/** * Copyright (c) 2014 Juniper Networks, Inc. All rights reserved. */ package net.juniper.contrail.vcenter; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.google.common.base.Throwables; import net.juniper.contrail.sandesh.VCenterHttpServices; import net.juniper.contrail.watchdog.TaskWatchDog; import net.juniper.contrail.zklibrary.MasterSelection; class ExecutorServiceShutdownThread extends Thread { private static final long timeoutValue = 60; private static final TimeUnit timeoutUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS; private static Logger s_logger = Logger.getLogger(ExecutorServiceShutdownThread.class); private ExecutorService es; public ExecutorServiceShutdownThread(ExecutorService es) { this.es = es; } @Override public void run() { es.shutdown(); try { if (!es.awaitTermination(timeoutValue, timeoutUnit)) { es.shutdownNow(); if (!es.awaitTermination(timeoutValue, timeoutUnit)) { s_logger.error("ExecutorSevice: " + es + " did NOT terminate"); } } } catch (InterruptedException e) { s_logger.error("ExecutorServiceShutdownThread: " + Thread.currentThread() + " ExecutorService: " + e + " interrupted : " + e); } } } public class VCenterMonitor { private static ScheduledExecutorService scheduledTaskExecutor = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1); private static Logger s_logger = Logger.getLogger(VCenterMonitor.class); private static String _configurationFile = "/etc/contrail/contrail-vcenter-plugin.conf"; private static String _vcenterURL = ""; private static String _vcenterUsername = "admin"; private static String _vcenterPassword = "Contrail123!"; private static String _vcenterDcName = "Datacenter"; private static String _vcenterDvsName = "dvSwitch"; private static String _vcenterIpFabricPg = "contrail-fab-pg"; static VCenterNotify _eventMonitor; private static String _apiServerAddress = ""; private static int _apiServerPort = 8082; private static String _username = "admin"; private static String _password = "contrail123"; private static String _tenant = "admin"; private static String _authtype = "keystone"; private static String _authurl = ""; private static String _zookeeperAddrPort = ""; private static String _zookeeperLatchPath = "/vcenter-plugin"; private static String _zookeeperId = "node-vcenter-plugin"; static volatile Mode mode = Mode.VCENTER_ONLY; private static volatile MasterSelection zk_ms; public static boolean isZookeeperLeader() { if (mode.equals(Mode.VCENTER_AS_COMPUTE)) return true; return zk_ms.isLeader(); } private static Properties readVcenterPluginConfigFile() { final Properties configProps = new Properties(); File configFile = new File(_configurationFile); if (!configFile.isFile()) { return configProps; } try { FileInputStream fileStream = new FileInputStream(configFile); try { configProps.load(fileStream); String ipFabricPg = configProps.getProperty("vcenter.ipfabricpg"); if (ipFabricPg != null) _vcenterIpFabricPg = ipFabricPg; _vcenterURL = configProps.getProperty("vcenter.url"); _vcenterUsername = configProps.getProperty("vcenter.username"); _vcenterPassword = configProps.getProperty("vcenter.password"); _vcenterDcName = configProps.getProperty("vcenter.datacenter"); _vcenterDvsName = configProps.getProperty("vcenter.dvswitch"); _zookeeperAddrPort = configProps.getProperty("zookeeper.serverlist"); _vcenterIpFabricPg = configProps.getProperty("vcenter.ipfabricpg"); _apiServerAddress = configProps.getProperty("api.hostname"); String portStr = configProps.getProperty("api.port"); if (portStr != null && portStr.length() > 0) { _apiServerPort = Integer.parseInt(portStr); } String _mode = configProps.getProperty("mode"); if (_mode != null && _mode.equals("vcenter-as-compute")) { mode = Mode.VCENTER_AS_COMPUTE; String authurl = configProps.getProperty("auth_url"); if (authurl != null && authurl.length() > 0) _authurl = authurl; String username = configProps.getProperty("admin_user"); if (username != null && username.length() > 0) _username = username; String password = configProps.getProperty("admin_password"); if (password != null && password.length() > 0) _password = password; String tenant = configProps.getProperty("admin_tenant_name"); if (tenant != null && tenant.length() > 0) _tenant = tenant; } else { // vcenter-only mode mode = Mode.VCENTER_ONLY; } } finally { fileStream.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { s_logger.error("Unable to read " + _configurationFile, e); } catch (Exception e) { s_logger.error("Exception in readVcenterPluginConfigFile: " + e); s_logger.error(Throwables.getStackTraceAsString(e)); } return configProps; } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { //Read contrail-vcenter-plugin.conf file Properties configProps = readVcenterPluginConfigFile(); s_logger.info("Config params vcenter url: " + _vcenterURL + ", _vcenterUsername: " + _vcenterUsername + ", api server: " + _apiServerAddress); launchWatchDogs(); VCenterHttpServices.init(configProps); // Connect to zookeeper only if VCenterOnly mode of operation. // Since in vCenterOnly mode, we can run vcenter-plugin in active-standby mode. // For vcenter-as-compute mode, there is only active instance of vcenter-plugin. if (mode.equals(Mode.VCENTER_ONLY)) { // Zookeeper mastership logic zk_ms = new MasterSelection(_zookeeperAddrPort, _zookeeperLatchPath, _zookeeperId); s_logger.info("Waiting for zookeeper Mastership .. "); zk_ms.waitForLeadership(); s_logger.info("Acquired zookeeper Mastership .. "); } _eventMonitor = new VCenterNotify(_vcenterURL, _vcenterUsername, _vcenterPassword, _vcenterDcName, _vcenterDvsName, _vcenterIpFabricPg, _apiServerAddress, _apiServerPort, _username, _password, _tenant, _authtype, _authurl, mode); s_logger.info("Starting the notify task.. "); _eventMonitor.start(); s_logger.info("Notify task started."); // Launch the periodic VRouterMonitorTask VRouterMonitorTask _monitorTask = new VRouterMonitorTask(); s_logger.info("Starting vrouter periodic monitor task.. "); scheduledTaskExecutor.scheduleWithFixedDelay(_monitorTask, 0, 8, //8 second periodic TimeUnit.SECONDS); s_logger.info("Periodic monitor task started."); Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook( new ExecutorServiceShutdownThread(scheduledTaskExecutor)); s_logger.info("All aboard."); } private static void launchWatchDogs() { ScheduledExecutorService watchDogExecutor = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(2); // launch watch dogs for (Runnable aker : TaskWatchDog.values()) { watchDogExecutor.scheduleWithFixedDelay(aker, 0, 60, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } } }