package; import; import; import; import; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import; import javax.faces.component.UIComponent; import javax.faces.component.html.HtmlCommandButton; import javax.faces.event.ActionEvent; import org.apache.myfaces.custom.fileupload.UploadedFile; import org.apache.webdav.lib.PropertyName; import org.apache.webdav.lib.WebdavResource; import; import; import com.idega.content.bean.ContentPathBean; import com.idega.content.presentation.WebDAVList; import; import com.idega.core.file.util.MimeTypeUtil; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import; import; import com.idega.util.CoreConstants; import com.idega.util.CoreUtil; import com.idega.util.FileUtil; import com.idega.util.IOUtil; import com.idega.util.StringUtil; import com.idega.util.expression.ELUtil; import com.idega.webface.WFUtil; public class WebDAVUploadBean implements Serializable{ private static final long serialVersionUID = -1760819218959402747L; private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WebDAVUploadBean.class.getName()); private static String DEFAULT_PATH = CoreConstants.PATH_FILES_ROOT.concat(CoreConstants.SLASH); private UploadedFile uploadFile; private String name = CoreConstants.EMPTY; private String uploadFilePath = DEFAULT_PATH; private String downloadPath = null; private String imagePath = null; private String comment = null; private Boolean uploadSuccessful = null; private String uploadMessage = null; private String redirectOnSuccessURI = null; public UploadedFile getUploadFile() { return this.uploadFile; } public void setUploadFile(UploadedFile uploadFile){ this.uploadFile = uploadFile; } public String getFileName(){ return; } public void setFileName(String name) { = name; } public String getComment(){ return this.comment; } public void setComment(String comment) { this.comment = comment; } public String getUploadFilePath(){ if(!this.uploadFilePath.endsWith(CoreConstants.SLASH)){ this.uploadFilePath = this.uploadFilePath.concat(CoreConstants.SLASH); } return this.uploadFilePath; } public void setUploadFilePath(String uploadFolderPath) { this.uploadFilePath = uploadFolderPath; } public String upload(ActionEvent event) throws IOException{ String uploadFailed = "file_upload_failed"; String uploadSucceeded = "file_uploaded_successfully"; IWContext iwc = CoreUtil.getIWContext(); if (iwc == null) { return uploadFailed; } if (uploadFile == null) { return uploadFailed; } String tempUploadFolderPath = (String) WFUtil.invoke(WebDAVList.WEB_DAV_LIST_BEAN_ID,"getWebDAVPath"); if (tempUploadFolderPath != null && !tempUploadFolderPath.equals(ContentConstants.EMPTY)) { uploadFilePath = tempUploadFolderPath; } IWSlideService service = IBOLookup.getServiceInstance(iwc, IWSlideService.class); String filePath = service.getWebdavServerURI().concat(getUploadFilePath()); String uploadName = uploadFile.getName(); String contentType = uploadFile.getContentType(); //FIXME THIS IS A BUG IN THE MYFACES UPLOADER I THINK //The problem is that in IE 6 the filename actually contains the full file path! //example I'm uploading test.txt from c:\myfolder\test.txt to the folder /files/public //then the variable filePath+fileName = /files/public/C:/myfolder/test.txt //workaround int lastBloodySlash = uploadName.lastIndexOf("\\"); if(lastBloodySlash > -1) { uploadName = uploadName.substring(lastBloodySlash+1); } //workaround ends String fileName = uploadName; if (!ContentConstants.EMPTY.equals( { fileName =; int lastDot = uploadName.lastIndexOf(ContentConstants.DOT); if (lastDot > 0) { //just add the suffix if it is missing String suffix = uploadName.substring(lastDot); if (!fileName.endsWith(suffix)) { fileName += suffix; } } } long end; long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); boolean uploadFileSuccess = false; InputStream stream = null; try { stream = uploadFile.getInputStream(); uploadFileSuccess = service.uploadFile(filePath, fileName, contentType, stream); } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { end = System.currentTimeMillis(); IOUtil.close(stream); }"Uploaded (file: '".concat(filePath).concat(fileName).concat("', size: ").concat(FileUtil.getHumanReadableSize(uploadFile.getSize())) .concat(") successfully: ").concat(String.valueOf(uploadFileSuccess)).concat(". It took time to upload: ").concat(String.valueOf(end - start)) .concat(" ms.")); // Setting current path to reload WFUtil.invoke(ContentPathBean.BEAN_ID, "setPath", uploadFilePath); // Always refreshing/keeping status WFUtil.invoke(WebDAVList.WEB_DAV_LIST_BEAN_ID, "refresh", event.getSource(), UIComponent.class); downloadPath = filePath.concat(fileName); if (uploadFileSuccess) { if (contentType != null && MimeTypeUtil.getInstance().isImage(contentType)) { imagePath = iwc.getIWMainApplication().getURIFromURL(downloadPath); } if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(comment)) { IWSlideSession session = IBOLookup.getSessionInstance(iwc, IWSlideSession.class); WebdavResource resource = session.getWebdavResource(downloadPath); resource.proppatchMethod(new PropertyName("DAV:", "comment"), comment, true); } uploadSuccessful = Boolean.TRUE; } else { uploadSuccessful = Boolean.FALSE; LOGGER.warning("Error uploading file '" + fileName + "' to " + filePath); downloadPath = null; return uploadFailed; } uploadMessage = uploadSuccessful ? uploadSucceeded : uploadFailed; if (uploadFileSuccess && redirectOnSuccessURI != null) { CoreUtil.getIWContext().sendRedirect(redirectOnSuccessURI); } return uploadMessage; } /** * This does a webdav query * @return */ public boolean getIsUploaded() { if (this.downloadPath != null) { try { IWSlideSession session = (IWSlideSession)IBOLookup.getSessionInstance(IWContext.getInstance(), IWSlideSession.class); return session.getExistence(this.downloadPath); } catch (Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } } return false; } /** * @return Returns the downloadPath. */ public String getDownloadPath() { return this.downloadPath; } /** * @param downloadPath The downloadPath to set. */ public void setDownloadPath(String downloadPath) { this.downloadPath = downloadPath; } /** * @return Returns the imagePath. */ public String getImagePath() { return this.imagePath; } /** * @param imagePath The imagePath to set. */ public void setImagePath(String imagePath) { this.imagePath = imagePath; } public String getUploadMessage() { return uploadMessage; } public void setUploadMessage(String uploadMessage) { this.uploadMessage = uploadMessage; } public Boolean isUploadSuccessful() { return uploadSuccessful; } public boolean wasUploadAttemped() { return uploadSuccessful != null; } public void setWasUploadAttempted(Boolean attempt) { uploadSuccessful = attempt; } public void setRedirectOnSuccessURI(String uri) { this.redirectOnSuccessURI = uri; } /** * Uploads zip file's contents to slide. Note: only *.zip file allowed! * @param event: ActionEvent * @return result: success (true) or failure (false) while uploading file * @throws IOException */ public boolean uploadZipFileContents(ActionEvent event) throws IOException { if (canUploadZipFile()) { return uploadZipFile(isBeingUploadedTheme(event)); }"Unable to upload contents of zip file"); return false; } private boolean isBeingUploadedTheme(ActionEvent event) { boolean theme = false; if (event == null) { return theme; } if (event.getSource() instanceof HtmlCommandButton) { HtmlCommandButton button = (HtmlCommandButton) event.getSource(); if (button.getId() != null) { if (button.getId().toLowerCase().indexOf("uploadtheme") != -1) { theme = true; } } } return theme; } private boolean canUploadZipFile() { // Got a file to upload? boolean result = uploadFile == null ? false : true; if (!result) { LOGGER.warning("No file to upload"); return result; } // Is it a *.zip file? result = uploadFile.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(".zip"); if (!result) { LOGGER.warning("Only zip file accepting!"); return result; } return result; } private boolean uploadZipFile(boolean uploadingTheme) throws IOException { IWSlideService service = null; try { service = IBOLookup.getServiceInstance(IWContext.getInstance(), IWSlideService.class); } catch (IBOLookupException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Unable to get IWSlideServiceBean instance.", e); return false; } return uploadZipFile(uploadingTheme, null, new BufferedInputStream(uploadFile.getInputStream()), service); } public boolean uploadZipFile(boolean uploadingTheme, String fileName, InputStream stream, IWSlideService slide) throws IOException { String resultInfo = null; boolean result = false; if (uploadingTheme) { String uploadFileName = fileName; if (uploadFileName == null) { uploadFileName = getUploadFileName(); } if (!uploadFileName.equals(CoreConstants.EMPTY)) { uploadFilePath = getThemesHelper().changeFileUploadPath(getUploadFilePath() + uploadFileName); } } String path = getUploadFilePath(); ZipInputStream zipStream = null; try { zipStream = new ZipInputStream(stream); if (slide.uploadZipFileContents(zipStream, path)) { resultInfo = "Success uploading contents of file: " + path; result = true; } else { resultInfo = "Unable to upload contents of file: " + path; result = false; } } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { IOUtil.close(stream); IOUtil.close(zipStream); } if (uploadingTheme) { getThemesHelper().removeThemeFromQueue(path); }; return result; } private String getUploadFileName() { if (uploadFile == null) { return CoreConstants.EMPTY; } String name = uploadFile.getName(); if (name == null) { return CoreConstants.EMPTY; } if (name.indexOf(CoreConstants.BACK_SLASH) != -1) { int nameLength = name.length(); int lastIndexOfBackSlash = name.lastIndexOf(CoreConstants.BACK_SLASH); if (nameLength > lastIndexOfBackSlash) { name = name.substring(lastIndexOfBackSlash + 1); } } if (name.indexOf(ContentConstants.DOT) != -1) { name = name.substring(0, name.lastIndexOf(ContentConstants.DOT)); } return name; } public ThemesHelper getThemesHelper() { return ELUtil.getInstance().getBean(ThemesHelper.class); } }