package; import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; public class ChangeCNCost { static Map<String, FCDetails> dbfc = new HashMap<String, FCDetails>(); static Map<String, FCDetails> filefc = new HashMap<String, FCDetails>(); /** * @param args * @throws SQLException * @throws IOException * @throws IllegalAccessException * @throws NoSuchFieldException * @throws IllegalArgumentException * @throws SecurityException */ public static void main(String[] args) throws SQLException, IOException, SecurityException, IllegalArgumentException, NoSuchFieldException, IllegalAccessException { buildDBFC(); buildFileFC(); System.out.println("Warehouse ID," + "Orig Receipt Cost,New Receipt Cost,Change," + "Orig Remove Cost, New Remove Cost,Change," + "Orig Transin Cost,New Transin Cost,Change," + "Orig Transout Cost,New Transout Cost,Change," + "Orig Holding Cost,new Holding Cost, Change"); for (String key : filefc.keySet()) { FCDetails orig = dbfc.get(key); if (orig == null) { System.out.println(key + " is not found"); continue; } orig.compareFCDetailsExcel(filefc.get(key)); } } static void buildFileFC() throws IOException { List<String[]> rows = FileUtil.readFileAsTable("changecost.txt", "\t"); for (String[] row : rows) { FCDetails fc = new FCDetails(); fc.warehousegl = "Warehouse " + row[7].trim() + "- GL " + row[0]; fc.receiptCost = getDouble(row[5].trim()); fc.removeCost = getDouble(row[6].trim()); fc.transInCost = getDouble(row[3].trim()); fc.transOutCost = getDouble(row[4].trim()); fc.holdingCost = getDouble(row.length > 10 ? row[9].trim() : "-100"); filefc.put(fc.warehousegl, fc); } } static double getDouble(String str) { try { return Double.valueOf(str); } catch (Throwable th) { return -100; } } static void buildDBFC() throws SQLException { ResultSet rs = MySQLUtil.executeSQL(MySQLUtil.CN_DB_Serv, "vendor_flex", "select * from FC_GL_COST"); while ( { FCDetails fc = new FCDetails(); fc.warehousegl = "Warehouse " + rs.getString(2) + "- GL " + rs.getInt(3); fc.receiptCost = rs.getDouble(5); fc.removeCost = rs.getDouble(6); fc.transInCost = rs.getDouble(8); fc.transOutCost = rs.getDouble(9); fc.holdingCost = rs.getDouble(7); dbfc.put(fc.warehousegl, fc); } } } class FCDetails { String warehousegl; double receiptCost; double removeCost; double transInCost; double transOutCost; double holdingCost; void compareFCDetailsExcel(FCDetails fc) throws SecurityException, IllegalArgumentException, NoSuchFieldException, IllegalAccessException { lognl(fc.warehousegl + ","); changeDetailExcel("receiptCost", fc); changeDetailExcel("removeCost", fc); changeDetailExcel("transInCost", fc); changeDetailExcel("transOutCost", fc); changeDetailExcel("holdingCost", fc); log(""); } void changeDetailExcel(String propName, FCDetails fc) throws SecurityException, NoSuchFieldException, IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException { Field filed = FCDetails.class.getDeclaredField(propName); filed.setAccessible(true); double origVal = (Double) (filed.get(this)); double newVal = (Double) (filed.get(fc)); if (origVal > 0) { lognl(origVal + ","); } else { lognl("N/A,"); } if (newVal > 0) { lognl(newVal + ","); } else { lognl("N/A,"); } if (newVal > 0 && origVal > 0) { double percent = (newVal - origVal) * 100 / origVal; DecimalFormat d = new DecimalFormat("2.2"); String pct = d.format(percent) + "%"; lognl(pct + ","); } else { lognl("N/A,"); } } void compareFCDetails(FCDetails fc) throws SecurityException, IllegalArgumentException, NoSuchFieldException, IllegalAccessException { log("Details Change of FC:" + fc.warehousegl); log(changeDetail("Receipt Cost", "receiptCost", fc)); log(changeDetail("Remove Cost", "removeCost", fc)); log(changeDetail("Transin Cost", "transInCost", fc)); log(changeDetail("Transout Cost", "transOutCost", fc)); log(changeDetail("Holding Cost", "holdingCost", fc)); log(""); } String changeDetail(String displayName, String propName, FCDetails fc) throws SecurityException, NoSuchFieldException, IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException { Field filed = FCDetails.class.getDeclaredField(propName); filed.setAccessible(true); double origVal = (Double) (filed.get(this)); double newVal = (Double) (filed.get(fc)); String outputFmt = "Compare of %s: Original :%s, New: %s, Change:%s"; String pct = "N/A"; if (newVal > 0 && origVal > 0) { double percent = (newVal - origVal) * 100 / origVal; DecimalFormat d = new DecimalFormat("2.2"); pct = d.format(percent) + "%"; } return String.format(outputFmt, displayName, origVal, newVal, pct); } void log(Object obj) { System.out.println(obj); } void lognl(Object obj) { System.out.print(obj); } }