/* * Copyright 2011 cruxframework.org. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package org.cruxframework.crux.core.client; import com.google.gwt.i18n.client.Messages; /** * Contains all client messages used by Crux Framework * @author Thiago da Rosa de Bustamante - */ public interface ClientMessages extends Messages { // event @DefaultMessage("Client Controller Named ''{0}'' not found.") String eventProcessorClientControllerNotFound(String controller); @DefaultMessage("Error running client method ''{0}''. Message: ''{1}''") String eventProcessorClientError(String call, String errMsg); @DefaultMessage("Invalid declaration for handler method ''{0}''. Correct syntaxe is <controller.method>.") String eventFactoryInvalidHandlerMethodDeclaration(String evt); @DefaultMessage("Error loading screen fragment {0}.") String viewFactoryCanNotBeLoaded(String controller); @DefaultMessage("Please wait. Your request is still being processed.") String methodIsAlreadyBeingProcessed(); @DefaultMessage("Client Controller Named ''{0}'' does not implement CrossDocument interface and can not be called outside document.") String crossDocumentInvalidCrossDocumentController(String controller); @DefaultMessage("Error on cross document call. No responde received from method.") String crossDocumentInvocationError(); @DefaultMessage("Error on cross document call. Invalid Target.") String crossDocumentInvalidTarget(); @DefaultMessage("Error on cross document call: Screen [{0}]. Error Message: [{1}].") String crossDocumentInvocationGeneralError(String screenId, String errorMessage); @DefaultMessage("Can not identify the method to be called.") String crossDocumentCanNotIdentifyMethod(); @DefaultMessage("Can not find the method to be called.") String crossDocumentMethodNotFound(); @DefaultMessage("WriterStream is not open.") String crossDocumentSerializationErrorStreamClosed(); // screenFactory @DefaultMessage("The widget ''{0}'' is a layout panel that does not have its dimensions defined. Explicity define it, or append it directly on body element.") String screenFactoryLayoutPanelWithoutSize(String widgetId); // screen @DefaultMessage("The id attribute is required for CRUX Screens.") String screenFactoryScreenIdRequired(); @DefaultMessage("Error creating view [{0}]. ") String viewContainerErrorCreatingView(String id); @DefaultMessage("An Invalid controller was passed to AsyncCallbackAdapter.") String asyncCallbackInvalidHandlerError(); @DefaultMessage("An Invalid object was passed to update screen or DTOs.") String screenInvalidObjectError(); @DefaultMessage("Creating the view for screen {0}.") String viewContainerCreatingView(String identifier); @DefaultMessage("View {0} created.") String viewContainerViewCreated(String identifier); @DefaultMessage("View {0} rendered.") String viewContainerViewRendered(String identifier); @DefaultMessage("This application contains components that are not fully supported by your brownser.") String viewContainerUnsupportedWidget(); @DefaultMessage("To use this feature you must enabled compatibility with Crux 2 old interfaces.") String screenFactoryCrux2OldInterfacesCompatibilityDisabled(); @DefaultMessage("Type ''{0}'' can not be shared between modules. Only primitives (and its wrappers), Strings, Dates, Arrays (not multidimesional) and classes implementing CruxSerializable can be used.") String moduleComunicationInvalidParamType(String name); @DefaultMessage("Error loading dataSource data: {0}") String localDataSourceErrorLoadingData(String message); @DefaultMessage("Error loading dataSource remote data: {0}") String remoteDataSourceErrorLoadingData(String message); @DefaultMessage("Error processing requested operation. DataSource is not loaded yet.") String dataSourceNotLoaded(); @DefaultMessage("DataSource has changes on page. You must save or discard them before perform this operation.") String remoteDataSourcePageDirty(); @DefaultMessage("The column {0} can not be sorted.") String dataSourceErrorColumnNotComparable(String columnName); @DefaultMessage("Found a null element reference when trying to modify it''s styleName property.") String nullElementAtSetStyleName(); @DefaultMessage("Empty strings can not be used as a styleName property value.") String emptyStringAsStyleNameValue(); @DefaultMessage("Crux Engine is already loaded.") String cruxAlreadyInitializedError(); @DefaultMessage("Calling a cross document method. Screen[{0}], Controller[{1}], Method[{2}], Target[{3}]") String screenAccessorCallingCrossDocument(String screenId, String controller, String method, String target); @DefaultMessage("Cross document method executed. Screen[{0}], Controller[{1}], Method[{2}], Target[{3}]") String screenAccessorCrossDocumentExecuted(String screenId, String controller, String method, String target); @DefaultMessage("Invalid value for style property: [{0}]:[{1}]") String styleErrorInvalidProperty(String camelizedName, String value); @DefaultMessage("Can not retrieve the widget [{1}] from view [{0}]. View is not loaded. Load this view into a ViewContainer first.") String viewNotInitialized(String viewId, String widgetId); @DefaultMessage("Informed object is not aware of current view. This method must be used to discover current view for controllers, datasouces or other ViewAware objects.") String viewOjectIsNotAwareOfView(); @DefaultMessage("Resources [{0}] initialized.") String resourcesInitialized(String resourceId); @DefaultMessage("Css Resource [{0}] injected.") String resourceCsssInjected(String cssClassName); @DefaultMessage("Unexpected error calling rest service. Error [{0}].") String restServiceUnexpectedError(String errorMesg); @DefaultMessage("Can not invoke write operation for uri[{0}] without previously loading it.") String restServiceMissingStateEtag(String uri); @DefaultMessage("Can not load a required feature. Make sure that your browser support the current application.") String errorLoadingMutationObserver(); }