package Testes; import Editor.GUI.EditorCAlg; import Editor.GUI.SplashScreen; import Editor.Utils.DicasdoDia; import Portugol.Language.Calcular.Aritmeticos; import Portugol.Language.Calcular.Calculador; import Portugol.Language.Calcular.CalculusElement; import Portugol.Language.Calcular.Functions; import Portugol.Language.Calcular.Relationals; //import Portugol.Language.Criar.Intermediario; import Portugol.Language.Utilitario.Parentesis; import Portugol.Language.Utilitario.IteratorString; import Portugol.Language.Utilitario.IteratorExpression; import Portugol.Language.Utilitario.Values; import java.util.Vector; import Editor.Utils.LinhaEditor; import Portugol.Language.Analisador.Expressao; import Portugol.Language.Analisador.Simbolo; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; public class Main { private static DicasdoDia dica; /** * Creates a new instance of Main */ public Main() { } /** * @param args the command line arguments */ public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println(args.length); for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { System.out.println(args[i]); } SplashScreen splash = new SplashScreen(4000);// 6 segundos ate abrir o principal splash.showSplashAndExit(); EditorCAlg frmain; LinhaEditor linha = new LinhaEditor(); if (args.length > 0) { frmain = new EditorCAlg(args[0]); } else { frmain = new EditorCAlg(); //Linhas do editor frmain.setScrolEditorTexto(linha.obterScrolPane(frmain.getEditorTexto(), frmain.getScrolEditorTexto())); } frmain.setVisible(true); //David: rehabilitar Dica dica = new DicasdoDia(); for (long i = 0; i < 555555555; i++) { for (long j = 0; j < 5; j++) { } } JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, dica.dicaDia(), "Dica do dia...", 1); //David: Para testar todas as expressoes // try { // TestParentesis(); // TestStrings(); // TestPosFix(); // TestStringCalculus(); // TestCalculus(); // testRelational(); // testAritmetic(); // } catch (Exception e) { // System.out.printf(e.getMessage()); // } } // -------------------------------------------- public static void TestParentesis() throws Exception { String str = " (2 + (3) ) * 5"; System.out.println("STR: " + str); if (Parentesis.Verify(Expressao.ExpresionStringToVector(str))) { System.out.println("OK"); } else { System.out.println(Parentesis.GetError(Expressao.ExpresionStringToVector(str))); } } //---------------------------------------------------- public static void TestStrings() throws Exception { String msg = "OLA MUNDO"; String txt = Values.StringToText(msg); String str = Values.TextToString(txt); System.out.println("MSG\t:" + msg); System.out.println("TXT\t:" + txt); System.out.println("STR\t:" + str); Functions fstr = new Functions(); Vector v = new Vector(); v.clear(); v.add(txt); String comp = fstr.Calculate("comprimento", v); int max = Values.StringToInteger(comp); for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) { v.clear(); v.add(txt); v.add(Values.IntegerToString(i)); System.out.println(fstr.Calculate("letra", v)); } } //---------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------- public static void TestPosFix() throws Exception { //String str= " 2+ 3 * 5"; // String str= " -2+ -3 * -5"; String str = " -2+ -30.0 / -5 + comprimento(\"Ola mundo novo\")"; //String str= " 2 / 3.0 "; Calculador exp = new Calculador(Expressao.ExpresionStringToVector(str)); System.out.println("INFIX :" + exp.GetInfix()); System.out.println("POSFIX :" + exp.GetPosfix()); // System.out.println("RESULT :" + exp.GetResult()); } public static void TestStringCalculus() throws Exception { Vector v = new Vector(); v.clear(); v.add("\"Ola\""); v.add("\"Mundo\""); Calculate("+", v); v.clear(); v.add("\"Ola\""); Calculate("comprimento", v); Simbolo a = new Simbolo("", "literal", "a", "David", 0, "literal a<-\"Ola\""); Simbolo b = new Simbolo("", "literal", "b", "Silva", 0, "literal b<-\"Ola\""); v.clear(); v.add(a); Calculate("comprimento", v); v.add(b); Calculate("+", v); } //---------------------------------------------------- public static void TestCalculus() throws Exception { Vector v = new Vector(); v.clear(); v.add("100"); v.add("2"); Calculate("+", v); Calculate("-", v); Calculate("^", v); Calculate(">", v); Calculate("<>", v); Calculate("=", v); v.clear(); v.add("verdadeiro"); v.add("falso"); Calculate("<>", v); Calculate("=", v); Calculate("E", v); Calculate("OU", v); v.clear(); v.add("verdadeiro"); v.add("verdadeiro"); Calculate("<>", v); Calculate("=", v); Calculate("E", v); Calculate("OU", v); v.clear(); v.add("falso"); v.add("falso"); Calculate("<>", v); Calculate("=", v); Calculate("E", v); Calculate("OU", v); v.clear(); v.add("falso"); Calculate("NAO", v); v.clear(); v.add("verdadeiro"); Calculate("NAO", v); v.clear(); v.add("25"); Calculate("SENO", v); Calculate("RAIZ", v); v.clear(); v.add("5"); v.add("2"); Calculate("POTENCIA", v); v.clear(); Calculate("Aleatorio", v); Simbolo a = new Simbolo("", "inteiro", "a", "6", 0, "inteiro a<-6"); Simbolo b = new Simbolo("", "inteiro", "b", "4", 0, "inteiro b<-4"); v.clear(); v.add(a); v.add("4"); Calculate("+", v); Calculate("-", v); Calculate("^", v); Calculate(">", v); Calculate("<>", v); Calculate("=", v); Simbolo c = new Simbolo("", "logico", "c", "verdadeiro", 0, "logico c<-verdadeiro"); Simbolo d = new Simbolo("", "logico", "d", "verdadeiro", 0, "logico d<-verdadeiro"); v.clear(); v.add(c); v.add("falso"); Calculate("<>", v); Calculate("=", v); Calculate("E", v); Calculate("OU", v); v.clear(); v.add(c); v.add(d); Calculate("<>", v); Calculate("=", v); Calculate("E", v); Calculate("OU", v); v.clear(); v.add("falso"); v.add("falso"); Calculate("<>", v); Calculate("=", v); Calculate("E", v); Calculate("OU", v); v.clear(); v.add("falso"); Calculate("NAO", v); v.clear(); v.add(c); Calculate("NAO", v); v.clear(); v.add(a); Calculate("SENO", v); Calculate("RAIZ", v); v.clear(); v.add(a); v.add(b); Calculate("POTENCIA", v); } public static void Calculate(String oper, Vector params) throws Exception { CalculusElement calc = new CalculusElement(); System.out.println(oper + " <" + params.toString() + "> =" + calc.Calculate(oper, params)); } //---------------------------------------------------- public static void testRelational() throws Exception { testAllRelational("1", "1"); testAllRelational("10", "1"); testAllRelational("9.895", "200.52"); testAllRelational("verdadeiro", "falso"); testAllRelational("\"Ola\"", "\"Ola\""); testAllRelational("\"Ola\"", "\"Mundo\""); testAllRelational("\"Mundo\"", "\"Ola\""); } public static void testAllRelational(String v1, String v2) throws Exception { Relationals relat = new Relationals(); Vector v = new Vector(); v.add(v1); v.add(v2); System.out.println("---------------------------------------"); String oper = "="; System.out.println(v1 + " " + oper + " " + v2 + " ->\t " + relat.Calculate(oper, v)); oper = "<>"; System.out.println(v1 + " " + oper + " " + v2 + " ->\t " + relat.Calculate(oper, v)); if (!v1.equals("verdadeiro") && !v2.equals("verdadeiro")) { oper = ">"; System.out.println(v1 + " " + oper + " " + v2 + " ->\t " + relat.Calculate(oper, v)); oper = ">="; System.out.println(v1 + " " + oper + " " + v2 + " ->\t " + relat.Calculate(oper, v)); oper = "<"; System.out.println(v1 + " " + oper + " " + v2 + " ->\t " + relat.Calculate(oper, v)); oper = "<="; System.out.println(v1 + " " + oper + " " + v2 + " ->\t " + relat.Calculate(oper, v)); } } //---------------------------------------------------- public static void testAritmetic() throws Exception { testAllAritmetic("10", "5"); testAllAritmetic("5", "10"); testAllAritmetic("10", "3.0"); testAllAritmetic("\"OLA\"", "\"MUNDO\""); } public static void testAllAritmetic(String v1, String v2) throws Exception { Aritmeticos aritm = new Aritmeticos(); Vector v = new Vector(); v.add(v1); v.add(v2); System.out.println("---------------------------------------"); String oper = "+"; System.out.println(v1 + " " + oper + " " + v2 + " ->\t " + aritm.Calculate(oper, v)); if (!v1.contains("OLA")) { oper = "-"; System.out.println(v1 + " " + oper + " " + v2 + " ->\t " + aritm.Calculate(oper, v)); oper = "*"; System.out.println(v1 + " " + oper + " " + v2 + " ->\t " + aritm.Calculate(oper, v)); oper = "/"; System.out.println(v1 + " " + oper + " " + v2 + " ->\t " + aritm.Calculate(oper, v)); if (!v2.equals("3.0")) { oper = "%"; System.out.println(v1 + " " + oper + " " + v2 + " ->\t " + aritm.Calculate(oper, v)); } oper = "^"; System.out.println(v1 + " " + oper + " " + v2 + " ->\t " + aritm.Calculate(oper, v)); } } //---------------------------------------------------- public static void testExpressionIterator() throws Exception { //String str= " -2+ -3 * -5"; String str = "potencia(2,10)%23"; IteratorExpression it = new IteratorExpression(str); System.out.println("EXPRESSION\t:" + str); System.out.println("NORMALIZED\t:" + it.getExpression()); System.out.println("ELEMS\n"); while (it.hasMoreElements()) { System.out.println("[" + it.current() + "]");; } } //---------------------------------------------------- public static void testStringIterator() throws Exception { String str = " 1234 + 2344 * sen ( 3 * 10 )"; IteratorString it = new IteratorString(str); while (it.hasMoreElements()) { System.out.println("[" + it.current() + "]");; } } }