package com.facebook.infrastructure.db; import*; import com.facebook.infrastructure.config.DatabaseDescriptor; import com.facebook.infrastructure.utils.LogUtil; import com.facebook.infrastructure.utils.CountingBloomFilter; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Map; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; /* * This class represents the metadata of this Table. The metadata * is basically the column family name and the ID associated with * this column family. We use this ID in the Commit Log header to * determine when a log file that has been rolled can be deleted. */ class TableMetadata { private static Logger logger_ = Logger.getLogger(Table.class); /* Name of the column family */ public final static String cfName_ = "TableMetadata"; /* * Name of one of the columns. The other columns are the individual * column families in the system. */ public static final String cardinality_ = "PrimaryCardinality"; private static ICompactSerializer<TableMetadata> serializer_; static { serializer_ = new TableMetadataSerializer(); } private static TableMetadata tableMetadata_; /* Use the following writer/reader to write/read to Metadata table */ private static IFileWriter writer_; private static IFileReader reader_; public static TableMetadata instance() throws IOException { if ( tableMetadata_ == null ) { String file = getFileName(); writer_ = SequenceFile.writer(file); reader_ = SequenceFile.reader(file); TableMetadata.load(); if ( tableMetadata_ == null ) tableMetadata_ = new TableMetadata(); } return tableMetadata_; } static ICompactSerializer<TableMetadata> serializer() { return serializer_; } private static void load() throws IOException { String file = TableMetadata.getFileName(); File f = new File(file); if ( f.exists() ) { DataOutputBuffer bufOut = new DataOutputBuffer(); DataInputBuffer bufIn = new DataInputBuffer(); if ( reader_ == null ) { reader_ = SequenceFile.reader(file); } while ( !reader_.isEOF() ) { /* Read the metadata info. */; bufIn.reset(bufOut.getData(), bufOut.getLength()); /* The key is the table name */ String key = bufIn.readUTF(); /* read the size of the data we ignore this value */ bufIn.readInt(); tableMetadata_ = TableMetadata.serializer().deserialize(bufIn); break; } } } /* The mapping between column family and the column type. */ private Map<String, String> cfTypeMap_ = new HashMap<String, String>(); private Map<String, Integer> cfIdMap_ = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); private Map<Integer, String> idCfMap_ = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); private static String getFileName() { String table = DatabaseDescriptor.getTables().get(0); return DatabaseDescriptor.getMetadataDirectory() + System.getProperty("file.separator") + table + "-Metadata.db"; } public void add(String cf, int id) { add(cf, id, "Standard"); } public void add(String cf, int id, String type) { cfIdMap_.put(cf, id); idCfMap_.put(id, cf); cfTypeMap_.put(cf, type); } boolean isEmpty() { return cfIdMap_.isEmpty(); } int getColumnFamilyId(String columnFamily) { return cfIdMap_.get(columnFamily); } String getColumnFamilyName(int id) { return idCfMap_.get(id); } String getColumnFamilyType(String cfName) { return cfTypeMap_.get(cfName); } void setColumnFamilyType(String cfName, String type) { cfTypeMap_.put(cfName, type); } Set<String> getColumnFamilies() { return cfIdMap_.keySet(); } int size() { return cfIdMap_.size(); } boolean isValidColumnFamily(String cfName) { return cfIdMap_.containsKey(cfName); } CountingBloomFilter cardinality() { return null; } void apply() throws IOException { String table = DatabaseDescriptor.getTables().get(0); DataOutputBuffer bufOut = new DataOutputBuffer(); TableMetadata.serializer_.serialize(this, bufOut); try { writer_.append(table, bufOut); } catch ( IOException ex ) {; logger_.debug(LogUtil.throwableToString(ex)); } } public void reset() throws IOException {; apply(); } public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(""); Set<String> cfNames = cfIdMap_.keySet(); for ( String cfName : cfNames ) { sb.append(cfName); sb.append("---->"); sb.append(cfIdMap_.get(cfName)); sb.append(System.getProperty("line.separator")); } return sb.toString(); } static class TableMetadataSerializer implements ICompactSerializer<TableMetadata> { public void serialize(TableMetadata tmetadata, DataOutputStream dos) throws IOException { int size = tmetadata.cfIdMap_.size(); dos.writeInt(size); Set<String> cfNames = tmetadata.cfIdMap_.keySet(); for ( String cfName : cfNames ) { dos.writeUTF(cfName); dos.writeInt( tmetadata.cfIdMap_.get(cfName).intValue() ); dos.writeUTF(tmetadata.getColumnFamilyType(cfName)); } } public TableMetadata deserialize(DataInputStream dis) throws IOException { TableMetadata tmetadata = new TableMetadata(); int size = dis.readInt(); for( int i = 0; i < size; ++i ) { String cfName = dis.readUTF(); int id = dis.readInt(); String type = dis.readUTF(); tmetadata.add(cfName, id, type); } return tmetadata; } } }