/* * Copyright 2013 EMC Corporation. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * A copy of the License is located at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt * * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either * express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. */ package com.emc.vipr.services.s3; import com.amazonaws.AmazonClientException; import com.amazonaws.services.s3.model.transform.XmlResponsesSaxParser; import com.emc.vipr.services.s3.model.FileAccessObject; import com.emc.vipr.services.s3.model.GetFileAccessResult; import com.emc.vipr.services.s3.model.ListDataNodesResult; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.xml.sax.Attributes; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler; import java.io.InputStream; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * Overrides XmlResponsesSaxParser to provide additional parsing for ViPR-specific S3 XML responses. */ public class ViPRResponsesSaxParser extends XmlResponsesSaxParser { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ViPRResponsesSaxParser.class); /** * Parses a fileaccess response XML document for a bucket from an input * stream. * * @param inputStream XML data input stream. * @return the XML handler object populated with data parsed from the XML * stream. * @throws com.amazonaws.AmazonClientException * */ public FileAccessResultHandler parseFileAccessResult(InputStream inputStream) throws AmazonClientException { FileAccessResultHandler handler = new FileAccessResultHandler(); parseXmlInputStream(handler, inputStream); return handler; } /* <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <fileaccess_response> <mountPoints>cifs://foo.foo/export</mountPoints> <mountPoints>nfs://blah.blah:/export</mountPoints> <objects> <name>foo</name> <deviceExport>cifs://foo.foo/export</deviceExport> <relativePath>foo</relativePath> <owner>some_guy</owner> </objects> <objects> <name>blah</name> <deviceExport>nfs://blah.blah:/export</deviceExport> <relativePath>blah</relativePath> <owner>some_girl</owner> </objects> <hasMore>false</hasMore> </fileaccess_response> */ public class FileAccessResultHandler extends DefaultHandler { private GetFileAccessResult result = new GetFileAccessResult(); private StringBuilder text; private List<String> mountPoints = new ArrayList<String>(); private List<FileAccessObject> objects = new ArrayList<FileAccessObject>(); private FileAccessObject object, lastObject; public GetFileAccessResult getResult() { return result; } @Override public void startDocument() { text = new StringBuilder(); } @Override public void startElement(String uri, String name, String qName, Attributes attrs) { if (name.equals("fileaccess_response")) { // expected, but no action } else if (name.equals("mountPoints")) { text.setLength(0); } else if (name.equals("hasMore")) { text.setLength(0); } else if (name.equals("name")) { text.setLength(0); } else if (name.equals("deviceExport")) { text.setLength(0); } else if (name.equals("relativePath")) { text.setLength(0); } else if (name.equals("owner")) { text.setLength(0); } else if (name.equals("objects")) { object = new FileAccessObject(); } else { log.warn("Ignoring unexpected tag <" + name + ">"); } } @Override public void endElement(String uri, String name, String qName) throws SAXException { if (name.equals("mountPoints")) { mountPoints.add(text.toString()); } else if (name.equals("hasMore")) { result.setTruncated(Boolean.parseBoolean(text.toString())); } else if (name.equals("name") && object != null) { object.setName(text.toString()); } else if (name.equals("deviceExport") && object != null) { object.setDeviceExport(text.toString()); } else if (name.equals("relativePath") && object != null) { object.setRelativePath(text.toString()); } else if (name.equals("owner") && object != null) { object.setOwner(text.toString()); } else if (name.equals("objects")) { objects.add(object); lastObject = object; object = null; } text.setLength(0); } @Override public void characters(char ch[], int start, int length) { this.text.append(ch, start, length); } @Override public void endDocument() throws SAXException { result.setMountPoints(mountPoints); result.setObjects(objects); if (result.isTruncated()) result.setLastKey(lastObject.getName()); } } /** * Parses a ?endpoint response XML document from an input stream. * * @param inputStream XML data input stream. * @return the XML handler object populated with data parsed from the XML * stream. * @throws com.amazonaws.AmazonClientException * */ public ListDataNodesResultHandler parseListDataNodeResult(InputStream inputStream) throws AmazonClientException { ListDataNodesResultHandler handler = new ListDataNodesResultHandler(); parseXmlInputStream(handler, inputStream); return handler; } /* <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <ListDataNode xmlns="http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/"> <DataNodes></DataNodes> <DataNodes></DataNodes> <DataNodes></DataNodes> <VersionInfo>vipr-</VersionInfo> </ListDataNode> */ public class ListDataNodesResultHandler extends DefaultHandler { private ListDataNodesResult result = new ListDataNodesResult(); private StringBuilder text; private String version; private List<String> hosts = new ArrayList<String>(); public ListDataNodesResult getResult() { return result; } @Override public void startDocument() { text = new StringBuilder(); } @Override public void startElement(String uri, String name, String qName, Attributes attrs) { if (name.equals("ListDataNode")) { // expected, but no action } else if (name.equals("DataNodes")) { text.setLength(0); } else if (name.equals("VersionInfo")) { text.setLength(0); } else { log.warn("Ignoring unexpected tag <" + name + ">"); } } @Override public void endElement(String uri, String name, String qName) throws SAXException { if (name.equals("DataNodes")) { hosts.add(text.toString().trim()); } else if (name.equals("VersionInfo")) { version = text.toString().trim(); } text.setLength(0); } @Override public void characters(char ch[], int start, int length) { this.text.append(ch, start, length); } @Override public void endDocument() throws SAXException { result.setVersion(version); result.setHosts(hosts); } } }