package; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.SortedMap; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListMap; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import; import com.vmware.vim25.DVPortSetting; import com.vmware.vim25.DistributedVirtualSwitchKeyedOpaqueBlob; import com.vmware.vim25.Event; import com.vmware.vim25.IpPool; import com.vmware.vim25.IpPoolIpPoolConfigInfo; import com.vmware.vim25.RuntimeFault; import com.vmware.vim25.VMwareDVSPortSetting; import com.vmware.vim25.VMwareDVSPvlanMapEntry; import com.vmware.vim25.VmwareDistributedVirtualSwitchPvlanSpec; import com.vmware.vim25.VmwareDistributedVirtualSwitchVlanIdSpec; import com.vmware.vim25.VmwareDistributedVirtualSwitchVlanSpec; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class VirtualNetworkInfo extends VCenterObject { private final Logger s_logger = Logger.getLogger(VirtualNetworkInfo.class); private String uuid; // required attribute, key for this object private String name; private short primaryVlanId; private short isolatedVlanId; private SortedMap<String, VirtualMachineInterfaceInfo> vmiInfoMap; // key is MAC address private Integer ipPoolId; private String subnetAddress; private String subnetMask; private String gatewayAddress; private boolean ipPoolEnabled; private String range; private boolean externalIpam; // Vmware net; DistributedVirtualPortgroup dpg; dvs; String dvsName; dc; String dcName; // API server apiVn; public VirtualNetworkInfo(String uuid) { if (uuid == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot init VN with null uuid"); } this.uuid = uuid; vmiInfoMap = new ConcurrentSkipListMap<String, VirtualMachineInterfaceInfo>(); } public VirtualNetworkInfo(String uuid, String name, boolean externalIpam, boolean ipPoolEnabled, String subnetAddress,String subnetMask, String range, String gatewayAddress, short primaryVlanId, short isolatedVlanId) { this.uuid = uuid; = name; this.externalIpam = externalIpam; this.ipPoolEnabled = ipPoolEnabled; this.subnetAddress = subnetAddress; this.subnetMask = subnetMask; this.range = range; this.gatewayAddress = gatewayAddress; this.primaryVlanId = primaryVlanId; this.isolatedVlanId = isolatedVlanId; vmiInfoMap = new ConcurrentSkipListMap<String, VirtualMachineInterfaceInfo>(); } public VirtualNetworkInfo(VirtualNetworkInfo vnInfo) { if (vnInfo == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot init VN from null VN"); } this.uuid = vnInfo.uuid; =; this.primaryVlanId = vnInfo.primaryVlanId; this.isolatedVlanId = vnInfo.isolatedVlanId; this.vmiInfoMap = vnInfo.vmiInfoMap; this.ipPoolId = vnInfo.ipPoolId; this.subnetAddress = vnInfo.subnetAddress; this.subnetMask = vnInfo.subnetMask; this.gatewayAddress = vnInfo.gatewayAddress; this.ipPoolEnabled = vnInfo.ipPoolEnabled; this.range = vnInfo.range; this.externalIpam = vnInfo.externalIpam; =; this.dpg = vnInfo.dpg; this.dvs = vnInfo.dvs; this.dvsName = vnInfo.dvsName; this.dc = vnInfo.dc; this.dcName = vnInfo.dcName; this.apiVn = vnInfo.apiVn; } public VirtualNetworkInfo( vn) { if (vn == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot init VN from null API VN"); } apiVn = vn; uuid = vn.getUuid(); name = vn.getName(); vmiInfoMap = new ConcurrentSkipListMap<String, VirtualMachineInterfaceInfo>(); externalIpam = vn.getExternalIpam(); readIpAm(); } private void readIpAm() { List<ObjectReference<VnSubnetsType>> objList = apiVn.getNetworkIpam(); if (objList != null) { for (ObjectReference<VnSubnetsType> objRef: { if (objRef == null) { continue; } VnSubnetsType subnetsType = objRef.getAttr(); List<IpamSubnetType> ipamsubList = subnetsType.getIpamSubnets(); if (ipamsubList == null) { continue; } for (IpamSubnetType sub: ipamsubList) { if (sub == null) { continue; } subnetAddress = sub.getSubnet().getIpPrefix(); int len = sub.getSubnet().getIpPrefixLen(); int mask = 0xFFFFFFFF << (32 - len); subnetMask = InetAddresses.fromInteger(mask).getHostAddress(); gatewayAddress = sub.getDefaultGateway(); } } } } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public VirtualNetworkInfo(Event event, VCenterDB vcenterDB, VncDB vncDB) throws Exception { vmiInfoMap = new ConcurrentSkipListMap<String, VirtualMachineInterfaceInfo>(); if (event.getDatacenter() != null) { dcName = event.getDatacenter().getName(); dc = vcenterDB.getVmwareDatacenter(dcName); } if (event.getDvs() != null) { dvsName = event.getDvs().getName(); dvs = vcenterDB.getVmwareDvs(dvsName, dc, dcName); } else { dvsName = vcenterDB.contrailDvSwitchName; dvs = vcenterDB.getVmwareDvs(dvsName, dc, dcName); } if (event.getNet() != null) { name = event.getNet().getName(); net = vcenterDB.getVmwareNetwork(name, dvs, dvsName, dcName); } dpg = vcenterDB.getVmwareDpg(name, dvs, dvsName, dcName); ManagedObject mo[] = new ManagedObject[1]; mo[0] = dpg; Hashtable[] pTables = PropertyCollectorUtil.retrieveProperties(mo, "DistributedVirtualPortgroup", new String[] {"name", "config.key", "config.defaultPortConfig", "config.vendorSpecificConfig", "summary.ipPoolId", "summary.ipPoolName", }); if (pTables == null || pTables[0] == null) { throw new RemoteException("Could not read properties for network " + name); } populateInfo(vcenterDB, pTables[0]); if (vcenterDB.mode == Mode.VCENTER_AS_COMPUTE) { apiVn = vncDB.findVirtualNetwork(uuid); readIpAm(); } } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public VirtualNetworkInfo(VCenterDB vcenterDB, DistributedVirtualPortgroup dpg, Hashtable pTable, dc, String dcName, dvs, String dvsName) throws Exception { if (vcenterDB == null || dpg == null || pTable == null || dvs == null || dvsName == null || dc == null || dcName == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot init VN from null arguments"); } vmiInfoMap = new ConcurrentSkipListMap<String, VirtualMachineInterfaceInfo>(); this.dc = dc; this.dcName = dcName; this.dpg = dpg; this.dvs = dvs; this.dvsName = dvsName; populateInfo(vcenterDB, pTable); } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") void populateInfo(VCenterDB vcenterDB, Hashtable pTable) throws Exception { name = (String) pTable.get("name"); switch(vcenterDB.mode) { case VCENTER_AS_COMPUTE: /* From Mitaka nova driver will append cluster_id to port group therefore need to extract the appended cluster id */ name = name.substring(Math.max(0, name.length() - 36)); // UUID is allocated by OpenStack and saved in the name field uuid = name; break; case VCENTER_ONLY: // UUID is allocated by the plugin String key = (String) pTable.get("config.key"); byte[] vnKeyBytes = key.getBytes(); uuid = UUID.nameUUIDFromBytes(vnKeyBytes).toString(); break; default: throw new Exception("Unhandled mode " +; } populateVlans(vcenterDB, pTable); populateAddressManagement(vcenterDB, pTable); } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private void populateAddressManagement(VCenterDB vcenterDB, Hashtable pTable) throws RuntimeFault, RemoteException, Exception { setIpPoolId( (Integer) pTable.get("summary.ipPoolId"), vcenterDB); // Read externalIpam flag from custom field DistributedVirtualSwitchKeyedOpaqueBlob[] opaqueBlobs = null; Object obj = pTable.get("config.vendorSpecificConfig"); if (obj instanceof DistributedVirtualSwitchKeyedOpaqueBlob[]) { opaqueBlobs = (DistributedVirtualSwitchKeyedOpaqueBlob[]) obj; } externalIpam = vcenterDB.getExternalIpamInfo(opaqueBlobs, name); } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private void populateVlans(VCenterDB vcenterDB, Hashtable pTable) throws Exception { VMwareDVSPvlanMapEntry[] pvlanMapArray = vcenterDB.getDvsPvlanMap(dvsName, dc, dcName); if (pvlanMapArray == null) { s_logger.error(this + "Cannot populate vlan, private vlan not configured on dvSwitch: " + dvsName + " Datacenter: " + dcName); return; } // Extract dvPg configuration info and port setting DVPortSetting portSetting = (DVPortSetting) pTable.get("config.defaultPortConfig"); if (!(portSetting instanceof VMwareDVSPortSetting)) { s_logger.error(this + " Cannot populate vlan, invalid port setting: " + portSetting); return; } VMwareDVSPortSetting vPortSetting = (VMwareDVSPortSetting) portSetting; VmwareDistributedVirtualSwitchVlanSpec vlanSpec = vPortSetting.getVlan(); if (vlanSpec instanceof VmwareDistributedVirtualSwitchPvlanSpec) { // config.defaultPortConfig.vlan contains isolated secondary VLAN Id VmwareDistributedVirtualSwitchPvlanSpec pvlanSpec = (VmwareDistributedVirtualSwitchPvlanSpec) vlanSpec; isolatedVlanId = (short)pvlanSpec.getPvlanId(); // Find primaryVLAN corresponding to isolated secondary VLAN // by searching in the pvlan Map Array for (short i=0; i < pvlanMapArray.length; i++) { if (pvlanMapArray[i].getPvlanType().equals("isolated") && (short)pvlanMapArray[i].getSecondaryVlanId() == isolatedVlanId) { primaryVlanId = (short)pvlanMapArray[i].getPrimaryVlanId(); s_logger.debug(this + " VlanType = PrivateVLAN" + " PrimaryVLAN = " + primaryVlanId + " IsolatedVLAN = " + isolatedVlanId); return; } } } else if (vlanSpec instanceof VmwareDistributedVirtualSwitchVlanIdSpec) { VmwareDistributedVirtualSwitchVlanIdSpec vlanIdSpec = (VmwareDistributedVirtualSwitchVlanIdSpec) vlanSpec; primaryVlanId = isolatedVlanId = (short)vlanIdSpec.getVlanId(); + " VlanType = VLAN " + " VlanId = " + primaryVlanId); } else { s_logger.error(this + " Cannot populate vlan, invalid vlan spec: " + vlanSpec); } } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } public short getIsolatedVlanId() { return isolatedVlanId; } public void setIsolatedVlanId(short vlanId) { this.isolatedVlanId = vlanId; } public short getPrimaryVlanId() { return primaryVlanId; } public void setPrimaryVlanId(short vlanId) { this.primaryVlanId = vlanId; } // "virtual-network"s parent is "project" public String getProjectUuid() { return apiVn.getParentUuid(); } public boolean getIpPoolEnabled() { return ipPoolEnabled; } public void setIpPoolEnabled(boolean _ipPoolEnabled) { this.ipPoolEnabled = _ipPoolEnabled; } public String getRange() { return range; } public void setRange(String _range) { this.range = _range; } public SortedMap<String, VirtualMachineInterfaceInfo> getVmiInfo() { return vmiInfoMap; } public Integer getIpPoolId() { return ipPoolId; } public void setIpPoolId(Integer poolId, VCenterDB vcenterDB) throws RuntimeFault, RemoteException { IpPool ipPool = vcenterDB.getIpPoolById(poolId, name, dc, dcName); if (ipPool != null) { IpPoolIpPoolConfigInfo ipConfigInfo = ipPool.getIpv4Config(); subnetAddress = ipConfigInfo.getSubnetAddress(); subnetMask = ipConfigInfo.getNetmask(); gatewayAddress = ipConfigInfo.getGateway(); ipPoolEnabled = ipConfigInfo.getIpPoolEnabled(); range = ipConfigInfo.getRange(); this.ipPoolId =;"Set ipPoolId to " + ipPoolId + " for " + this); } else { subnetAddress = null; subnetMask = null; gatewayAddress = null; ipPoolEnabled = false; range = null; this.ipPoolId = null;"Set ipPoolId to null for " + this); } } public String getSubnetAddress() { return subnetAddress; } public void setSubnetAddress(String subnetAddress) { this.subnetAddress = subnetAddress; } public String getSubnetMask() { return subnetMask; } public void setSubnetMask(String subnetMask) { this.subnetMask = subnetMask; } public String getGatewayAddress() { return gatewayAddress; } public void setGatewayAddress(String gatewayAddress) { this.gatewayAddress = gatewayAddress; } public boolean getExternalIpam() { return externalIpam; } public void setExternalIpam(boolean externalIpam) { this.externalIpam = externalIpam; } public String getUuid() { return uuid; } public void setUuid(String uuid) { this.uuid = uuid; } public DistributedVirtualPortgroup getDpg() { return dpg; } public void setDpg(DistributedVirtualPortgroup dpg) { this.dpg = dpg; } public void created(VirtualMachineInterfaceInfo vmiInfo) { vmiInfoMap.put(vmiInfo.getMacAddress(), vmiInfo); } public void updated(VirtualMachineInterfaceInfo vmiInfo) { if (!vmiInfoMap.containsKey(vmiInfo.getMacAddress())) { vmiInfoMap.put(vmiInfo.getMacAddress(), vmiInfo); } } public void deleted(VirtualMachineInterfaceInfo vmiInfo) { if (vmiInfoMap.containsKey(vmiInfo.getMacAddress())) { vmiInfoMap.remove(vmiInfo.getMacAddress()); } } public boolean contains(VirtualMachineInterfaceInfo vmiInfo) { return vmiInfoMap.containsKey(vmiInfo.getMacAddress()); } public boolean equals(VirtualNetworkInfo vn) { if (vn == null) { return false; } if (name != null && !name.equals( || name == null && != null) { return false; } if (uuid != null && !uuid.equals(vn.uuid) || uuid == null && vn.uuid != null) { return false; } if (isolatedVlanId != vn.isolatedVlanId || primaryVlanId != vn.primaryVlanId || ipPoolEnabled != vn.ipPoolEnabled || externalIpam != vn.externalIpam) { return false; } if (subnetAddress != null && !subnetAddress.equals(vn.subnetAddress) || subnetAddress == null && vn.subnetAddress != null) { return false; } if (subnetMask != null && !subnetMask.equals(vn.subnetMask) || subnetMask == null && vn.subnetMask != null) { return false; } if (gatewayAddress != null && !gatewayAddress.equals(vn.gatewayAddress) || gatewayAddress == null && vn.gatewayAddress != null) { return false; } if (range != null && !range.equals(vn.range) || range == null && vn.range != null) { return false; } return true; } public String toString() { return "VN <" + name + ", " + uuid + ">"; } public StringBuffer toStringBuffer() { StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer( "VN <" + name + ", " + uuid + ">\n\n"); for (Map.Entry<String, VirtualMachineInterfaceInfo> entry: vmiInfoMap.entrySet()) { VirtualMachineInterfaceInfo vmiInfo = entry.getValue(); s.append("\t") .append(vmiInfo).append("\n"); } s.append("\n"); return s; } boolean ignore() { // Ignore networks that do not have PVLAN/VLAN configured return (primaryVlanId == 0 && isolatedVlanId == 0); } // change the method below to use Observer pattern and get rid of the Vnc param @Override void create(VncDB vncDB) throws Exception { if (ignore()) { return; } vncDB.createVirtualNetwork(this); // notify observers MainDB.created(this); } @Override void update(VCenterObject obj, VncDB vncDB) throws Exception { if (ignore()) { return; } VirtualNetworkInfo newVnInfo = (VirtualNetworkInfo)obj; name =; primaryVlanId = newVnInfo.primaryVlanId; isolatedVlanId = newVnInfo.isolatedVlanId; ipPoolId = newVnInfo.ipPoolId; subnetAddress = newVnInfo.subnetAddress; subnetMask = newVnInfo.subnetMask; gatewayAddress = newVnInfo.gatewayAddress; ipPoolEnabled = newVnInfo.ipPoolEnabled; range = newVnInfo.range; externalIpam = newVnInfo.externalIpam; vncDB.updateVirtualNetwork(this); } @Override void sync(VCenterObject obj, VncDB vncDB) throws Exception { VirtualNetworkInfo oldVnInfo = (VirtualNetworkInfo)obj; if (uuid == null && oldVnInfo.uuid != null) { uuid = oldVnInfo.uuid; } if (name == null && != null) { name =; } if (isolatedVlanId == 0 && oldVnInfo.isolatedVlanId != 0) { isolatedVlanId = oldVnInfo.isolatedVlanId; } if (primaryVlanId == 0 && oldVnInfo.primaryVlanId != 0) { primaryVlanId = oldVnInfo.primaryVlanId; } if (ipPoolId == null && oldVnInfo.ipPoolId != null) { ipPoolId = oldVnInfo.ipPoolId; } if (subnetAddress == null && oldVnInfo.subnetAddress != null) { subnetAddress = oldVnInfo.subnetAddress; externalIpam = oldVnInfo.externalIpam; } if (subnetMask == null && oldVnInfo.subnetMask != null) { subnetMask = oldVnInfo.subnetMask; } if (gatewayAddress == null && oldVnInfo.gatewayAddress != null) { gatewayAddress = oldVnInfo.gatewayAddress; } if (range == null && oldVnInfo.range != null) { range = oldVnInfo.range; ipPoolEnabled = oldVnInfo.ipPoolEnabled; } if (apiVn == null && oldVnInfo.apiVn != null) { apiVn = oldVnInfo.apiVn; } } @Override void delete(VncDB vncDB) throws Exception { for (Map.Entry<String, VirtualMachineInterfaceInfo> entry: vmiInfoMap.entrySet()) { VirtualMachineInterfaceInfo vmiInfo = entry.getValue(); vmiInfo.delete(vncDB); } vncDB.deleteVirtualNetwork(this); MainDB.deleted(this); } public boolean isIpAddressInSubnetAndRange(String ipAddress) { if (ipAddress == null) { return true; } if (subnetAddress == null || subnetMask == null) { return false; } int addr = InetAddresses.coerceToInteger(InetAddresses.forString(ipAddress)); int subnet = InetAddresses.coerceToInteger(InetAddresses.forString(subnetAddress)); int mask = InetAddresses.coerceToInteger(InetAddresses.forString(subnetMask)); if (((addr & mask) != subnet)) { return false; } if (!ipPoolEnabled || range == null || range.isEmpty()) { return true; } String[] pools = range.split("\\#"); if (pools.length == 2) { String start = (pools[0]).replace(" ",""); String num = (pools[1]).replace(" ",""); int start_ip = InetAddresses.coerceToInteger(InetAddresses.forString(start)); int start_range = start_ip & ~mask; int end_ip = start_ip + Integer.parseInt(num) - 1; int end_range = end_ip & ~mask; int host = addr & ~mask; return (start_range <= host) && (host <= end_range); } return true; } }