package com.adamnickle.deck.Game; import android.content.Context; import android.os.Parcel; import android.os.Parcelable; import android.util.JsonReader; import android.util.JsonWriter; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import ru.noties.debug.Debug; public class Game implements Parcelable { private static final String GAME_FOLDER = "deck_custom_games"; private static final String NAME_DRAW_PILES = "draw_piles"; private static final String NAME_DISCARD_PILES = "discard_piles"; private static final String NAME_GAME_NAME = "game_name"; public static final int MAX_DRAW_PILES = 4; public static final int MAX_DISCARD_PILES = 4; public String GameName = null; public int DrawPiles = 0; public int DiscardPiles = 0; public Game() { } private Game( Parcel in ) { this.DrawPiles = in.readInt(); this.DiscardPiles = in.readInt(); this.GameName = in.readString(); } @Override public void writeToParcel( Parcel destination, int flags ) { destination.writeInt( this.DrawPiles ); destination.writeInt( this.DiscardPiles ); destination.writeString( this.GameName ); } @Override public int describeContents() { return 0; } @Override public String toString() { return this.GameName; } public String toJSON() { final StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter(); try { Game.writeGame( this, stringWriter ); } catch( IOException e ) { Debug.e( "Could not write the Game to JSON.", e ); } return stringWriter.toString(); } public static final Parcelable.Creator<Game> CREATOR = new Creator<Game>() { @Override public Game createFromParcel( Parcel source ) { return new Game( source ); } @Override public Game[] newArray( int size ) { return new Game[ size ]; } }; public static ArrayList<Game> getSavedCustomGames( Context context ) { final File file = new File( context.getFilesDir(), GAME_FOLDER ); final File[] gameFiles = file.listFiles(); if( gameFiles == null || gameFiles.length == 0 ) { return new ArrayList<>(); } else { final ArrayList<Game> games = new ArrayList<>( gameFiles.length ); for( File gameFile : gameFiles ) { games.add( Game.openGame( gameFile ) ); } return games; } } public static Game openGame( File file ) { Game game = null; FileReader input = null; try { input = new FileReader( file ); game = Game.readGame( input ); } catch( IOException io ) { Debug.e( "Failed to open Game.", io ); } finally { if( input != null ) { try { input.close(); } catch( IOException e ) { Debug.e( "Could not close Game input.", e ); } } } return game; } private static String getGameFileName( Game game ) { return game.GameName.replace( ' ', '_' ) + "__" + android.text.format.DateFormat.format( "yyyy-MM-dd__HH:mm:ss", Calendar.getInstance() ); } public static boolean saveGame( Context context, Game game ) { if( game.GameName.isEmpty() || game.GameName.contains( " " ) ) { return false; } boolean success = true; FileWriter output = null; try { File gamesDirectory = new File( context.getApplicationContext().getFilesDir(), GAME_FOLDER ); if( !gamesDirectory.exists() || !gamesDirectory.isDirectory() ) { if( !gamesDirectory.mkdirs() ) { throw new IOException( "Could not create Deck game folder." ); } } File saveFile = new File( gamesDirectory, getGameFileName( game ) ); output = new FileWriter( saveFile ); success = Game.writeGame( game, output ); } catch( IOException e ) { Debug.e( "Failed to save game.", e ); success = false; } finally { try { if( output != null ) { output.close(); } } catch( IOException io ) { Debug.e( "Could not close Game output.", io ); } } return success; } private static Game readGame( Reader input ) throws IOException { Game game = new Game(); JsonReader reader = new JsonReader( input ); reader.beginObject(); while( reader.hasNext() ) { String name = reader.nextName(); switch( name ) { case NAME_DRAW_PILES: game.DrawPiles = reader.nextInt(); break; case NAME_DISCARD_PILES: game.DiscardPiles = reader.nextInt(); break; case NAME_GAME_NAME: game.GameName = reader.nextString(); break; default: reader.skipValue(); break; } } reader.endObject(); return game; } private static boolean writeGame( Game game, Writer output ) throws IOException { JsonWriter writer = new JsonWriter( output ); writer.setIndent( " " ); writer.beginObject(); NAME_GAME_NAME ).value( game.GameName ); NAME_DRAW_PILES ).value( game.DrawPiles ); NAME_DISCARD_PILES ).value( game.DiscardPiles ); writer.endObject(); return true; } }