package com.cloudbees.api.config; import; import org.hamcrest.BaseMatcher; import org.hamcrest.Description; import org.hamcrest.Matcher; import org.junit.Test; import java.lang.Exception; import java.lang.Object; import java.lang.String; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import static; import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat; /** * @author Kohsuke Kawaguchi */ public class ConfigParametersTest { /** * Tests the basic roundtrip conversion. */ @Test public void testUnmarshal() throws Exception { String xml = IOUtils.toString(getClass().getResourceAsStream("config1.xml")); ConfigParameters c = ConfigParameters.parse(xml); assertThat(c.toXML(), is(xml)); } @Test public void testInt() throws Exception { ConfigParameters c = new ConfigParameters(); ParameterMap r = c.getRuntimeParameters(); r.putInt("a", 8); assertThat(r.getInt("a", 0), is(8)); assertThat(r.getInt("b",999),is(999)); assertThat(c.toXML(), isXML("<config><runtime-param name='a' value='8'/></config>")); } /** * Whitespace and quotation insensitive matcher. */ private static Matcher<String> isXML(final String xml) { return new BaseMatcher<String>() { public boolean matches(Object item) { return compress(xml).equals(compress(item.toString())); } public void describeTo(Description description) { description.appendValue(xml); } private String compress(String xml) { String unindented = Pattern.compile(">[^<]+<").matcher(xml).replaceAll("><"); return unindented.replace('"','\''); // normalize quote mark } }; } }