package lifting; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import org.jdom2.Document; import org.jdom2.Element; import adapters.InterfaceToClass; /** * The abstract class containing the methods to lift a schema. It's extended by two classes : * one used to lift when the client is making a request to the server, the other when the * server is sending a response to the client. These 2 implementations are used by classes * extending from AbstractLifterCaller. * * @author Raphaƫl Martignoni * * @param <E> : a class, or a list of class. Corresponds to the arguments of a service * requested by a client to a server, or to the return type expected by a client in its * service proxy. */ public abstract class AbstractLifting<E> extends Lifting<E> { protected Document doc; protected E type; protected InterfaceToClass adpt; public AbstractLifting(Document doc, E type, InterfaceToClass adpt) { super(); this.doc = doc; this.type = type; this.adpt = adpt; } /** * Removes the fields from element which are not present in class1 * * TODO : solve the problem mentionned in the report. */ @Override protected boolean removeExtraFieldsFromList(Element e, Class<?> class1){ List<Element> l = e.getChildren(); Iterator<Element> i = l.iterator(); while( i.hasNext()){ Element courant =; this.removeExtraFields(courant, class1); this.rename(courant, class1); } return true; } @Override protected boolean removeExtraFields(Element e, Class<?> class1) { // dstClass the class used by marshalling, instead of the interface. Class<?> dstClass = class1; if (null != adpt) { dstClass = adpt.getClassByInterface(class1); if (null == dstClass) { dstClass = class1; } } Field[] fields = dstClass.getDeclaredFields(); boolean isNotInSuperClass; List<Element> l = e.getChildren(); Iterator<Element> i = l.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { Element courant =; isNotInSuperClass = true; for (int j = fields.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) { if (fields[j].getName().equals(courant.getName())) { isNotInSuperClass = false; break; } } if (isNotInSuperClass) { i.remove(); } } return true; } /** * This method is the heart of the lifting algorithm : it consists in * comparing an xml element, representing a class schema, to the * corresponding class. The aim is, if the xml schema represents a subclass * of the class in argument, it casts the schema to the type of class1, by * removing extra fields, and rename the root with the name of class1. * * It calls to methods : removeExtraFields(@@@) and rename(@@@) */ protected void indivLifting(Element element, Type type) { System.out.println("BeforeAlgo: \n<"+element.getName()+">"); List<Element> l2 = element.getChildren(); Iterator<Element> i2 = l2.iterator(); while( i2.hasNext()){ Element courant =; System.out.println("<"+courant.getName()+">"); } if(type instanceof ParameterizedType){ ParameterizedType typeP=(ParameterizedType) type; this.removeExtraFieldsFromList(element, (Class<?>) typeP.getActualTypeArguments()[0]); this.renames(element, (Class<?>) typeP.getActualTypeArguments()[0]); } else{ if(true){ this.removeExtraFields(element, (Class<?>) type); this.rename(element, (Class<?>) type); } } System.out.println("AfterAlgo: \n<"+element.getName()+">"); List<Element> l = element.getChildren(); Iterator<Element> i = l.iterator(); while( i.hasNext()){ Element courant2 =; System.out.println("<"+courant2.getName()+">"); } } /** * Renames the root element with the lower case name of the class */ @Override protected void rename(Element element, Class<?> clazz) { Class<?> dstClass = clazz; if (null != adpt){ dstClass = adpt.getClassByInterface(clazz); if (null == dstClass){ dstClass = clazz; } } element.setName(dstClass.getSimpleName().toLowerCase()); } @Override protected void renames(Element element, Class<?> clazz) { element.setName(clazz.getSimpleName().toLowerCase()+"s"); } }