package com.digiarea.closure.model.entity; public enum OutputPlaceholder implements IPlaceholder { INPUT_DIRECTORY("{INPUT_DIRECTORY}", "Input Directory - parent directory of the current input file."), INPUT_FILE_NAME("{INPUT_FILE_NAME}", "Input File Name - file name of the current input file."), INPUT_FILE_NAME_NO_EXT("{INPUT_FILE_NAME_NO_EXT}", "Input File Name without Extension - file name without extension of the current input file."), LOCALE("{LOCALE}", "Locale - current locale (pt-BR etc.)"), LOCALE_LOWER_CASE("{LOCALE_LOWER_CASE}", "Locale - current locale in lower case(pt_br etc.)"); private String value; private String description; private OutputPlaceholder(String value, String description) { this.value = value; this.description = description; } public String getValue() { return value; } public String getDescription() { return description; } }