package org.cache2k.benchmark.impl2015; /* * #%L * Benchmarks: implementation variants * %% * Copyright (C) 2013 - 2017 headissue GmbH, Munich * %% * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * #L% */ import java.lang.reflect.Array; /** * Fast hash table implementation. Why we don't want to use the Java HashMap implementation: * * We need to move the entries back and forth between different hashes. * If we do this, each time an entry object needs to be allocated and deallocated. * * Second, we need to do countermeasures, if a key changes its value and hashcode * during its use in the cache. Although it is a user error and therefore not * our primary concern, the effects can be very curious and hard to find. * * Third, we want to have use the hash partly unsynchronized, so we should know the * implementation details. * * Fourth, we can leave out "details" of a general hash table, like shrinking. Our hash table * only expands. * * Access needs to be public, since we want to access the hash primitives from classes * in another package. */ public class Hash<E extends Entry> { public int size = 0; public int maxFill = 0; private int suppressExpandCount; public static int index(Entry[] _hashTable, int _hashCode) { return _hashCode & (_hashTable.length - 1); } public static <E extends Entry> E lookup(E[] _hashTable, Object key, int _hashCode) { int i = index(_hashTable, _hashCode); E e = _hashTable[i]; while (e != null) { if (e.hashCode == _hashCode && key.equals(e.key)) { return e; } e = (E) e.another; } return null; } public static boolean contains(Entry[] _hashTable, Object key, int _hashCode) { int i = index(_hashTable, _hashCode); Entry e = _hashTable[i]; while (e != null) { if (e.hashCode == _hashCode && (key == e.key || key.equals(e.key))) { return true; } e = e.another; } return false; } public static void insertWoExpand(Entry[] _hashTable, Entry e) { int i = index(_hashTable, e.hashCode); e.another = _hashTable[i]; _hashTable[i] = e; } private static void rehash(Entry[] a1, Entry[] a2) { for (Entry e : a1) { while (e != null) { Entry _next = e.another; insertWoExpand(a2, e); e = _next; } } } private static <E extends Entry> E[] expandHash(E[] _hashTable) { E[] a2 = (E[]) Array.newInstance( _hashTable.getClass().getComponentType(), _hashTable.length * 2); rehash(_hashTable, a2); return a2; } public static void calcHashCollisionInfo(BaseCache.CollisionInfo inf, Entry[] _hashTable) { for (Entry e : _hashTable) { if (e != null) { e = e.another; if (e != null) { inf.collisionSlotCnt++; int _size = 1; while (e != null) { inf.collisionCnt++; e = e.another; _size++; } if (inf.longestCollisionSize < _size) { inf.longestCollisionSize = _size; } } } } } /** * Count the entries in the hash table, by scanning through the hash table. * This is used for integrity checks. */ public static int calcEntryCount(Entry[] _hashTable) { int _entryCount = 0; for (Entry e : _hashTable) { while (e != null) { _entryCount++; e = e.another; } } return _entryCount; } public boolean remove(Entry[] _hashTable, Entry _entry) { int i = index(_hashTable, _entry.hashCode); Entry e = _hashTable[i]; if (e == _entry) { _hashTable[i] = e.another; size--; return true; } while (e != null) { Entry _another = e.another; if (_another == _entry) { e.another = _another.another; size--; return true; } e = _another; } return false; } /** * Remove entry from the hash. We never shrink the hash table, so * the array keeps identical. After this remove operation the entry * object may be inserted in another hash. */ public E remove(E[] _hashTable, Object key, int hc) { int i = index(_hashTable, hc); Entry e = _hashTable[i]; if (e == null) { return null; } if (e.hashCode == hc && key.equals(e.key)) { _hashTable[i] = (E) e.another; size--; return (E) e; } Entry _another = e.another; while (_another != null) { if (_another.hashCode == hc && key.equals(_another.key)) { e.another = _another.another; size--; return (E) _another; } e = _another; _another = _another.another; } return null; } public E[] insert(E[] _hashTable, Entry _entry) { size++; insertWoExpand(_hashTable, _entry); synchronized (this) { if (size >= maxFill && suppressExpandCount == 0) { maxFill = maxFill * 2; return expandHash(_hashTable); } return _hashTable; } } /** * Usage/reference counter for iterations to suspend expand * until the iteration finished. This is needed for correctness * of the iteration, if an expand is done during the iteration * process, the iterations returns duplicate entries or not * all entries. * * <p>Failing to operate the increment/decrement in balance will * mean that hash table expands are blocked forever, which is a * serious error condition. Typical problems arise by thrown * exceptions during an iteration. */ public synchronized void incrementSuppressExpandCount() { suppressExpandCount++; } public synchronized void decrementSuppressExpandCount() { suppressExpandCount--; } /** * The cache with this hash was cleared and the hash table is no longer * in used. Signal to iterations to abort. */ public void cleared() { if (size >= 0) { size = -1; } } /** * Cache was closed. Inform operations/iterators on the hash. */ public void close() { size = -2; } /** * Operations should terminate */ public boolean isCleared() { return size == -1; } /** * Operations should terminate and throw a {@link CacheClosedException} */ public boolean isClosed() { return size == -2; } public boolean shouldAbort() { return size < 0; } public E[] init(Class<E> _entryType) { size = 0; maxFill = BaseCache.TUNABLE.initialHashSize * BaseCache.TUNABLE.hashLoadPercent / 100; return (E[]) Array.newInstance(_entryType, BaseCache.TUNABLE.initialHashSize); } }