package; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.jdom.Document; import org.jdom.Element; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.config.BeanDefinition; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Scope; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import; import com.idega.content.themes.helpers.bean.BuiltInThemeStyle; import com.idega.content.themes.helpers.bean.Theme; import com.idega.content.themes.helpers.bean.ThemeStyleGroupMember; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWMainApplication; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWMainApplicationSettings; import com.idega.util.CoreConstants; import com.idega.util.ListUtil; import com.idega.util.StringHandler; @Scope(BeanDefinition.SCOPE_SINGLETON) @Service(ThemesPropertiesExtractor.SPRING_BEAN_IDENTIFIER) public class ThemesPropertiesExtractorBean implements ThemesPropertiesExtractor { @Autowired private ThemesHelper helper; @Autowired private ThemeChanger themeChanger; private static final String LIMITED_SELECTION = "1"; private static final String CSS_EXTENSION = ".css"; private static final String PNG_EXTENSION = ".png"; private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(ThemesPropertiesExtractorBean.class.getName()); public void prepareThemes(List<String> pLists, List<String> configs, List<String> predefinedStyles, boolean useThread) { // Initializing ImageGenerator getHelper().getImageGenerator(null); // Firstly getting not prepared themes List<Theme> themesToPrepare = getUnPreparedThemes(); if (ListUtil.isEmpty(themesToPrepare)) return; // Preparing new theme(s) for (Theme theme: themesToPrepare) { if (!prepareTheme(theme, pLists, configs, predefinedStyles, useThread)) { markThemeAsNotPrepared(theme); } } } private void markThemeAsNotPrepared(Theme theme) { if (theme == null) { return; } theme.setLoading(false); theme.setNewTheme(true); theme.setPropertiesExtracted(false); } private synchronized List<Theme> getUnPreparedThemes() { List<Theme> newThemes = new ArrayList<Theme>(); List<Theme> themes = new ArrayList<Theme>(getHelper().getAllThemes()); for (Theme theme: themes) { // Checking if it is possible to extract properties if (!theme.isLoading() && !theme.isPropertiesExtracted() && !newThemes.contains(theme)) { theme.setLoading(true); newThemes.add(theme); } } return newThemes; } private boolean prepareTheme(Theme theme, List<String> pLists, List<String> configs, List<String> predefinedStyles, boolean useThread) { if (useThread) { ThemePropertiesExtractor extractor = new ThemePropertiesExtractor(theme, this, pLists, configs, predefinedStyles); extractor.start(); return true; } return prepareTheme(true, theme, pLists, configs, predefinedStyles); } private String getPropertiesFile(Theme theme, List<String> pLists) { if (pLists == null) { return null; } String pList = null; for (int i = 0; i < pLists.size(); i++) { pList = pLists.get(i); if (pList.indexOf(theme.getLinkToBaseAsItIs()) != -1) { return pList; } } return null; } private boolean checkFileExistence(String uri) { try { return helper.getSlideService().getExistence(uri); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Error while checking existence of: " + uri, e); } return false; } private String findThemeConfiguration(String baseUri, String searchName) { if (!baseUri.endsWith(CoreConstants.SLASH)) { baseUri = baseUri.concat(CoreConstants.SLASH); } String configUri = baseUri.concat(searchName); if (checkFileExistence(configUri)) { if (!configUri.startsWith(CoreConstants.WEBDAV_SERVLET_URI)) { configUri = CoreConstants.WEBDAV_SERVLET_URI.concat(configUri); } return configUri; } return null; } private String getConfigFile(Theme theme, String searchName, List<String> configs) { String baseUri = theme.getLinkToBaseAsItIs(); searchName = new StringBuffer(searchName).append(ThemesConstants.IDEGA_THEME_INFO).toString(); if (!ListUtil.isEmpty(configs)) { for (String config: configs) { try { if (config.indexOf(baseUri) != -1 || config.indexOf(URLEncoder.encode(baseUri, CoreConstants.ENCODING_UTF8)) != -1) { if (config.endsWith(searchName) || config.endsWith(URLEncoder.encode(searchName, CoreConstants.ENCODING_UTF8))) { return config; } } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Error while encoding: " + searchName, e); } } } String config = findThemeConfiguration(baseUri, searchName); if (config != null) { return config; } try { String encodedSearchName = URLEncoder.encode(searchName, CoreConstants.ENCODING_UTF8); config = findThemeConfiguration(baseUri, encodedSearchName); if (config != null) { return config; } String encodedBaseUri = URLEncoder.encode(baseUri, CoreConstants.ENCODING_UTF8); config = findThemeConfiguration(encodedBaseUri, searchName); if (config != null) { return config; } config = findThemeConfiguration(encodedBaseUri, encodedSearchName); if (config != null) { return config; } } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Error while encoding!", e); }"Didn't find configuration for theme: " + searchName + " in provided configs: " + configs); return null; } public boolean prepareTheme(boolean checkConfigFile, Theme theme, List<String> pLists, List<String> configs, List<String> predefinedStyles) { if (theme == null) return false; String webRoot = getHelper().getFullWebRoot(); String url = getHelper().getWebRootWithoutContent(webRoot); String linkToProperties = null; String searchResult = null; boolean foundedPropertiesFile = false; // Looking for properties file linkToProperties = getPropertiesFile(theme, pLists); if (linkToProperties != null) { foundedPropertiesFile = true; } if (!foundedPropertiesFile) { for (int i = 0; (i < ThemesConstants.THEME_PROPERTIES_FILES.size() && !foundedPropertiesFile); i++) { linkToProperties = new StringBuffer(ThemesConstants.THEME_PROPERTIES_FILES.get(i)).toString(); searchResult = existsFile(theme, linkToProperties); if (searchResult != null) { if (getHelper().isCorrectFile(getHelper().getFileNameWithExtension(searchResult), ThemesConstants.THEME_PROPERTIES_FILES.get(i))) { foundedPropertiesFile = true; } } } linkToProperties = searchResult; searchResult = null; } // Extracting properties and preparing theme, style files for usage if (foundedPropertiesFile) { if (linkToProperties.indexOf(CoreConstants.SPACE) != -1) { linkToProperties = getHelper().urlEncode(linkToProperties); } theme.setLinkToProperties(linkToProperties); if (!extractProperties(theme, new StringBuffer(url).append(linkToProperties).toString())) { markThemeAsNotPrepared(theme); return false; } } // Setting default theme if it does not exit if (theme.getName() == null) { theme.setName(getHelper().getFileName(theme.getLinkToSkeleton())); } String linkToConfig = null; if (checkConfigFile) { // Getting theme name, which will be used to search for configuration file String searchName = getHelper().getPreparedThemeNameToUseInRepository(theme); String skeletonName = null; if (theme.getLinkToSkeleton().indexOf(ThemesConstants.THEME) != -1) { skeletonName = getHelper().decode(getHelper().getFileNameWithExtension(theme.getLinkToSkeleton()), true); searchName = getHelper().extractValueFromString(skeletonName, 0, skeletonName.indexOf(ThemesConstants.THEME)); } // Trying to get configuration file from list linkToConfig = getConfigFile(theme, searchName, configs); theme.setNewTheme(linkToConfig == null); // Every theme must have configuration file, if don't - treat theme as new theme } if (theme.isNewTheme()) { theme.setNewTheme(true); ThemeChanger changer = getThemeChanger(); if (changer == null) { markThemeAsNotPrepared(theme); return false; } try { if (!(changer.prepareThemeStyleFiles(theme))) { // Checking and preparing CSS files markThemeAsNotPrepared(theme); return false; } if (!(changer.prepareThemeForUsage(theme))) { // Preparing skeleton markThemeAsNotPrepared(theme); return false; } if (!(getHelper().getThemesService().createBuilderTemplate(theme))) { markThemeAsNotPrepared(theme); return false; } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Error creating new theme", e); markThemeAsNotPrepared(theme); return false; } } if (checkConfigFile && linkToConfig != null) { // Extracting configuration if (linkToConfig.indexOf(CoreConstants.SPACE) != -1) { linkToConfig = getHelper().urlEncode(linkToConfig); } if (!extractConfiguration(theme, new StringBuffer(url).append(linkToConfig).toString())) { markThemeAsNotPrepared(theme); return false; } } // Checking previews if (theme.getLinkToSmallPreview() == null) { // And creating if don't exist IWMainApplicationSettings settings = IWMainApplication.getDefaultIWMainApplication().getSettings(); boolean isJpg = settings.getBoolean("theme_preview_jpg", false); if (!getHelper().generatePreviewsForTheme(theme, false, isJpg, 1)) { markThemeAsNotPrepared(theme); return false; } } // Extracting predefined styles (*.rwstyle) for current theme if (!extractPredefinedStyles(theme, predefinedStyles)) { markThemeAsNotPrepared(theme); return false; } // Creating configuration file if (linkToConfig == null && checkConfigFile) { if (!getHelper().createThemeConfig(theme)) { markThemeAsNotPrepared(theme); return false; } } // Finishing theme theme.setNewTheme(false); theme.setPropertiesExtracted(true); theme.setLoading(false); getHelper().addLoadedTheme(theme.getId()); return true; } private boolean extractPredefinedStyles(Theme theme, List<String> predefinedStyles) { if (theme == null) { return false; } if (predefinedStyles == null) { predefinedStyles = new ArrayList<String>(getHelper().getPredefinedThemeStyles()); if (predefinedStyles.isEmpty()) { return true; } } String linkToBase = theme.getLinkToBase(); List<String> thisThemesStyles = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String style: predefinedStyles) { if (style.startsWith(CoreConstants.WEBDAV_SERVLET_URI)) { style = style.replaceFirst(CoreConstants.WEBDAV_SERVLET_URI, CoreConstants.EMPTY); } if (style.startsWith(linkToBase)) { thisThemesStyles.add(style); } } if (thisThemesStyles.isEmpty()) { return true; } List<String> allPredefinedStyles = getHelper().getPredefinedThemeStyles(); for (String style: thisThemesStyles) { if (parsePredefinedStyle(theme, style)) { allPredefinedStyles.remove(style); } } return true; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private boolean parsePredefinedStyle(Theme theme, String uri) { if (theme == null || uri == null) { return false; } Document styleConfig = getHelper().getXMLDocument(new StringBuilder(getHelper().getFullWebRoot()).append(uri).toString()); if (styleConfig == null) { return false; } Element root = styleConfig.getRootElement(); if (root == null) { return false; } Element dict = root.getChild(ThemesConstants.TAG_DICT); if (dict == null) { return false; } List<Element> content = dict.getChildren(); if (content == null || content.isEmpty()) { return true; } String styleName = getValueFromNextElement("Style Name", dict); if (styleName == null) { return false; } Map<String, String> colours = new HashMap<String, String>(); Element coloursConfig = getNextElement(getElementByValue("Colours", content), content); if (coloursConfig != null) { List<Element> colourElements = coloursConfig.getChildren("key"); if (colourElements != null && !colourElements.isEmpty()) { String colourName = null; String colourValue = null; for (Element colourNameElement: colourElements) { colourName = colourNameElement.getTextNormalize(); colourValue = getValueFromNextElement(colourName, coloursConfig); if (colourName != null && colourValue != null) { colourName = StringHandler.replace(colourName, CoreConstants.PERCENT, CoreConstants.EMPTY); colours.put(colourName, colourValue); } } } } Map<String, String> variations = new HashMap<String, String>(); Element variationsConfig = getNextElement(getElementByValue("Selections", content), content); if (variationsConfig != null) { List<Element> variationElements = variationsConfig.getChildren(); if (variationElements != null && !variationElements.isEmpty()) { String fullVariation = null; String variationGroup = null; String variationValue = null; int firstDotIndex = -1; for (Element variationElement: variationElements) { fullVariation = variationElement.getTextNormalize(); firstDotIndex = fullVariation.indexOf(CoreConstants.DOT); if (fullVariation != null && firstDotIndex != -1) { variationGroup = fullVariation.substring(0, firstDotIndex); variationValue = fullVariation.substring(firstDotIndex + 1); if (variationGroup != null && variationValue != null) { variations.put(variationGroup, variationValue); } } } } } BuiltInThemeStyle style = new BuiltInThemeStyle(getHelper().getBuiltInThemeStyleId(theme), styleName, uri); style.setColours(colours); style.setVariations(variations); theme.addBuiltInStyle(style); return true; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private boolean extractProperties(Theme theme, String link) { Document doc = getHelper().getXMLDocument(link); if (doc == null) { return false; } Element base = doc.getRootElement().getChild(ThemesConstants.TAG_DICT); theme.setName(getValueFromNextElement(ThemesConstants.RW_THEME_NAME, base)); if (!(extractColourFiles(theme, ThemesConstants.RW_COLOUR_TAG_FILES, base))) { return false; } return extractStyles(theme, ThemesConstants.RW_STYLE_VARIATIONS, base.getChildren()); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private boolean extractColourFiles(Theme theme, String tagValue, Element root) { if (theme == null || root == null) { return false; } Element coloursTag = getElementByValue(tagValue, root.getChildren()); if (coloursTag == null) { return true; } Element array = getNextElement(coloursTag, root.getChildren()); if (array == null) { return true; } List<Element> arrayChildren = array.getChildren(); if (arrayChildren == null) { return true; } Element e = null; for (int i = 0; i < arrayChildren.size(); i++) { e = arrayChildren.get(i); if (ThemesConstants.TAG_STRING.equals(e.getName())) { theme.addColourFile(e.getText()); } } return true; } private Element getElementByValue(String value, List<Element> elements) { if (value == null || elements == null) { return null; } Element e = null; for (int i = 0; (i < elements.size() && e == null); i++) { e = elements.get(i); if (!(value.equals(e.getText()))) { e = null; } } return e; } private boolean extractStyles(Theme theme, String elementSearchKey, List<Element> elements) { if (theme == null || elementSearchKey == null || elements == null) { return false; } List<Element> styleGroups = getStyleGroups(elementSearchKey, elements); if (styleGroups == null) { return false; } Element style = null; String styleGroupName = null; String selectionLimit = null; for (int i = 0; i < styleGroups.size(); i++) { style = styleGroups.get(i); styleGroupName = getValueFromNextElement(ThemesConstants.RW_GROUP_NAME, style); selectionLimit = getValueFromNextElement(ThemesConstants.RW_SELECTION_LIMIT, style); extractStyleVariations(theme, styleGroupName, getStyleGroupElements(style), LIMITED_SELECTION.equals(selectionLimit)); if (theme.getStyleGroupsMember(new StringBuffer(styleGroupName).append(ThemesConstants.AT).append(0).toString()) == null) { StringBuffer("Style group '").append(styleGroupName).append("' has no CSS file! Disabling this group.").toString()); } else { theme.addStyleGroupName(styleGroupName); } } return true; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private String getValueFromNextElement(String parentElementValue, Element baseElement) { String value = ThemesConstants.EMPTY; if (baseElement == null) { return value; } List<Element> children = baseElement.getChildren(); int index = getNextElementIndex(parentElementValue, children); if (index == -1) { return value; } return (children.get(index)).getTextNormalize(); } private int getNextElementIndex(String parentElementValue, List<Element> parentElementChildren) { if (parentElementChildren == null) { return -1; } int i = 0; boolean foundParentElement = false; for (i = 0; (i < parentElementChildren.size() && !foundParentElement); i++) { if ((parentElementChildren.get(i)).getText().equals(parentElementValue)) { foundParentElement = true; } } if (foundParentElement && i < parentElementChildren.size()) { return i; } return -1; } private Element getNextElement(String searchKey, List<Element> elements) { int index = getNextElementIndex(searchKey, elements); if (index == -1) { return null; } return elements.get(index); } private Element getNextElement(Element element, List<Element> elements) { if (element == null || elements == null) { return null; } Element e = null; for (int i = 0; i < elements.size(); i++) { e = elements.get(i); if (e.equals(element) && ((i + 1) < elements.size())) { return elements.get(i + 1); } } return null; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private boolean extractStyleVariations(Theme theme, String styleGroupName, List<Element> styleVariations, boolean limitedSelection) { if (styleVariations == null) { return false; } ThemeStyleGroupMember member = null; int styleGroupMemberIndex = 0; Element styleMember = null; String styleVariationType = null; boolean canAddVariation = false; for (int i = 0; i < styleVariations.size(); i++) { styleMember = styleVariations.get(i); canAddVariation = false; styleVariationType = getValueFromNextElement(ThemesConstants.TAG_TYPE, styleMember); member = new ThemeStyleGroupMember(); member.setName(getValueFromNextElement(ThemesConstants.TAG_NAME, styleMember)); member.setType(styleVariationType); member.setGroupName(styleGroupName); if (ThemesConstants.RW_STYLE_VARIATION_TYPE_COLOUR.equals(styleVariationType)) { member.setStylesheet(false); member.setColour(getValueFromNextElement(ThemesConstants.TAG_DEFAULT_COLOUR, styleMember)); String variable = getValueFromNextElement(ThemesConstants.TAG_TAG, styleMember); if (variable != null) { variable = variable.replace(CoreConstants.PERCENT, CoreConstants.EMPTY); member.setVariable(variable); member.setEnabled(true); theme.addStyleVariable(variable, member.getColour()); canAddVariation = true; } } else { Element enabledValue = getNextElement(ThemesConstants.TAG_ENABLED, styleMember.getChildren()); if (enabledValue != null) { if (ThemesConstants.TAG_TRUE.equals(enabledValue.getName())) { member.setEnabled(true); } } canAddVariation = extractStyleVariationFiles(member, getNextElement(ThemesConstants.TAG_FILES, styleMember.getChildren()), theme.getLinkToBase()); } if (canAddVariation) { member.setLimitedSelection(limitedSelection); theme.addStyleGroupMember(new StringBuffer(styleGroupName).append(ThemesConstants.AT).append(styleGroupMemberIndex).toString(), member); styleGroupMemberIndex++; } } return true; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private List<Element> getStyleGroups(String elementSearchKey, @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") List children) { Element styleBaseElement = getNextElement(elementSearchKey, children); if (styleBaseElement == null) { return null; } Element styleGroupsBase = styleBaseElement.getChild(ThemesConstants.TAG_ARRAY); if (styleGroupsBase == null) { return null; } return styleGroupsBase.getChildren(ThemesConstants.TAG_DICT); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private List<Element> getStyleGroupElements(Element style) { if (style == null) { return null; } Element styleElements = getNextElement(ThemesConstants.RW_GROUP_MEMBERS, style.getChildren()); if (styleElements == null) { return null; } return styleElements.getChildren(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private boolean extractStyleVariationFiles(ThemeStyleGroupMember member, Element styleFiles, String linkToBase) { if (styleFiles == null || linkToBase == null) { return false; } List<Element> files = styleFiles.getChildren(); if (files == null) { return false; } String file = null; String stylePath = null; for (int i = 0; i < files.size(); i++) { file = getHelper().getFixedSlideFileName((files.get(i)).getText()); // In Theme.plist sometimes occurs errors, e.g. css file with .png extension if (file.endsWith(PNG_EXTENSION)) { stylePath = file.substring(0, file.lastIndexOf(ContentConstants.DOT)); file = new StringBuffer(stylePath).append(CSS_EXTENSION).toString(); } member.addStyleFile(file); } return true; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private boolean extractConfiguration(Theme theme, String link) { Document doc = getHelper().getXMLDocument(link); if (doc == null || theme == null) { return false; } disableAllStyles(theme); Element root = doc.getRootElement(); if (root == null) { return false; } Element name = root.getChild(ThemesConstants.CON_NAME); if (name == null) { return false; } theme.setName(name.getTextNormalize()); List<Element> styles = root.getChild(ThemesConstants.CON_STYLES).getChildren(); if (styles == null) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < styles.size(); i++) { setEnabledStyles(theme, styles.get(i)); } Element smallPreview = root.getChild(ThemesConstants.CON_SMALL_PREVIEW); theme.setLinkToSmallPreview(smallPreview.getTextNormalize()); Element pageId = root.getChild(ThemesConstants.CON_PAGE_ID); try { theme.setIBPageID(Integer.valueOf(pageId.getTextNormalize())); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Error converting to integer: " + pageId.getTextNormalize(), e); return false; } Element builtInStyleUri = root.getChild(ThemesConstants.CON_URI_OF_CURRENT_BUILT_IN_STYLE); if (builtInStyleUri != null) { theme.setCurrentlyUsedBuiltInStyleUri(builtInStyleUri.getTextNormalize()); } Element extraRegions = root.getChild(ThemesConstants.CON_EXTRA_REGIONS); loadExtraRegions(theme, extraRegions); Element originalColourFiles = root.getChild(ThemesConstants.CON_COLOUR_FILES_ORIGINAL); Element colourFiles = root.getChild(ThemesConstants.CON_COLOUR_FILES); loadColourFiles(theme, originalColourFiles, colourFiles); return true; } private void loadColourFiles(Theme theme, Element originalFilesElement, Element filesElement) { List<String> originalFiles = getParsedColourFiles(originalFilesElement); if (originalFiles != null) { theme.setOriginalColourFiles(originalFiles); } List<String> files = getParsedColourFiles(filesElement); if (files != null) { theme.setColourFiles(files); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private List<String> getParsedColourFiles(Element parentElement) { if (parentElement == null) { return null; } List<Element> files = parentElement.getChildren(ThemesConstants.CON_COLOUR_FILE); if (files == null || files.isEmpty()) { return null; } List<String> parsedFiles = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Element file: files) { parsedFiles.add(file.getTextNormalize()); } return parsedFiles; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void loadExtraRegions(Theme theme, Element regions) { if (theme == null || regions == null) { return; } List<Element> allRegions = regions.getChildren(ThemesConstants.CON_EXTRA_REGION); if (allRegions == null) { return; } Element region = null; for (int i = 0; i < allRegions.size(); i++) { region = allRegions.get(i); theme.addExtraRegion(region.getAttributeValue(ThemesConstants.CON_ATT_EXTRA_REGION_PARENT), region.getTextNormalize()); } } private void setEnabledStyles(Theme theme, Element style) { String styleGroupName = style.getChildTextNormalize(ThemesConstants.CON_GROUP); String variation = style.getChildTextNormalize(ThemesConstants.CON_VARIATION); String variable = style.getChildTextNormalize(ThemesConstants.CON_VARIABLE); String color = style.getChildTextNormalize(ThemesConstants.CON_COLOR); ThemeStyleGroupMember member = null; try { member = getThemeChanger().getStyleMember(theme, styleGroupName, variation); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Error setting style", e); } if (member == null) { return; } member.setEnabled(true); if (variable != null && color != null) { member.setVariable(variable); member.setColour(color); theme.addStyleVariable(variable, color); } } private void disableAllStyles(Theme theme) { ThemeChanger changer = getThemeChanger(); if (changer == null) { return; } List <String> groupNames = theme.getStyleGroupsNames(); ThemeStyleGroupMember member = null; String styleGroupName = null; Map <String, ThemeStyleGroupMember> styleMembers = theme.getStyleGroupsMembers(); for (int i = 0; i < groupNames.size(); i++) { styleGroupName = groupNames.get(i); int j = 0; member = null; try { member = changer.getMember(styleMembers, styleGroupName, j); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Error getting style member", e); } while (member != null) { member.setEnabled(false); j++; member = null; try { changer.getMember(styleMembers, styleGroupName, j); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Error getting style member", e); } } } } private String existsFile(Theme theme, String fileName) { if (theme == null || fileName == null) { return null; } String linkToBase = theme.getLinkToBase(); if (linkToBase == null) { return null; } if (!linkToBase.endsWith(ContentConstants.SLASH)) { linkToBase = new StringBuffer(linkToBase).append(ContentConstants.SLASH).toString(); } String searchName = new StringBuffer(CoreConstants.WEBDAV_SERVLET_URI).append(theme.getLinkToBase()).append(fileName).toString(); if (getHelper().existFileInSlide(searchName)) { return searchName; } return null; } public ThemesHelper getHelper() { return helper; } public void setHelper(ThemesHelper helper) { this.helper = helper; } public ThemeChanger getThemeChanger() { return themeChanger; } public void setThemeChanger(ThemeChanger themeChanger) { this.themeChanger = themeChanger; } }