package com.talent.allshare.downloader; import; import; import; import; import; import android.content.Context; import android.os.AsyncTask; import android.os.Environment; import android.util.Log; import com.talent.allshare.downloader.DownlaodStateListener.OnDownloadFinishedListener; import com.talent.allshare.downloader.DownlaodStateListener.OnDownloadStartedListener; import com.talent.allshare.downloader.DownlaodStateListener.OnProgressUpdateListener; public class DownloadFileAsync extends AsyncTask<String, String, String> { private final static String TAG = "Downloader"; private String SDCARD = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() .getAbsolutePath(); private String MYDOWNLOAD = "MacroDisk"; private String mDownloadUrl = null; private String mFileName = null; private String mFilePath; private boolean mDownloading = true; private DownloadDB mDownLoadDB; private int mCompleteSize = 0; private int msizeperupdate= 100*1024; private long mTempSize = 0; private long mtimeMillis=0; private int mspeed=3*1024; //kb/s private Context mContext; private OnDownloadStartedListener mOnDownloadStartedListener = null; private OnProgressUpdateListener mOnProgressUpdateListener = null; private OnDownloadFinishedListener mOnDownloadFinishedListener = null; private DownloadNotification notification = null; public DownloadFileAsync(Context context, String fileName, String downloadUrl,DownloadNotification notification) { mFileName = fileName; mContext = context; File file = new File(SDCARD + "/" + MYDOWNLOAD); if (!file.exists()) { file.mkdirs(); } mFilePath = SDCARD + "/" + MYDOWNLOAD + "/" + mFileName; mDownloadUrl = downloadUrl; mDownLoadDB = new DownloadDB(context); this.notification = notification; } public void setOnDownloadStartedListener(OnDownloadStartedListener l) { mOnDownloadStartedListener = l; } public void setOnProgressUpdateListener(OnProgressUpdateListener l) { mOnProgressUpdateListener = l; } public void setOnDownloadFinishedListener(OnDownloadFinishedListener l) { mOnDownloadFinishedListener = l; } @Override protected void onPreExecute() { super.onPreExecute(); if (mOnDownloadStartedListener != null) { mOnDownloadStartedListener.onDownloadStarted(mFileName, mDownloadUrl, 0); } } public void stopDownload() { mDownloading = false; mDownLoadDB.updataInfo(mDownloadUrl, mCompleteSize, getFileMd5String(new File(mFilePath))); mDownLoadDB.closeDb(); } @Override protected String doInBackground(String... params) { DownloadInfo info = getDownloadInfo(mDownloadUrl); if (info == null) { Log.e(TAG, "error, downloadInfo is null !"); return null; } int totalSize = info.getFileSize(); mCompleteSize = info.getCompeleteSize(); mFilePath = info.getFilePath(); mspeed=3*1024; publishProgress(mFileName, mDownloadUrl, Integer.toString(mCompleteSize) ,Integer.toString(totalSize),mFilePath,Integer.toString(info.getId()),Integer.toString(mspeed)); HttpURLConnection c = null; RandomAccessFile randomAccessFile = null; InputStream is = null; try { // connecting to url Log.e(TAG, "do in Background ...." + mDownloadUrl); URL u = new URL(mDownloadUrl); c = (HttpURLConnection) u.openConnection(); c.setRequestMethod("GET"); c.setRequestProperty("Range", "bytes=" + info.getCompeleteSize() + "-" + info.getFileSize()); //c.setDoOutput(true); c.connect(); randomAccessFile = new RandomAccessFile(mFilePath, "rwd");; // 閻忓繐妫滈—鍛▔鐎n厽绁伴柣銊ュ閺嬪啯绂掔捄鍝勬櫢闁告帡顣︾换姘憋拷濡儤韬ǎ鍥ㄧ箓閻°劎鎹勯姘辩獮濞戞挸顑囧▓鎴﹀棘閸ワ附顐藉☉鎿勬嫹 is = c.getInputStream(); byte[] buffer = new byte[1024*100]; int length = -1; mtimeMillis=System.currentTimeMillis(); if(totalSize>1024*1024*5) { msizeperupdate=1024*1024*2; }else if (totalSize>1024*1024){ msizeperupdate=300*1024; }else if (totalSize>1024*300){ msizeperupdate=200*1024; }else { msizeperupdate=100*1024; } while ((length = != -1 && mDownloading) { randomAccessFile.write(buffer, 0, length); mCompleteSize += length; mTempSize+=length; //Log.e("app", "mFileName : " + mFileName + " mCompleteSize = " + mCompleteSize); // if(mCompleteSize>=totalSize){ if(mTempSize>msizeperupdate || mCompleteSize>=totalSize) { long time=System.currentTimeMillis(); //Log.e("app", "mspeed : " + mspeed + " kb/s"+",time="+time+",mtimeMillis="+mtimeMillis); mspeed=(int) (mTempSize*1000/(time-mtimeMillis))/1024; mtimeMillis=time; mTempSize=0; publishProgress(mFileName, mDownloadUrl, Integer.toString(mCompleteSize) ,Integer.toString(totalSize),mFilePath,Integer.toString(info.getId()),Integer.toString(mspeed)); } //Thread.sleep(10); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { if (is != null) { is.close(); } if (randomAccessFile != null) { randomAccessFile.close(); } if (c != null) { c.disconnect(); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if(mCompleteSize<totalSize) { mDownloading=false; } return null; } @Override protected void onProgressUpdate(String... progress) { // RealSystemFacade facade = new RealSystemFacade(mContext); // DownloadNotification notification = new DownloadNotification(mContext, facade); // DownloadInfo download = getDownloadInfo(progress[1]); // publishProgress(mFileName, mDownloadUrl, Integer.toString(mCompleteSize) ,Integer.toString(totalSize),mFilePath,Integer.toString(info.getId())); DownloadInfo download = new DownloadInfo(Integer.parseInt(progress[5]), progress[1], Integer.parseInt(progress[3]), Integer.parseInt(progress[2]), mFilePath, "",Integer.parseInt(progress[6])) ; notification.updateActiveNotification(download,false); if (mOnProgressUpdateListener != null) { //Log.i("download", "Complete : " + progress[2] + " total: = " + progress[3]+ "finsh %"+(int) ((Integer.parseInt(progress[2]) * 100) / Integer.parseInt(progress[3]))); mOnProgressUpdateListener.onProgressUpdate(progress[0], progress[1], (int) ((((long) Integer.parseInt(progress[2])) * 100) / ((long) Integer.parseInt(progress[3]))),Integer.parseInt(progress[6])); } } @Override protected void onPostExecute(String unused) { // dismiss the dialog after the file was downloaded // RealSystemFacade facade = new RealSystemFacade(mContext); // DownloadNotification notification = new DownloadNotification(mContext, facade); DownloadInfo download = getDownloadInfo(mDownloadUrl); notification.updateActiveNotification(download,true); notification.updateCompletedNotification(download, !mDownloading); if (mOnDownloadFinishedListener != null) { mOnDownloadFinishedListener.onDownloadFinished(mFileName, mDownloadUrl,mDownloading); } delete(mDownloadUrl); } // 闁告帞濞�▍搴ㄥ极閻楀牆绁﹂幖瀛樻尫閼垫唹rlstr閻庣數鎳撶花鏌ユ儍閸曨亞鐟撻弶鐐舵濞呮帗绌遍埄鍐х礀 public void delete(String url) { mDownLoadDB.delete(url); } private String checkFileName(String fileDir, String fileName) { File file = new File(fileDir + "/" + fileName); String newFileName = fileName; if (file.exists()) { for (int i = 1; i < 1024; i++) { newFileName = String.format("%s(%d)", fileName, i); file = new File(fileDir + "/" + newFileName); if (!file.exists()) { return newFileName; } } } return newFileName; } private DownloadInfo getDownloadInfo(String url) { DownloadInfo info = null; if (isFirstDownlaod(url)) { info = firstDownloadInit(); } else { Log.e(TAG, "has download before..."); info = mDownLoadDB.getDownloadInfo(url); if (info != null) { Log.e(TAG, "compeleted: " + info.getCompeleteSize()); } } return info; } /** * 闁告帇鍊栭弻鍥及椤栨碍鍎婇柡鍕靛灣椤戝洦绋夐敓绛嬪仹 濞戞挸顑堝ù锟� */ private boolean isFirstDownlaod(String downloadUrl) { return mDownLoadDB.hasInfo(downloadUrl); } /** * 闁告帗绻傞‖濠囧礌閿燂拷 */ private DownloadInfo firstDownloadInit() { Log.e(TAG, "firstDownloadInit....."); DownloadInfo downloadInfo = null; try { URL url = new URL(mDownloadUrl); HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url .openConnection(); connection.setConnectTimeout(5000); connection.setRequestMethod("GET"); int fileSize = connection.getContentLength(); mFileName = checkFileName(SDCARD + "/" + MYDOWNLOAD, mFileName); mFilePath = SDCARD + "/" + MYDOWNLOAD + "/" + mFileName; File file = new File(mFilePath); if (!file.exists()) { file.createNewFile(); } else { } // 闁哄牜鍓欏﹢瀵告媼閸ф锛栭柡鍌氭矗濞嗭拷 //RandomAccessFile accessFile = new RandomAccessFile(file, "rwd"); //accessFile.setLength(fileSize); //accessFile.close(); downloadInfo = new DownloadInfo(mDownloadUrl, fileSize, 0, mFilePath, getFileMd5String(file),mspeed); mDownLoadDB.saveDwonloadInfo(downloadInfo); connection.disconnect(); downloadInfo = getDownloadInfo(mDownloadUrl); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return downloadInfo; } private String getFileMd5String(File file) { return ""; /* * try{ MessageDigest messageDigest = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"); * FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(file); FileChannel ch = * in.getChannel(); MappedByteBuffer byteBuffer = *, 0, file.length()); * messageDigest.update(byteBuffer); return new * String(messageDigest.digest()); }catch(Exception e){ * e.printStackTrace(); } return ""; */ } }