); // This should not happen. fail("Illegal ArgumentException expected"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // Expected Exception } // Check if the mapped Class has all AssociationEnds specified in // the HashMap List<String> assEnds = class2assEnds.get(classname); if (assEnds != null) { for (String assEnd : assEnds) { assertTrue("the mapped class " + classname + " has no association end " + assEnd, mc.isAssociationEnd(assEnd)); // Check if each AssociationEnd has its AssociationEndGuide Guide assEG = mc.getAssociationEndGuide(assEnd); assertNotNull("Miss the guide of the association end " + assEnd + " of class " + classname, assEG); } } } } }