package Editor.Utils; import Portugol.Language.Analisador.Keyword; import Portugol.Language.Analisador.Simbolo; import Portugol.Language.Analisador.SymbolArray; import Portugol.Language.Analisador.SymbolComposto; import Portugol.Language.Analisador.SymbolObjeto; import Portugol.Language.Criar.Bloque; import Portugol.Language.Criar.BloqueClasse; import Portugol.Language.Criar.BloqueSubrutine; import Portugol.Language.Criar.InstanciaSubrutine; import; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Vector; import javax.swing.Icon; /** * FileSystemModel is a TreeTableModel representing a hierarchical file system. * Nodes in the FileSystemModel are FileNodes which, when they are directory * nodes, cache their children to avoid repeatedly querying the real file * system. * * @version %I% %G% * * @author Philip Milne * @author Scott Violet */ public class SymbolsModel extends AbstractTreeTableModel implements TreeTableModel { // Names of the columns. static protected String[] cNames = {"Nome", "Tipo", "Valor"};//, "Type", "Modified"}; // Types of the columns. static protected Class[] cTypes = {TreeTableModel.class, String.class, String.class, Date.class}; // The the returned file length for directories. public static final Integer ZERO = new Integer(0); public SymbolsModel(InstanciaSubrutine prog) { super(new InstanciaSubrutineNode(prog)); } // // Some convenience methods. // protected Object getRutina(Object node) { InstanciaSubrutineNode Node = ((InstanciaSubrutineNode) node); return Node.getBloque(); } protected Object[] getChildren(Object node) { InstanciaSubrutineNode Node = ((InstanciaSubrutineNode) node); return Node.getChildren(); } // // The TreeModel interface // public int getChildCount(Object node) { Object[] children = getChildren(node); return (children == null) ? 0 : children.length; } public Object getChild(Object node, int i) { return getChildren(node)[i]; } // The superclass's implementation would work, but this is more efficient. public boolean isLeaf(Object node) { InstanciaSubrutineNode Node = ((InstanciaSubrutineNode) node); return Node.isLeaf(); } // // The TreeTableNode interface. // public int getColumnCount() { return cNames.length; } public String getColumnName(int column) { return cNames[column]; } public Class getColumnClass(int column) { return cTypes[column]; } public Object getValueAt(Object node, int column) { Object dato = getRutina(node); try { switch (column) { case 0://NOME if (dato instanceof BloqueSubrutine) { return ((BloqueSubrutine) dato).Nome; } else if (dato instanceof SymbolObjeto) { return ((SymbolObjeto) dato).getName(); } else if (dato instanceof SymbolComposto) { return ((SymbolComposto) dato).getName(); } else if (dato instanceof SymbolArray) { return ((SymbolArray) dato).getName(); } else if (dato instanceof Simbolo) { return ((Simbolo) dato).getName(); } else { throw new Exception(); } case 1://TIPO if (dato instanceof InstanciaSubrutine) { switch (((InstanciaSubrutine) dato).BloqueRutina.type) { case Bloque.CONSTRUTOR: return Keyword.GetTextKey(Keyword.CONSTRUTOR); case Bloque.PROCEDIMENTO: return Keyword.GetTextKey(Keyword.PROCEDIMENTO); case Bloque.FUNCAO: return Keyword.GetTextKey(Keyword.FUNCAO); default: return ""; } } else if (dato instanceof SymbolObjeto) { return "(" + ((SymbolObjeto) dato).getTypeLexema() + ")"; } else if (dato instanceof SymbolComposto) { return "(" + ((SymbolComposto) dato).getTypeLexema() + ")"; } else if (dato instanceof SymbolArray) { return "Vector de (" + ((SymbolArray) dato).getTypeLexema() + ")"; } else if (dato instanceof Simbolo) { return ((Simbolo) dato).getTypeLexema(); } else { throw new Exception(); } case 2://VALOR if (dato instanceof InstanciaSubrutine) { return ""; } else if (dato instanceof SymbolObjeto) { return ""; } else if (dato instanceof SymbolComposto) { return ""; } else if (dato instanceof SymbolArray) { return ""; } else if (dato instanceof Simbolo) { return ((Simbolo) dato).getValue().toString(); } else { throw new Exception(); } } } catch (Exception se) { } return null; } } /* A FileNode is a derivative of the File class - though we delegate to * the File object rather than subclassing it. It is used to maintain a * cache of a directory's children and therefore avoid repeated access * to the underlying file system during rendering. */ class InstanciaSubrutineNode { Object dato; public InstanciaSubrutineNode(Object dato) { this.dato = dato; } /** * Returns the the string to be used to display this leaf in the JTree. */ public String toString() { if (dato instanceof InstanciaSubrutine) { return ((InstanciaSubrutine) dato).getTextoDescriptor(); } else if (dato instanceof SymbolObjeto) { return ((SymbolObjeto) dato).getName(); } else if (dato instanceof SymbolComposto) { return ((SymbolComposto) dato).getName(); } else if (dato instanceof SymbolArray) { return ((SymbolArray) dato).getName(); } else if (dato instanceof Simbolo) { return ((Simbolo) dato).getName(); } return dato.toString(); } public Icon getIcon() { if (dato instanceof InstanciaSubrutine) { return ((InstanciaSubrutine) dato).getIcon(); } else if (dato instanceof Simbolo) { //polimorfico, cada uno retorna su icon estatico en la clase return ((Simbolo) dato).getIcon(); } return null; } public Object getBloque() { return dato; } public boolean isLeaf() { return !(dato instanceof InstanciaSubrutine) && !(dato instanceof SymbolComposto) && !(dato instanceof SymbolObjeto) && !(dato instanceof SymbolArray); } /** * Loads the children, caching the results in the children ivar. */ protected Object[] getChildren() { if (dato instanceof InstanciaSubrutine) { Object[] children = new InstanciaSubrutineNode[((InstanciaSubrutine) dato).memory.size()]; //String path = bloque.getPath(); for (int i = 0; i < ((InstanciaSubrutine) dato).memory.size(); i++) { children[i] = new InstanciaSubrutineNode(((InstanciaSubrutine) dato).memory.get(i)); } return children; } else if (dato instanceof SymbolObjeto) { Object[] children = new InstanciaSubrutineNode[((SymbolObjeto) dato).Campos.size()]; //String path = bloque.getPath(); for (int i = 0; i < ((SymbolObjeto) dato).Campos.size(); i++) { children[i] = new InstanciaSubrutineNode(((SymbolObjeto) dato).Campos.get(i)); } return children; } else if (dato instanceof SymbolComposto) { Object[] children = new InstanciaSubrutineNode[((SymbolComposto) dato).Campos.size()]; //String path = bloque.getPath(); for (int i = 0; i < ((SymbolComposto) dato).Campos.size(); i++) { children[i] = new InstanciaSubrutineNode(((SymbolComposto) dato).Campos.get(i)); } return children; } else if (dato instanceof SymbolArray) { Object[] children = new InstanciaSubrutineNode[((SymbolArray) dato).dataValues.size()]; //String path = bloque.getPath(); for (int i = 0; i < ((SymbolArray) dato).dataValues.size(); i++) { children[i] = new InstanciaSubrutineNode(((SymbolArray) dato).dataValues.get(i)); } return children; } return new InstanciaSubrutineNode[0]; } }