import java.util.*; import javax.xml.bind.*; import javax.xml.bind.util.*; import javax.xml.validation.*; import utile.UniformementRepresentable; import model.ObjectFactory; import model.Personne; import*; public class CoreRequirementTest4{ /** We want to illustrate here the fact that "The command generation and the composition of the schema compilation and generation commutes". It means EITHER generating a SOAP command from an object, then generating a schema from it and getting the compilation of it back to an object instance; OR making the generation & compilation and then generating a SOAP command of this object WILL LEAD to the same result. (core requirement 4, in The Substitution Principle in an Object-Oriented Framework for Web Services: From Failure to Success, p8) **/ public static void main(String[] args) { Test t=new Test("model","documents","CGFp.xml","FCGp.xml"); ObjectFactory fabrique = new ObjectFactory(); Personne p = t.personne("Carl", "Johnson"); try { System.out.println(UniformementRepresentable.toString(new StringBuilder(), p)); JAXBElement<Personne> enveloppe1 = fabrique.createPersonne(p); FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(t.REP + "/" + t.FICHIER1); t.marshall(enveloppe1, out); FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(t.REP + "/" + t.FICHIER1); Object CGFp = t.unmarshall(in); out = new FileOutputStream(t.REP + "/" + t.FICHIER2); t.marshall(p, out); in = new FileInputStream(t.REP + "/" + t.FICHIER2); Object FCGp = t.unmarshall(in); System.out.println("CGFp: " + UniformementRepresentable.toString(new StringBuilder(), ((JAXBElement<?>) (CGFp)).getValue())); System.out.println("FCGp: " + UniformementRepresentable.toString(new StringBuilder(), ((JAXBElement<?>) (FCGp)).getValue())); System.out.println("Are these objects equal? " + UniformementRepresentable.equals(CGFp, FCGp)); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }