package com.adamnickle.deck; import; import; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.os.Bundle; import android.preference.PreferenceManager; import; import android.view.View; import com.adamnickle.deck.Game.DeckSettings; import com.adamnickle.deck.Game.Game; import com.adamnickle.deck.Interfaces.ConnectionFragment; import; import; import it.gmariotti.changelibs.library.view.ChangeLogListView; import ru.noties.debug.Debug; public class MainActivity extends ActionBarActivity { public static final int REQUEST_CREATE_GAME = 1; private Crouton mCrouton; @Override protected void onCreate( Bundle savedInstanceState ) { Debug.d(); super.onCreate( savedInstanceState ); setContentView( R.layout.activity_main ); findViewById( ).setOnClickListener( new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick( View view ) { Intent startServer = new Intent( MainActivity.this, GameActivity.class ); startServer.putExtra( ConnectionFragment.EXTRA_CONNECTION_TYPE, ConnectionFragment.ConnectionType.SERVER ); startServer.putExtra( ConnectionFragment.EXTRA_CONNECTION_CLASS_NAME, BluetoothConnectionFragment.class.getName() ); startActivityForResult( startServer, GameActivity.REQUEST_START_GAME ); } } ); findViewById( ).setOnClickListener( new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick( View view ) { Intent createGame = new Intent( MainActivity.this, GameCreatorWizardActivity.class ); startActivityForResult( createGame, REQUEST_CREATE_GAME ); } } ); findViewById( ).setOnClickListener( new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick( View view ) { Intent startClient = new Intent( MainActivity.this, GameActivity.class ); startClient.putExtra( ConnectionFragment.EXTRA_CONNECTION_TYPE, ConnectionFragment.ConnectionType.CLIENT ); startClient.putExtra( ConnectionFragment.EXTRA_CONNECTION_CLASS_NAME, BluetoothConnectionFragment.class.getName() ); startActivityForResult( startClient, GameActivity.REQUEST_START_GAME ); } } ); findViewById( ).setOnClickListener( new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick( View view ) { Intent openSettings = new Intent( MainActivity.this, DeckSettingsActivity.class ); startActivity( openSettings ); } } ); findViewById( ).setOnClickListener( new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick( View v ) { Intent openInfo = new Intent( MainActivity.this, InfoActivity.class ); startActivity( openInfo ); } } ); SharedPreferences sharedPreferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences( this ); int lastShownVersion = sharedPreferences.getInt( DeckSettings.CHANGE_LOG_SHOWN_VERSION, 0 ); if( lastShownVersion != BuildConfig.VERSION_CODE ) { new AlertDialog.Builder( this ) .setTitle( "Deck Change Log" ) .setView( new ChangeLogListView( this ) ) .setPositiveButton( "Close", null ) .show(); sharedPreferences.edit() .putInt( DeckSettings.CHANGE_LOG_SHOWN_VERSION, BuildConfig.VERSION_CODE ) .apply(); } } @Override protected void onActivityResult( int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data ) { if( requestCode == REQUEST_CREATE_GAME ) { switch( resultCode ) { case Activity.RESULT_CANCELED: mCrouton = Crouton.makeText( this, "Game creation canceled", Style.INFO ); break; case Activity.RESULT_OK: final Game game = data.getParcelableExtra( GameCreatorWizardActivity.EXTRA_GAME ); final Intent startServer = new Intent( MainActivity.this, GameActivity.class ); startServer.putExtra( ConnectionFragment.EXTRA_CONNECTION_TYPE, ConnectionFragment.ConnectionType.SERVER ); startServer.putExtra( ConnectionFragment.EXTRA_CONNECTION_CLASS_NAME, BluetoothConnectionFragment.class.getName() ); startServer.putExtra( GameCreatorWizardActivity.EXTRA_GAME, game ); startActivityForResult( startServer, GameActivity.REQUEST_START_GAME ); break; } } if( data != null ) { final String action = data.getAction(); if( GameActivity.class.getName().equals( action ) ) { switch( resultCode ) { case GameActivity.RESULT_DISCONNECTED_FROM_SERVER: mCrouton = Crouton.makeText( this, "Disconnected from server", Style.ALERT ); break; case Activity.RESULT_CANCELED: mCrouton = Crouton.makeText( this, "Game Closed", Style.INFO ); break; case GameActivity.RESULT_INVALID_VERSIONS: mCrouton = Crouton.makeText( this, "Cannot connect to Server. Deck versions differ.", Style.ALERT ); break; } } else if( ConnectionFragment.class.getName().equals( action ) ) { switch( resultCode ) { case ConnectionFragment.RESULT_BLUETOOTH_NOT_SUPPORTED: mCrouton = Crouton.makeText( this, "Bluetooth not supported by device. Bluetooth must be enabled to use application.", Style.ALERT ); break; case ConnectionFragment.RESULT_BLUETOOTH_NOT_ENABLED: mCrouton = Crouton.makeText( this, "Bluetooth was not enabled. Bluetooth must be enabled to use application.", Style.ALERT ); break; case ConnectionFragment.RESULT_BLUETOOTH_DISABLED: mCrouton = Crouton.makeText( this, "Bluetooth was disabled", Style.ALERT ); break; case ConnectionFragment.RESULT_NOT_CONNECTED_TO_DEVICE: mCrouton = Crouton.makeText( this, "No server device selected.", Style.INFO ); break; case ConnectionFragment.RESULT_SERVER_CLOSED: mCrouton = Crouton.makeText( this, "Game Closed", Style.INFO ); break; } } } } @Override public void onWindowFocusChanged( boolean hasFocus ) { super.onWindowFocusChanged( hasFocus ); if( hasFocus && mCrouton != null ) {; mCrouton = null; } } @Override protected void onPause() { super.onPause(); if( isFinishing() ) { Crouton.clearCroutonsForActivity( this ); } } }