/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.facebook.infrastructure.config; import com.facebook.infrastructure.db.ColumnFamily; import com.facebook.infrastructure.db.FileUtils; import com.facebook.infrastructure.utils.XMLUtils; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.*; /** * Author : Avinash Lakshman ( alakshman@facebook.com) & Prashant Malik ( pmalik@facebook.com ) */ public class DatabaseDescriptor { private static int storagePort_ = 7000; private static int controlPort_ = 7001; private static int httpPort_ = 7002; private static String clusterName_ = "Test"; private static int replicationFactor_ = 3; private static long rpcTimeoutInMillis_ = 2000; private static Set<String> seeds_ = new HashSet<String>(); private static String multicastAddr_ = ""; private static String metadataDirectory_; /* Keeps the list of Ganglia servers to contact */ private static String[] gangliaServers_ ; /* Keeps the list of data file directories */ private static String[] dataFileDirectories_; /* Current index into the above list of directories */ private static int currentIndex_ = 0; private static String stagingFileDirectory_; private static String logFileDirectory_; private static String bootstrapFileDirectory_; private static int logRotationThreshold_ = 128*1024*1024; private static boolean fastSync_ = false; private static boolean rackAware_ = false; private static int threadsPerPool_ = 4; private static List<String> tables_ = new ArrayList<String>(); private static Set<String> applicationColumnFamilies_ = new HashSet<String>(); private static Map<String, String> cfToColumnTypeMap_ = new HashMap<String, String>(); private static Map<String, String> cfToIndexPropertyMap_ = new HashMap<String, String>(); /* if the size of columns or super-columns are more than this, indexing will kick in */ private static int columnIndexSizeInKB_; /* Size of touch key cache */ private static int touchKeyCacheSize_ = 1024; /* Number of hours to keep a memtable in memory */ private static int memtableLifetime_ = 6; /* Address of ZooKeeper cell */ private static String zkAddress_; /* Zookeeper session timeout. */ private static int zkSessionTimeout_ = 30000; /* Should cardinality be altered. */ private static boolean isCardinalityAltered_ = true; /* The compaction parameter decides if we should deserialize each key and then serialize it to fix issues. * true - we only deserialize if the key needs to be resolved * false - we always desrialize the key. * */ private static boolean aggressiveCompaction_ = false; public static final Map<String, Set<String>> tableToColumnFamilyMap_ = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>(); private DatabaseDescriptor() {} static { try { /* Read the configuration file to retrieve DB related properties. */ String file = System.getProperty("storage-config") + System.getProperty("file.separator") + "storage-conf.xml"; String os = System.getProperty("os.name"); XMLUtils xmlUtils = new XMLUtils(file); Node rootNode = xmlUtils.getRequestedNode("/Storage"); /* Cluster Name */ clusterName_ = xmlUtils.getNodeValue(rootNode, "ClusterName"); /* Multicast channel */ multicastAddr_ = xmlUtils.getNodeValue(rootNode, "MulticastChannel"); /* Ganglia servers contact list */ gangliaServers_ = xmlUtils.getNodeValues(rootNode, "GangliaServers/GangliaServer"); /* ZooKeeper's address */ zkAddress_ = xmlUtils.getNodeValue(rootNode, "ZookeeperAddress"); /* Zookeeper's session timeout */ String zkSessionTimeout = xmlUtils.getNodeValue(rootNode, "ZookeeperSessionTimeout"); if ( zkSessionTimeout != null ) zkSessionTimeout_ = Integer.parseInt(zkSessionTimeout); /* Data replication factor */ String replicationFactor = xmlUtils.getNodeValue(rootNode, "ReplicationFactor"); if ( replicationFactor != null ) replicationFactor_ = Integer.parseInt(replicationFactor); /* RPC Timeout */ String rpcTimeoutInMillis = xmlUtils.getNodeValue(rootNode, "RpcTimeoutInMillis"); if ( rpcTimeoutInMillis != null ) rpcTimeoutInMillis_ = Integer.parseInt(rpcTimeoutInMillis); /* Thread per pool */ String threadsPerPool = xmlUtils.getNodeValue(rootNode, "ThreadsPerPool"); if ( threadsPerPool != null ) threadsPerPool_ = Integer.parseInt(threadsPerPool); /* TCP port on which the storage system listens */ String port = xmlUtils.getNodeValue(rootNode, "StoragePort"); if ( port != null ) storagePort_ = Integer.parseInt(port); /* UDP port for control messages */ port = xmlUtils.getNodeValue(rootNode, "ControlPort"); if ( port != null ) controlPort_ = Integer.parseInt(port); /* HTTP port for HTTP messages */ port = xmlUtils.getNodeValue(rootNode, "HttpPort"); if ( port != null ) httpPort_ = Integer.parseInt(port); /* Touch Key Cache Size */ String touchKeyCacheSize = xmlUtils.getNodeValue(rootNode, "TouchKeyCacheSize"); if ( touchKeyCacheSize != null ) touchKeyCacheSize_ = Integer.parseInt(touchKeyCacheSize); /* Number of days to keep the memtable around w/o flushing */ String lifetime = xmlUtils.getNodeValue(rootNode, "MemtableLifetimeInDays"); if ( lifetime != null ) memtableLifetime_ = Integer.parseInt(lifetime); /* read the size at which we should do column indexes */ String columnIndexSizeInKB = xmlUtils.getNodeValue(rootNode, "ColumnIndexSizeInKB"); if(columnIndexSizeInKB == null) { columnIndexSizeInKB_ = 64; } else { columnIndexSizeInKB_ = Integer.parseInt(columnIndexSizeInKB); } /* metadata directory */ metadataDirectory_ = xmlUtils.getNodeValue(rootNode, "MetadataDirectory"); if ( metadataDirectory_ != null ) FileUtils.createDirectory(metadataDirectory_); else { if ( os.equals("Linux") ) { metadataDirectory_ = "/var/storage/system"; } } /* data file directory */ dataFileDirectories_ = xmlUtils.getNodeValues(rootNode, "DataFileDirectories/DataFileDirectory"); if ( dataFileDirectories_.length > 0 ) { for ( String dataFileDirectory : dataFileDirectories_ ) FileUtils.createDirectory(dataFileDirectory); } else { if ( os.equals("Linux") ) { dataFileDirectories_ = new String[]{"/var/storage/data"}; } } /* bootstrap file directory */ bootstrapFileDirectory_ = xmlUtils.getNodeValue(rootNode, "BootstrapFileDirectory"); if ( bootstrapFileDirectory_ != null ) FileUtils.createDirectory(bootstrapFileDirectory_); else { if ( os.equals("Linux") ) { bootstrapFileDirectory_ = "/var/storage/bootstrap"; } } /* bootstrap file directory */ stagingFileDirectory_ = xmlUtils.getNodeValue(rootNode, "StagingFileDirectory"); if ( stagingFileDirectory_ != null ) FileUtils.createDirectory(stagingFileDirectory_); else { if ( os.equals("Linux") ) { stagingFileDirectory_ = "/var/storage/staging"; } } /* commit log directory */ logFileDirectory_ = xmlUtils.getNodeValue(rootNode, "CommitLogDirectory"); if ( logFileDirectory_ != null ) FileUtils.createDirectory(logFileDirectory_); else { if ( os.equals("Linux") ) { logFileDirectory_ = "/var/storage/commitlog"; } } /* threshold after which commit log should be rotated. */ String value = xmlUtils.getNodeValue(rootNode, "CommitLogRotationThresholdInMB"); if ( value != null) logRotationThreshold_ = Integer.parseInt(value) * 1024 * 1024; /* fast sync option */ value = xmlUtils.getNodeValue(rootNode, "CommitLogFastSync"); if ( value != null ) fastSync_ = Boolean.parseBoolean(value); /* Rack Aware option */ value = xmlUtils.getNodeValue(rootNode, "RackAware"); if ( value != null ) rackAware_ = Boolean.parseBoolean(value); /* Read the table related stuff from config */ NodeList tables = xmlUtils.getRequestedNodeList(rootNode, "/Storage/Tables/Table"); int size = tables.getLength(); for ( int i = 0; i < size; ++i ) { Node table = tables.item(i); /* parsing out the table name */ String tName = xmlUtils.getAttributeValue(table, "Name"); tables_.add(tName); tableToColumnFamilyMap_.put(tName, new HashSet<String>()); NodeList columnFamilies = xmlUtils.getRequestedNodeList(table, "ColumnFamily"); int size2 = columnFamilies.getLength(); for ( int j = 0; j < size2; ++j ) { Node columnFamily = columnFamilies.item(j); String cName = columnFamily.getChildNodes().item(0).getNodeValue(); /* squirrel away the application column families */ applicationColumnFamilies_.add(cName); /* Parse out the column type */ String columnType = xmlUtils.getAttributeValue(columnFamily, "ColumnType"); columnType = ColumnFamily.getColumnType(columnType); cfToColumnTypeMap_.put(cName, columnType); /* Parse out the column family index property */ String columnIndexProperty = xmlUtils.getAttributeValue(columnFamily, "Index"); String columnIndexType = ColumnFamily.getColumnIndexProperty(columnIndexProperty); cfToIndexPropertyMap_.put(cName, columnIndexType); tableToColumnFamilyMap_.get(tName).add(cName); } } /* Load the seeds for node contact points */ String[] seeds = xmlUtils.getNodeValues(rootNode, "Seeds/Seed"); for( int i = 0; i < seeds.length; ++i ) { seeds_.add( seeds[i] ); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (SAXException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (TransformerException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public static String getZkAddress() { return zkAddress_; } public static int getZkSessionTimeout() { return zkSessionTimeout_; } public static String getMulticastChannel() { return multicastAddr_; } public static int getColumnIndexSize() { return columnIndexSizeInKB_ * 1024; } public static boolean isAlterCardinality() { return isCardinalityAltered_; } public static int getMemtableLifetime() { return memtableLifetime_; } public static String getClusterName() { return clusterName_; } public static boolean isApplicationColumnFamily(String columnFamily) { return applicationColumnFamilies_.contains(columnFamily); } public static int getTouchKeyCacheSize() { return touchKeyCacheSize_; } public static String getGangliaServers() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for ( int i = 0; i < gangliaServers_.length; ++i ) { sb.append(gangliaServers_[i]); if ( i != (gangliaServers_.length - 1) ) sb.append(", "); } return sb.toString(); } public static String getColumnType(String cfName) { return cfToColumnTypeMap_.get(cfName); } public static boolean isNameIndexEnabled(String cfName) { return "Name".equals(cfToIndexPropertyMap_.get(cfName)); } public static List<String> getTables() { return tables_; } // todo ultimately we want to support multiple tables; until then, this makes code assuming only one // a little cleaner public static String getTableName() { return tables_.get(0); } public static void setTables(String table) { tables_.add(table); } public static int getStoragePort() { return storagePort_; } public static int getControlPort() { return controlPort_; } public static int getHttpPort() { return httpPort_; } public static int getReplicationFactor() { return replicationFactor_; } public static long getRpcTimeout() { return rpcTimeoutInMillis_; } public static int getThreadsPerPool() { return threadsPerPool_; } public static String getMetadataDirectory() { return metadataDirectory_; } public static void setMetadataDirectory(String metadataDirectory) { metadataDirectory_ = metadataDirectory_; } public static String[] getAllDataFileLocations() { return dataFileDirectories_; } public static String getDataFileLocation() { String dataFileDirectory = dataFileDirectories_[currentIndex_]; return dataFileDirectory; } public static String getCompactionFileLocation() { String dataFileDirectory = dataFileDirectories_[currentIndex_]; currentIndex_ = (currentIndex_ + 1 )%dataFileDirectories_.length ; return dataFileDirectory; } public static String getBootstrapFileLocation() { return bootstrapFileDirectory_; } public static void setBootstrapFileLocation(String bfLocation) { bootstrapFileDirectory_ = bfLocation; } public static String getStagingFileLocation() { return stagingFileDirectory_; } public static void setStagingFileLocation(String stagingLocation) { stagingFileDirectory_ = stagingLocation; } public static int getLogFileSizeThreshold() { return logRotationThreshold_; } public static String getLogFileLocation() { return logFileDirectory_; } public static void setLogFileLocation(String logLocation) { logFileDirectory_ = logLocation; } public static boolean isFastSync() { return fastSync_; } public static boolean isRackAware() { return rackAware_; } public static Set<String> getSeeds() { return seeds_; } public static String getColumnFamilyType(String cfName) { return cfToColumnTypeMap_.get(cfName); } public static void setCompactionFactor(boolean compactionFactor) { aggressiveCompaction_ = compactionFactor; } public static boolean getCompactionFactor() { return aggressiveCompaction_; } public static Map<String, Set<String>> getTableToColumnFamilyMap() { return tableToColumnFamilyMap_; } /* * Loop through all the disks to see which disk has the max free space * return the disk with max free space for compactions. If the size of the expected * compacted file is greater than the max disk space available return null, we cannot * do compaction in this case. */ public static String getCompactionFileLocation(long expectedCompactedFileSize) { long maxFreeDisk = 0; int maxDiskIndex = 0; String dataFileDirectory = null; for ( int i = 0 ; i < dataFileDirectories_.length ; i++ ) { File f = new File(dataFileDirectories_[i]); if( maxFreeDisk < f.getUsableSpace()) { maxFreeDisk = f.getUsableSpace(); maxDiskIndex = i; } } // Load factor of 0.9 we do not want to use the entire disk that is too risky. maxFreeDisk = (long)(0.9 * maxFreeDisk); if( expectedCompactedFileSize < maxFreeDisk ) { dataFileDirectory = dataFileDirectories_[maxDiskIndex]; currentIndex_ = (maxDiskIndex + 1 )%dataFileDirectories_.length ; } else { currentIndex_ = maxDiskIndex; } return dataFileDirectory; } }