package org.dresdenocl.interpreter.ui.actions; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import org.dresdenocl.interpreter.IInterpretationResult; import org.dresdenocl.interpreter.IOclInterpreter; import org.dresdenocl.interpreter.ui.InterpreterUIPlugin; import org.dresdenocl.interpreter.ui.internal.msg.OclInterpreterUIMessages; import org.dresdenocl.interpreter.ui.internal.views.InterpreterView; import org.dresdenocl.model.IModel; import org.dresdenocl.model.ModelAccessException; import org.dresdenocl.modelbus.ModelBusPlugin; import org.dresdenocl.modelbus.ui.ModelBusUIUtility; import org.dresdenocl.modelinstance.IModelInstance; import org.dresdenocl.modelinstancetype.types.IModelInstanceElement; import org.dresdenocl.pivotmodel.Constraint; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status; import; import org.eclipse.ui.IViewActionDelegate; public class Ocl2InterpretationJob extends Job { /** * The {@link Constraint}s that shall be interpreted or <code>null</code> if * all {@link Constraint}s shall be used */ private Collection<Constraint> constraints; /** * The {@link IViewActionDelegate} this {@link Ocl2InterpretationJob} * belongs to. */ private InterpreterView interpreterView; /** * The {@link IModelInstanceElement}s that shall be interpreted or * <code>null</code> if all {@link IModelInstanceElement}s shall be used. */ private Set<IModelInstanceElement> modelObjects; /** * <p> * Creates a new {@link Ocl2InterpretationJob}. * </p> * * @param modelObjects * The {@link IModelInstanceElement}s that shall be interpreted * or <code>null</code> if all {@link IModelInstanceElement}s * shall be used. * @param constraints * The {@link Constraint}s that shall be interpreted or * <code>null</code> if all {@link Constraint}s shall be used. * @param interpreterView * The {@link IViewActionDelegate} this * {@link Ocl2InterpretationJob} belongs to. */ public Ocl2InterpretationJob(Set<IModelInstanceElement> modelObjects, Collection<Constraint> constraints, InterpreterView interpreterView) { super("Interpreting Constraints ..."); if (interpreterView == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Parameter 'interpreterView' must not be null."); } // no else. this.modelObjects = modelObjects; this.constraints = constraints; this.interpreterView = interpreterView; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * * IProgressMonitor) */ @Override protected IStatus run(IProgressMonitor monitor) { IStatus result; IModel activeModel; IModelInstance activeModelInstance; activeModel = ModelBusPlugin.getModelRegistry().getActiveModel(); activeModelInstance = null; if (activeModel != null) { activeModelInstance = ModelBusPlugin.getModelInstanceRegistry() .getActiveModelInstance(activeModel); if (activeModelInstance != null) { IOclInterpreter interpreter; Set<IModelInstanceElement> usedModelObjects; Collection<Constraint> usedConstraints; interpreter = this.interpreterView .getInterpreterForInstance(activeModelInstance); usedModelObjects = null; if (this.modelObjects != null) { usedModelObjects = this.modelObjects; } else { usedModelObjects = new HashSet<IModelInstanceElement>( activeModelInstance.getAllModelInstanceObjects()); } usedConstraints = null; if (constraints != null) { usedConstraints = constraints; } else { try { usedConstraints = activeModel.getConstraints(); } catch (ModelAccessException e) { return new Status(IStatus.ERROR, InterpreterUIPlugin.PLUGIN_ID, e.getMessage()); } } if (monitor.isCanceled()) { return new Status(IStatus.CANCEL, InterpreterUIPlugin.PLUGIN_ID, "Interpretation was canceled."); } // no else. monitor.beginTask("Interpretation of " + usedConstraints.size() + " Constraints for " + usedModelObjects.size() + " Model Elements...", usedConstraints.size() * usedModelObjects.size()); /* * Iterate through the model objects and constraints and compute * their results. */ for (Constraint aConstraint : usedConstraints) { if (aConstraint.hasStaticContext()) { interpreter.interpretConstraint(aConstraint, null); monitor.worked(usedModelObjects.size()); if (monitor.isCanceled()) { return new Status(IStatus.CANCEL, InterpreterUIPlugin.PLUGIN_ID, "Interpretation was canceled."); } // no else. } else { for (IModelInstanceElement aModelObject : usedModelObjects) { interpreter.interpretConstraint(aConstraint, aModelObject); monitor.worked(1); if (monitor.isCanceled()) { return new Status(IStatus.CANCEL, InterpreterUIPlugin.PLUGIN_ID, "Interpretation was canceled."); } // no else. } // end for. } // end else. } // end for. monitor.done(); result = new Status(IStatus.OK, InterpreterUIPlugin.PLUGIN_ID, "Interpretation finished successfully."); ModelBusUIUtility .setActiveView(InterpreterUIPlugin.INTERPRETER_VIEW_ID); interpreterView.refreshView(); } else { result = new Status( IStatus.ERROR, InterpreterUIPlugin.PLUGIN_ID, OclInterpreterUIMessages.InterpreterView_Error_NoActiveModelInstance + activeModel); } // end else. } else { result = new Status( IStatus.ERROR, InterpreterUIPlugin.PLUGIN_ID, OclInterpreterUIMessages.InterpreterView_Error_NoActiveModel); } // end else. return result; } }