package com.emc.vipr.transform.compression; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import SevenZip.Compression.LZMA.Encoder; import com.emc.vipr.transform.TransformConstants; import com.emc.vipr.transform.compression.CompressionTransformFactory.LzmaProfile; import com.emc.vipr.transform.encryption.KeyUtils; import com.emc.vipr.transform.util.CountingInputStream; /** * Compression filter used in "pull" mode to compress data for the * @link {@link CompressionOutputTransform}. */ public class LZMACompressionFilter extends InputStream implements CompressionStream, Runnable { private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LZMACompressionFilter.class); private boolean closed = false; private Thread compressionThread; private PipedInputStream inputPipe; private PipedOutputStream outputPipe; private Encoder lzma; private CountingInputStream uncompressedSize; private CountingInputStream compressedSize; private DigestInputStream uncompressedDigest; private byte[] digest; private Exception compressionFailure; public LZMACompressionFilter(InputStream in, int compressionLevel) throws IOException { this(in, CompressionTransformFactory.LZMA_COMPRESSION_PROFILE[compressionLevel]); } public LZMACompressionFilter(InputStream in, LzmaProfile compressionProfile) throws IOException { closed = false; digest = new byte[0]; // The LZMA Encoder reads from an input stream and writes to an output stream and // thus does not make a good filter. We need to create a pipe and and use an // auxiliary thread to compress the data. // // Filter chain: // user stream -> CountingInputStream(uncompressedSize) -> DigestInputStream -> // Encoder -> PipedOutputStream -> PipedInputStream -> // CountingInputStream(compressedSize) uncompressedSize = new CountingInputStream(in); try { uncompressedDigest = new DigestInputStream(uncompressedSize, MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA1")); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { throw new IOException("Could not create LZMACompessionFilter", e); } inputPipe = new PipedInputStream(); outputPipe = new PipedOutputStream(inputPipe); compressedSize = new CountingInputStream(inputPipe); lzma = new Encoder(); lzma.SetDictionarySize(compressionProfile.dictionarySize); lzma.SetNumFastBytes(compressionProfile.fastBytes); lzma.SetMatchFinder(compressionProfile.matchFinder); lzma.SetLcLpPb(, compressionProfile.lp, compressionProfile.pb); lzma.SetEndMarkerMode(true); // Write the compression settings to the stream (this is read during // decompression to configure the decoder) lzma.WriteCoderProperties(outputPipe); compressionThread = new Thread(LZMAOutputStream.LZ_COMP_TG, this); compressionThread.start(); } @Override public int read() throws IOException { readCheck(); return; } @Override public int read(byte[] b) throws IOException { readCheck(); return; } @Override public int read(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException { readCheck(); return, off, len); } @Override public int available() throws IOException { readCheck(); return compressedSize.available(); } @Override public long skip(long n) throws IOException { readCheck(); return compressedSize.skip(n); } @Override public void close() throws IOException { if(closed) return; closed = true; compressedSize.close(); // Wait for encoder to finish try { compressionThread.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new IOException("Error waiting for compression thread to exit", e); } digest = uncompressedDigest.getMessageDigest().digest(); // Free the encoder lzma = null; } @Override public void run() { // Start compressing data try { lzma.Code(uncompressedDigest, outputPipe, -1, -1, null); } catch(Exception e) { compressionFailure(e); } // Compression done. Close output side of pipe before thread dies. try { outputPipe.close(); } catch (IOException e) { compressionFailure(e); } } private synchronized void compressionFailure(Exception e) { compressionFailure = e; log.error("Error compressing data", e); } private synchronized void readCheck() throws IOException { if(compressionFailure != null) { throw new IOException("Error during stream compression", compressionFailure); } if(closed) { throw new IOException("Stream closed"); } } @Override public Map<String, String> getStreamMetadata() { if(!closed) { throw new IllegalStateException("Stream must be closed before getting metadata"); } Map<String,String> metadata = new HashMap<String, String>(); long compSize = compressedSize.getByteCount(); long uncompSize = uncompressedSize.getByteCount(); String compRatioString = String.format("%.1f%%", 100.0 - (compSize*100.0/uncompSize)); metadata.put(TransformConstants.META_COMPRESSION_UNCOMP_SIZE, ""+uncompSize); metadata.put(TransformConstants.META_COMPRESSION_COMP_SIZE, ""+compSize); metadata.put(TransformConstants.META_COMPRESSION_COMP_RATIO, ""+compRatioString); metadata.put(TransformConstants.META_COMPRESSION_UNCOMP_SHA1, KeyUtils.toHexPadded(digest)); return metadata; } }