package org.ifsoft.lync.ucwa; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.*; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import org.jivesoftware.openfire.XMPPServer; import org.jivesoftware.openfire.SessionPacketRouter; import org.jivesoftware.openfire.auth.UnauthorizedException; import; import org.jivesoftware.openfire.session.LocalClientSession; import org.jivesoftware.openfire.spi.ConnectionConfiguration; import org.xmpp.packet.Packet; import org.dom4j.*; import org.xmpp.packet.*; import; /* Handles the virtual xmpp session for a specific lync user/contact */ public class LyncConnection extends VirtualConnection { private static Logger Log = LoggerFactory.getLogger( "LyncConnection" ); private String remoteAddr; private JID jid; private String hostName; private String username; private LocalClientSession session; private boolean isSecure = false; private boolean online = false; private ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> conferences; public LyncConnection(JID jid, String hostName ) { this.username = JID.escapeNode(jid.getNode()); this.remoteAddr = username + "@" + getDomain() + "/" + username; this.hostName = hostName; this.jid = jid; this.conferences = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, String>(); } public boolean isSecure() { return isSecure; } public void setSecure(boolean isSecure) { this.isSecure = isSecure; } public void closeVirtualConnection() {"LyncConnection - close "); } public byte[] getAddress() { return remoteAddr.getBytes(); } public String getHostAddress() { return remoteAddr; } public String getHostName() { return ( hostName != null ) ? hostName : ""; } public void systemShutdown() { } public void deliver(Packet packet) // xmpp --> lync { try { remoteAddr + " deliver : " + packet ); if (packet instanceof Message) deliver ((Message) packet); if (packet instanceof Presence) deliver ((Presence) packet); } catch ( Exception e ) { Log.error( "An error occurred while attempting to route the packet : ", e ); } } private void deliver(Presence presence) {"deliver\n" + presence.toString()); String conference = presence.getFrom().getNode(); Element joined = presence.getChildElement("joined", "urn:xmpp:rayo:colibri:1"); Element unjoined = presence.getChildElement("unjoined", "urn:xmpp:rayo:colibri:1"); Element inviteaccepted = presence.getChildElement("inviteaccepted", "urn:xmpp:rayo:colibri:1"); Element invitecompleted = presence.getChildElement("invitecompleted", "urn:xmpp:rayo:colibri:1"); if (inviteaccepted != null) {"deliver inviteaccepted " + conference); if (conferences.containsKey(conference) == false) // lync -> xmpp audio accept followed by join { String from = inviteaccepted.attributeValue("from"); try { String participant = (new JID(from)).getNode(); conferences.put(conference, participant);"deliver inviteaccepted " + conference + " locked to " + participant); } catch (Exception e) { } } } else if (invitecompleted != null) {"deliver invitecompleted " + conference); if (conferences.containsKey(conference)) { String from = invitecompleted.attributeValue("from"); try { String participant = (new JID(from)).getNode(); if (username.equals(participant)) // remove lync audio flag when user hangs up { conferences.remove(conference);"deliver invitecompleted " + conference + " unlocked " + participant); } } catch (Exception e) { } } } else if (joined != null) {"deliver joined " + conference); if (conferences.containsKey(conference) == false) // add lync audio whenever any traderlynk user adds audio { String mixer = joined.attributeValue("mixer-name"); String nickname = joined.attributeValue("nickname"); String participant = joined.attributeValue("participant"); boolean audio = "true".equals(joined.attributeValue("audio")); boolean video = "true".equals(joined.attributeValue("video"));"deliver joined" + mixer + " " + nickname + " " + participant + " " + audio + " " + video); try { //component.makePhoneCall(mixer, presence.getTo(), nickname); } catch (Exception e) { Log.error("LyncConnection deliver", e); } conferences.put(conference, nickname); // set audio flag } return; } else if (unjoined != null) {"deliver unjoined " + conference); if (conferences.containsKey(conference)) { String from = unjoined.attributeValue("nickname"); try { String participant = (new JID(from)).getNode(); if (username.equals(participant)) // remove lync audio flag when user hangs up { conferences.remove(conference);"deliver unjoined " + conference + " unlocked " + participant); } } catch (Exception e) { } } } else { String jidFrom = presence.getFrom().toBareJID(); SkypeClient ucwaClient = null; //plugin.getSkypeClient(jidFrom); if (ucwaClient != null) { Presence.Type ptype = presence.getType(); Presence.Show stype = presence.getShow(); String status = presence.getStatus(); String availability = null; if (stype == { availability = "Online"; } else if (stype == Presence.Show.away) { availability = "BeRightBack"; } else if (stype == Presence.Show.xa) { availability = "Away"; } else if (stype == Presence.Show.dnd) { availability = "Busy"; } else if (ptype == Presence.Type.unavailable) { availability = "Off work"; } else availability = "Online"; if (availability != null) ucwaClient.setPresence(availability); if (status != null) ucwaClient.setNote(status); } } } private void deliver(Message message) {"deliver\n" + message.toString()); String username = message.getFrom().getResource(); String roomId = message.getFrom().getNode(); if (username == null) // conference invite ? { Element element = message.getChildElement("x", ""); if(element != null) { JID jidFrom = new JID(element.element("invite").attributeValue("from")); SkypeClient ucwaClient = null; //LyncConnection.plugin.getSkypeClient(jidFrom.toBareJID()); if (ucwaClient != null) // join room on xmpp side { String node = JID.unescapeNode(message.getTo().getNode()); String sip = node; if (node.indexOf("@") == -1) sip = node + "@" + ucwaClient.getDomain(); // use SIP domain, not XMPP domain in dev. Should be the same in production Presence presence = new Presence(); presence.setTo(message.getFrom() + "/" + node); presence.setFrom(message.getTo() + "/" + node); presence.addChildElement("x", ""); //component.sendPacket(presence); ucwaClient.sendInvite(sip, roomId, "TraderLynk"); } } } else if (username.indexOf("@") == -1) { String jidFrom = username + "@" + getDomain(); SkypeClient ucwaClient = null; //plugin.getSkypeClient(jidFrom); if (ucwaClient != null) { String node = JID.unescapeNode(message.getTo().getNode()); String sip = node; if (node.indexOf("@") == -1) sip = node + "@" + ucwaClient.getDomain(); // use SIP domain, not XMPP domain in dev. Should be the same in production Element element = message.getChildElement("x", "jabber:x:event"); if(element != null) { if (element.element("composing") != null) { } if (element.element("idle") != null) { } } String text = message.getBody(); if (text != null && ! "".equals(text)) { ucwaClient.sendMessage(sip, text); } } } } public void deliverRawText(String data) // xmpp --> lync raw text TODO { Log.error( "deliverRawText\n" + data); } @Override public ConnectionConfiguration getConfiguration() { // TODO Here we run into an issue with the ConnectionConfiguration introduced in Openfire 4: // it is not extensible in the sense that unforeseen connection types can be added. // For now, null is returned, as this object is likely to be unused (its lifecycle is // not managed by a ConnectionListener instance). return null; } public Certificate[] getPeerCertificates() { return null; } private String getDomain() { return XMPPServer.getInstance().getServerInfo().getXMPPDomain(); } }