package dbfit.api; import dbfit.util.*; import dbfit.fixture.StatementExecution; import static dbfit.util.Options.OPTION_AUTO_COMMIT; import; import; import java.sql.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import java.util.Properties; public abstract class AbstractDbEnvironment implements DBEnvironment { protected Connection currentConnection; protected String driverClassName; protected TypeTransformerFactory dbfitToJdbcTransformerFactory = new TypeTransformerFactory(); protected String getDriverClassName() { return driverClassName; } private boolean driverRegistered = false; protected AbstractDbEnvironment(String driverClassName) { this.driverClassName = driverClassName; } private void registerDriver() throws SQLException { String driverName = getDriverClassName(); try { if (driverRegistered) return; DriverManager.registerDriver((Driver) Class.forName(driverName) .newInstance()); driverRegistered = true; } catch (Exception e) { throw new Error("Cannot register SQL driver " + driverName); } } /** * Intended to be overriden for post-connect activities */ protected void afterConnectionEstablished() throws SQLException { setAutoCommit(); } public void connect(String connectionString, Properties info) throws SQLException { registerDriver(); closeConnection(); currentConnection = DriverManager.getConnection(connectionString, info); afterConnectionEstablished(); } @Override public void connect(String connectionString) throws SQLException { connect(connectionString, new Properties()); } @Override public void connect(String dataSource, String username, String password) throws SQLException { connect(dataSource, username, password, null); } @Override public void connect(String dataSource, String username, String password, String database) throws SQLException { String connectionString = (database == null) ? getConnectionString(dataSource) : getConnectionString(dataSource, database); Properties props = new Properties(); props.put("user", username); props.put("password", new PropertiesLoader().parseValue(password)); connect(connectionString, props); } @Override public void connectUsingFile(String file) throws SQLException, IOException, FileNotFoundException { DbConnectionProperties dbp = DbConnectionProperties .CreateFromFile(file); if (dbp.FullConnectionString != null) connect(dbp.FullConnectionString); else if (dbp.DbName != null) connect(dbp.Service, dbp.Username, dbp.Password, dbp.DbName); else connect(dbp.Service, dbp.Username, dbp.Password); } /** * any processing required to turn a string into something jdbc driver can * process, can be used to clean up CRLF, externalise parameters if required * etc. */ protected String parseCommandText(String commandText) { commandText = commandText.replace("\n", " "); commandText = commandText.replace("\r", " "); return commandText; } public final PreparedStatement createStatementWithBoundFixtureSymbols( TestHost testHost, String commandText) throws SQLException { String command = Options.isBindSymbols() ? parseCommandText(commandText) : commandText; PreparedStatement cs = getConnection().prepareStatement( command); if (Options.isBindSymbols()) { String paramNames[] = extractParamNames(commandText); for (int i = 0; i < paramNames.length; i++) { Object value = testHost.getSymbolValue(paramNames[i]); cs.setObject(i + 1, value); } } return cs; } @Override public DdlStatementExecution createDdlStatementExecution(String ddl) throws SQLException { return new DdlStatementExecution(getConnection().createStatement(), ddl); } @Override public StatementExecution createStatementExecution(PreparedStatement statement) { return new StatementExecution(statement); } @Override public StatementExecution createFunctionStatementExecution(PreparedStatement statement) { return new StatementExecution(statement); } protected DbParameterAccessor createDbParameterAccessor(String name, Direction direction, int sqlType, Class javaType, int position) { return new DbParameterAccessor(name, direction, sqlType, javaType, position, dbfitToJdbcTransformerFactory); } public void closeConnection() throws SQLException { if (currentConnection != null) { rollback(); currentConnection.close(); currentConnection = null; } } public void commit() throws SQLException { if (!getConnection().getAutoCommit()) { currentConnection.commit(); } } public void rollback() throws SQLException { if (!getConnection().getAutoCommit()) { currentConnection.rollback(); } } @Override public void setAutoCommit() throws SQLException { String autoCommitMode = Options.get(OPTION_AUTO_COMMIT); if (!"auto".equals(autoCommitMode) && isConnected(currentConnection)) { if (currentConnection.getMetaData().supportsTransactions()) { currentConnection.setAutoCommit(; } } } /*****/ protected abstract String getConnectionString(String dataSource); protected abstract String getConnectionString(String dataSource, String database); public Connection getConnection() throws SQLException { checkConnectionValid(currentConnection); return currentConnection; } /** * MUST RETURN PARAMETER NAMES IN EXACT ORDER AS IN STATEMENT. IF SINGLE * PARAMETER APPEARS MULTIPLE TIMES, MUST BE LISTED MULTIPLE TIMES IN THE * ARRAY ALSO */ public String[] extractParamNames(String commandText) { ArrayList<String> hs = new ArrayList<String>(); Matcher mc = getParameterPattern().matcher(commandText); while (mc.find()) { hs.add(; } String[] array = new String[hs.size()]; return hs.toArray(array); } protected abstract Pattern getParameterPattern(); /** * by default, uses a string generated by buildInsertCommand and creates a * statement that returns generated keys via JDBC */ public PreparedStatement buildInsertPreparedStatement(String tableName, DbParameterAccessor[] accessors) throws SQLException { return getConnection().prepareStatement( buildInsertCommand(tableName, accessors), Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS); } /** * This method should generate a valid insert statement which is used by * buildInsertPreparedStatement to create the actual statement. It is * isolated into a separate method so that subclasses can override one or * the other depending on db specifics */ public String buildInsertCommand(String tableName, DbParameterAccessor[] accessors) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("insert into "); sb.append(tableName).append("("); String comma = ""; StringBuilder values = new StringBuilder(); for (DbParameterAccessor accessor : accessors) { if (accessor.hasDirection(Direction.INPUT)) { sb.append(comma); values.append(comma); sb.append(accessor.getName()); // values.append(":").append(accessor.getName()); values.append("?"); comma = ","; } } sb.append(") values ("); sb.append(values); sb.append(")"); return sb.toString(); } public DbStoredProcedureCall newStoredProcedureCall(String name, DbParameterAccessor[] accessors) { return new DbStoredProcedureCall(this, name, accessors); } public DbParameterAccessor createAutogeneratedPrimaryKeyAccessor( DbParameterAccessor template) { return new DbAutoGeneratedKeyAccessor(template); } /** Check the validity of the supplied connection. */ public static void checkConnectionValid(final Connection conn) throws SQLException { if (! isConnected(conn)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "No open connection to a database is available. " + "Make sure your database is running and that you have connected before performing any queries."); } } private static boolean isConnected(final Connection conn) throws SQLException { return (conn != null && !conn.isClosed()); } }