/* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package org.opentripplanner.graph_builder.impl.osm; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import lombok.Setter; import org.opentripplanner.common.DisjointSet; import org.opentripplanner.common.RepeatingTimePeriod; import org.opentripplanner.common.TurnRestriction; import org.opentripplanner.common.TurnRestrictionType; import org.opentripplanner.common.geometry.DistanceLibrary; import org.opentripplanner.common.geometry.GeometryUtils; import org.opentripplanner.common.geometry.SphericalDistanceLibrary; import org.opentripplanner.common.model.P2; import org.opentripplanner.gbannotation.ConflictingBikeTags; import org.opentripplanner.gbannotation.Graphwide; import org.opentripplanner.gbannotation.LevelAmbiguous; import org.opentripplanner.gbannotation.StreetCarSpeedZero; import org.opentripplanner.gbannotation.TurnRestrictionBad; import org.opentripplanner.gbannotation.TurnRestrictionException; import org.opentripplanner.gbannotation.TurnRestrictionUnknown; import org.opentripplanner.graph_builder.impl.extra_elevation_data.ElevationPoint; import org.opentripplanner.graph_builder.services.GraphBuilder; import org.opentripplanner.graph_builder.services.osm.CustomNamer; import org.opentripplanner.openstreetmap.model.OSMLevel; import org.opentripplanner.openstreetmap.model.OSMLevel.Source; import org.opentripplanner.openstreetmap.model.OSMNode; import org.opentripplanner.openstreetmap.model.OSMRelation; import org.opentripplanner.openstreetmap.model.OSMRelationMember; import org.opentripplanner.openstreetmap.model.OSMTag; import org.opentripplanner.openstreetmap.model.OSMWay; import org.opentripplanner.openstreetmap.model.OSMWithTags; import org.opentripplanner.openstreetmap.services.OpenStreetMapContentHandler; import org.opentripplanner.openstreetmap.services.OpenStreetMapProvider; import org.opentripplanner.routing.algorithm.GenericDijkstra; import org.opentripplanner.routing.algorithm.strategies.SkipEdgeStrategy; import org.opentripplanner.routing.bike_rental.BikeRentalStation; import org.opentripplanner.routing.bike_rental.BikeRentalStationService; import org.opentripplanner.routing.core.RoutingRequest; import org.opentripplanner.routing.core.State; import org.opentripplanner.routing.core.TraverseMode; import org.opentripplanner.routing.core.TraverseModeSet; import org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.AreaEdge; import org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.AreaEdgeList; import org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.ElevatorAlightEdge; import org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.ElevatorBoardEdge; import org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.ElevatorHopEdge; import org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.FreeEdge; import org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.NamedArea; import org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.PlainStreetEdge; import org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.RentABikeOffEdge; import org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.RentABikeOnEdge; import org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.StreetEdge; import org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.StreetTraversalPermission; import org.opentripplanner.routing.graph.Edge; import org.opentripplanner.routing.graph.Graph; import org.opentripplanner.routing.graph.Vertex; import org.opentripplanner.routing.patch.Alert; import org.opentripplanner.routing.patch.TranslatedString; import org.opentripplanner.routing.spt.GraphPath; import org.opentripplanner.routing.spt.ShortestPathTree; import org.opentripplanner.routing.util.ElevationUtils; import org.opentripplanner.routing.vertextype.BikeRentalStationVertex; import org.opentripplanner.routing.vertextype.ElevatorOffboardVertex; import org.opentripplanner.routing.vertextype.ElevatorOnboardVertex; import org.opentripplanner.routing.vertextype.ExitVertex; import org.opentripplanner.routing.vertextype.IntersectionVertex; import org.opentripplanner.util.MapUtils; import org.opentripplanner.visibility.Environment; import org.opentripplanner.visibility.VLPoint; import org.opentripplanner.visibility.VLPolygon; import org.opentripplanner.visibility.VisibilityPolygon; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.GeometryCollection; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.GeometryFactory; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.LineString; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.LinearRing; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.MultiLineString; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.MultiPolygon; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Point; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Polygon; /** * Builds a street graph from OpenStreetMap data. * */ enum Direction { LEFT, RIGHT, U, STRAIGHT; } /** * A temporary holder for turn restrictions while we have only way/node ids but not yet edge objects */ class TurnRestrictionTag { long via; TurnRestrictionType type; Direction direction; RepeatingTimePeriod time; public List<PlainStreetEdge> possibleFrom = new ArrayList<PlainStreetEdge>(); public List<PlainStreetEdge> possibleTo = new ArrayList<PlainStreetEdge>(); public TraverseModeSet modes; TurnRestrictionTag(long via, TurnRestrictionType type, Direction direction) { this.via = via; this.type = type; this.direction = direction; } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("%s turn restriction via node %d", direction, via); } } public class OpenStreetMapGraphBuilderImpl implements GraphBuilder { private static Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(OpenStreetMapGraphBuilderImpl.class); // Private members that are only read or written internally. private Set<Object> _uniques = new HashSet<Object>(); private HashMap<Vertex, Double> elevationData = new HashMap<Vertex, Double>(); // Members that can be set by clients. /** * WayPropertySet computes edge properties from OSM way data. */ @Setter private WayPropertySet wayPropertySet = new WayPropertySet(); /** * Providers of OSM data. */ private List<OpenStreetMapProvider> _providers = new ArrayList<OpenStreetMapProvider>(); /** * Allows for arbitrary custom naming of edges. */ @Setter private CustomNamer customNamer; /** * Allows for alternate PlainStreetEdge implementations; this is intended for users who want to provide more info in PSE than OTP normally keeps * around. */ @Setter private OSMPlainStreetEdgeFactory edgeFactory = new DefaultOSMPlainStreetEdgeFactory(); /** * If true, disallow zero floors and add 1 to non-negative numeric floors, as is generally done in the United States. This does not affect floor * names from level maps. */ @Setter private boolean noZeroLevels = true; /** * Whether bike rental stations should be loaded from OSM, rather than periodically dynamically pulled from APIs. */ @Setter private boolean staticBikeRental = false; public List<String> provides() { return Arrays.asList("streets", "turns"); } public List<String> getPrerequisites() { return Collections.emptyList(); } /** * The source for OSM map data */ public void setProvider(OpenStreetMapProvider provider) { _providers.add(provider); } /** * Multiple sources for OSM map data */ public void setProviders(List<OpenStreetMapProvider> providers) { _providers.addAll(providers); } /** * Set the way properties from a {@link WayPropertySetSource} source. * * @param source the way properties source */ public void setDefaultWayPropertySetSource(WayPropertySetSource source) { wayPropertySet = source.getWayPropertySet(); } @Override public void buildGraph(Graph graph, HashMap<Class<?>, Object> extra) { Handler handler = new Handler(graph); for (OpenStreetMapProvider provider : _providers) { LOG.info("Gathering OSM from provider: " + provider); provider.readOSM(handler); } LOG.info("Building street graph from OSM"); handler.buildGraph(extra); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private <T> T unique(T value) { if (!_uniques.contains(value)) { _uniques.add(value); } return (T) value; } private class Handler implements OpenStreetMapContentHandler { private static final double VISIBILITY_EPSILON = 0.000000001; private static final String nodeLabelFormat = "osm:node:%d"; private static final String levelnodeLabelFormat = nodeLabelFormat + ":level:%s"; private Map<Long, OSMNode> _nodes = new HashMap<Long, OSMNode>(); private Map<Long, OSMWay> _ways = new HashMap<Long, OSMWay>(); private List<Area> _areas = new ArrayList<Area>(); private Set<Long> _areaWayIds = new HashSet<Long>(); private Map<Long, OSMWay> _areaWaysById = new HashMap<Long, OSMWay>(); private Map<Long, Set<OSMWay>> _areasForNode = new HashMap<Long, Set<OSMWay>>(); private List<OSMWay> _singleWayAreas = new ArrayList<OSMWay>(); private Map<Long, OSMRelation> _relations = new HashMap<Long, OSMRelation>(); private Set<OSMWithTags> _processedAreas = new HashSet<OSMWithTags>(); private Set<Long> _nodesWithNeighbors = new HashSet<Long>(); private Set<Long> _areaNodes = new HashSet<Long>(); private Map<Long, List<TurnRestrictionTag>> turnRestrictionsByFromWay = new HashMap<Long, List<TurnRestrictionTag>>(); private Map<Long, List<TurnRestrictionTag>> turnRestrictionsByToWay = new HashMap<Long, List<TurnRestrictionTag>>(); class Ring { public List<OSMNode> nodes; public VLPolygon geometry; public List<Ring> holes = new ArrayList<Ring>(); // equivalent to the ring representation, but used for JTS operations private Polygon jtsPolygon; /** * Why is there a boolean parameter called javaSucks? Because otherwise the two constructors have the same erasure, meaning that even * though Java has enough information at compile-time to figure out which constructor I am talking about, it intentionally throws this * away in the interest of having worse run-time performance. Thanks, Java! * * Oh, and most people would solve this problem by making a static factory method but that won't work because then all of this class's * outer classes would have to be static. * * @param osmNodes * @param javaSucks */ public Ring(List<OSMNode> osmNodes, boolean javaSucks) { ArrayList<VLPoint> vertices = new ArrayList<VLPoint>(); nodes = osmNodes; for (OSMNode node : osmNodes) { VLPoint point = new VLPoint(node.getLon(), node.getLat()); vertices.add(point); } geometry = new VLPolygon(vertices); } public Ring(List<Long> osmNodes) { ArrayList<VLPoint> vertices = new ArrayList<VLPoint>(); nodes = new ArrayList<OSMNode>(osmNodes.size()); for (long nodeId : osmNodes) { OSMNode node = _nodes.get(nodeId); if (nodes.contains(node)) { // hopefully, this only happens in order to // close polygons continue; } VLPoint point = new VLPoint(node.getLon(), node.getLat()); nodes.add(node); vertices.add(point); } geometry = new VLPolygon(vertices); } public Polygon toJtsPolygon() { if (jtsPolygon != null) { return jtsPolygon; } GeometryFactory factory = GeometryUtils.getGeometryFactory(); LinearRing shell = factory.createLinearRing(toCoordinates(geometry)); // we need to merge connected holes here, because JTS does not believe in // holes that touch at multiple points (and, weirdly, does not have a method // to detect this other than this crazy DE-9IM stuff List<Polygon> polygonHoles = new ArrayList<Polygon>(); for (Ring ring : holes) { LinearRing linearRing = factory.createLinearRing(toCoordinates(ring.geometry)); Polygon polygon = factory.createPolygon(linearRing, new LinearRing[0]); for (Iterator<Polygon> it = polygonHoles.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Polygon otherHole = it.next(); if (otherHole.relate(polygon, "F***1****")) { polygon = (Polygon) polygon.union(otherHole); it.remove(); } } polygonHoles.add(polygon); } ArrayList<LinearRing> lrholelist = new ArrayList<LinearRing>(polygonHoles.size()); for (Polygon hole : polygonHoles) { Geometry boundary = hole.getBoundary(); if (boundary instanceof LinearRing) { lrholelist.add((LinearRing) boundary); } else { // this is a case of a hole inside a hole. OSM technically // allows this, but it would be a giant hassle to get right. So: LineString line = hole.getExteriorRing(); LinearRing ring = factory.createLinearRing(line.getCoordinates()); lrholelist.add(ring); } } LinearRing[] lrholes = lrholelist.toArray(new LinearRing[lrholelist.size()]); jtsPolygon = factory.createPolygon(shell, lrholes); return jtsPolygon; } private Coordinate[] toCoordinates(VLPolygon geometry) { Coordinate[] coords = new Coordinate[geometry.n() + 1]; int i = 0; for (VLPoint point : geometry.vertices) { coords[i++] = new Coordinate(point.x, point.y); } VLPoint first = geometry.vertices.get(0); coords[i++] = new Coordinate(first.x, first.y); return coords; } } /** * Stores information about an OSM area needed for visibility graph construction. Algorithm based on * http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Relation:multipolygon/Algorithm but generally done in a quick/dirty way. */ class Area { public class AreaConstructionException extends RuntimeException { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; } OSMWithTags parent; // this is the way or relation that has the relevant tags for the // area List<Ring> outermostRings = new ArrayList<Ring>(); private MultiPolygon jtsMultiPolygon; Area(OSMWithTags parent, List<OSMWay> outerRingWays, List<OSMWay> innerRingWays) { this.parent = parent; setWayName(parent); // ring assignment List<List<Long>> innerRingNodes = constructRings(innerRingWays); List<List<Long>> outerRingNodes = constructRings(outerRingWays); if (innerRingNodes == null || outerRingNodes == null) { throw new AreaConstructionException(); } ArrayList<List<Long>> allRings = new ArrayList<List<Long>>(innerRingNodes); allRings.addAll(outerRingNodes); List<Ring> innerRings = new ArrayList<Ring>(); List<Ring> outerRings = new ArrayList<Ring>(); for (List<Long> ring : innerRingNodes) { innerRings.add(new Ring(ring)); } for (List<Long> ring : outerRingNodes) { outerRings.add(new Ring(ring)); } // now, ring grouping // first, find outermost rings OUTER: for (Ring outer : outerRings) { for (Ring possibleContainer : outerRings) { if (outer != possibleContainer && outer.geometry.hasPointInside(possibleContainer.geometry)) { continue OUTER; } } outermostRings.add(outer); // find holes in this ring for (Ring possibleHole : innerRings) { if (possibleHole.geometry.hasPointInside(outer.geometry)) { outer.holes.add(possibleHole); } } } // run this at end of ctor so that exception // can be caught in the right place toJTSMultiPolygon(); } public MultiPolygon toJTSMultiPolygon() { if (jtsMultiPolygon == null) { List<Polygon> polygons = new ArrayList<Polygon>(); for (Ring ring : outermostRings) { polygons.add(ring.toJtsPolygon()); } jtsMultiPolygon = GeometryUtils.getGeometryFactory().createMultiPolygon( polygons.toArray(new Polygon[0])); if (!jtsMultiPolygon.isValid()) { throw new AreaConstructionException(); } } return jtsMultiPolygon; } public List<List<Long>> constructRings(List<OSMWay> ways) { if (ways.size() == 0) { // no rings is no rings return Collections.emptyList(); } List<List<Long>> closedRings = new ArrayList<List<Long>>(); HashMap<Long, List<OSMWay>> waysByEndpoint = new HashMap<Long, List<OSMWay>>(); for (OSMWay way : ways) { List<Long> refs = way.getNodeRefs(); long start = refs.get(0); long end = refs.get(refs.size() - 1); if (start == end) { ArrayList<Long> ring = new ArrayList<Long>(refs); closedRings.add(ring); } else { MapUtils.addToMapList(waysByEndpoint, start, way); MapUtils.addToMapList(waysByEndpoint, end, way); } } // precheck for impossible situations List<Long> toRemove = new ArrayList<Long>(); for (Map.Entry<Long, List<OSMWay>> entry : waysByEndpoint.entrySet()) { List<OSMWay> list = entry.getValue(); if (list.size() % 2 == 1) { return null; } } for (Long key : toRemove) { waysByEndpoint.remove(key); } List<Long> partialRing = new ArrayList<Long>(); if (waysByEndpoint.size() == 0) { return closedRings; } long firstEndpoint = 0, otherEndpoint = 0; OSMWay firstWay = null; for (Map.Entry<Long, List<OSMWay>> entry : waysByEndpoint.entrySet()) { firstEndpoint = entry.getKey(); List<OSMWay> list = entry.getValue(); firstWay = list.get(0); List<Long> nodeRefs = firstWay.getNodeRefs(); partialRing.addAll(nodeRefs); firstEndpoint = nodeRefs.get(0); otherEndpoint = nodeRefs.get(nodeRefs.size() - 1); break; } waysByEndpoint.get(firstEndpoint).remove(firstWay); waysByEndpoint.get(otherEndpoint).remove(firstWay); if (constructRingsRecursive(waysByEndpoint, partialRing, closedRings, firstEndpoint)) { return closedRings; } else { return null; } } private boolean constructRingsRecursive(HashMap<Long, List<OSMWay>> waysByEndpoint, List<Long> ring, List<List<Long>> closedRings, long endpoint) { List<OSMWay> ways = new ArrayList<OSMWay>(waysByEndpoint.get(endpoint)); for (OSMWay way : ways) { // remove this way from the map List<Long> nodeRefs = way.getNodeRefs(); long firstEndpoint = nodeRefs.get(0); long otherEndpoint = nodeRefs.get(nodeRefs.size() - 1); MapUtils.removeFromMapList(waysByEndpoint, firstEndpoint, way); MapUtils.removeFromMapList(waysByEndpoint, otherEndpoint, way); ArrayList<Long> newRing = new ArrayList<Long>(ring.size() + nodeRefs.size()); long newFirstEndpoint; if (firstEndpoint == endpoint) { for (int j = nodeRefs.size() - 1; j >= 1; --j) { newRing.add(nodeRefs.get(j)); } newRing.addAll(ring); newFirstEndpoint = otherEndpoint; } else { newRing.addAll(nodeRefs.subList(0, nodeRefs.size() - 1)); newRing.addAll(ring); newFirstEndpoint = firstEndpoint; } if (newRing.get(newRing.size() - 1).equals(newRing.get(0))) { // ring closure closedRings.add(newRing); // if we're out of endpoints, then we have succeeded if (waysByEndpoint.size() == 0) { return true; // success } // otherwise, we need to start a new partial ring newRing = new ArrayList<Long>(); OSMWay firstWay = null; for (Map.Entry<Long, List<OSMWay>> entry : waysByEndpoint.entrySet()) { firstEndpoint = entry.getKey(); List<OSMWay> list = entry.getValue(); firstWay = list.get(0); nodeRefs = firstWay.getNodeRefs(); newRing.addAll(nodeRefs); firstEndpoint = nodeRefs.get(0); otherEndpoint = nodeRefs.get(nodeRefs.size() - 1); break; } MapUtils.removeFromMapList(waysByEndpoint, firstEndpoint, firstWay); MapUtils.removeFromMapList(waysByEndpoint, otherEndpoint, firstWay); if (constructRingsRecursive(waysByEndpoint, newRing, closedRings, firstEndpoint)) { return true; } MapUtils.addToMapList(waysByEndpoint, firstEndpoint, firstWay); MapUtils.addToMapList(waysByEndpoint, otherEndpoint, firstWay); } else { // continue with this ring if (waysByEndpoint.get(newFirstEndpoint) != null) { if (constructRingsRecursive(waysByEndpoint, newRing, closedRings, newFirstEndpoint)) { return true; } } } if (firstEndpoint == endpoint) { MapUtils.addToMapList(waysByEndpoint, otherEndpoint, way); } else { MapUtils.addToMapList(waysByEndpoint, firstEndpoint, way); } } return false; } } /** * A group of possibly-contiguous areas sharing the same level */ class AreaGroup { /* * The list of underlying areas, used when generating edges out of the visibility graph */ Collection<Area> areas; /** * The joined outermost rings of the areas (with inner rings for holes as necessary). */ List<Ring> outermostRings = new ArrayList<Ring>(); public AreaGroup(Collection<Area> areas) { this.areas = areas; // Merging non-convex polygons is complicated, so we need to convert to JTS, let JTS do the hard work, // then convert back. List<Polygon> allRings = new ArrayList<Polygon>(); // However, JTS will lose the coord<->osmnode mapping, and we will have to reconstruct it. HashMap<Coordinate, OSMNode> nodeMap = new HashMap<Coordinate, OSMNode>(); for (Area area : areas) { for (Ring ring : area.outermostRings) { allRings.add(ring.toJtsPolygon()); for (OSMNode node : ring.nodes) { nodeMap.put(new Coordinate(node.getLon(), node.getLat()), node); } for (Ring inner : ring.holes) { for (OSMNode node : inner.nodes) { nodeMap.put(new Coordinate(node.getLon(), node.getLat()), node); } } } } GeometryFactory geometryFactory = GeometryUtils.getGeometryFactory(); Geometry u = geometryFactory.createMultiPolygon(allRings .toArray(new Polygon[allRings.size()])); u = u.union(); if (u instanceof GeometryCollection) { GeometryCollection mp = (GeometryCollection) u; for (int i = 0; i < mp.getNumGeometries(); ++i) { Geometry poly = mp.getGeometryN(i); if (!(poly instanceof Polygon)) { LOG.warn("Unexpected non-polygon when merging areas: " + poly); continue; } outermostRings.add(toRing((Polygon) poly, nodeMap)); } } else if (u instanceof Polygon) { outermostRings.add(toRing((Polygon) u, nodeMap)); } else { LOG.warn("Unexpected non-polygon when merging areas: " + u); } } public class RingConstructionException extends RuntimeException { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; } private Ring toRing(Polygon polygon, HashMap<Coordinate, OSMNode> nodeMap) { List<OSMNode> shell = new ArrayList<OSMNode>(); for (Coordinate coord : polygon.getExteriorRing().getCoordinates()) { OSMNode node = nodeMap.get(coord); if (node == null) { throw new RingConstructionException(); } shell.add(node); } Ring ring = new Ring(shell, true); // now the holes for (int i = 0; i < polygon.getNumInteriorRing(); ++i) { LineString interior = polygon.getInteriorRingN(i); List<OSMNode> hole = new ArrayList<OSMNode>(); for (Coordinate coord : interior.getCoordinates()) { OSMNode node = nodeMap.get(coord); if (node == null) { throw new RingConstructionException(); } hole.add(node); } ring.holes.add(new Ring(hole, true)); } return ring; } public OSMWithTags getSomeOSMObject() { return areas.iterator().next().parent; } } private Graph graph; /** The bike safety factor of the safest street */ private double bestBikeSafety = 1; // track OSM nodes which are decomposed into multiple graph vertices because they are // elevators. later they will be iterated over to build ElevatorEdges between them. private HashMap<Long, HashMap<OSMLevel, IntersectionVertex>> multiLevelNodes = new HashMap<Long, HashMap<OSMLevel, IntersectionVertex>>(); // track OSM nodes that will become graph vertices because they appear in multiple OSM ways private Map<Long, IntersectionVertex> intersectionNodes = new HashMap<Long, IntersectionVertex>(); // track vertices to be removed in the turn-graph conversion. // this is a superset of intersectionNodes.values, which contains // a null vertex reference for multilevel nodes. the individual vertices // for each level of a multilevel node are includeed in endpoints. private ArrayList<IntersectionVertex> endpoints = new ArrayList<IntersectionVertex>(); // track which vertical level each OSM way belongs to, for building elevators etc. private Map<OSMWithTags, OSMLevel> wayLevels = new HashMap<OSMWithTags, OSMLevel>(); private HashSet<OSMNode> _bikeRentalNodes = new HashSet<OSMNode>(); private DistanceLibrary distanceLibrary = SphericalDistanceLibrary.getInstance(); private HashMap<Coordinate, IntersectionVertex> areaBoundaryVertexForCoordinate = new HashMap<Coordinate, IntersectionVertex>(); public Handler(Graph graph) { this.graph = graph; } public void buildGraph(HashMap<Class<?>, Object> extra) { // handle turn restrictions, road names, and level maps in relations processRelations(); if (staticBikeRental) { processBikeRentalNodes(); } // Remove all simple islands HashSet<Long> _keep = new HashSet<Long>(_nodesWithNeighbors); _keep.addAll(_areaNodes); _nodes.keySet().retainAll(_keep); // figure out which nodes that are actually intersections initIntersectionNodes(); buildBasicGraph(); buildAreas(); buildElevatorEdges(graph); /* unify turn restrictions */ for (List<TurnRestrictionTag> restrictions : turnRestrictionsByFromWay.values()) { for (TurnRestrictionTag restrictionTag : restrictions) { if (restrictionTag.possibleFrom.isEmpty()) { LOG.warn("No from edge found for " + restrictionTag); continue; } if (restrictionTag.possibleTo.isEmpty()) { LOG.warn("No to edge found for " + restrictionTag); continue; } for (PlainStreetEdge from : restrictionTag.possibleFrom) { if (from == null) { LOG.warn("from-edge is null in turn " + restrictionTag); continue; } for (PlainStreetEdge to : restrictionTag.possibleTo) { if (from == null || to == null) { continue; } int angleDiff = from.getOutAngle() - to.getInAngle(); if (angleDiff < 0) { angleDiff += 360; } switch (restrictionTag.direction) { case LEFT: if (angleDiff >= 160) { continue; // not a left turn } break; case RIGHT: if (angleDiff <= 200) continue; // not a right turn break; case U: if ((angleDiff <= 150 || angleDiff > 210)) continue; // not a U turn break; case STRAIGHT: if (angleDiff >= 30 && angleDiff < 330) continue; // not straight break; } TurnRestriction restriction = new TurnRestriction(); restriction.from = from; restriction.to = to; restriction.type = restrictionTag.type; restriction.modes = restrictionTag.modes; restriction.time = restrictionTag.time; from.addTurnRestriction(restriction); } } } } if (customNamer != null) { customNamer.postprocess(graph); } // generate elevation profiles extra.put(ElevationPoint.class, elevationData); applyBikeSafetyFactor(graph); } // END buildGraph() private void processBikeRentalNodes() { LOG.info("Processing bike rental nodes..."); int n = 0; BikeRentalStationService bikeRentalService = new BikeRentalStationService(); graph.putService(BikeRentalStationService.class, bikeRentalService); for (OSMNode node : _bikeRentalNodes) { n++; String creativeName = wayPropertySet.getCreativeNameForWay(node); int capacity = Integer.MAX_VALUE; if (node.hasTag("capacity")) { try { capacity = node.getCapacity(); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { LOG.warn("Capacity for osm node " + node.getId() + " (" + creativeName + ") is not a number: " + node.getTag("capacity")); } } String networks = node.getTag("network"); String operators = node.getTag("operator"); Set<String> networkSet = new HashSet<String>(); if (networks != null) networkSet.addAll(Arrays.asList(networks.split(";"))); if (operators != null) networkSet.addAll(Arrays.asList(operators.split(";"))); if (networkSet.isEmpty()) { LOG.warn("Bike rental station at osm node " + node.getId() + " (" + creativeName + ") with no network; including as compatible-with-all."); networkSet.add("*"); // Special "catch-all" value } BikeRentalStation station = new BikeRentalStation(); station.id = "" + node.getId(); station.name = creativeName; station.x = node.getLon(); station.y = node.getLat(); // The following make sure that spaces+bikes=capacity, always. // Also, for the degenerate case of capacity=1, we should have 1 // bike available, not 0. station.spacesAvailable = capacity / 2; station.bikesAvailable = capacity - station.spacesAvailable; station.realTimeData = false; bikeRentalService.addStation(station); BikeRentalStationVertex stationVertex = new BikeRentalStationVertex(graph, station); new RentABikeOnEdge(stationVertex, stationVertex, networkSet); new RentABikeOffEdge(stationVertex, stationVertex, networkSet); } LOG.info("Created " + n + " bike rental stations."); } final int MAX_AREA_NODES = 500; private void buildAreas() { LOG.info("Building visibility graphs for areas"); List<AreaGroup> areaGroups = groupAreas(_areas); for (AreaGroup group : areaGroups) { buildAreasForGroup(group); } } /** * Theoretically, it is not correct to build the visibility graph on the joined polygon of areas with different levels of bike safety. That's * because in the optimal path, you might end up changing direction at area boundaries. The problem is known as "weighted planar * subdivisions", and the best known algorithm is O(N^3). That's not much worse than general visibility graph construction, but it would have * to be done at runtime to account for the differences in bike safety preferences. Ted Chiang's "Story Of Your Life" describes how a very * similar problem in optics gives rise to Snell's Law. It is the second-best story about a law of physics that I know of (Chiang's * "Exhalation" is the first). * * Anyway, since we're not going to run an O(N^3) algorithm at runtime just to give people who don't understand Snell's Law weird paths that * they can complain about, this should be just fine. * * @param group */ private void buildAreasForGroup(AreaGroup group) { Set<OSMNode> startingNodes = new HashSet<OSMNode>(); Set<Vertex> startingVertices = new HashSet<Vertex>(); Set<Edge> edges = new HashSet<Edge>(); // create polygon and accumulate nodes for area for (Ring ring : group.outermostRings) { AreaEdgeList edgeList = new AreaEdgeList(); // the points corresponding to concave or hole vertices // or those linked to ways ArrayList<VLPoint> visibilityPoints = new ArrayList<VLPoint>(); ArrayList<OSMNode> visibilityNodes = new ArrayList<OSMNode>(); HashSet<P2<OSMNode>> alreadyAddedEdges = new HashSet<P2<OSMNode>>(); // we need to accumulate visibility points from all contained areas // inside this ring, but only for shared nodes; we don't care about // convexity, which we'll handle for the grouped area only. // we also want to fill in the edges of this area anyway, because we can, // and to avoid the numerical problems that they tend to cause for (Area area : group.areas) { if (!ring.toJtsPolygon().contains(area.toJTSMultiPolygon())) { continue; } for (Ring outerRing : area.outermostRings) { for (int i = 0; i < outerRing.nodes.size(); ++i) { OSMNode node = outerRing.nodes.get(i); createEdgesForRingSegment(edges, edgeList, area, outerRing, i, alreadyAddedEdges); addtoVisibilityAndStartSets(startingNodes, visibilityPoints, visibilityNodes, node); } for (Ring innerRing : outerRing.holes) { for (int j = 0; j < innerRing.nodes.size(); ++j) { OSMNode node = innerRing.nodes.get(j); createEdgesForRingSegment(edges, edgeList, area, innerRing, j, alreadyAddedEdges); addtoVisibilityAndStartSets(startingNodes, visibilityPoints, visibilityNodes, node); } } } } List<OSMNode> nodes = new ArrayList<OSMNode>(); List<VLPoint> vertices = new ArrayList<VLPoint>(); accumulateRingNodes(ring, nodes, vertices); VLPolygon polygon = makeStandardizedVLPolygon(vertices, nodes, false); accumulateVisibilityPoints(ring.nodes, polygon, visibilityPoints, visibilityNodes, false); ArrayList<VLPolygon> polygons = new ArrayList<VLPolygon>(); polygons.add(polygon); // holes for (Ring innerRing : ring.holes) { ArrayList<OSMNode> holeNodes = new ArrayList<OSMNode>(); vertices = new ArrayList<VLPoint>(); accumulateRingNodes(innerRing, holeNodes, vertices); VLPolygon hole = makeStandardizedVLPolygon(vertices, holeNodes, true); accumulateVisibilityPoints(innerRing.nodes, hole, visibilityPoints, visibilityNodes, true); nodes.addAll(holeNodes); polygons.add(hole); } Environment areaEnv = new Environment(polygons); // FIXME: temporary hard limit on size of // areas to prevent way explosion if (visibilityPoints.size() > MAX_AREA_NODES) { LOG.warn("Area " + group.getSomeOSMObject() + " is too complicated (" + visibilityPoints.size() + " > " + MAX_AREA_NODES); continue; } if (!areaEnv.is_valid(VISIBILITY_EPSILON)) { LOG.warn("Area " + group.getSomeOSMObject() + " is not epsilon-valid (epsilon = " + VISIBILITY_EPSILON + ")"); continue; } edgeList.setOriginalEdges(ring.toJtsPolygon()); createNamedAreas(edgeList, ring, group.areas); OSMWithTags areaEntity = group.getSomeOSMObject(); for (int i = 0; i < visibilityNodes.size(); ++i) { OSMNode nodeI = visibilityNodes.get(i); VisibilityPolygon visibilityPolygon = new VisibilityPolygon( visibilityPoints.get(i), areaEnv, VISIBILITY_EPSILON); Polygon poly = toJTSPolygon(visibilityPolygon); for (int j = 0; j < visibilityNodes.size(); ++j) { OSMNode nodeJ = visibilityNodes.get(j); P2<OSMNode> nodePair = new P2<OSMNode>(nodeI, nodeJ); if (alreadyAddedEdges.contains(nodePair)) continue; IntersectionVertex startEndpoint = getVertexForOsmNode(nodeI, areaEntity); IntersectionVertex endEndpoint = getVertexForOsmNode(nodeJ, areaEntity); Coordinate[] coordinates = new Coordinate[] { startEndpoint.getCoordinate(), endEndpoint.getCoordinate() }; GeometryFactory geometryFactory = GeometryUtils.getGeometryFactory(); LineString line = geometryFactory.createLineString(coordinates); if (poly.contains(line)) { createSegments(nodeI, nodeJ, startEndpoint, endEndpoint, group.areas, edgeList, edges); if (startingNodes.contains(nodeI)) { startingVertices.add(startEndpoint); } if (startingNodes.contains(nodeJ)) { startingVertices.add(endEndpoint); } } } } } pruneAreaEdges(startingVertices, edges); } private void addtoVisibilityAndStartSets(Set<OSMNode> startingNodes, ArrayList<VLPoint> visibilityPoints, ArrayList<OSMNode> visibilityNodes, OSMNode node) { if (_nodesWithNeighbors.contains(node.getId()) || multipleAreasContain(node.getId())) { startingNodes.add(node); VLPoint point = new VLPoint(node.getLon(), node.getLat()); if (!visibilityPoints.contains(point)) { visibilityPoints.add(point); visibilityNodes.add(node); } } } private Polygon toJTSPolygon(VLPolygon visibilityPolygon) { // incomprehensibly, visilibity's routines for figuring out point-polygon containment are too broken // to use here, so we have to fall back to JTS. Coordinate[] coordinates = new Coordinate[visibilityPolygon.n() + 1]; for (int p = 0; p < coordinates.length; ++p) { VLPoint vlPoint = visibilityPolygon.get(p); coordinates[p] = new Coordinate(vlPoint.x, vlPoint.y); } LinearRing shell = GeometryUtils.getGeometryFactory().createLinearRing(coordinates); Polygon poly = GeometryUtils.getGeometryFactory().createPolygon(shell, new LinearRing[0]); return poly; } private void createEdgesForRingSegment(Set<Edge> edges, AreaEdgeList edgeList, Area area, Ring ring, int i, HashSet<P2<OSMNode>> alreadyAddedEdges) { OSMNode node = ring.nodes.get(i); OSMNode nextNode = ring.nodes.get((i + 1) % ring.nodes.size()); P2<OSMNode> nodePair = new P2<OSMNode>(node, nextNode); if (alreadyAddedEdges.contains(nodePair)) { return; } alreadyAddedEdges.add(nodePair); IntersectionVertex startEndpoint = getVertexForOsmNode(node, area.parent); IntersectionVertex endEndpoint = getVertexForOsmNode(nextNode, area.parent); createSegments(node, nextNode, startEndpoint, endEndpoint, Arrays.asList(area), edgeList, edges); } private void createNamedAreas(AreaEdgeList edgeList, Ring ring, Collection<Area> areas) { Polygon containingArea = ring.toJtsPolygon(); for (Area area : areas) { Geometry intersection = containingArea.intersection(area.toJTSMultiPolygon()); if (intersection.getArea() == 0) { continue; } NamedArea namedArea = new NamedArea(); OSMWithTags areaEntity = area.parent; int cls = StreetEdge.CLASS_OTHERPATH; cls |= getStreetClasses(areaEntity); namedArea.setStreetClass(cls); String id = "way (area) " + areaEntity.getId() + " (splitter linking)"; id = unique(id); String name = getNameForWay(areaEntity, id); namedArea.setName(name); WayProperties wayData = wayPropertySet.getDataForWay(areaEntity); Double safety = wayData.getSafetyFeatures().getFirst(); namedArea.setBicycleSafetyMultiplier(safety); namedArea.setOriginalEdges(intersection); StreetTraversalPermission permission = getPermissionsForEntity(areaEntity, StreetTraversalPermission.PEDESTRIAN_AND_BICYCLE); namedArea.setPermission(permission); edgeList.addArea(namedArea); } } private void createSegments(OSMNode fromNode, OSMNode toNode, IntersectionVertex startEndpoint, IntersectionVertex endEndpoint, Collection<Area> areas, AreaEdgeList edgeList, Set<Edge> edges) { List<Area> intersects = new ArrayList<Area>(); Coordinate[] coordinates = new Coordinate[] { startEndpoint.getCoordinate(), endEndpoint.getCoordinate() }; GeometryFactory geometryFactory = GeometryUtils.getGeometryFactory(); LineString line = geometryFactory.createLineString(coordinates); for (Area area : areas) { MultiPolygon polygon = area.toJTSMultiPolygon(); Geometry intersection = polygon.intersection(line); if (intersection.getLength() > 0.000001) { intersects.add(area); } } if (intersects.size() == 0) { // apparently our intersection here was bogus return; } // do we need to recurse? if (intersects.size() == 1) { Area area = intersects.get(0); OSMWithTags areaEntity = area.parent; StreetTraversalPermission areaPermissions = getPermissionsForEntity(areaEntity, StreetTraversalPermission.PEDESTRIAN_AND_BICYCLE); float carSpeed = wayPropertySet.getCarSpeedForWay(areaEntity, false); double length = distanceLibrary.distance(startEndpoint.getCoordinate(), endEndpoint.getCoordinate()); int cls = StreetEdge.CLASS_OTHERPATH; cls |= getStreetClasses(areaEntity); String label = "way (area) " + areaEntity.getId() + " from " + startEndpoint.getLabel() + " to " + endEndpoint.getLabel(); label = unique(label); String name = getNameForWay(areaEntity, label); AreaEdge street = edgeFactory.createAreaEdge(fromNode, toNode, areaEntity, startEndpoint, endEndpoint, line, name, length, areaPermissions, false, carSpeed, edgeList); street.setStreetClass(cls); edges.add(street); label = "way (area) " + areaEntity.getId() + " from " + endEndpoint.getLabel() + " to " + startEndpoint.getLabel(); label = unique(label); name = getNameForWay(areaEntity, label); AreaEdge backStreet = edgeFactory.createAreaEdge(toNode, fromNode, areaEntity, endEndpoint, startEndpoint, (LineString) line.reverse(), name, length, areaPermissions, true, carSpeed, edgeList); backStreet.setStreetClass(cls); edges.add(backStreet); WayProperties wayData = wayPropertySet.getDataForWay(areaEntity); applyWayProperties(street, backStreet, wayData, areaEntity); } else { // take the part that intersects with the start vertex Coordinate startCoordinate = startEndpoint.getCoordinate(); Point startPoint = geometryFactory.createPoint(startCoordinate); for (Area area : intersects) { MultiPolygon polygon = area.toJTSMultiPolygon(); if (!(polygon.intersects(startPoint) || polygon.getBoundary().intersects( startPoint))) continue; Geometry lineParts = line.intersection(polygon); if (lineParts.getLength() > 0.000001) { Coordinate edgeCoordinate = null; // this is either a LineString or a MultiLineString (we hope) if (lineParts instanceof MultiLineString) { MultiLineString mls = (MultiLineString) lineParts; boolean found = false; for (int i = 0; i < mls.getNumGeometries(); ++i) { LineString segment = (LineString) mls.getGeometryN(i); if (found) { edgeCoordinate = segment.getEndPoint().getCoordinate(); break; } if (segment.contains(startPoint) || segment.getBoundary().contains(startPoint)) { found = true; if (segment.getLength() > 0.000001) { edgeCoordinate = segment.getEndPoint().getCoordinate(); break; } } } } else if (lineParts instanceof LineString) { edgeCoordinate = ((LineString) lineParts).getEndPoint().getCoordinate(); } else { continue; } IntersectionVertex newEndpoint = areaBoundaryVertexForCoordinate .get(edgeCoordinate); if (newEndpoint == null) { newEndpoint = new IntersectionVertex(graph, "area splitter at " + edgeCoordinate, edgeCoordinate.x, edgeCoordinate.y); areaBoundaryVertexForCoordinate.put(edgeCoordinate, newEndpoint); } createSegments(fromNode, toNode, startEndpoint, newEndpoint, Arrays.asList(area), edgeList, edges); createSegments(fromNode, toNode, newEndpoint, endEndpoint, intersects, edgeList, edges); break; } } } } private void accumulateRingNodes(Ring ring, List<OSMNode> nodes, List<VLPoint> vertices) { for (OSMNode node : ring.nodes) { if (nodes.contains(node)) { // hopefully, this only happens in order to // close polygons continue; } VLPoint point = new VLPoint(node.getLon(), node.getLat()); nodes.add(node); vertices.add(point); } } private void accumulateVisibilityPoints(List<OSMNode> nodes, VLPolygon polygon, List<VLPoint> visibilityPoints, List<OSMNode> visibilityNodes, boolean hole) { int n = polygon.vertices.size(); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { OSMNode curNode = nodes.get(i); VLPoint cur = polygon.vertices.get(i); VLPoint prev = polygon.vertices.get((i + n - 1) % n); VLPoint next = polygon.vertices.get((i + 1) % n); if (hole || (cur.x - prev.x) * (next.y - cur.y) - (cur.y - prev.y) * (next.x - cur.x) > 0) { // that math up there is a cross product to check // if the point is concave. Note that the sign is reversed because // visilibity is either ccw or latitude-major if (!visibilityNodes.contains(curNode)) { visibilityPoints.add(cur); visibilityNodes.add(curNode); } } } } private VLPolygon makeStandardizedVLPolygon(List<VLPoint> vertices, List<OSMNode> nodes, boolean reversed) { VLPolygon polygon = new VLPolygon(vertices); if ((reversed && polygon.area() > 0) || (!reversed && polygon.area() < 0)) { polygon.reverse(); // need to reverse nodes as well reversePolygonOfOSMNodes(nodes); } if (!polygon.is_in_standard_form()) { standardize(polygon.vertices, nodes); } return polygon; } private List<AreaGroup> groupAreas(List<Area> areas) { DisjointSet<Area> groups = new DisjointSet<Area>(); HashMap<OSMNode, List<Area>> areasForNode = new HashMap<OSMNode, List<Area>>(); for (Area area : areas) { for (Ring ring : area.outermostRings) { for (Ring inner : ring.holes) { for (OSMNode node : inner.nodes) { MapUtils.addToMapList(areasForNode, node, area); } } for (OSMNode node : ring.nodes) { MapUtils.addToMapList(areasForNode, node, area); } } } // areas that can be joined must share nodes and levels for (List<Area> nodeAreas : areasForNode.values()) { for (Area area1 : nodeAreas) { OSMLevel level1 = wayLevels.get(area1.parent); for (Area area2 : nodeAreas) { OSMLevel level2 = wayLevels.get(area2.parent); if ((level1 == null && level2 == null) || (level1 != null && level1.equals(level2))) { groups.union(area1, area2); } } } } List<AreaGroup> out = new ArrayList<AreaGroup>(); for (Set<Area> areaSet : groups.sets()) { try { out.add(new AreaGroup(areaSet)); } catch (AreaGroup.RingConstructionException e) { for (Area area : areaSet) { LOG.debug("Failed to create merged area for " + area + ". This area might not be at fault; it might be one of the other areas in this list."); out.add(new AreaGroup(Arrays.asList(area))); } } } return out; } private void standardize(ArrayList<VLPoint> vertices, List<OSMNode> nodes) { // based on code from VisiLibity int point_count = vertices.size(); if (point_count > 1) { // if more than one point in the polygon. ArrayList<VLPoint> vertices_temp = new ArrayList<VLPoint>(point_count); ArrayList<OSMNode> nodes_temp = new ArrayList<OSMNode>(point_count); // Find index of lexicographically smallest point. int index_of_smallest = 0; for (int i = 1; i < point_count; i++) if (vertices.get(i).compareTo(vertices.get(index_of_smallest)) < 0) index_of_smallest = i; // minor optimization for already-standardized polygons if (index_of_smallest == 0) return; // Fill vertices_temp starting with lex. smallest. for (int i = index_of_smallest; i < point_count; i++) { vertices_temp.add(vertices.get(i)); nodes_temp.add(nodes.get(i)); } for (int i = 0; i < index_of_smallest; i++) { vertices_temp.add(vertices.get(i)); nodes_temp.add(nodes.get(i)); } for (int i = 0; i < point_count; ++i) { vertices.set(i, vertices_temp.get(i)); nodes.set(i, nodes_temp.get(i)); } } } private boolean multipleAreasContain(long id) { Set<OSMWay> areas = _areasForNode.get(id); if (areas == null) { return false; } return areas.size() > 1; } class ListedEdgesOnly implements SkipEdgeStrategy { private Set<Edge> edges; public ListedEdgesOnly(Set<Edge> edges) { this.edges = edges; } @Override public boolean shouldSkipEdge(Vertex origin, Vertex target, State current, Edge edge, ShortestPathTree spt, RoutingRequest traverseOptions) { return !edges.contains(edge); } } /** * Do an all-pairs shortest path search from a list of vertices over a specified set of edges, and retain only those edges which are actually * used in some shortest path. * * @param startingVertices * @param edges */ private void pruneAreaEdges(Collection<Vertex> startingVertices, Set<Edge> edges) { if (edges.size() == 0) return; TraverseMode mode; PlainStreetEdge firstEdge = (PlainStreetEdge) edges.iterator().next(); if (firstEdge.getPermission().allows(StreetTraversalPermission.PEDESTRIAN)) { mode = TraverseMode.WALK; } else if (firstEdge.getPermission().allows(StreetTraversalPermission.BICYCLE)) { mode = TraverseMode.BICYCLE; } else { mode = TraverseMode.CAR; } RoutingRequest options = new RoutingRequest(mode); GenericDijkstra search = new GenericDijkstra(options); search.setSkipEdgeStrategy(new ListedEdgesOnly(edges)); Set<Edge> usedEdges = new HashSet<Edge>(); for (Vertex vertex : startingVertices) { State state = new State(vertex, options); ShortestPathTree spt = search.getShortestPathTree(state); for (Vertex endVertex : startingVertices) { GraphPath path = spt.getPath(endVertex, false); if (path != null) { for (Edge edge : path.edges) { usedEdges.add(edge); } } } } for (Edge edge : edges) { if (!usedEdges.contains(edge)) { edge.detach(); } } } private void reversePolygonOfOSMNodes(List<OSMNode> nodes) { for (int i = 1; i < (nodes.size() + 1) / 2; ++i) { OSMNode tmp = nodes.get(i); int opposite = nodes.size() - i; nodes.set(i, nodes.get(opposite)); nodes.set(opposite, tmp); } } private void buildBasicGraph() { /* build the street segment graph from OSM ways */ long wayIndex = 0; WAY: for (OSMWay way : _ways.values()) { if (wayIndex % 10000 == 0) LOG.debug("ways=" + wayIndex + "/" + _ways.size()); wayIndex++; WayProperties wayData = wayPropertySet.getDataForWay(way); setWayName(way); StreetTraversalPermission permissions = getPermissionsForWay(way, wayData.getPermission()); if (permissions.allowsNothing()) continue; // handle duplicate nodes in OSM ways // this is a workaround for crappy OSM data quality ArrayList<Long> nodes = new ArrayList<Long>(way.getNodeRefs().size()); long last = -1; double lastLat = -1, lastLon = -1; String lastLevel = null; for (long nodeId : way.getNodeRefs()) { OSMNode node = _nodes.get(nodeId); if (node == null) continue WAY; boolean levelsDiffer = false; String level = node.getTag("level"); if (lastLevel == null) { if (level != null) { levelsDiffer = true; } } else { if (!lastLevel.equals(level)) { levelsDiffer = true; } } if (nodeId != last && (node.getLat() != lastLat || node.getLon() != lastLon || levelsDiffer)) nodes.add(nodeId); last = nodeId; lastLon = node.getLon(); lastLat = node.getLat(); lastLevel = level; } IntersectionVertex startEndpoint = null, endEndpoint = null; ArrayList<Coordinate> segmentCoordinates = new ArrayList<Coordinate>(); getLevelsForWay(way); /* * Traverse through all the nodes of this edge. For nodes which are not shared with any other edge, do not create endpoints -- just * accumulate them for geometry and ele tags. For nodes which are shared, create endpoints and StreetVertex instances. One exception: * if the next vertex also appears earlier in the way, we need to split the way, because otherwise we have a way that loops from a * vertex to itself, which could cause issues with splitting. */ Long startNode = null; // where the current edge should start OSMNode osmStartNode = null; for (int i = 0; i < nodes.size() - 1; i++) { OSMNode segmentStartOSMNode = _nodes.get(nodes.get(i)); if (segmentStartOSMNode == null) { continue; } Long endNode = nodes.get(i + 1); if (osmStartNode == null) { startNode = nodes.get(i); osmStartNode = segmentStartOSMNode; } // where the current edge might end OSMNode osmEndNode = _nodes.get(endNode); if (osmStartNode == null || osmEndNode == null) continue; LineString geometry; /* * We split segments at intersections, self-intersections, and nodes with ele tags; the only processing we do on other nodes is to * accumulate their geometry */ if (segmentCoordinates.size() == 0) { segmentCoordinates.add(getCoordinate(osmStartNode)); } if (intersectionNodes.containsKey(endNode) || i == nodes.size() - 2 || nodes.subList(0, i).contains(nodes.get(i)) || osmEndNode.hasTag("ele")) { segmentCoordinates.add(getCoordinate(osmEndNode)); geometry = GeometryUtils.getGeometryFactory().createLineString( segmentCoordinates.toArray(new Coordinate[0])); segmentCoordinates.clear(); } else { segmentCoordinates.add(getCoordinate(osmEndNode)); continue; } /* generate endpoints */ if (startEndpoint == null) { // first iteration on this way // make or get a shared vertex for flat intersections, // one vertex per level for multilevel nodes like elevators startEndpoint = getVertexForOsmNode(osmStartNode, way); String ele = segmentStartOSMNode.getTag("ele"); if (ele != null) { Double elevation = ElevationUtils.parseEleTag(ele); if (elevation != null) { elevationData.put(startEndpoint, elevation); } } } else { // subsequent iterations startEndpoint = endEndpoint; } endEndpoint = getVertexForOsmNode(osmEndNode, way); String ele = osmEndNode.getTag("ele"); if (ele != null) { Double elevation = ElevationUtils.parseEleTag(ele); if (elevation != null) { elevationData.put(endEndpoint, elevation); } } P2<PlainStreetEdge> streets = getEdgesForStreet(startEndpoint, endEndpoint, way, i, osmStartNode.getId(), osmEndNode.getId(), permissions, geometry); PlainStreetEdge street = streets.getFirst(); PlainStreetEdge backStreet = streets.getSecond(); applyWayProperties(street, backStreet, wayData, way); applyEdgesToTurnRestrictions(way, startNode, endNode, street, backStreet); startNode = endNode; osmStartNode = _nodes.get(startNode); } } // END loop over OSM ways } private void applyWayProperties(PlainStreetEdge street, PlainStreetEdge backStreet, WayProperties wayData, OSMWithTags way) { Set<Alert> note = wayPropertySet.getNoteForWay(way); Set<Alert> wheelchairNote = getWheelchairNotes(way); boolean noThruTraffic = way.isThroughTrafficExplicitlyDisallowed(); if (street != null) { double safety = wayData.getSafetyFeatures().getFirst(); street.setBicycleSafetyEffectiveLength(street.getLength() * safety); if (safety < bestBikeSafety) { bestBikeSafety = safety; } if (note != null) { street.setNote(note); } if (wheelchairNote != null) { street.setWheelchairNote(wheelchairNote); } street.setNoThruTraffic(noThruTraffic); } if (backStreet != null) { double safety = wayData.getSafetyFeatures().getSecond(); if (safety < bestBikeSafety) { bestBikeSafety = safety; } backStreet.setBicycleSafetyEffectiveLength(backStreet.getLength() * safety); if (note != null) { backStreet.setNote(note); } if (wheelchairNote != null) { backStreet.setWheelchairNote(wheelchairNote); } backStreet.setNoThruTraffic(noThruTraffic); } } private void setWayName(OSMWithTags way) { if (!way.hasTag("name")) { String creativeName = wayPropertySet.getCreativeNameForWay(way); if (creativeName != null) { way.addTag("otp:gen_name", creativeName); } } } private void buildElevatorEdges(Graph graph) { /* build elevator edges */ for (Long nodeId : multiLevelNodes.keySet()) { OSMNode node = _nodes.get(nodeId); // this allows skipping levels, e.g., an elevator that stops // at floor 0, 2, 3, and 5. // Converting to an Array allows us to // subscript it so we can loop over it in twos. Assumedly, it will stay // sorted when we convert it to an Array. // The objects are Integers, but toArray returns Object[] HashMap<OSMLevel, IntersectionVertex> vertices = multiLevelNodes.get(nodeId); /* * first, build FreeEdges to disconnect from the graph, GenericVertices to serve as attachment points, and ElevatorBoard and * ElevatorAlight edges to connect future ElevatorHop edges to. After this iteration, graph will look like (side view): +==+~~X * * +==+~~X * * +==+~~X * * + GenericVertex, X EndpointVertex, ~~ FreeEdge, == ElevatorBoardEdge/ElevatorAlightEdge Another loop will fill in the * ElevatorHopEdges. */ OSMLevel[] levels = vertices.keySet().toArray(new OSMLevel[0]); Arrays.sort(levels); ArrayList<Vertex> onboardVertices = new ArrayList<Vertex>(); for (OSMLevel level : levels) { // get the node to build the elevator out from IntersectionVertex sourceVertex = vertices.get(level); String sourceVertexLabel = sourceVertex.getLabel(); String levelName = level.longName; ElevatorOffboardVertex offboardVertex = new ElevatorOffboardVertex(graph, sourceVertexLabel + "_offboard", sourceVertex.getX(), sourceVertex.getY(), levelName); new FreeEdge(sourceVertex, offboardVertex); new FreeEdge(offboardVertex, sourceVertex); ElevatorOnboardVertex onboardVertex = new ElevatorOnboardVertex(graph, sourceVertexLabel + "_onboard", sourceVertex.getX(), sourceVertex.getY(), levelName); new ElevatorBoardEdge(offboardVertex, onboardVertex); new ElevatorAlightEdge(onboardVertex, offboardVertex, level.longName); // accumulate onboard vertices to so they can be connected by hop edges later onboardVertices.add(onboardVertex); } // -1 because we loop over onboardVertices two at a time for (Integer i = 0, vSize = onboardVertices.size() - 1; i < vSize; i++) { Vertex from = onboardVertices.get(i); Vertex to = onboardVertices.get(i + 1); // default permissions: pedestrian, wheelchair, and bicycle boolean wheelchairAccessible = true; StreetTraversalPermission permission = StreetTraversalPermission.PEDESTRIAN_AND_BICYCLE; // check for bicycle=no, otherwise assume it's OK to take a bike if (node.isTagFalse("bicycle")) { permission = StreetTraversalPermission.PEDESTRIAN; } // check for wheelchair=no if (node.isTagFalse("wheelchair")) { wheelchairAccessible = false; } // The narrative won't be strictly correct, as it will show the elevator as part // of the cycling leg, but I think most cyclists will figure out that they // should really dismount. ElevatorHopEdge foreEdge = new ElevatorHopEdge(from, to, permission); ElevatorHopEdge backEdge = new ElevatorHopEdge(to, from, permission); foreEdge.wheelchairAccessible = wheelchairAccessible; backEdge.wheelchairAccessible = wheelchairAccessible; } } // END elevator edge loop } private void applyEdgesToTurnRestrictions(OSMWay way, long startNode, long endNode, PlainStreetEdge street, PlainStreetEdge backStreet) { /* Check if there are turn restrictions starting on this segment */ List<TurnRestrictionTag> restrictionTags = turnRestrictionsByFromWay.get(way.getId()); if (restrictionTags != null) { for (TurnRestrictionTag tag : restrictionTags) { if (tag.via == startNode) { tag.possibleFrom.add(backStreet); } else if (tag.via == endNode) { tag.possibleFrom.add(street); } } } restrictionTags = turnRestrictionsByToWay.get(way.getId()); if (restrictionTags != null) { for (TurnRestrictionTag tag : restrictionTags) { if (tag.via == startNode) { tag.possibleTo.add(street); } else if (tag.via == endNode) { tag.possibleTo.add(backStreet); } } } } private void getLevelsForWay(OSMWithTags way) { /* Determine OSM level for each way, if it was not already set */ if (!wayLevels.containsKey(way)) { // if this way is not a key in the wayLevels map, a level map was not // already applied in processRelations /* try to find a level name in tags */ String levelName = null; OSMLevel level = OSMLevel.DEFAULT; if (way.hasTag("level")) { // TODO: floating-point levels &c. levelName = way.getTag("level"); level = OSMLevel.fromString(levelName, OSMLevel.Source.LEVEL_TAG, noZeroLevels); } else if (way.hasTag("layer")) { levelName = way.getTag("layer"); level = OSMLevel.fromString(levelName, OSMLevel.Source.LAYER_TAG, noZeroLevels); } if (level == null || (!level.reliable)) { LOG.warn(graph.addBuilderAnnotation(new LevelAmbiguous(levelName, way.getId()))); level = OSMLevel.DEFAULT; } wayLevels.put(way, level); } } private void initIntersectionNodes() { Set<Long> possibleIntersectionNodes = new HashSet<Long>(); for (OSMWay way : _ways.values()) { List<Long> nodes = way.getNodeRefs(); for (long node : nodes) { if (possibleIntersectionNodes.contains(node)) { intersectionNodes.put(node, null); } else { possibleIntersectionNodes.add(node); } } } } private Set<Alert> getWheelchairNotes(OSMWithTags way) { Map<String, String> tags = way.getTagsByPrefix("wheelchair:description"); if (tags == null) { return null; } Set<Alert> alerts = new HashSet<Alert>(); Alert alert = new Alert(); alerts.add(alert); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : tags.entrySet()) { String k = entry.getKey(); String v = entry.getValue(); if (k.equals("wheelchair:description")) { // no language, assume default from TranslatedString alert.alertHeaderText = new TranslatedString(v); } else { String lang = k.substring("wheelchair:description:".length()); alert.alertHeaderText = new TranslatedString(lang, v); } } return alerts; } /** * The safest bike lane should have a safety weight no lower than the time weight of a flat street. This method divides the safety lengths by * the length ratio of the safest street, ensuring this property. * * @param graph */ private void applyBikeSafetyFactor(Graph graph) { LOG.info(graph.addBuilderAnnotation(new Graphwide( "Multiplying all bike safety values by " + (1 / bestBikeSafety)))); HashSet<Edge> seenEdges = new HashSet<Edge>(); HashSet<AreaEdgeList> seenAreas = new HashSet<AreaEdgeList>(); for (Vertex vertex : graph.getVertices()) { for (Edge e : vertex.getOutgoing()) { if (e instanceof AreaEdge) { AreaEdgeList areaEdgeList = ((AreaEdge) e).getArea(); if (seenAreas.contains(areaEdgeList)) continue; seenAreas.add(areaEdgeList); for (NamedArea area : areaEdgeList.getAreas()) { area.setBicycleSafetyMultiplier(area.getBicycleSafetyMultiplier() / bestBikeSafety); } } if (!(e instanceof PlainStreetEdge)) { continue; } PlainStreetEdge pse = (PlainStreetEdge) e; if (!seenEdges.contains(e)) { seenEdges.add(e); pse.setBicycleSafetyEffectiveLength(pse.getBicycleSafetyEffectiveLength() / bestBikeSafety); } } for (Edge e : vertex.getIncoming()) { if (!(e instanceof PlainStreetEdge)) { continue; } PlainStreetEdge pse = (PlainStreetEdge) e; if (!seenEdges.contains(e)) { seenEdges.add(e); pse.setBicycleSafetyEffectiveLength(pse.getBicycleSafetyEffectiveLength() / bestBikeSafety); } } } } private Coordinate getCoordinate(OSMNode osmNode) { return new Coordinate(osmNode.getLon(), osmNode.getLat()); } public void addNode(OSMNode node) { if (node.isTag("amenity", "bicycle_rental")) { _bikeRentalNodes.add(node); return; } if (!(_nodesWithNeighbors.contains(node.getId()) || _areaNodes.contains(node.getId()))) return; if (_nodes.containsKey(node.getId())) return; _nodes.put(node.getId(), node); if (_nodes.size() % 100000 == 0) LOG.debug("nodes=" + _nodes.size()); } public void addWay(OSMWay way) { /* only add ways once */ long wayId = way.getId(); if (_ways.containsKey(wayId) || _areaWaysById.containsKey(wayId)) return; if (_areaWayIds.contains(wayId)) { _areaWaysById.put(wayId, way); } /* filter out ways that are not relevant for routing */ if (!isWayRoutable(way)) { return; } if (way.isTag("area", "yes") && way.getNodeRefs().size() > 2) { // this is an area that's a simple polygon. So we can just add it straight // to the areas, if it's not part of a relation. if (!_areaWayIds.contains(wayId)) { _singleWayAreas.add(way); _areaWaysById.put(wayId, way); _areaWayIds.add(wayId); for (Long node : way.getNodeRefs()) { MapUtils.addToMapSet(_areasForNode, node, way); } getLevelsForWay(way); } return; } _ways.put(wayId, way); if (_ways.size() % 10000 == 0) LOG.debug("ways=" + _ways.size()); } /** * Determine whether any mode can ever traverse the given way. * If not, we can safely leave the way out of the OTP graph without affecting routing. * Potentially routable ways are those that have the tags : * highway=* * public_transport=platform * railway=platform * But not conveyers, proposed highways/roads, and raceways (as well as ways where all * access is specifically forbidden to the public). */ private boolean isWayRoutable(OSMWithTags way) { if (!isOsmEntityRoutable(way)) return false; String highway = way.getTag("highway"); if (highway != null && (highway.equals("conveyer") || highway.equals("proposed") || highway.equals("raceway"))) return false; if (way.isGeneralAccessDenied()) { // There are exceptions. return (way.isMotorcarExplicitlyAllowed() || way.isBicycleExplicitlyAllowed() || way.isPedestrianExplicitlyAllowed()); } return true; } public void addRelation(OSMRelation relation) { if (_relations.containsKey(relation.getId())) return; if (relation.isTag("type", "multipolygon") && isOsmEntityRoutable(relation)) { // OSM MultiPolygons are ferociously complicated, and in fact cannot be processed // without reference to the ways that compose them. Accordingly, we will merely // mark the ways for preservation here, and deal with the details once we have // the ways loaded. if (!isWayRoutable(relation)) { return; } for (OSMRelationMember member : relation.getMembers()) { _areaWayIds.add(member.getRef()); } getLevelsForWay(relation); } else if (!(relation.isTag("type", "restriction")) && !(relation.isTag("type", "route") && relation.isTag("route", "road")) && !(relation.isTag("type", "multipolygon") && isOsmEntityRoutable(relation)) && !(relation.isTag("type", "level_map"))) { return; } _relations.put(relation.getId(), relation); if (_relations.size() % 100 == 0) LOG.debug("relations=" + _relations.size()); } /** * Determines whether this OSM way is considered routable. * The majority of routable ways are those with a highway= tag (which includes everything * from motorways to hiking trails). Anything with a public_transport=platform or * railway=platform tag is also considered routable even if it doesn't have a highway tag. * Platforms are however filtered out if they are marked usage=tourism. This prevents * miniature tourist railways like the one in Portland's Zoo from receiving a better score * and pulling search endpoints away from real transit stops. */ private boolean isOsmEntityRoutable(OSMWithTags osmEntity) { if (osmEntity.hasTag("highway")) return true; if (osmEntity.isTag("public_transport", "platform") || osmEntity.isTag("railway", "platform")) { return ! ("tourism".equals(osmEntity.getTag("usage"))); } return false; } private String getNodeLabel(OSMNode node) { return String.format(nodeLabelFormat, node.getId()); } private String getLevelNodeLabel(OSMNode node, OSMLevel level) { return String.format(levelnodeLabelFormat, node.getId(), level.shortName); } public void secondPhase() { // This copies relevant tags to the ways (highway=*) where it doesn't exist, so that // the way purging keeps the needed way around. // Multipolygons may be processed more than once, which may be needed since // some member might be in different files for the same multipolygon. // NOTE (AMB): this purging phase may not be necessary if highway tags are not // copied over from multipolygon relations. Perhaps we can get by with // only 2 steps -- ways+relations, followed by used nodes. // Ways can be tag-filtered in phase 1. markNodesForKeeping(_ways.values(), _nodesWithNeighbors); markNodesForKeeping(_areaWaysById.values(), _areaNodes); } /** * After all relations, ways, and nodes are loaded, handle areas. */ public void nodesLoaded() { processMultipolygonRelations(); AREA: for (OSMWay way : _singleWayAreas) { if (_processedAreas.contains(way)) { continue; } for (Long nodeRef : way.getNodeRefs()) { if (!_nodes.containsKey(nodeRef)) { continue AREA; } } try { StreetTraversalPermission areaPermissions = getPermissionsForEntity(way, StreetTraversalPermission.PEDESTRIAN_AND_BICYCLE); if (areaPermissions == StreetTraversalPermission.NONE) continue; _areas.add(new Area(way, Arrays.asList(way), Collections.<OSMWay> emptyList())); } catch (Area.AreaConstructionException e) { // this area cannot be constructed, but we already have all the // necessary nodes to construct it. So, something must be wrong with // the area; we'll mark it as processed so that we don't retry. } _processedAreas.add(way); } } private void markNodesForKeeping(Collection<OSMWay> osmWays, Set<Long> nodeSet) { for (Iterator<OSMWay> it = osmWays.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { OSMWay way = it.next(); // Since the way is kept, update nodes-with-neighbors List<Long> nodes = way.getNodeRefs(); if (nodes.size() > 1) { nodeSet.addAll(nodes); } } } /** * Copies useful metadata from multipolygon relations to the relevant ways, or to the area * map. This is done at a different time than processRelations(), so that way purging * doesn't remove the used ways. */ private void processMultipolygonRelations() { RELATION: for (OSMRelation relation : _relations.values()) { if (_processedAreas.contains(relation)) { continue; } if (!(relation.isTag("type", "multipolygon") && isOsmEntityRoutable(relation))) { continue; } // Area multipolygons -- pedestrian plazas ArrayList<OSMWay> innerWays = new ArrayList<OSMWay>(); ArrayList<OSMWay> outerWays = new ArrayList<OSMWay>(); for (OSMRelationMember member : relation.getMembers()) { String role = member.getRole(); OSMWay way = _areaWaysById.get(member.getRef()); if (way == null) { // relation includes way which does not exist in the data. Skip. continue RELATION; } for (Long nodeId : way.getNodeRefs()) { if (!_nodes.containsKey(nodeId)) { // this area is missing some nodes, perhaps because it is on // the edge of the region, so we will simply not route on it. continue RELATION; } MapUtils.addToMapSet(_areasForNode, nodeId, way); } if (role.equals("inner")) { innerWays.add(way); } else if (role.equals("outer")) { outerWays.add(way); } else { LOG.warn("Unexpected role " + role + " in multipolygon"); } } _processedAreas.add(relation); Area area; try { StreetTraversalPermission areaPermissions = getPermissionsForEntity(relation, StreetTraversalPermission.PEDESTRIAN_AND_BICYCLE); if (areaPermissions == StreetTraversalPermission.NONE) continue; area = new Area(relation, outerWays, innerWays); } catch (Area.AreaConstructionException e) { continue; } _areas.add(area); for (OSMRelationMember member : relation.getMembers()) { // multipolygons for attribute mapping if (!("way".equals(member.getType()) && _ways.containsKey(member.getRef()))) { continue; } OSMWithTags way = _ways.get(member.getRef()); if (way == null) { continue; } String[] relationCopyTags = { "highway", "name", "ref" }; for (String tag : relationCopyTags) { if (relation.hasTag(tag) && !way.hasTag(tag)) { way.addTag(tag, relation.getTag(tag)); } } if (relation.isTag("railway", "platform") && !way.hasTag("railway")) { way.addTag("railway", "platform"); } if (relation.isTag("public_transport", "platform") && !way.hasTag("public_transport")) { way.addTag("public_transport", "platform"); } } } } /** * Copies useful metadata from relations to the relevant ways/nodes. */ private void processRelations() { LOG.debug("Processing relations..."); for (OSMRelation relation : _relations.values()) { if (relation.isTag("type", "restriction")) { processRestriction(relation); } else if (relation.isTag("type", "level_map")) { processLevelMap(relation); } else if (relation.isTag("type", "route")) { processRoad(relation); } // multipolygons will be further processed in secondPhase() } } /** * Store turn restrictions. * * @param relation */ private void processRestriction(OSMRelation relation) { long from = -1, to = -1, via = -1; for (OSMRelationMember member : relation.getMembers()) { String role = member.getRole(); if (role.equals("from")) { from = member.getRef(); } else if (role.equals("to")) { to = member.getRef(); } else if (role.equals("via")) { via = member.getRef(); } } if (from == -1 || to == -1 || via == -1) { LOG.warn(graph.addBuilderAnnotation(new TurnRestrictionBad(relation.getId()))); return; } TraverseModeSet modes = new TraverseModeSet(TraverseMode.BICYCLE, TraverseMode.CAR, TraverseMode.CUSTOM_MOTOR_VEHICLE); String exceptModes = relation.getTag("except"); if (exceptModes != null) { for (String m : exceptModes.split(";")) { if (m.equals("motorcar")) { modes.setDriving(false); } else if (m.equals("bicycle")) { modes.setBicycle(false); LOG.debug(graph .addBuilderAnnotation(new TurnRestrictionException(via, from))); } } } TurnRestrictionTag tag; if (relation.isTag("restriction", "no_right_turn")) { tag = new TurnRestrictionTag(via, TurnRestrictionType.NO_TURN, Direction.RIGHT); } else if (relation.isTag("restriction", "no_left_turn")) { tag = new TurnRestrictionTag(via, TurnRestrictionType.NO_TURN, Direction.LEFT); } else if (relation.isTag("restriction", "no_straight_on")) { tag = new TurnRestrictionTag(via, TurnRestrictionType.NO_TURN, Direction.STRAIGHT); } else if (relation.isTag("restriction", "no_u_turn")) { tag = new TurnRestrictionTag(via, TurnRestrictionType.NO_TURN, Direction.U); } else if (relation.isTag("restriction", "only_straight_on")) { tag = new TurnRestrictionTag(via, TurnRestrictionType.ONLY_TURN, Direction.STRAIGHT); } else if (relation.isTag("restriction", "only_right_turn")) { tag = new TurnRestrictionTag(via, TurnRestrictionType.ONLY_TURN, Direction.RIGHT); } else if (relation.isTag("restriction", "only_left_turn")) { tag = new TurnRestrictionTag(via, TurnRestrictionType.ONLY_TURN, Direction.LEFT); } else if (relation.isTag("restriction", "only_u_turn")) { tag = new TurnRestrictionTag(via, TurnRestrictionType.ONLY_TURN, Direction.U); } else { LOG.warn(graph.addBuilderAnnotation(new TurnRestrictionUnknown(relation .getTag("restriction")))); return; } tag.modes = modes.clone(); // set the time periods for this restriction, if applicable if (relation.hasTag("day_on") && relation.hasTag("day_off") && relation.hasTag("hour_on") && relation.hasTag("hour_off")) { try { tag.time = RepeatingTimePeriod.parseFromOsmTurnRestriction( relation.getTag("day_on"), relation.getTag("day_off"), relation.getTag("hour_on"), relation.getTag("hour_off")); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { LOG.info("Unparseable turn restriction: " + relation.getId()); } } MapUtils.addToMapList(turnRestrictionsByFromWay, from, tag); MapUtils.addToMapList(turnRestrictionsByToWay, to, tag); } /** * Process an OSM level map. * * @param relation */ private void processLevelMap(OSMRelation relation) { Map<String, OSMLevel> levels = OSMLevel.mapFromSpecList(relation.getTag("levels"), Source.LEVEL_MAP, true); for (OSMRelationMember member : relation.getMembers()) { if ("way".equals(member.getType()) && _ways.containsKey(member.getRef())) { OSMWay way = _ways.get(member.getRef()); if (way != null) { String role = member.getRole(); // if the level map relation has a role:xyz tag, this way is something // more complicated than a single level (e.g. ramp/stairway). if (!relation.hasTag("role:" + role)) { if (levels.containsKey(role)) { wayLevels.put(way, levels.get(role)); } else { LOG.warn(member.getRef() + " has undefined level " + role); } } } } } } /* * Handle route=road relations. * * @param relation */ private void processRoad(OSMRelation relation) { for (OSMRelationMember member : relation.getMembers()) { if (!("way".equals(member.getType()) && _ways.containsKey(member.getRef()))) { continue; } OSMWithTags way = _ways.get(member.getRef()); if (way == null) { continue; } if (relation.hasTag("name")) { if (way.hasTag("otp:route_name")) { way.addTag( "otp:route_name", addUniqueName(way.getTag("otp:route_name"), relation.getTag("name"))); } else { way.addTag(new OSMTag("otp:route_name", relation.getTag("name"))); } } if (relation.hasTag("ref")) { if (way.hasTag("otp:route_ref")) { way.addTag("otp:route_ref", addUniqueName(way.getTag("otp:route_ref"), relation.getTag("ref"))); } else { way.addTag(new OSMTag("otp:route_ref", relation.getTag("ref"))); } } } } private String addUniqueName(String routes, String name) { String[] names = routes.split(", "); for (String existing : names) { if (existing.equals(name)) { return routes; } } return routes + ", " + name; } /** * Returns the length of the geometry in meters. * * @param geometry * @return */ private double getGeometryLengthMeters(Geometry geometry) { Coordinate[] coordinates = geometry.getCoordinates(); double d = 0; for (int i = 1; i < coordinates.length; ++i) { d += distanceLibrary.distance(coordinates[i - 1], coordinates[i]); } return d; } /** * Handle oneway streets, cycleways, and other per-mode and universal access controls. See http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Bicycle for * various scenarios, along with http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OSM_tags_for_routing#Oneway. * * @param end * @param start */ private P2<PlainStreetEdge> getEdgesForStreet(IntersectionVertex start, IntersectionVertex end, OSMWay way, int index, long startNode, long endNode, StreetTraversalPermission permissions, LineString geometry) { // No point in returning edges that can't be traversed by anyone. if (permissions.allowsNothing()) { return new P2<PlainStreetEdge>(null, null); } LineString backGeometry = (LineString) geometry.reverse(); PlainStreetEdge street = null, backStreet = null; double length = this.getGeometryLengthMeters(geometry); P2<StreetTraversalPermission> permissionPair = getPermissions(permissions, way); StreetTraversalPermission permissionsFront = permissionPair.getFirst(); StreetTraversalPermission permissionsBack = permissionPair.getSecond(); if (permissionsFront.allowsAnything()) { street = getEdgeForStreet(start, end, way, index, startNode, endNode, length, permissionsFront, geometry, false); } if (permissionsBack.allowsAnything()) { backStreet = getEdgeForStreet(end, start, way, index, endNode, startNode, length, permissionsBack, backGeometry, true); } /* mark edges that are on roundabouts */ if (way.isRoundabout()) { if (street != null) street.setRoundabout(true); if (backStreet != null) backStreet.setRoundabout(true); } return new P2<PlainStreetEdge>(street, backStreet); } /** * Check OSM tags for various one-way and one-way-by-mode tags and return a pair of permissions for travel along and against the way. */ private P2<StreetTraversalPermission> getPermissions(StreetTraversalPermission permissions, OSMWay way) { StreetTraversalPermission permissionsFront = permissions; StreetTraversalPermission permissionsBack = permissions; // Check driving direction restrictions. if (way.isOneWayForwardDriving() || way.isRoundabout()) { permissionsBack = permissionsBack .remove(StreetTraversalPermission.BICYCLE_AND_DRIVING); } if (way.isOneWayReverseDriving()) { permissionsFront = permissionsFront .remove(StreetTraversalPermission.BICYCLE_AND_DRIVING); } // Check bike direction restrictions. if (way.isOneWayForwardBicycle()) { permissionsBack = permissionsBack.remove(StreetTraversalPermission.BICYCLE); } if (way.isOneWayReverseBicycle()) { permissionsFront = permissionsFront.remove(StreetTraversalPermission.BICYCLE); } // TODO(flamholz): figure out what this is for. String oneWayBicycle = way.getTag("oneway:bicycle"); if (OSMWithTags.isFalse(oneWayBicycle) || way.isTagTrue("bicycle:backwards")) { if (permissions.allows(StreetTraversalPermission.BICYCLE)) { permissionsFront = permissionsFront.add(StreetTraversalPermission.BICYCLE); permissionsBack = permissionsBack.add(StreetTraversalPermission.BICYCLE); } } if (way.isOpposableCycleway()) { permissionsBack = permissionsBack.add(StreetTraversalPermission.BICYCLE); } return new P2<StreetTraversalPermission>(permissionsFront, permissionsBack); } private PlainStreetEdge getEdgeForStreet(IntersectionVertex start, IntersectionVertex end, OSMWay way, int index, long startNode, long endNode, double length, StreetTraversalPermission permissions, LineString geometry, boolean back) { String label = "way " + way.getId() + " from " + index; label = unique(label); String name = getNameForWay(way, label); // consider the elevation gain of stairs, roughly boolean steps = way.isSteps(); if (steps) { length *= 2; } float carSpeed = wayPropertySet.getCarSpeedForWay(way, back); PlainStreetEdge street = edgeFactory.createEdge(_nodes.get(startNode), _nodes.get(endNode), way, start, end, geometry, name, length, permissions, back, carSpeed); String highway = way.getTag("highway"); int cls; if ("crossing".equals(highway) && !way.isTag("bicycle", "designated")) { cls = StreetEdge.CLASS_CROSSING; } else if ("footway".equals(highway) && way.isTag("footway", "crossing") && !way.isTag("bicycle", "designated")) { cls = StreetEdge.CLASS_CROSSING; } else if ("residential".equals(highway) || "tertiary".equals(highway) || "secondary".equals(highway) || "secondary_link".equals(highway) || "primary".equals(highway) || "primary_link".equals(highway) || "trunk".equals(highway) || "trunk_link".equals(highway)) { cls = StreetEdge.CLASS_STREET; } else { cls = StreetEdge.CLASS_OTHERPATH; } cls |= getStreetClasses(way); street.setStreetClass(cls); if (!way.hasTag("name") && !way.hasTag("ref")) { street.setHasBogusName(true); } street.setStairs(steps); if (way.isTagTrue("toll") || way.isTagTrue("toll:motorcar")) street.setToll(true); else street.setToll(false); /* TODO: This should probably generalized somehow? */ if (way.isTagFalse("wheelchair") || (steps && !way.isTagTrue("wheelchair"))) { street.setWheelchairAccessible(false); } street.setSlopeOverride(wayPropertySet.getSlopeOverride(way)); // < 0.04: account for if (carSpeed < 0.04) { LOG.warn(graph.addBuilderAnnotation(new StreetCarSpeedZero(way.getId()))); } if (customNamer != null) { customNamer.nameWithEdge(way, street); } return street; } private int getStreetClasses(OSMWithTags way) { int link = 0; String highway = way.getTag("highway"); if (highway != null && highway.endsWith(("_link"))) { link = StreetEdge.CLASS_LINK; } return getPlatformClass(way) | link; } private int getPlatformClass(OSMWithTags way) { String highway = way.getTag("highway"); if ("platform".equals(way.getTag("railway"))) { return StreetEdge.CLASS_TRAIN_PLATFORM; } if ("platform".equals(highway) || "platform".equals(way.getTag("public_transport"))) { if (way.isTagTrue("train") || way.isTagTrue("subway") || way.isTagTrue("tram") || way.isTagTrue("monorail")) { return StreetEdge.CLASS_TRAIN_PLATFORM; } return StreetEdge.CLASS_OTHER_PLATFORM; } return 0; } private String getNameForWay(OSMWithTags way, String id) { String name = way.getAssumedName(); if (customNamer != null) { name = customNamer.name(way, name); } if (name == null) { name = id; } return name; } private StreetTraversalPermission getPermissionsForEntity(OSMWithTags entity, StreetTraversalPermission def) { StreetTraversalPermission permission = null; /* * Only a few tags are examined here, because we only care about modes supported by OTP (wheelchairs are not of concern here) * * Only a few values are checked for, all other values are presumed to be permissive (=> This may not be perfect, but is closer to * reality, since most people don't follow the rules perfectly ;-) */ if (entity.isGeneralAccessDenied()) { // this can actually be overridden permission = StreetTraversalPermission.NONE; if (entity.isMotorcarExplicitlyAllowed()) { permission = permission.add(StreetTraversalPermission.ALL_DRIVING); } if (entity.isBicycleExplicitlyAllowed()) { permission = permission.add(StreetTraversalPermission.BICYCLE); } if (entity.isPedestrianExplicitlyAllowed()) { permission = permission.add(StreetTraversalPermission.PEDESTRIAN); } } else { permission = def; } if (entity.isMotorcarExplicitlyDenied()) { permission = permission.remove(StreetTraversalPermission.ALL_DRIVING); } else if (entity.hasTag("motorcar")) { permission = permission.add(StreetTraversalPermission.ALL_DRIVING); } if (entity.isBicycleExplicitlyDenied()) { permission = permission.remove(StreetTraversalPermission.BICYCLE); } else if (entity.hasTag("bicycle")) { permission = permission.add(StreetTraversalPermission.BICYCLE); } if (entity.isPedestrianExplicitlyDenied()) { permission = permission.remove(StreetTraversalPermission.PEDESTRIAN); } else if (entity.hasTag("foot")) { permission = permission.add(StreetTraversalPermission.PEDESTRIAN); } if (entity.isUnderConstruction()) { permission = StreetTraversalPermission.NONE; } if (permission == null) return def; return permission; } /** * Computes permissions for an OSMWay. * * @param way * @param def * @return */ private StreetTraversalPermission getPermissionsForWay(OSMWay way, StreetTraversalPermission def) { StreetTraversalPermission permissions = getPermissionsForEntity(way, def); /* * pedestrian rules: everything is two-way (assuming pedestrians are allowed at all) bicycle rules: default: permissions; * * cycleway=dismount means walk your bike -- the engine will automatically try walking bikes any time it is forbidden to ride them, so the * only thing to do here is to remove bike permissions * * oneway=... sets permissions for cars and bikes oneway:bicycle overwrites these permissions for bikes only * * now, cycleway=opposite_lane, opposite, opposite_track can allow once oneway has been set by oneway:bicycle, but should give a warning * if it conflicts with oneway:bicycle * * bicycle:backward=yes works like oneway:bicycle=no bicycle:backwards=no works like oneway:bicycle=yes */ // Compute pedestrian permissions. if (way.isPedestrianExplicitlyAllowed()) { permissions = permissions.add(StreetTraversalPermission.PEDESTRIAN); } else if (way.isPedestrianExplicitlyDenied()) { permissions = permissions.remove(StreetTraversalPermission.PEDESTRIAN); } // Compute bike permissions, check consistency. boolean forceBikes = false; if (way.isBicycleExplicitlyAllowed()) { permissions = permissions.add(StreetTraversalPermission.BICYCLE); forceBikes = true; } if (way.isBicycleDismountForced()) { permissions = permissions.remove(StreetTraversalPermission.BICYCLE); if (forceBikes) { LOG.warn(graph.addBuilderAnnotation(new ConflictingBikeTags(way.getId()))); } } return permissions; } /** * Record the level of the way for this node, e.g. if the way is at level 5, mark that this node is active at level 5. * * @param the way that has the level * @param the node to record for * @author mattwigway */ private IntersectionVertex recordLevel(OSMNode node, OSMWithTags way) { OSMLevel level = wayLevels.get(way); HashMap<OSMLevel, IntersectionVertex> vertices; long nodeId = node.getId(); if (multiLevelNodes.containsKey(nodeId)) { vertices = multiLevelNodes.get(nodeId); } else { vertices = new HashMap<OSMLevel, IntersectionVertex>(); multiLevelNodes.put(nodeId, vertices); } if (!vertices.containsKey(level)) { Coordinate coordinate = getCoordinate(node); String label = this.getLevelNodeLabel(node, level); IntersectionVertex vertex = new IntersectionVertex(graph, label, coordinate.x, coordinate.y, label); vertices.put(level, vertex); // multilevel nodes should also undergo turn-conversion endpoints.add(vertex); return vertex; } return vertices.get(level); } /** * Make or get a shared vertex for flat intersections, or one vertex per level for multilevel nodes like elevators. When there is an elevator * or other Z-dimension discontinuity, a single node can appear in several ways at different levels. * * @param node The node to fetch a label for. * @param way The way it is connected to (for fetching level information). * @return vertex The graph vertex. */ private IntersectionVertex getVertexForOsmNode(OSMNode node, OSMWithTags way) { // If the node should be decomposed to multiple levels, // use the numeric level because it is unique, the human level may not be (although // it will likely lead to some head-scratching if it is not). IntersectionVertex iv = null; if (node.isMultiLevel()) { // make a separate node for every level return recordLevel(node, way); } // single-level case long nid = node.getId(); iv = intersectionNodes.get(nid); if (iv == null) { Coordinate coordinate = getCoordinate(node); String label = getNodeLabel(node); String highway = node.getTag("highway"); if ("motorway_junction".equals(highway)) { String ref = node.getTag("ref"); if (ref != null) { ExitVertex ev = new ExitVertex(graph, label, coordinate.x, coordinate.y); ev.setExitName(ref); iv = ev; } } if (iv == null) { iv = new IntersectionVertex(graph, label, coordinate.x, coordinate.y, label); if (node.hasTrafficLight()) { iv.setTrafficLight(true); } } intersectionNodes.put(nid, iv); endpoints.add(iv); } return iv; } @Override public void doneRelations() { // nothing to do here } } @Override public void checkInputs() { for (OpenStreetMapProvider provider : _providers) { provider.checkInputs(); } } }