package com.cloudbees.api.oauth; import com.cloudbees.api.BeesClient; import javax.annotation.CheckForNull; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; /** * Defines OAuth-related CloudBees API. * * Also see {@link OauthClientServletUtil} that defines related convenience methods for webapps. * * @author Vivek Pandey * @see BeesClient#getOauthClient() */ public interface OauthClient { /** * Creates a OAuth token for the current user (used to create {@link BeesClient}) * * @return OauthToken. always non-null if there was error such as invalid credentials * @throws OauthClientException if there is any error during token validation */ public OauthToken createToken(TokenRequest tokenRequest) throws OauthClientException; /** * Deletes a token created by {@link #createToken(TokenRequest)} * * @see AbstractOauthToken#delete() */ public void deleteToken(String oauthTokenId) throws OauthClientException; /** * Lists up all the tokens generated by te current user. */ public List<OauthTokenDetail> listTokens() throws OauthClientException; /** * Validates token with the given scopes. Returns null if the given access token is invalid, otherwise OauthToken is returned. * * <p> * {@link BeesClient} must be constructed with OAuth client ID and client secret as the username and password. * * @param token non-null token * @param scopes array of scope that are expected to be granted for this token * @return null if the token is invalid such as expired or unknown to the CloudBees OAuth server or the expected * scopes are not found. */ @CheckForNull public OauthToken validateToken(String token, String... scopes) throws OauthClientException; /** * Obtains the details of the token and performs minimal validation (such as expiration.) * Returns null if the given access token is invalid, otherwise OauthToken is returned. * * <p> * {@link BeesClient} must be constructed with OAuth client ID and client secret as the username and password. * * <h2>Caching</h2> * <p> * This method call is a network operation. If you are developing a server application that performs * frequent token validations, then consider using , * which adds caching on top of this. * * @param token non-null token * @return null if the token is invalid such as expired or unknown to the CloudBees OAuth server. */ @CheckForNull public OauthToken validateToken(String token) throws OauthClientException; /** * Parses Bearer token from HTTP Authorization header * * @param authorizationHeader HTTP Authorization Header * * @return Returns null if there is no Bearer token found otherwise a String representing oauth token */ public String parseAuthorizationHeader(String authorizationHeader); /** * Registers a new OAuth client application. * * @return * A fully populated {@link OauthClientApplication} object. This is not the same object * as you passed in the input. */ public OauthClientApplication registerApplication(OauthClientApplication input) throws OauthClientException; /** * Gets the details of an OAuth client application by its client ID. * * @return never null. If the app isn't found, an exeption will be thrown. */ public OauthClientApplication getApplication(String clientId) throws OauthClientException; /** * Lists up all the OAuth client applications registered by the current user. */ public List<OauthClientApplication> listApplication() throws OauthClientException; void deleteApplication(String clientId) throws OauthClientException; /** * OAuth client application can use this method to exchange the authorization code * (which it gets from the browser after GC authenticates the user and redirects him back to you) * to the OAuth access token. * * <p> * For this method to work, {@link BeesClient} should be called with OAuth client ID and secret. * * @see <a href="">Wiki</a> * * @param redirectUri * Required if present in the authorization request, and the value must be the same. * @return never null. In case of a problem, an exception will be thrown. */ OauthToken exchangeToAccessToken(String authorizationCode, String redirectUri) throws OauthClientException; /** * Exchange refresh_token to an access token. The new access_token can be created with the same or subset of * original scopes the refresh token was granted for. * * @param refreshToken required. refresh_token. * * @param scopes optional. If not provided the returned access_token carries the same scopes as the one granted * to refresh_token. * @return Valid OauthToken * * @throws OauthClientException */ OauthToken exchangeToAccessToken(String refreshToken, String... scopes) throws OauthClientException; /** * OAuth client application can use this method to create an OAuth token with arbitrary scopes * that belongs to the user who registered the application. * * The created token will be tied only to the account that the OAuth client application is registered with, * even if the user who registered it may have access to other accounts. * * <p> * For this method to work, {@link BeesClient} should be called with OAuth client ID and secret. * * @see <a href="">Wiki</a> * * @return never null. In case of a problem, an exception will be thrown. */ OauthToken createOAuthClientToken(Collection<String> scopes) throws OauthClientException; /** * Overloaded version of {@link #createOAuthClientToken(Collection)} */ OauthToken createOAuthClientToken(String... scopes) throws OauthClientException; /** * Overloaded version of {@link #createOAuthClientToken(Collection)} * */ OauthToken createOAuthClientToken(TokenRequest tokenRequest) throws OauthClientException; }