package proj.zoie.perf.reports; import org.deepak.performance.LoadBase; public class ZoieTestProfileData { public static String getTableHtml(boolean checkUnprocessed) { String table = ""; String initThreads = LoadBase.getProperty("org.deepak.performance.initialthreadcount", checkUnprocessed); int increasingThrd = Integer.parseInt(LoadBase.getProperty("org.deepak.performance.threadincrementcount", checkUnprocessed)); String maxThreads = LoadBase.getProperty("org.deepak.performance.maxthreadcount", checkUnprocessed); table = table + getHtmlRowForProperty("Workload Type", getWorkloadType(increasingThrd)); table = table + getHtmlRowForProperty("Starting Number Of Threads", initThreads); table = table + getHtmlRowForProperty("Maximum Number Of Threads", maxThreads); if (increasingThrd > 0) { table = table + getHtmlRowForProperty("Thread Increment Rate", "" + increasingThrd); table = table + getHtmlRowForProperty("Time Between Thread Increment", LoadBase.getProperty("org.deepak.performance.threadincrementtimeinsec", checkUnprocessed) + " (s)"); } double testDuration = Double.parseDouble(LoadBase.getProperty("org.deepak.performance.runtimeinminute", checkUnprocessed)); if (testDuration < 0) { table = table + getHtmlRowForProperty("Test Duration", "" + "UNLIMITED"); } else { table = table + getHtmlRowForProperty("Test Duration", "" + testDuration + " (mins)"); } String transInfo = LoadBase.getProperty("org.deepak.performance.transactioninfo", checkUnprocessed); String[] transactions = transInfo.split(","); table = table + getHtmlRowForProperty("Number Of Functionalities Being Tested", "" + transactions.length); String transDetails = ""; for (int i = 0; i < transactions.length; i++) { if (i == 0) { transDetails = transDetails + "subTransaction" + transactions[i].trim(); } else { transDetails = transDetails + ", " + "subTransaction" + transactions[i].trim(); } } table = table + getHtmlRowForProperty("Subtransactions Being Executed", transDetails); table = table + getHtmlRowForProperty("Functionalities Being Simulated", LoadBase.getProperty("org.deepak.performance.functionalityinfo", checkUnprocessed)); table = table + getHtmlRowForProperty("Think Time For Functionalities", LoadBase.getProperty("org.deepak.performance.thinktimeinfo", checkUnprocessed) + " (s)"); table = ZoieHtmlCreator.getSimpleTableHtmlString(new String[] { "Property", "Value" }, table); return table; } public static String getHtmlRowForProperty(String key, String value) { String table = ""; table = table + "<tr valign=\"top\">\n"; table = table + "<td> " + key + " </td>\n"; table = table + "<td> " + value + " </td>\n"; table = table + "</tr>\n"; return table; } public static String getWorkloadType(int type) { if (type > 0) { return "INCREASING"; } else { return "STEADY STATE"; } } }