package com.jediterm.terminal.display; import; import com.jediterm.terminal.*; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import java.awt.*; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.BitSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; /** * Buffer for storing styled text data. * Stores only text that fit into one screen XxY, but has scrollBuffer to save history lines and textBuffer to restore * screen after resize. ScrollBuffer stores all lines before the first line currently shown on the screen. TextBuffer * stores lines that are shown currently on the screen and they have there(in TextBuffer) their initial length (even if * it doesn't fit to screen width). * <p/> * Also handles screen damage (TODO: write about it). */ public class BackBuffer implements StyledTextConsumer { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(BackBuffer.class); private static final char EMPTY_CHAR = ' '; // (char) 0x0; private char[] myBuf; private TextStyle[] myStyleBuf; private BitSet myDamage; @NotNull private final StyleState myStyleState; private LinesBuffer myScrollBuffer = new LinesBuffer(); private LinesBuffer myTextBuffer = new LinesBuffer(); private int myWidth; private int myHeight; private final Lock myLock = new ReentrantLock(); private LinesBuffer myTextBufferBackup; // to store textBuffer after switching to alternate buffer private LinesBuffer myScrollBufferBackup; private boolean myAlternateBuffer = false; private boolean myUsingAlternateBuffer = false; public BackBuffer(final int width, final int height, @NotNull StyleState styleState) { myStyleState = styleState; myWidth = width; myHeight = height; allocateBuffers(); } private void allocateBuffers() { myBuf = new char[myWidth * myHeight]; Arrays.fill(myBuf, EMPTY_CHAR); myStyleBuf = new TextStyle[myWidth * myHeight]; Arrays.fill(myStyleBuf, TextStyle.EMPTY); myDamage = new BitSet(myWidth * myHeight); } public Dimension resize(@NotNull final Dimension pendingResize, @NotNull final RequestOrigin origin, final int cursorY, @NotNull JediTerminal.ResizeHandler resizeHandler, @Nullable TerminalSelection mySelection) { final char[] oldBuf = myBuf; final TextStyle[] oldStyleBuf = myStyleBuf; final int oldHeight = myHeight; final int oldWidth = myWidth; final int newWidth = pendingResize.width; final int newHeight = pendingResize.height; final int scrollLinesCountOld = myScrollBuffer.getLineCount(); final int textLinesCountOld = myTextBuffer.getLineCount(); boolean textBufferUpdated = false; if (newHeight < cursorY) { //we need to move lines from text buffer to the scroll buffer int count = cursorY - newHeight; if (!myAlternateBuffer) { myTextBuffer.moveTopLinesTo(count, myScrollBuffer); } if (mySelection != null) { mySelection.shiftY(-count); } } else if (newHeight > cursorY && myScrollBuffer.getLineCount() > 0) { //we need to move lines from scroll buffer to the text buffer if (!myAlternateBuffer) { myScrollBuffer.moveBottomLinesTo(newHeight - cursorY, myTextBuffer); textBufferUpdated = true; } if (mySelection != null) { mySelection.shiftY(newHeight - cursorY); } } myWidth = newWidth; myHeight = newHeight; allocateBuffers(); final int copyWidth = Math.min(oldWidth, myWidth); final int copyHeight = Math.min(oldHeight, myHeight); final int oldStart; final int start; if (myHeight > oldHeight) { oldStart = 0; start = Math.min(myHeight - copyHeight, scrollLinesCountOld); } else { oldStart = Math.max(0, cursorY - myHeight); start = 0; } // copying lines... for (int i = 0; i < copyHeight; i++) { System.arraycopy(oldBuf, (oldStart + i) * oldWidth, myBuf, (start + i) * myWidth, copyWidth); System.arraycopy(oldStyleBuf, (oldStart + i) * oldWidth, myStyleBuf, (start + i) * myWidth, copyWidth); } if (!myAlternateBuffer && (myWidth > oldWidth || textBufferUpdated)) { //we need to fill new space with data from the text buffer resetFromTextBuffer(); } if (myTextBuffer.getLineCount() >= myHeight) { myTextBuffer.moveTopLinesTo(myTextBuffer.getLineCount() - myHeight, myScrollBuffer); } int myCursorY = cursorY + (myTextBuffer.getLineCount() - textLinesCountOld); myDamage.set(0, myWidth * myHeight - 1, true); resizeHandler.sizeUpdated(myWidth, myHeight, myCursorY); return pendingResize; } private void resetFromTextBuffer() { clearArea(); myTextBuffer.processLines(0, getTextBufferLinesCount(), this, 0); } private void clearArea() { clearArea(0, 0, myWidth, myHeight); } private void clearArea(final int leftX, final int topY, final int rightX, final int bottomY) { clearArea(leftX, topY, rightX, bottomY, createEmptyStyleWithCurrentColor()); } private void clearArea(final int leftX, final int topY, final int rightX, final int bottomY, @NotNull TextStyle textStyle) { if (topY > bottomY) { LOG.error("Attempt to clear upside down area: top:" + topY + " > bottom:" + bottomY); return; } for (int y = topY; y < bottomY; y++) { if (y > myHeight - 1 || y < 0) { LOG.error("attempt to clear line " + y + "\n" + "args were x1:" + leftX + " y1:" + topY + " x2:" + rightX + " y2:" + bottomY); } else if (leftX > rightX) { LOG.error("Attempt to clear backwards area: left:" + leftX + " > right:" + rightX); } else { Arrays.fill(myBuf, y * myWidth + leftX, y * myWidth + rightX, EMPTY_CHAR); Arrays.fill(myStyleBuf, y * myWidth + leftX, y * myWidth + rightX, textStyle ); myDamage.set(y * myWidth + leftX, y * myWidth + rightX, true); } } } private TextStyle createEmptyStyleWithCurrentColor() { return myStyleState.getCurrent().createEmptyWithColors(); } public void deleteCharacters(final int x, final int y, final int count) { if (y > myHeight - 1 || y < 0) { LOG.error("attempt to delete in line " + y + "\n" + "args were x:" + x + " count:" + count); } else if (count < 0) { LOG.error("Attempt to delete negative chars number: count:" + count); } else if (count == 0) { //nothing to do return; } else { int to = y * myWidth + x; int from = to + count; int remain = myWidth - x - count; LOG.debug("About to delete " + count + " chars on line " + y + ", starting from " + x + " (from : " + from + " to : " + to + " remain : " + remain + ")"); System.arraycopy(myBuf, from, myBuf, to, remain); Arrays.fill(myBuf, to + remain, (y + 1) * myWidth, EMPTY_CHAR); System.arraycopy(myStyleBuf, from, myStyleBuf, to, remain); Arrays.fill(myStyleBuf, to + remain, (y + 1) * myWidth, createEmptyStyleWithCurrentColor()); myTextBuffer.deleteCharacters(x, y, count); myDamage.set(to, (y + 1) * myWidth, true); } } public void insertBlankCharacters(final int x, final int y, final int count) { if (y > myHeight - 1 || y < 0) { LOG.error("attempt to insert blank chars in line " + y + "\n" + "args were x:" + x + " count:" + count); } else if (count < 0) { LOG.error("Attempt to insert negative blank chars number: count:" + count); } else if (count == 0) { //nothing to do return; } else { int from = y * myWidth + x; int to = from + count; int remain = myWidth - x - count; LOG.debug("About to insert " + count + " blank chars on line " + y + ", starting from " + x + " (from : " + from + " to : " + to + " remain : " + remain + ")"); System.arraycopy(myBuf, from, myBuf, to, remain); Arrays.fill(myBuf, from, to, EMPTY_CHAR); System.arraycopy(myStyleBuf, from, myStyleBuf, to, remain); Arrays.fill(myStyleBuf, from, to, createEmptyStyleWithCurrentColor()); myTextBuffer.insertBlankCharacters(x, y, count, myWidth); myDamage.set(from, (y + 1) * myWidth, true); } } public void writeBytes(final int x, final int y, final char[] bytes, final int start, final int len) { final int adjY = y - 1; if (adjY >= myHeight || adjY < 0) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Attempt to draw line ") .append(adjY).append(" at (").append(x).append(",") .append(y).append(")"); CharacterUtils.appendBuf(sb, bytes, start, len); LOG.debug(sb); } return; } TextStyle style = myStyleState.getCurrent(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { final int location = adjY * myWidth + x + i; myBuf[location] = bytes[start + i]; // Arraycopy does not convert myStyleBuf[location] = style; } myTextBuffer.writeString(x, adjY, new String(bytes, start, len), style); //TODO: make write bytes method myDamage.set(adjY * myWidth + x, adjY * myWidth + x + len); } public void writeString(final int x, final int y, @NotNull final String str) { writeString(x, y, str, myStyleState.getCurrent()); } private void writeString(int x, int y, @NotNull String str, @NotNull TextStyle style) { if (writeToBackBuffer(x, y, str, style)) return; myTextBuffer.writeString(x, y - 1, str, style); } private boolean writeToBackBuffer(int x, int y, @NotNull String str, @NotNull TextStyle style) { final int adjY = y - 1; if (adjY >= myHeight || adjY < 0) { LOG.debug("Attempt to draw line out of bounds: " + adjY + " at (" + x + "," + y + ")"); return true; } str.getChars(0, str.length(), myBuf, adjY * myWidth + x); for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) { final int location = adjY * myWidth + x + i; myStyleBuf[location] = style; } myDamage.set(adjY * myWidth + x, adjY * myWidth + x + str.length()); return false; } public void scrollArea(final int scrollRegionTop, final int dy, int scrollRegionBottom) { if (dy == 0) { return; } if (dy > 0) { insertLines(scrollRegionTop - 1, dy, scrollRegionBottom); } else { LinesBuffer removed = deleteLines(scrollRegionTop - 1, -dy, scrollRegionBottom); if (scrollRegionTop == 1) { removed.moveTopLinesTo(removed.getLineCount(), myScrollBuffer); } } } private void moveLinesUp(int y, int dy, int lastLine) { if (dy >= 0) { LOG.error("dy should be negative"); } for (int line = y; line < lastLine; line++) { if (line >= myHeight) { // this is not necessary an error; simply skip it LOG.debug("Attempt to scroll line from below bottom of screen: " + line); continue; } if (line + dy < 0) { // this is not necessary an error; simply skip it LOG.debug("Attempt to scroll to line off top of screen: " + (line + dy)); continue; } System.arraycopy(myBuf, line * myWidth, myBuf, (line + dy) * myWidth, myWidth); System.arraycopy(myStyleBuf, line * myWidth, myStyleBuf, (line + dy) * myWidth, myWidth); myDamage.set((line + dy) * myWidth, (line + dy + 1) * myWidth); } } private void moveLinesDown(int y, int dy, int lastLine) { if (dy <= 0) { LOG.error("dy should be positive"); } for (int line = lastLine - dy; line >= y; line--) { if (line < 0) { // this is not necessary an error; simply skip it LOG.debug("Attempt to scroll line from above top of screen: " + line); continue; } if (line + dy + 1 > myHeight) { // this is not necessary an error; simply skip it LOG.debug("Attempt to scroll line off bottom of screen: " + (line + dy)); continue; } System.arraycopy(myBuf, line * myWidth, myBuf, (line + dy) * myWidth, myWidth); System.arraycopy(myStyleBuf, line * myWidth, myStyleBuf, (line + dy) * myWidth, myWidth); myDamage.set((line + dy) * myWidth, (line + dy + 1) * myWidth); } } public String getStyleLines() { int count = 0; Map<Integer, Integer> hashMap = Maps.newHashMap(); myLock.lock(); try { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int row = 0; row < myHeight; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < myWidth; col++) { final TextStyle style = myStyleBuf[row * myWidth + col]; int styleNum = style == null ? 0 : style.getId(); if (!hashMap.containsKey(styleNum)) { hashMap.put(styleNum, count++); } sb.append(String.format("%02d ", hashMap.get(styleNum))); } sb.append("\n"); } return sb.toString(); } finally { myLock.unlock(); } } public TerminalLine getLine(int index) { if (index >= 0) { if (index >= getHeight()) { LOG.error("Attempt to get line out of bounds: " + index + " >= " + getHeight()); return TerminalLine.createEmpty(); } return myTextBuffer.getLine(index); } else { if (index < - myScrollBuffer.getLineCount()) { LOG.error("Attempt to get line out of bounds: " + index + " < " + -myScrollBuffer.getLineCount()); return TerminalLine.createEmpty(); } return myScrollBuffer.getLine(getScrollBufferLinesCount() + index); } } public String getLines() { myLock.lock(); try { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int row = 0; row < myHeight; row++) { sb.append(myBuf, row * myWidth, myWidth); sb.append('\n'); } return sb.toString(); } finally { myLock.unlock(); } } public String getDamageLines() { myLock.lock(); try { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int row = 0; row < myHeight; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < myWidth; col++) { boolean isDamaged = myDamage.get(row * myWidth + col); sb.append(isDamaged ? 'X' : '-'); } sb.append("\n"); } return sb.toString(); } finally { myLock.unlock(); } } public void resetDamage() { myLock.lock(); try { myDamage.clear(); } finally { myLock.unlock(); } } public void processTextBufferLines(final int yStart, final int yCount, @NotNull final StyledTextConsumer consumer, int startRow) { myTextBuffer.processLines(yStart - startRow, Math.min(yCount, myTextBuffer.getLineCount()), consumer, startRow); } public void processTextBufferLines(final int yStart, final int yCount, @NotNull final StyledTextConsumer consumer) { myTextBuffer.processLines(yStart - getTextBufferLinesCount(), Math.min(yCount, myTextBuffer.getLineCount()), consumer); } public void processBufferRows(final int startRow, final int height, final StyledTextConsumer consumer) { processBufferCells(0, startRow, myWidth, height, consumer); } public void processBufferCells(final int startCol, final int startRow, final int width, final int height, final StyledTextConsumer consumer) { final int endRow = startRow + height; final int endCol = startCol + width; myLock.lock(); try { for (int row = startRow; row < endRow; row++) { processBufferRow(row, startCol, endCol, consumer); } } finally { myLock.unlock(); } } public void processBufferRow(int row, StyledTextConsumer consumer) { processBufferRow(row, 0, myWidth, consumer); } public void processBufferRow(int row, int startCol, int endCol, StyledTextConsumer consumer) { TextStyle lastStyle = null; int beginRun = startCol; for (int col = startCol; col < endCol; col++) { final int location = row * myWidth + col; if (location < 0 || location >= myStyleBuf.length) { throw new IllegalStateException("Can't pump a char at " + row + "x" + col); } final TextStyle cellStyle = myStyleBuf[location]; if (lastStyle == null) { //begin line lastStyle = cellStyle; } else if (!cellStyle.equals(lastStyle)) { //start of new run consumer.consume(beginRun, row, lastStyle, new CharBuffer(myBuf, row * myWidth + beginRun, col - beginRun), 0); beginRun = col; lastStyle = cellStyle; } } //end row if (endCol == startCol) { // no run occurred : retrieve text style final int location = row * myWidth + startCol; if (location < 0 || location >= myStyleBuf.length) { throw new IllegalStateException("Can't pump a char at " + row + "x" + startCol); } lastStyle = myStyleBuf[location]; } if (lastStyle == null) { LOG.error("Style is null for run supposed to be from " + beginRun + " to " + endCol + " on row " + row); } else { consumer.consume(beginRun, row, lastStyle, new CharBuffer(myBuf, row * myWidth + beginRun, endCol - beginRun), 0); } } /** * Cell is a styled block of text * * @param consumer */ public void processDamagedCells(final StyledTextConsumer consumer) { final int startRow = 0; final int endRow = myHeight; final int startCol = 0; final int endCol = myWidth; myLock.lock(); try { for (int row = startRow; row < endRow; row++) { TextStyle lastStyle = null; int beginRun = startCol; for (int col = startCol; col < endCol; col++) { final int location = row * myWidth + col; if (location < 0 || location > myStyleBuf.length) { LOG.error("Requested out of bounds runs: pumpFromDamage"); continue; } final TextStyle cellStyle = myStyleBuf[location]; final boolean isDamaged = myDamage.get(location); if (!isDamaged) { if (lastStyle != null) { //flush previous run flushStyledText(consumer, row, lastStyle, beginRun, col); } lastStyle = null; } else { if (lastStyle == null) { //begin a new run beginRun = col; lastStyle = cellStyle; } else if (!cellStyle.equals(lastStyle)) { //flush prev run and start of a new one flushStyledText(consumer, row, lastStyle, beginRun, col); beginRun = col; lastStyle = cellStyle; } } } //flush the last run if (lastStyle != null) { flushStyledText(consumer, row, lastStyle, beginRun, endCol); } } } finally { myLock.unlock(); } } private void flushStyledText(StyledTextConsumer consumer, int row, TextStyle lastStyle, int beginRun, int col) { consumer.consume(beginRun, row, lastStyle, new CharBuffer(myBuf, row * myWidth + beginRun, col - beginRun), 0); } public boolean hasDamage() { return myDamage.nextSetBit(0) != -1; } public void lock() { myLock.lock(); } public void unlock() { myLock.unlock(); } public boolean tryLock() { return myLock.tryLock(); } private String getLineTrimTrailing(int row) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(myBuf, row * myWidth, myWidth); return Util.trimTrailing(sb.toString()); } @Override public void consume(int x, int y, @NotNull TextStyle style, @NotNull CharBuffer characters, int startRow) { int len = Math.min(myWidth - x, characters.getLength()); if (len > 0) { writeToBackBuffer(x, y - startRow + 1, new String(characters.getBuf(), characters.getStart(), len), style); } } public int getWidth() { return myWidth; } public int getHeight() { return myHeight; } public int getScrollBufferLinesCount() { return myScrollBuffer.getLineCount(); } public int getTextBufferLinesCount() { return myTextBuffer.getLineCount(); } public String getTextBufferLines() { return myTextBuffer.getLines(); } public boolean checkTextBufferIsValid(int row) { return myTextBuffer.getLineText(row).startsWith(getLineTrimTrailing(row));//in a row back buffer is always a prefix of text buffer } public char getCharAt(int x, int y) { return myBuf[x + myWidth * y]; } public char getBuffersCharAt(int x, int y) { String lineText = getLine(y).getText(); return x < lineText.length() ? lineText.charAt(x) : EMPTY_CHAR; } public TextStyle getStyleAt(int x, int y) { return myStyleBuf[x + myWidth * y]; } public void useAlternateBuffer(boolean enabled) { myAlternateBuffer = enabled; if (enabled) { if (!myUsingAlternateBuffer) { myTextBufferBackup = myTextBuffer; myScrollBufferBackup = myScrollBuffer; myTextBuffer = new LinesBuffer(); myScrollBuffer = new LinesBuffer(); clearArea(); myUsingAlternateBuffer = true; } } else { if (myUsingAlternateBuffer) { myTextBuffer = myTextBufferBackup; myScrollBuffer = myScrollBufferBackup; resetFromTextBuffer(); myUsingAlternateBuffer = false; } } } public LinesBuffer getScrollBuffer() { return myScrollBuffer; } public void insertLines(int y, int count, int scrollRegionBottom) { moveLinesDown(y, count, scrollRegionBottom - 1); clearArea(0, y, myWidth, Math.min(y + count, scrollRegionBottom)); myTextBuffer.insertLines(y, count, scrollRegionBottom - 1); } // returns deleted lines public LinesBuffer deleteLines(int y, int count, int scrollRegionBottom) { moveLinesUp(y + count, -count, scrollRegionBottom); clearArea(0, Math.max(y, scrollRegionBottom - count), myWidth, scrollRegionBottom); return myTextBuffer.deleteLines(y, count, scrollRegionBottom - 1); } public void clearLines(int startRow, int endRow) { TextStyle style = createEmptyStyleWithCurrentColor(); myTextBuffer.clearLines(startRow, endRow); clearArea(0, startRow, myWidth, endRow, style); } public void eraseCharacters(int leftX, int rightX, int y) { TextStyle style = createEmptyStyleWithCurrentColor(); if (y >= 0) { clearArea(leftX, y, rightX, y + 1, style); myTextBuffer.clearArea(leftX, y, rightX, y + 1, style); } else { LOG.error("Attempt to erase characters in line: " + y); } } public void clearAll() { clearArea(); myScrollBuffer.clearAll(); } }