package org.ifsoft.openlink.component; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.MissingResourceException; import java.util.PropertyResourceBundle; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class TelephoneNumberFormatter { private static final Logger Log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TelephoneNumberFormatter.class); private final static String nameSpaceBase = "traderlynk."; private final static String telephonyNameSpace = nameSpaceBase + "telephony."; private final static String telephonyCountryCode = telephonyNameSpace + "CountryCode"; private final static String telephonyCountryName = telephonyNameSpace + "CountryName"; private final static String telephonySameAreaRule = telephonyNameSpace + "SameAreaRule"; private final static String telephonyLongDistanceRule = telephonyNameSpace + "LongDistanceRule"; private final static String telephonyInternationalRule = telephonyNameSpace + "InternationalRule"; private final static String telephonyAreaCodePrefix = telephonyNameSpace + "AreaCodePrefix"; private final static String telephonyInternationalCarrierCode = telephonyNameSpace + "InternationalCarrierCode"; private final static String telephonyLongDistanceCarrierCode = telephonyNameSpace + "LongDistanceCarrierCode"; private final static String telephonyLongDistanceAccess = telephonyNameSpace + "LongDistanceAccess"; private final static String telephonyOutsideAccess = telephonyNameSpace + "OutsideAccess"; private final static String telephonyAreaCode = telephonyNameSpace + "AreaCode"; private final static String telephonyExtensionNumberLength = telephonyNameSpace + "ExtensionNumberLength"; private final static String telephonyExclusionPattern = telephonyNameSpace + "ExclusionPattern"; private final static String telephonyCountryCodeList = telephonyNameSpace + "CountryCodeList"; private TSCLocale myLocale ; private String CountryCode = null; private String CountryName = null; private String SameAreaRule = null; private String LongDistanceRule = null; private String InternationalRule = null; //Location Specific Properties private String InternationalCarrierCode = null; private String LongDistanceCarrierCode = null; private String LongDistanceAccess = null; private String OutsideAccess = null; private String AreaCode = null; private String useIDDFormat = null; private Integer ExtensionNumberLength = null; private String AreaCodePrefix = null; private String internalRoutingPrefix = null; private String realAreaCode; private long phoneNumberLength; private String countryCodeList = null; private ResourceBundle myResources; private Pattern patCanonicalLocalAreaNumber ; private Pattern patCanonicalNationalNumber ; private Pattern patCanonicalInternationalNumber ; private Pattern patExtensionNumber ; private Pattern patDialableNumber ; private Pattern patInternationalNumber; private Pattern patNationalNumber; private Pattern patCanonicalWithBracketedZero; private static List countryCodes = null; static String[] AreaCodePrefixes = new String[1000]; private boolean initialised = false; private boolean compiled = false; private String anyDialableRegex = "[0-9A-F*#]"; private String nonZeroDialableRegex = "[1-9A-F*#]"; private String anyDigitRegex = "[0-9]"; private String nonZeroDigitRegex = "[1-9]"; private String validRuleCharacters = "0123456789ABCD*#EFGLMNS,"; private String ruleStringRegex = "[0-9A-DLMNS*#,]*(EFG|FG|G)"; // private Pattern[] DialableCountryCodePatterns = {}; // private Pattern[] CanonicalCountryCodePatterns = {}; private String[] DialableCountryCodeStrings = {}; private String[] CanonicalCountryCodeStrings = {}; private List exclusionList = new Vector(); private Pattern[] ExclusionPatterns = {}; private static HashMap mapofLocales = null; private static String[] listofLocales = null; static TSCLocale locales[] = null; static String isoCountryCode[] = null; static { buildKnownLocales(); } public TelephoneNumberFormatter(Locale locale) { myLocale = new TSCLocale(locale); + "TelephoneNumberFormatter - Constructor"); } private static TSCLocale[] getAvailableLocales() { if (isoCountryCode == null) { ResourceBundle resource = PropertyResourceBundle.getBundle("Telephony", new Locale("","GB")) ; String countryCodeList = resource.getString("CountryCodeList"); isoCountryCode = countryCodeList.split(","); } if (locales == null) { locales = new TSCLocale[isoCountryCode.length]; List cCodes = new ArrayList(); int i; for (i = 0; i < isoCountryCode.length; i++) { Locale locale = new Locale("",isoCountryCode[i]); locales[i] = new TSCLocale(locale); ResourceBundle resource = PropertyResourceBundle.getBundle("Telephony", locale); locales[i].setDisplayCountry(resource.getString("CountryName")); String code = removeNonDigits(resource.getString("CountryCode")); Integer countryCode = new Integer(code); if (cCodes.indexOf(countryCode) == -1) { cCodes.add(countryCode); } try { AreaCodePrefixes[countryCode.intValue()] = resource.getString("AreaCodePrefix"); } catch(Exception e) { AreaCodePrefixes[countryCode.intValue()] = "0"; } } countryCodes = new ArrayList(cCodes); Collections.reverse(countryCodes); int insertAt = 0; for (i=0;i<countryCodes.size(); i++) { if (((Integer)countryCodes.get(i)).intValue() % 10 == 0) { countryCodes.add(insertAt++,countryCodes.remove(i)); } } } return locales; } public List getCountryCodes() { return countryCodes; } public static String[] getISOCountryCodes() { if (isoCountryCode == null) { getAvailableLocales(); } return isoCountryCode; } private static void buildKnownLocales() { if (listofLocales == null) { mapofLocales = new HashMap(); TSCLocale[] availableLocalesList = TelephoneNumberFormatter.getAvailableLocales() ; String[] localeStringList = new String[availableLocalesList.length]; int i; for (i=0; i<availableLocalesList.length; i++) { localeStringList[i] = availableLocalesList[i].getDisplayCountry(); mapofLocales.put(localeStringList[i],availableLocalesList[i]); } Arrays.sort(localeStringList); listofLocales = localeStringList; } } public static Locale getLocalebyName(String name) throws TelephoneNumberFormatException { if (mapofLocales == null) { buildKnownLocales(); } if (mapofLocales.containsKey( name)) { return ((TSCLocale)mapofLocales.get(name)).getLocale(); } else{ throw new TelephoneNumberFormatException("Unrecognised Country Name" ); } } public static TSCLocale getMyriadLocalebyName(String name) throws TelephoneNumberFormatException { if (mapofLocales == null) { buildKnownLocales(); } if (mapofLocales.containsKey( name)) { return ((TSCLocale)mapofLocales.get(name)); } else { throw new TelephoneNumberFormatException("Unrecognised Country Name" ); } } public static String[] getListofLocales() { if (mapofLocales == null) { buildKnownLocales(); } return listofLocales; } private String getProperty(String telephonyPropertyName) { String val = System.getProperty(telephonyPropertyName); if (val != null) { + "Setting " + telephonyPropertyName + " to '" + val + "'"); } return val; } private void getSystemProperties() throws TelephoneNumberFormatException { if (CountryCode == null) CountryCode = getProperty( telephonyCountryCode); if (CountryName == null) CountryName = getProperty( telephonyCountryName); if (SameAreaRule == null) SameAreaRule = getProperty(telephonySameAreaRule); if (LongDistanceRule == null) LongDistanceRule = getProperty(telephonyLongDistanceRule); if (InternationalRule == null) InternationalRule = getProperty(telephonyInternationalRule); if (AreaCodePrefix == null) AreaCodePrefix = getProperty(telephonyAreaCodePrefix); if (InternationalCarrierCode == null) InternationalCarrierCode = getProperty(telephonyInternationalCarrierCode); if (LongDistanceCarrierCode == null) LongDistanceCarrierCode = getProperty(telephonyLongDistanceCarrierCode); if (LongDistanceAccess == null) LongDistanceAccess = getProperty(telephonyLongDistanceAccess); if (OutsideAccess == null) OutsideAccess = getProperty(telephonyOutsideAccess); if (AreaCode == null) AreaCode = getProperty(telephonyAreaCode); if (ExtensionNumberLength == null) { String len = getProperty(telephonyExtensionNumberLength); if (len != null) { try { ExtensionNumberLength = new Integer(len); } catch (Exception e) { // ignore any conversion errors and set it back to null Log.error( getLocaleDebugInfo() + "Extension number length not set to " + len); ExtensionNumberLength = null; } } } if (System.getProperty(telephonyExclusionPattern) != null) { getLocaleDebugInfo() + "Adding '" + System.getProperty(telephonyExclusionPattern) + "' to Exclusion Patterns"); exclusionList.add( System.getProperty(telephonyExclusionPattern)); } String patternString = System.getProperty(telephonyExclusionPattern + "0"); int i; for (i=1;patternString != null;i++) { getLocaleDebugInfo() + "Adding '" + patternString + "' to Exclusion Patterns"); exclusionList.add(patternString); patternString = System.getProperty(telephonyExclusionPattern +new Integer(i).toString()); } } public void init() throws TelephoneNumberFormatException { String resource = null; try { + "Setting Properties from 'System.Properties'"); getSystemProperties(); myResources = PropertyResourceBundle.getBundle("Telephony",new Locale("",myLocale.getCountry())) ; + "Setting Locale Specific Properties from file 'Telephony__" + myLocale.getCountry() + ".properties'"); if (CountryCode == null) { resource = "CountryCode"; CountryCode = myResources.getString(resource); } if (CountryName == null) { resource = "CountryName"; CountryName = myResources.getString(resource); } if (SameAreaRule == null) { resource = "SameAreaRule"; SameAreaRule = myResources.getString(resource); } if (LongDistanceRule == null) { resource = "LongDistanceRule"; LongDistanceRule = myResources.getString(resource); } if (InternationalRule == null) { resource = "InternationalRule"; InternationalRule = myResources.getString(resource); } if (AreaCodePrefix == null) { resource = "AreaCodePrefix"; AreaCodePrefix = myResources.getString(resource); } } catch (MissingResourceException e) { Log.error(getLocaleDebugInfo() + "Missing resource '" + resource + "'",e); throw new TelephoneNumberFormatException("Missing resource '" + resource + "'",e); } catch (NullPointerException e) { Log.error(getLocaleDebugInfo() + "Unable to Load Locale " + myLocale.toString(),e); throw new TelephoneNumberFormatException("Unable to Load Locale " + myLocale.toString(),e); } try { + "Setting Locale Specific Properties from file ''"); if (InternationalCarrierCode == null) { resource = "InternationalCarrierCode"; InternationalCarrierCode = myResources.getString(resource); } if (LongDistanceCarrierCode == null) { resource = "LongDistanceCarrierCode"; LongDistanceCarrierCode = myResources.getString(resource); } if (LongDistanceAccess == null) { resource = "LongDistanceAccess"; LongDistanceAccess = myResources.getString(resource); } if (OutsideAccess == null) { resource = "OutsideAccess"; OutsideAccess = myResources.getString(resource); } if (AreaCode == null) { resource = "AreaCode"; AreaCode = myResources.getString(resource); } if (ExtensionNumberLength == null) { resource = "ExtensionNumberLength"; ExtensionNumberLength = new Integer(myResources.getString(resource)); } if (AreaCodePrefix == null) { resource = "AreaCodePrefix"; AreaCodePrefix = myResources.getString(resource); } } catch (MissingResourceException e) { // This is not an error because these properties may be set by method calls + "Missing resource '" + resource + "' from"); } try { initCountryCodes(); } catch (IOException e) { Log.error(getLocaleDebugInfo() + "Unable to Load County Codes from",e); throw new TelephoneNumberFormatException("Unable to Load County Codes from" ,e); } // check LongDistanceRule and AreaCode for consistancy initialised = true; if (LongDistanceRule.equals("") && !AreaCode.equals("")) { Log.error(getLocaleDebugInfo() + "Unexpected Trunk Code '" + AreaCode + "' supplied with Long Distance Rule set to '" + LongDistanceRule + "'"); initialised = false; throw new TelephoneNumberFormatException("Unexpected Trunk Code '" + AreaCode + "' supplied with Long Distance Rule set to '" + LongDistanceRule + "'"); } if (!LongDistanceRule.equals( "") && AreaCode.equals("")) { Log.error(getLocaleDebugInfo() + "Trunk Code must be supplied with Long Distance Rule set to '" + LongDistanceRule + "'"); initialised = false; throw new TelephoneNumberFormatException("Trunk Code must be supplied with Long Distance Rule set to '" + LongDistanceRule + "'"); } if (initialised) initPatterns(); } public boolean isAreaCodeRequired() throws TelephoneNumberFormatException { boolean ret = false; if (LongDistanceRule != null) ret = !LongDistanceRule.equals(""); else { // Need to get the LongDistanceRule as it will be in init... // this needs to be kept in step with init.... // Try properties... String ldr = getProperty(telephonyLongDistanceRule); if (ldr == null) { // Try resources... try { if (myResources == null) myResources = PropertyResourceBundle.getBundle("Telephony",new Locale("",myLocale.getCountry() )) ; ldr = myResources.getString("LongDistanceRule"); } catch (MissingResourceException e) { throw new TelephoneNumberFormatException("Cannot determine LongDistanceRule setting", e); } } ret = !ldr.equals(""); } return ret; } private void initCountryCodes() throws IOException , TelephoneNumberFormatException { if (countryCodes == null) { getAvailableLocales(); } setCountryCodeList(countryCodes); } private void initPatterns() throws TelephoneNumberFormatException { if (!initialised){ // Cant compile patterns until all properties are set + "Unable to Compile patterns until all properties are set"); } else { try { // Now Compile all the patterns + "All properties now set, Compiling patterns"); compilePatterns(); compiled = true; } catch (PatternSyntaxException e) { Log.error(getLocaleDebugInfo() + "Unable to Compile all patterns Syntax Error",e); throw new TelephoneNumberFormatException("Unable to Compile all patterns Syntax Error",e); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { Log.error(getLocaleDebugInfo() + "Unable to Compile all patterns Syntax Error",e); throw new TelephoneNumberFormatException("Unable to Compile all patterns Syntax Error",e); } catch (IOException e) { Log.error(getLocaleDebugInfo() + "Unable to Compile all patterns IO Error",e); throw new TelephoneNumberFormatException("Unable to Compile all patterns IO Error",e); } } } private void compilePatterns() throws PatternSyntaxException, FileNotFoundException, TelephoneNumberFormatException { //The pattern to match inArea Canonical Local area Number "+CCCAAAAnnnnnnnn" patCanonicalLocalAreaNumber = Pattern.compile("\\+(" + this.getCountryCode() + this.getAreaCode() + anyDialableRegex + "+)"); Log.debug(getLocaleDebugInfo() + "CanonicalLocalAreaNumber Pattern = " + patCanonicalLocalAreaNumber.pattern()); //The pattern to match inCountry Canonical National Number "+CCCnnnnnnnnnnnn" patCanonicalNationalNumber = Pattern.compile("\\+(" + this.getCountryCode() + anyDialableRegex + "+)"); Log.debug(getLocaleDebugInfo() + "CanonicalNationalNumber Pattern = " + patCanonicalNationalNumber.pattern()); //The pattern to match Canonical InterNational Number "+cccnnnnnnnnnnnn" patCanonicalInternationalNumber = Pattern.compile("\\+(" + nonZeroDialableRegex + anyDialableRegex + "+)"); Log.debug(getLocaleDebugInfo() + "CanonicalInternationalNumber Pattern = " + patCanonicalInternationalNumber.pattern()); int len = ExtensionNumberLength.intValue(); if (len != 0) { //The pattern to match Extension Number "nnnnn" where number of n's is the extension number length patExtensionNumber = Pattern.compile(anyDialableRegex + "{1," + new Integer(len).toString() + "}"); Log.debug(getLocaleDebugInfo() + "ExtensionNumber Pattern = " + patExtensionNumber.pattern()); } else { patExtensionNumber = null; Log.debug(getLocaleDebugInfo() + "ExtensionNumber Length = 0, Pattern set to null"); } //The pattern to match a Dialable Number patDialableNumber = Pattern.compile("(" + OutsideAccess + "|" + LongDistanceAccess + ")?(" + anyDialableRegex + "+)" ); Log.debug(getLocaleDebugInfo() + "DialableNumber Pattern = " + patDialableNumber.pattern()); //The pattern to match a Dialable International Number patInternationalNumber = Pattern.compile("(" + OutsideAccess + "|" + LongDistanceAccess + ")?" + convertRuletoRegex(InternationalRule) + nonZeroDialableRegex + anyDialableRegex + "+)"); Log.debug(getLocaleDebugInfo() + "InternationalNumber Pattern = " + patInternationalNumber.pattern()); //The pattern to match a Dialable National Number patNationalNumber = Pattern.compile("(" + OutsideAccess + "|" + LongDistanceAccess + ")?" + convertRuletoRegex(LongDistanceRule) + nonZeroDialableRegex + anyDialableRegex + "+)"); Log.debug(getLocaleDebugInfo() + "NationalNumber Pattern = " + patNationalNumber.pattern()); //The pattern to match a Canonical Number with Extra "0" in brackets i.e. "+ccc(0)aaaannnnnnnn" patCanonicalWithBracketedZero = Pattern.compile("\\+(" + nonZeroDigitRegex + anyDigitRegex + "*)\\(0\\)(" + anyDialableRegex + "+)"); Log.debug(getLocaleDebugInfo() + "CanonicalWithBracketedZero Pattern = " + patCanonicalWithBracketedZero.pattern()); compileExclusionPatterns(); } private void compileExclusionPatterns() { if (exclusionList != null) { Log.debug(getLocaleDebugInfo() + "Exclusion List has " + exclusionList.size() + " entries"); Iterator it = exclusionList.iterator(); ExclusionPatterns = new Pattern[exclusionList.size()]; int i = 0; while(it.hasNext()) { ExclusionPatterns[i] = Pattern.compile((String); Log.debug(getLocaleDebugInfo() + "Exclusion Pattern[" + i + "] = " + ExclusionPatterns[i].pattern()); i++; } } } public String removeAccessDigitsAndformatCanonicalNumber(String dialableNumb) throws TelephoneNumberFormatException { String ret = null; //Remove any extra spaces String Number = dialableNumb.trim(); // Check if number fits any give exclusion if so then do nothing with it Matcher matcher = null; for (int i=0; i<ExclusionPatterns.length ; i++){ matcher = ExclusionPatterns[i].matcher(Number); if (matcher.matches()) { Log.debug(getLocaleDebugInfo() + " Number matches an Exclusion Pattern returning it as is'" + Number + "'"); return Number; } } if (dialableNumb.length() > getExtensionNumberLength()) { if (dialableNumb.startsWith(getOutsideAccess())) { //Strip out the first digit in the "destinationNumber" int outsideAccessLength = getOutsideAccess().length(); dialableNumb = dialableNumb.substring(outsideAccessLength); } } ret = formatCanonicalNumber(dialableNumb); return ret; } public String addAccessDigitsAndformatCanonicalNumber(String dialableNumb) throws TelephoneNumberFormatException { //Remove any extra spaces String Number = dialableNumb.trim(); // Check if number fits any give exclusion if so then do nothing with it Matcher matcher = null; for (int i=0; i<ExclusionPatterns.length ; i++) { matcher = ExclusionPatterns[i].matcher(Number); if (matcher.matches()) { Log.debug(getLocaleDebugInfo() + "Number matches an Exclusion Pattern returning it as is'" + Number + "'"); return Number; } } String ret = null; if (dialableNumb.length() > getExtensionNumberLength()) dialableNumb = getOutsideAccess() + dialableNumb; ret = formatCanonicalNumber(dialableNumb); return ret; } public String formatCanonicalNumber(String dialableNumb) throws TelephoneNumberFormatException { if (!initialised) { initPatterns(); } int i; String ret = null; Matcher matcher = null; try { String Number = dialableNumb.trim(); for (i=0; i<ExclusionPatterns.length ; i++) { matcher = ExclusionPatterns[i].matcher(Number); if (matcher.matches()) { Log.debug(getLocaleDebugInfo() + "Number matches an Exclusion Pattern returning it as is'" + Number + "'"); return Number; } } if ((i=Number.indexOf('+')) > -1) { // it is a canonical number so add international rule first Number = getOutsideAccess() + applyTelephonyLocationRules(Number.substring(++i), InternationalRule); } // Removed the next else for bug found by RAB when importing Spanish number with 00,EFG as the international code // else Number = removeNonDialableChars(Number); if (Number.length() > this.getExtensionNumberLength() ) { for (i = 0; i < DialableCountryCodeStrings.length && ret == null; i++) { matcher = Pattern.compile(DialableCountryCodeStrings[i]).matcher(Number); if (matcher.matches()) { ret = transformCanonicalNumber( +; } } if (ret == null) { matcher = patInternationalNumber.matcher(Number); if (matcher.matches()) { ret = "+" +; } } if (ret == null) { matcher = patNationalNumber.matcher(Number); if (matcher.matches()) { // If Number starts with 9, then its been dropped by group(2), hence made this change // ret = "+" + CountryCode +; String convertNumber =; if(!"yes".equalsIgnoreCase(getUseDDIFormat())) { ret = "+" + CountryCode + convertNumber; } else { ret = "+" + formatNumberForIDD(checkNumberStartsWithAreaCode(convertNumber)); } } } if (ret == null) { matcher = patDialableNumber.matcher(Number); // This matcher has (X|9) where the later 9 will be dropped by, hence made group to '0' if (matcher.matches()) { //ret = "+" + CountryCode + AreaCode +; String convertNumber =; if(!"yes".equalsIgnoreCase(getUseDDIFormat())) { ret = "+" + CountryCode + AreaCode + convertNumber; } else { ret = "+" + formatNumberForIDD(checkNumberStartsWithAreaCode(convertNumber)); } } } } if (ret == null) { if (patExtensionNumber != null) { matcher = patExtensionNumber.matcher(Number); if (matcher.matches()) { ret =; } } } if (ret == null) throw new TelephoneNumberFormatException("Can not Transform Number '" + dialableNumb + "' into Canonical Format"); else { Log.debug(getLocaleDebugInfo() + "Formated Number '" + dialableNumb + "' to Canonical Number '" + ret + "'"); return ret; } } catch (TelephoneNumberFormatException tnfe) { throw tnfe; } catch (Exception e) { throw new TelephoneNumberFormatException("Exception caught formating number " + dialableNumb + " into Canonical form",e ); } } public String formatDialableNumber(String canonicalNumb) throws TelephoneNumberFormatException { if (!initialised) { initPatterns(); } int i; Matcher matcher = null; String ret = null; try { //Remove any extra spaces String Number = canonicalNumb.trim(); // Check if number fits any give exclusion if so then do nothing with it // Check if number now starts with the "+" character boolean isCanonicalNumber = Number.charAt(0) == '+'; if (patExtensionNumber != null) { matcher = patExtensionNumber.matcher(Number); if (matcher.matches()) ret =; } if (ret == null) { // it was not an extension number //does it start with the "+" character if (!isCanonicalNumber) //No so it is an error throw new TelephoneNumberFormatException("Number '" + canonicalNumb + "' not in Canonical Format"); //Now remove all spaces from the number Number = removeSpaces(Number); //Check for a Canonical Number with an Extra "0" character in brackets i.e. "+ccc(0)aaaannnnnnnn" matcher = patCanonicalWithBracketedZero.matcher(Number); if (matcher.matches()) { // it did match so use recursion to format the numbers without the "(0)" i.e. "+cccaaaannnnnnnn" ret = formatDialableNumber("+" + +; } else { //Check for country code followed by the optional digit to be dropped i.e. "+cccxaaaannnnnnnn" // NOTE NOTE NOTE //This works OK for most countries //except when dialling Italy and former USSR countries, when the '0' must always be dialled. //When dialling area codes to Finland, Iceland or Turkey the initial '0' or '9' should be removed //NOTE NOTE NOTE /* for (i = 0; i < CanonicalCountryCodeStrings.length && ret == null; i++) { matcher = Pattern.compile(CanonicalCountryCodeStrings[i]).matcher('+' + Number); if (matcher.matches()){ // it did match so use recursion to format the numbers without the "n" i.e. "+cccaaaannnnnnnn" ret = formatDialableNumber("+" + +; // ret = "+" + +; } } */ Number = removeNonDialableChars(Number); if(!"yes".equalsIgnoreCase(getUseDDIFormat())) { if (ret == null) { //Check for a local area number if (this.AreaCode.length() > 0) { matcher = patCanonicalLocalAreaNumber.matcher('+' + Number); if (matcher.matches()) { ret = formatDialableLocalAreaNumber(; } } } if (ret == null) { //Check for a National number matcher = patCanonicalNationalNumber.matcher('+' + Number); if (matcher.matches()) { ret = formatDialableNationalNumber(; } } if (ret == null) { //Check for a InterNational number matcher = patCanonicalInternationalNumber.matcher('+' + Number); if (matcher.matches()) { ret = formatDialableInternationalNumber(; } } /* if (ret == null) { matcher = patDialableNumber.matcher(Number); if (matcher.matches()) ret =; } if (ret == null) { String DialableNumber = null; if (!isCanonicalNumber) { String CanonicalNumber = formatCanonicalNumber(Number); ret = formatDialableNumber(CanonicalNumber); }else ret = Number; } */ } else { Number = removeNonDialableChars(Number); ret = getOutsideAccess() + applyTelephonyLocationRules(applyLocalAreaRule(Number), InternationalRule); } } } if (ret == null) throw new TelephoneNumberFormatException("Number '" + canonicalNumb + "' not in recognised Canonical Format"); else { Log.debug(getLocaleDebugInfo() + "Formated Number '" + canonicalNumb + "' to Dialable Number '" + ret + "'"); return ret; } } catch (TelephoneNumberFormatException tnfe) { throw tnfe; } catch (Exception e) { throw new TelephoneNumberFormatException("Exception caught formating number " + canonicalNumb + " into Dialable form",e ); } } public void setExclusionList(List exclusions) { exclusionList = exclusions; } public List getExclusionList() { return exclusionList; } private String transformCanonicalNumber(String dialableNumb) throws TelephoneNumberFormatException { if (!initialised) { initPatterns(); } Matcher matcher = null; String ret = null; String Number = dialableNumb.trim(); // boolean CanonicalNumber = Number.charAt(0) == '+'; Number = removeNonDialableChars(Number); // matcher = patInternatonalWithExtraZero.matcher(Number); // if (matcher.matches()) // return formatCanonicalNumber( +; matcher = patInternationalNumber.matcher(Number); if (matcher.matches()) { ret = "+" +; } if (ret == null) { matcher = patNationalNumber.matcher(Number); if (matcher.matches()) { ret = "+" + CountryCode +; } } if (ret == null) { if (patExtensionNumber != null) { matcher = patExtensionNumber.matcher(Number); if (matcher.matches()) ret =; } } if (ret == null) { throw new TelephoneNumberFormatException("Can not Format Number '" + dialableNumb + "' into Canonical Format"); } else { Log.debug(getLocaleDebugInfo() + "Transformed Number '" + dialableNumb + "' to Canonical Number '" + ret + "'"); return ret; } } private static boolean isDialableChar(char c) { if ((c <= '9' && c >= '0') || (c <= 'F' && c >= 'A') || c == '*' || c == '#') return true; else return false; } private boolean isValidRuleCharacter(char c) { if (validRuleCharacters.indexOf(c) > -1) { return true; } return false; } private boolean isValidRuleString(String str) { int i; for (i = 0;i < str.length();i++) { if (!isValidRuleCharacter(str.charAt(i))) return false; } if (str.equals("")) return true; Pattern patRuleString = Pattern.compile(ruleStringRegex); return patRuleString.matcher(str).matches() ; } private void checkValidRuleString(String str) throws TelephoneNumberFormatException { if (!isValidRuleString(str)) { Log.error(getLocaleDebugInfo() + "Invalid Rule '" + str + "' entered"); throw(new TelephoneNumberFormatException("Invalid Rule '" + str + "' entered")); } } private void checkDialableString(String str) throws TelephoneNumberFormatException { if (!isDialableString(str)) { Log.error(getLocaleDebugInfo() + "Non Dialable Number '" + str + "' entered"); throw(new TelephoneNumberFormatException("Non Dialable Number '" + str + "' entered")); } } public static boolean isDialableString(String str) { int i; for (i = 0;i < str.length();i++) { if (!isDialableChar(str.charAt(i))) return false; } return true; } private String removeNonDialableChars(String Numb) { String Number = ""; for ( int i = 0; i < Numb.length(); i++) { if (isDialableChar(Numb.charAt(i))) { Number = Number + Numb.charAt(i); } } return Number; } private String removeSpaces(String Numb) { String Number = ""; for ( int i = 0; i < Numb.length(); i++) { if (Numb.charAt(i) != ' ' ) { Number = Number + Numb.charAt(i); } } return Number; } private static String removeNonDigits(String Numb) { String Number = ""; for ( int i = 0; i < Numb.length(); i++) { if (Numb.charAt(i) <= '9' && Numb.charAt(i) >= '0') { Number = Number + Numb.charAt(i); } } return Number; } private String convertRuletoRegex(String Rule) { int i; String regex = ""; for (i = 0; i < Rule.length(); i++) { switch (Rule.charAt(i)) { // The country code case 'E': { return regex + "("; // break; } // The Area code case 'F': { return regex + "("; // break; } // The number past the Country and area code case 'G': { return regex + "("; // break; } // All digits dial as is case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': case 'A': case 'B': case 'C': case 'D': case '*': case '#': { regex = regex + Rule.charAt(i); break; } case 'N': { //N Optional long-distance carrier. regex = regex + this.getLongDistanceCarrierCode(); break; } case 'S': { //S Optional international carrier. regex = regex + this.getInternationalCarrierCode(); break; } case 'L': { //L Mandatory long-distance carrier. regex = regex + this.getLongDistanceCarrierCode(); break; } case 'M': { //M Mandatory international carrier. regex = regex + this.getInternationalCarrierCode(); break; } default: { break; } } } if (regex.equals( "")) regex = "("; return regex; } private String formatDialableLocalAreaNumber(String num) { // return (this.getOutsideAccess() + applyTelephonyLocationRules(num, SameAreaRule)); // return (this.getOutsideAccess() + this.getAreaCode() + applyTelephonyLocationRules(num, SameAreaRule)); return applyLocalAreaRule(applyTelephonyLocationRules(num, SameAreaRule)); } private String formatDialableNationalNumber(String num) { if (LongDistanceRule.equals("")) return(applyLocalAreaRule(applyTelephonyLocationRules(num, SameAreaRule))); else // return(this.getOutsideAccess() + applyTelephonyLocationRules(num, LongDistanceRule)); return applyLocalAreaRule(applyTelephonyLocationRules(num,LongDistanceRule)); } private String formatDialableInternationalNumber(String num) { return(this.getOutsideAccess() + applyTelephonyLocationRules(num, InternationalRule)); } String getPrefix(String rule) { int i; String dialString = ""; for (i = 0; i < rule.length(); i++) { switch (rule.charAt(i)) { case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': case 'A': case 'B': case 'C': case 'D': { dialString = dialString + rule.charAt(i); break; } } } return dialString; } String getInterNationalPrefix() { return getPrefix(InternationalRule); } String getNationalPrefix() { return getPrefix(LongDistanceRule); } private String applyTelephonyLocationRules(String num, String Rule) { int i; String dialString = ""; for (i = 0; i < Rule.length(); i++) { switch (Rule.charAt(i)) { // The country code case 'E': { // Followed by Area code and Local Number if ((Rule.charAt(i+1) == 'F') && (Rule.charAt(i+2) == 'G')) { dialString = dialString + num; // Skip over the F and G i += 2; } else { Log.warn("Acording to the country list rule this can not happen"); } break; } // The Area code case 'F': { // Followed by Local Number if (Rule.charAt(i+1) == 'G') { // can only be in Country so we can get the number ok // Skip over the G dialString = checkNumberStartsWithAreaCode(dialString + num.substring(this.getCountryCode().length())); i += 1; } else { Log.warn("Acording to the country list rule this can not happen"); } break; } // The number past the Country and area code // can only be in Country and in Area so we can get the number ok case 'G': { dialString = dialString + num.substring(this.getCountryCode().length() + this.getAreaCode().length()); break; } // All digits dial as is case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': case 'A': case 'B': case 'C': case 'D': case '*': case '#': { dialString = dialString + Rule.charAt(i); break; } case ',': { //, Pause for a fixed time. dialString = dialString + 'P'; break; } case 'N': { //N Optional long-distance carrier. dialString = dialString + this.getLongDistanceCarrierCode(); break; } case 'S': { //S Optional international carrier. dialString = dialString + this.getInternationalCarrierCode(); break; } case 'L': { //L Mandatory long-distance carrier. dialString = dialString + this.getLongDistanceCarrierCode(); break; } case 'M': { //M Mandatory international carrier. dialString = dialString + this.getInternationalCarrierCode(); break; } // Can not do any of the rest of these case '!': { //! Flash (1/2 second on-hook, 1/2 second off-hook). break; } case 'W': { //W Wait for a second dial tone. break; } case 'T': { //T Subsequent numbers are to be tone dialed. break; } case 'P': { //P Subsequent numbers are to be pulse dialed. break; } // I do not know what the rest of the cases do so we will have to add code when we find out. case ' ': { break; } default: { break; } } } return dialString; } private void setCountryCodeList(List countryCodeList) throws TelephoneNumberFormatException { if (!initialised) { initPatterns(); } int i; // NOTE These patterns are not compiled now as creating many numberformaters uses up an inordinate amount of memory //Create Patterns for Dialable and Canonical Numbers with an Extra "n" after the country code DialableCountryCodeStrings = new String[countryCodeList.size()]; CanonicalCountryCodeStrings = new String[countryCodeList.size()]; // Pattern prefix and suffix to match a diallable international number with an extra "n" between country code and Adrea code // Each Country's pattern will be of form "<Optional Access Digits><InterNational Access Digits><CountryCode>n<RestOfNumber>" String patDialablePrefix = "((" + OutsideAccess + "|" + LongDistanceAccess + ")?" + convertRuletoRegex(InternationalRule); String patDialableSuffix = ")(" + nonZeroDialableRegex + anyDialableRegex + "+)"; // Pattern prefix and suffix to match a canonical international number with an extra "n" between country code and Area code // Each Country's pattern will be of form "+<CountryCode>n<RestOfNumber> String patCanonicalPrefix = "\\+("; String patCanonicalSuffix = ")(" + nonZeroDialableRegex + anyDialableRegex + "+)"; for (i = 0; i < countryCodeList.size(); i++) { // Create the Dialable pattern for this country int countryCode = ((Integer)countryCodeList.get(i)).intValue(); String pat = patDialablePrefix + countryCodeList.get(i).toString() + "))(" + AreaCodePrefixes[countryCode] + patDialableSuffix; DialableCountryCodeStrings[i] = pat; // Create the Canonical pattern for this country pat = patCanonicalPrefix + countryCodeList.get(i).toString() + ")(" + AreaCodePrefixes[countryCode] + patCanonicalSuffix; CanonicalCountryCodeStrings[i] = pat; } } public boolean isInitialised() { return initialised && compiled; } private String getLocaleDebugInfo() { if (myLocale != null) return "[" + myLocale.getDisplayCountry() + "] "; else return "[Locale Not Set] "; } public String getCountryCode() { return CountryCode; } public void setCountryCode(String countryCode)throws TelephoneNumberFormatException { countryCode = countryCode.trim(); try { checkDialableString(countryCode); CountryCode = countryCode; + "Country Code set to '" + CountryCode + "'"); initPatterns(); } catch(NullPointerException npe) { Log.error(getLocaleDebugInfo() + "Country Code '" + countryCode + "' not set " + npe); throw new TelephoneNumberFormatException("Country Code '" + countryCode + "' not set",npe); } catch(TelephoneNumberFormatException tnfe) { throw tnfe; } } public String getCountryName() { return CountryName; } public void setCountryName(String countryName) throws TelephoneNumberFormatException { countryName = countryName.trim(); try { CountryName = countryName; + "Country Name set to '" + CountryName + "'"); // Country Name is not used at all yet so will not need to re-compile patterns //initPatterns(); } catch(NullPointerException npe) { Log.error(getLocaleDebugInfo() + "Country Name '" + countryName + "' not set " + npe); throw new TelephoneNumberFormatException("Country Name '" + countryName + "' not set",npe); } } public String getInternationalRule() { return InternationalRule; } public void setInternationalRule(String internationalRule) throws TelephoneNumberFormatException { internationalRule = internationalRule.trim(); try { checkValidRuleString(internationalRule); InternationalRule = internationalRule; + "International Rule set to '" + InternationalRule + "'"); initPatterns(); } catch(NullPointerException npe) { Log.error(getLocaleDebugInfo() + "International Rule '" + internationalRule + "' not set " + npe); throw new TelephoneNumberFormatException("International Rule '" + internationalRule + "' not set",npe); } catch(TelephoneNumberFormatException tnfe) { throw tnfe; } } public String getLongDistanceRule() { return LongDistanceRule; } public void setLongDistanceRule(String longDistanceRule) throws TelephoneNumberFormatException { longDistanceRule = longDistanceRule.trim(); try { checkValidRuleString(longDistanceRule); LongDistanceRule = longDistanceRule; + "Long Distance Rule set to '" + LongDistanceRule + "'"); initPatterns(); } catch(NullPointerException npe) { Log.error(getLocaleDebugInfo() + "Long Distance Rule '" + longDistanceRule + "' not set " + npe); throw new TelephoneNumberFormatException("Long Distance Rule '" + longDistanceRule + "' not set",npe); } catch(TelephoneNumberFormatException tnfe) { throw tnfe; } } public String getSameAreaRule() { return SameAreaRule; } public void setSameAreaRule(String sameAreaRule) throws TelephoneNumberFormatException { sameAreaRule = sameAreaRule.trim(); try { checkValidRuleString(sameAreaRule); SameAreaRule = sameAreaRule; + "Same Area Rule set to '" + SameAreaRule + "'"); initPatterns(); } catch(NullPointerException npe) { Log.error(getLocaleDebugInfo() + "Same Area Rule '" + sameAreaRule + "' not set " + npe); throw new TelephoneNumberFormatException("Same Area Rule '" + sameAreaRule + "' not set",npe); } catch(TelephoneNumberFormatException tnfe) { throw tnfe; } } public String getAreaCode() { return AreaCode; } public void setAreaCode(String areaCode) throws TelephoneNumberFormatException { areaCode = areaCode.trim(); try { checkDialableString(areaCode); AreaCode = areaCode; + "Area Code set to '" + AreaCode + "'"); initPatterns(); } catch(NullPointerException npe) { Log.error(getLocaleDebugInfo() + "Area Code '" + areaCode + "' not set " + npe); throw new TelephoneNumberFormatException("Area Code '" + areaCode + "' not set",npe); } catch(TelephoneNumberFormatException tnfe) { throw tnfe; } } public String getInternationalCarrierCode() { return InternationalCarrierCode; } public void setInternationalCarrierCode(String internationalCarrierCode) throws TelephoneNumberFormatException { internationalCarrierCode = internationalCarrierCode.trim(); try { checkDialableString(internationalCarrierCode); InternationalCarrierCode = internationalCarrierCode; + "International Carrier Code set to '" + InternationalCarrierCode + "'"); initPatterns(); } catch(NullPointerException npe) { Log.error(getLocaleDebugInfo() + "International Carrier Code '" + internationalCarrierCode + "' not set " + npe); throw new TelephoneNumberFormatException("International Carrier Code '" + internationalCarrierCode + "' not set",npe); } catch(TelephoneNumberFormatException tnfe) { throw tnfe; } } public String getLongDistanceAccess() { return LongDistanceAccess; } public void setLongDistanceAccess(String longDistanceAccess) throws TelephoneNumberFormatException { longDistanceAccess = longDistanceAccess.trim(); try { longDistanceAccess = longDistanceAccess.trim(); checkDialableString(longDistanceAccess); LongDistanceAccess = longDistanceAccess; + "Long Distance Access set to '" + LongDistanceAccess + "'"); initPatterns(); } catch(NullPointerException npe) { Log.error(getLocaleDebugInfo() + "Long Distance Access '" + longDistanceAccess + "' not set " + npe); throw new TelephoneNumberFormatException("Long Distance Access '" + longDistanceAccess + "' not set",npe); } catch(TelephoneNumberFormatException tnfe) { throw tnfe; } } public String getLongDistanceCarrierCode() { return LongDistanceCarrierCode; } public void setLongDistanceCarrierCode(String longDistanceCarrierCode) throws TelephoneNumberFormatException { longDistanceCarrierCode = longDistanceCarrierCode.trim(); try { checkDialableString(longDistanceCarrierCode); LongDistanceCarrierCode = longDistanceCarrierCode; + "Long Distance Carrier Code set to '" + LongDistanceCarrierCode + "'"); initPatterns(); } catch(NullPointerException npe) { Log.error(getLocaleDebugInfo() + "Long Distance Carrier Code '" + longDistanceCarrierCode + "' not set " + npe); throw new TelephoneNumberFormatException("Long Distance Carrier Code '" + longDistanceCarrierCode + "' not set",npe); } catch(TelephoneNumberFormatException tnfe) { throw tnfe; } } public String getOutsideAccess() { return OutsideAccess; } public void setOutsideAccess(String outsideAccess) throws TelephoneNumberFormatException { try { outsideAccess = outsideAccess.trim(); checkDialableString(outsideAccess); OutsideAccess = outsideAccess; + "Outside Access set to '" + OutsideAccess + "'"); initPatterns(); } catch(NullPointerException npe) { Log.error(getLocaleDebugInfo() + "Outside Access '" + outsideAccess + "' not set " + npe); throw new TelephoneNumberFormatException("Outside Access '" + outsideAccess + "' not set",npe); } catch(TelephoneNumberFormatException tnfe) { throw tnfe; } } public Locale getLocale() { return myLocale.getLocale(); } public void setLocale(Locale locale) throws TelephoneNumberFormatException { try {"setLocale - " + locale); myLocale = new TSCLocale(locale); init(); } catch(NullPointerException npe) { Log.error(getLocaleDebugInfo() + "Locale '" + locale + "' not set " + npe); throw new TelephoneNumberFormatException("Locale '" + locale + "' not set",npe); } catch(TelephoneNumberFormatException tnfe) { throw tnfe; } } public int getExtensionNumberLength() { return ExtensionNumberLength.intValue(); } public void setExtensionNumberLength(int extensionNumberLength) throws TelephoneNumberFormatException { try { if (extensionNumberLength >= 0 && extensionNumberLength < 10) { ExtensionNumberLength = new Integer(extensionNumberLength); initPatterns(); } else { Log.error(getLocaleDebugInfo() + "Extention Number length '" + new Integer(extensionNumberLength).toString() + "' is invalid"); throw(new TelephoneNumberFormatException("Extention Number length '" + new Integer(extensionNumberLength).toString() + "' is invalid")); } } catch(NullPointerException npe) { Log.error(getLocaleDebugInfo() + "Extention Number length '" + extensionNumberLength + "' not set " + npe); throw new TelephoneNumberFormatException("Extention Number length '" + extensionNumberLength + "' not set",npe); } catch(TelephoneNumberFormatException tnfe) { throw tnfe; } } public void setInternalPrefixes(String internalPrefixes) { try { this.internalRoutingPrefix = internalPrefixes.trim(); // initPatterns(); } catch (NullPointerException ne) { internalRoutingPrefix = ""; Log.error(getLocaleDebugInfo() + " Internal Routing prefixes '" + internalRoutingPrefix + "' not set '" + ne); } } public String getInternalRoutingPrefixes() { return internalRoutingPrefix; } public String getAreaCodePrefix() { return AreaCodePrefix; } public String getAreaCodePrefix(int cCode) { return AreaCodePrefixes[cCode]; } public void setAreaCodePrefix(String areaCodePrefix) { AreaCodePrefix = areaCodePrefix.trim(); } public String isInternalRoutingPrefix(String number) throws TelephoneNumberFormatException { boolean interNationalNumber = false; number = convertAlpha(number); if(null != number && number.length() > 0 && number.startsWith("+")) interNationalNumber = true; else interNationalNumber = false; number = removeNonDialableChars(number); number = interNationalNumber ? "+" + number : number; StringTokenizer prefixTokens = new StringTokenizer(getInternalRoutingPrefixes(), ","); while(prefixTokens.hasMoreTokens()) { String prefix = prefixTokens.nextToken().trim(); if(number.startsWith(prefix)) { return number; } } return null; } public void setUseIDDFormat(String useIDDFormat) { this.useIDDFormat = useIDDFormat; } public String getUseDDIFormat() { return useIDDFormat; } public String getRealAreaCode() { return realAreaCode; } public void setRealAreaCode(String realAreaCode) { this.realAreaCode = realAreaCode; } public long getPhoneNumberLength() { return phoneNumberLength; } public void setPhoneNumberLength(long phoneNumberLength) { this.phoneNumberLength = phoneNumberLength; } private String applyLocalAreaRule(String number) { if(checkForUSLocale() && number.startsWith(getCountryCode())) { number = number.substring(getCountryCode().length()); } if(!"yes".equalsIgnoreCase(useIDDFormat)) { if (number.length() < phoneNumberLength) return getOutsideAccess() + getAreaCode() + getRealAreaCode() + checkNumberStartsWithAreaCode(number); else return getOutsideAccess() + getAreaCode() + checkNumberStartsWithAreaCode(number); } else { String retNumber = ""; if (number.length() < phoneNumberLength) retNumber = getRealAreaCode() + checkNumberStartsWithAreaCode(number); else retNumber = checkNumberStartsWithAreaCode(number); return retNumber; } } private String checkNumberStartsWithAreaCode(String number) { if (AreaCode.length() > 0 && number.startsWith(AreaCode)) { String tempString =number.substring(AreaCode.length()); return tempString; } else return number; } private boolean checkForUSLocale(){ return (getLocale().getCountry().equalsIgnoreCase("us")); } private String formatNumberForIDD(String number) { number = checkNumberStartsWithAreaCode(number); if(number.length() < getPhoneNumberLength()) { return getCountryCode() + getRealAreaCode() + number; } else { return getCountryCode() + number; } } public String convertAlpha(String input) { int inputlength = input.length(); input = input.toLowerCase(); String phonenumber = ""; for (int i = 0; i < inputlength; i++) { int character = input.charAt(i); switch(character) { case '+': phonenumber+="+";break; case '*': phonenumber+="*";break; case '#': phonenumber+="#";break; case '0': phonenumber+="0";break; case '1': phonenumber+="1";break; case '2': phonenumber+="2";break; case '3': phonenumber+="3";break; case '4': phonenumber+="4";break; case '5': phonenumber+="5";break; case '6': phonenumber+="6";break; case '7': phonenumber+="7";break; case '8': phonenumber+="8";break; case '9': phonenumber+="9";break; case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': phonenumber+="2";break; case 'd': case 'e': case 'f': phonenumber+="3";break; case 'g': case 'h': case 'i': phonenumber+="4";break; case 'j': case 'k': case 'l': phonenumber+="5";break; case 'm': case 'n': case 'o': phonenumber+="6";break; case 'p': case 'q': case 'r': case 's': phonenumber+="7";break; case 't': case 'u': case 'v': phonenumber+="8";break; case 'w': case 'x': case 'y': case 'z': phonenumber+="9";break; } } return (phonenumber); } }