/* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElement; import org.onebusaway.gtfs.model.Frequency; import org.onebusaway.gtfs.model.Stop; import org.onebusaway.gtfs.model.Trip; import org.opentripplanner.common.model.T2; public class FrequencyBasedTripPattern implements Serializable, TripPattern { private static final long serialVersionUID = -5392197874345648815L; private Trip exemplar; // sorted by start time @XmlElement int[] timeRangeStart; @XmlElement int[] timeRangeEnd; @XmlElement int[] timeRangeFrequency; /* * All of the following arrays are indexed by stop sequence; the first departure time is always * 00:00:00 */ @XmlElement int[] departureTimes; int[] runningTimes; @XmlElement int[] arrivalTimes; int[] dwellTimes; private String[] headsigns; @XmlElement private String[] zones; @XmlElement private int tripFlags; @XmlElement private int[] perStopFlags; private transient List<Stop> stops; boolean exact; private int serviceId; public FrequencyBasedTripPattern(Trip trip, int size, int serviceId) { this.exemplar = trip; departureTimes = new int[size]; runningTimes = new int[size]; arrivalTimes = new int[size]; dwellTimes = new int[size]; headsigns = new String[size]; zones = new String[size]; perStopFlags = new int[size]; this.serviceId = serviceId; } public int getNextDepartureTime(int stopIndex, int afterTime, boolean wheelchairAccessible, boolean bikesAllowed, boolean pickup) { int mask = pickup ? TableTripPattern.MASK_PICKUP : TableTripPattern.MASK_DROPOFF; int shift = pickup ? TableTripPattern.SHIFT_PICKUP : TableTripPattern.SHIFT_DROPOFF; if ((perStopFlags[stopIndex] & mask) >> shift == TableTripPattern.NO_PICKUP) { return -1; } if (wheelchairAccessible && (perStopFlags[stopIndex] & TableTripPattern.FLAG_WHEELCHAIR_ACCESSIBLE) == 0) { return -1; } if (wheelchairAccessible || bikesAllowed) { int flags = (bikesAllowed ? TableTripPattern.FLAG_BIKES_ALLOWED : 0) | (wheelchairAccessible ? TableTripPattern.FLAG_WHEELCHAIR_ACCESSIBLE : 0); if ((tripFlags & flags) == 0) { return -1; } } int stopDepartureTimeOffset = departureTimes[stopIndex]; int afterTimeAtStart = afterTime - stopDepartureTimeOffset; int timeRange = Arrays.binarySearch(timeRangeStart, afterTimeAtStart); if (timeRange < 0) { timeRange = -timeRange - 1; if (timeRange > 0) timeRange -= 1; } int firstDepartureTimeInRange = stopDepartureTimeOffset + timeRangeStart[timeRange]; int frequency = timeRangeFrequency[timeRange]; int departureTime; if (exact) { if (afterTime < firstDepartureTimeInRange) { departureTime = firstDepartureTimeInRange; } else { int offset = (afterTime - firstDepartureTimeInRange) % frequency; if (offset == 0) offset = frequency; // catch exact hits departureTime = afterTime + frequency - offset; } } else { departureTime = afterTime + frequency; if (departureTime < firstDepartureTimeInRange) { departureTime = firstDepartureTimeInRange; } } if (departureTime - stopDepartureTimeOffset < timeRangeEnd[timeRange]) { return departureTime; } timeRange++; return -1; } public int getPreviousArrivalTime(int stopIndex, int beforeTime, boolean wheelchairAccessible, boolean bikesAllowed, boolean pickup) { int mask = pickup ? TableTripPattern.MASK_PICKUP : TableTripPattern.MASK_DROPOFF; int shift = pickup ? TableTripPattern.SHIFT_PICKUP : TableTripPattern.SHIFT_DROPOFF; if ((perStopFlags[stopIndex + 1] & mask) >> shift == TableTripPattern.NO_PICKUP) { return -1; } if (wheelchairAccessible && (perStopFlags[stopIndex] & TableTripPattern.FLAG_WHEELCHAIR_ACCESSIBLE) == 0) { return -1; } if (wheelchairAccessible || bikesAllowed) { int flags = (bikesAllowed ? TableTripPattern.FLAG_BIKES_ALLOWED : 0) | (wheelchairAccessible ? TableTripPattern.FLAG_WHEELCHAIR_ACCESSIBLE : 0); if ((tripFlags & flags) == 0) { return -1; } } int stopArrivalTimeOffset = arrivalTimes[stopIndex]; int beforeTimeAtStart = beforeTime - stopArrivalTimeOffset; int timeRange = Arrays.binarySearch(timeRangeEnd, beforeTimeAtStart); if (timeRange < 0) { timeRange = -timeRange - 1; } if (timeRange >= timeRangeStart.length) timeRange -= 1; if (beforeTimeAtStart < timeRangeStart[timeRange]) timeRange -= 1; if (timeRange < 0) return -1; int frequency = timeRangeFrequency[timeRange]; int frequencyOffset = (timeRangeEnd[timeRange] - timeRangeStart[timeRange]) % frequency; int lastArrivalTimeInRange = stopArrivalTimeOffset + timeRangeEnd[timeRange] - frequencyOffset; int arrivalTime; if (exact) { if (beforeTime > lastArrivalTimeInRange) { arrivalTime = lastArrivalTimeInRange; } else { int offset = (lastArrivalTimeInRange - beforeTime) % frequency; if (offset == 0) offset = frequency; // catch exact hits arrivalTime = beforeTime - frequency + offset; } } else { arrivalTime = beforeTime - frequency; } int arrivalTimeAtFirstStop = arrivalTime - stopArrivalTimeOffset; if (arrivalTimeAtFirstStop < timeRangeEnd[timeRange] && arrivalTimeAtFirstStop >= timeRangeStart[timeRange]) { return arrivalTime; } return -1; } public int getDwellTime(int stopIndex) { return dwellTimes[stopIndex]; } public int getRunningTime(int stopIndex) { return runningTimes[stopIndex]; } public boolean getWheelchairAccessible(int stopIndex) { if ((perStopFlags[stopIndex] & TableTripPattern.FLAG_WHEELCHAIR_ACCESSIBLE) == 0) { return false; } return true; } public boolean getBikesAllowed(int trip) { return (tripFlags & TableTripPattern.FLAG_BIKES_ALLOWED) != 0; } public boolean canAlight(int stopIndex) { return getAlightType(stopIndex) != TableTripPattern.NO_PICKUP; } public boolean canBoard(int stopIndex) { return getBoardType(stopIndex) != TableTripPattern.NO_PICKUP; } public String getZone(int stopIndex) { return zones[stopIndex]; } public Object getTrip(int trip) { return new T2<Trip, Integer>(exemplar, trip); } public String getHeadsign(int stopIndex) { return headsigns[stopIndex]; } public int getAlightType(int stopIndex) { return (perStopFlags[stopIndex] & TableTripPattern.MASK_DROPOFF) >> TableTripPattern.SHIFT_DROPOFF; } public int getBoardType(int stopIndex) { return (perStopFlags[stopIndex] & TableTripPattern.MASK_PICKUP) >> TableTripPattern.SHIFT_PICKUP; } public void createRanges(List<Frequency> frequencies) { timeRangeStart = new int[frequencies.size()]; timeRangeEnd = new int[frequencies.size()]; timeRangeFrequency = new int[frequencies.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < frequencies.size(); ++i) { Frequency frequency = frequencies.get(i); timeRangeStart[i] = frequency.getStartTime(); timeRangeEnd[i] = frequency.getEndTime(); timeRangeFrequency[i] = frequency.getHeadwaySecs(); exact = frequency.getExactTimes() == 1; // FIXME: assumes all frequencies work the same // way } } public int getTripFlags() { return tripFlags; } public void setTripFlags(int tripFlags) { this.tripFlags = tripFlags; } public Trip getTrip() { return exemplar; } public void addHop(int index, int departureTime, int runningTime, int arrivalTime, int dwellTime, String headsign) { departureTimes[index] = departureTime; runningTimes[index] = runningTime; arrivalTimes[index+1] = arrivalTime; dwellTimes[index] = dwellTime; headsigns[index] = headsign; } @Override public List<Stop> getStops() { return stops; } public void setStops(List<Stop> stops) { this.stops = stops; } public int getServiceId() { return serviceId; } }