package dbfit.util.crypto; import; import; public class CryptoApp { public static final int EXIT_SUCCESS = 0; public static final int EXIT_INVALID_COMMAND = 1; public static final int EXIT_COMMAND_FAILED = 2; private CryptoKeyStoreFactory ksFactory; private CryptoServiceFactory cryptoServiceFactory; private PrintStream out = System.out; public CryptoApp( CryptoKeyStoreFactory ksFactory, CryptoServiceFactory csFactory) { this.ksFactory = ksFactory; this.cryptoServiceFactory = csFactory; } public CryptoApp() { this(CryptoFactories.getCryptoKeyStoreFactory(), CryptoFactories.getCryptoServiceFactory()); } private void updateStatus(String msg) { out.println(msg); } private int createKeyStore(CryptoKeyStore ks) throws Exception { try { ks.createKeyStore(); updateStatus("KeyStore created: " + ks.getKeyStoreFile()); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } catch (CryptoKeyStoreException e) { updateStatus("KeyStore create failed: " + e.getMessage()); return EXIT_COMMAND_FAILED; } } private int encryptPassword(final String password, final CryptoKeyStore ks) throws Exception { if (!ks.keyStoreExists()) { createKeyStore(ks); } updateStatus("Using KeyStore: " + ks.getKeyStoreFile()); String encPwd = getCryptoService(ks).encrypt(password); updateStatus("Encrypted Password:\nENC(" + encPwd + ")"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } private int encryptPassword(final String password, final String path) throws Exception { return encryptPassword(password, ksFactory.newInstance(new File(path))); } private int encryptPassword(final String password) throws Exception { return encryptPassword(password, ksFactory.newInstance()); } private void showUsage() { updateStatus("Usage arguments:"); updateStatus(" <password> [-keyStoreLocation <keyStoreLocation>]"); updateStatus(" Encrypt the given password and show the result."); updateStatus(" Password is encrypted using key from keyStoreLocation."); updateStatus(" If no keyStoreLocation is specified - default location is used."); updateStatus(" If no dbfit keystore and key exist - they're automatically created."); } public int execute(String[] args) throws Exception { String cmd = (args.length == 0) ? "" : args[0]; if (args.length == 1) { return encryptPassword(args[0]); } else if ((args.length == 3) && (args[1].equals("-keyStoreLocation"))) { return encryptPassword(args[0], args[2]); } else { showUsage(); return EXIT_INVALID_COMMAND; } } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { CryptoApp app = new CryptoApp(); int exitCode = app.execute(args); System.exit(exitCode); } private CryptoService getCryptoService(final CryptoKeyStore ks) { return cryptoServiceFactory.getCryptoService(ks); } }