package proj.zoie.perf.reports; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.deepak.util.FilePlotData; import org.deepak.util.GenericStatisticsUtil; import org.deepak.util.PlotGraphs; import org.jfree.chart.ChartUtilities; public class ZoieServerLogProcessor { private static String patternString = "^(\\d{4}\\/\\d{2}\\/\\d{2} \\d{1,2}:\\d{1,2}:\\d{1,2}.\\d{3}) INFO \\[MonitoredZoieService\\] .*\\[numSearchResults=(\\d+)\\].*in (\\d+)ms"; private static Pattern _pattern = Pattern.compile(patternString); private static DateFormat _tdf = new SimpleDateFormat("MMM d, yyyy h:mm:ss aaa"); private static DateFormat _df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss.SSS"); private static DateFormat _dfPlot = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"); private Map _map = new HashMap(); private Map _avgMap = new HashMap(); private FilePlotData _fpd = null; private FilePlotData _avgFpd = null; public String _fileName = null; private static int _imageHeight = 300; private static int _imageWidth = 500; private boolean _isProcessed = false; public ZoieServerLogProcessor(String fileName) { _fileName = fileName; process(); } public void process() { if (_isProcessed) { return; } try { _isProcessed = true; BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File(_fileName))); String line = null; int cnt = 0; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { Matcher matcher = _pattern.matcher(line); if (matcher.matches()) { cnt++; String dtStr =; Date date = _df.parse(dtStr); Date date1 = _dfPlot.parse(dtStr); long resultcnt = Long.parseLong(; long tmtkn = Long.parseLong(; if (_avgMap.containsKey(date1)) { ZoieServerData tmp = (ZoieServerData) _avgMap.get(date1); tmp.add(resultcnt, tmtkn); } else { _avgMap.put(date1, new ZoieServerData(date, resultcnt, tmtkn)); } ZoieServerData zid = new ZoieServerData(date, resultcnt, tmtkn); _map.put(new Integer(cnt), zid); } } _map = new TreeMap(_map); _avgMap = new TreeMap(_avgMap); br.close(); Iterator itr = _map.keySet().iterator(); StringBuffer plotStr = new StringBuffer(""); if (itr.hasNext()) { while (itr.hasNext()) { plotStr.append(((ZoieServerData) _map.get( + "\n"); } _fpd = new FilePlotData(plotStr.toString(), true); } Iterator itr1 = _avgMap.keySet().iterator(); StringBuffer plotStr1 = new StringBuffer(""); if (itr1.hasNext()) { while (itr1.hasNext()) { plotStr1.append(((ZoieServerData) _avgMap.get( + "\n"); } _avgFpd = new FilePlotData(plotStr1.toString(), true); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public static String getTableHtmlForGraphs(ZoieServerLogProcessor zp, String outputDir, String subFolderForOutput, String seriesDescription, int imgWidth, int imgHeight, boolean useTimeStamp, boolean useAbsFilePath, String alignment, int numGraphsPerRow) throws Exception { int number = 2; if (numGraphsPerRow > 0) { number = numGraphsPerRow; } if (!zp._isProcessed) { zp.process(); } if (zp._avgFpd == null) { return ""; } String subFolder = ""; if ((subFolderForOutput != null) && (!"".equals(subFolderForOutput.trim()))) { subFolder = subFolder + File.separator; } int imageWidth = imgWidth; int imageHeight = imgHeight; if ((imageWidth <= 0) || (imageHeight <= 0)) { imageHeight = _imageHeight; imageWidth = _imageWidth; } Map<Integer, String> inMap = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); inMap.put(new Integer(2), "Search Time (ms)"); inMap.put(new Integer(3), "Number Of Results"); inMap = new TreeMap<Integer, String>(inMap); Iterator<Integer> itr = inMap.keySet().iterator(); int cnt = 2; List list = new ArrayList(); while (itr.hasNext()) { Integer key =; String yTitle = (String) inMap.get(key); int indexVal = key.intValue(); String chartTitle = yTitle + " Vs. Time"; BufferedImage image = PlotGraphs.createXYTimeImage(zp._avgFpd, 1, new int[] { indexVal }, chartTitle, "Time", yTitle, new String[] { seriesDescription }, _dfPlot, imageWidth, imageHeight); String tmpAdd = ""; if (useTimeStamp) { tmpAdd = "_" + ZoieHtmlCreator.getTimeStamp(); } String fileName = outputDir + File.separator + subFolder + "ZoieServerImage_" + (cnt - 1) + tmpAdd + ".png"; File pngFile = new File(fileName); if (useAbsFilePath) { list.add(pngFile.getAbsolutePath()); } else { list.add(subFolder + pngFile.getName()); } OutputStream ost = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(pngFile, false)); ChartUtilities.writeBufferedImageAsPNG(ost, image); System.out.println("Image " + (cnt - 1) + " : " + fileName); cnt++; } String[] graphs = new String[list.size()]; Iterator itr1 = list.iterator(); for (int i = 0; i < graphs.length; i++) { graphs[i] = (String); } String tab = ZoieHtmlCreator.getSimpleTableHtmlStringForGraphs(graphs, alignment, number); return tab; } public static String getTableHtml(ZoieServerLogProcessor zp) throws Exception { if (zp._fpd == null) { zp.process(); } String[] scenarios = new String[] { "Search Time (ms)", "Number Of Results Returned" }; String itemKey = "Item"; GenericStatisticsUtil[] utils = new GenericStatisticsUtil[2]; utils[0] = new GenericStatisticsUtil(zp._fpd.getNonNumericNthColumn(2)); utils[0].process(); utils[1] = new GenericStatisticsUtil(zp._fpd.getNonNumericNthColumn(3)); utils[1].process(); String tab = ZoieHtmlCreator.getSimpleTableHtmlString(itemKey, scenarios, utils, null); return tab; } public static String getTableHtml(ZoieServerLogProcessor zp, boolean addGraphs, String outputDir, String subFolderForOutput, int imgWidth, int imgHeight, int numGraphsPerRow) throws Exception { if (zp._fpd == null) { zp.process(); } String[] scenarios = new String[] { "Search Time (ms)", "Number Of Results Returned" }; String itemKey = "Item"; GenericStatisticsUtil[] utils = new GenericStatisticsUtil[2]; utils[0] = new GenericStatisticsUtil(zp._fpd.getNonNumericNthColumn(2)); utils[0].process(); utils[1] = new GenericStatisticsUtil(zp._fpd.getNonNumericNthColumn(3)); utils[1].process(); String tab = ZoieHtmlCreator.getSimpleTableHtmlString(itemKey, scenarios, utils, null); if (addGraphs) { tab = tab + "<br><br>\n" + getTableHtmlForGraphs(zp, outputDir, subFolderForOutput, "Series", imgWidth, imgHeight, true, false, "center", numGraphsPerRow); } return tab; } public static class ZoieServerData { private long _timeTaken = -1; private long _resultsReturned = -1; private Date _date = null; private int count = 1; public ZoieServerData(Date date, long rescnt, long time) { _date = date; _resultsReturned = rescnt; _timeTaken = time; } public void add(long rescnt, long time) { _resultsReturned = _resultsReturned + rescnt; _timeTaken = _timeTaken + time; count++; } public Date getDate() { return _date; } public String averagedString() { String result = _dfPlot.format(_date) + "\t" + (_timeTaken / (double) count) + "\t" + (_resultsReturned / (double) count); return result; } public String toString() { String result = _df.format(_date) + "\t" + _timeTaken + "\t" + _resultsReturned; return result; } } }