package; import junit.framework.Test; import junit.framework.TestSuite; import junit.textui.TestRunner; /** * Read a .groovy file from a signed jar and verify that a policy file grant with a signedBy field * works. The following steps were used to create and manage the keys used to sign and read the jar: * <ol> * <li>keytool -genkey -alias groovy -keypass keypass -keystore groovystore -storepass storepass -validity 7000 * <li>keytool -export -keystore groovystore -alias groovy -file GroovyDev.cer * <li>keytool -import -alias groovy -file GroovyDev.cer -keystore groovykeys * </ol> * Once the keys are constructed, creat the jar and sign: * <ol> * <li>jar -cvf Groovy.jar groovy * <li>jarsigner -keystore groovystore -signedjar GroovyJarTest.jar Groovy.jar groovy * </ol> * Add the keystore to the policy file and write the grant: * <ol> * <li>keystore "file:${user.dir}/src/test/groovy/security/groovykeys"; * </ol> */ public class SignedJarTest extends SecurityTestSupport { public static void main(String[] args) {; } public static Test suite() { return new TestSuite(SignedJarTest.class); } public void testReadSignedJar() throws Exception { if (!isSecurityAvailable() || (notYetImplemented())) return; //spg 2006-02-09 The GroovyClassLoader code that checked jar files //for source files was removed last July. This test will not function //without that capability. Class c = loader.loadClass(""); // ClassNotFoundException ! executeTest(c, null); } }