package org.cache2k.benchmark; /* * #%L * Benchmarks: implementation variants * %% * Copyright (C) 2013 - 2017 headissue GmbH, Munich * %% * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * #L% */ import org.junit.After; import org.cache2k.benchmark.util.AccessTrace; import; import; import; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; /** * @author Jens Wilke; created: 2013-12-08 */ public class BenchmarkingBase { static Map<String,String> benchmarkName2csv = new TreeMap<>(); static HashSet<String> onlyOneResult = new HashSet<>(); protected BenchmarkCacheFactory factory = new Cache2kFactory(); BenchmarkCache<Integer, Integer> cache = null; public BenchmarkCache<Integer, Integer> freshCache(AccessTrace t, int _maxElements) { return freshCache(_maxElements); } public BenchmarkCache<Integer, Integer> freshCache(int _maxElements) { if (cache != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Two caches in one test? Please call destroyCache() first"); } return cache = factory.create(_maxElements); } public void destroyCache() { if (cache != null) { cache.close(); cache = null; } } @After public void tearDown() { destroyCache(); } public final long runBenchmark(BenchmarkCache<Integer, Integer> c, AccessTrace t) { Integer[] _trace = t.getObjectTrace(); if (c instanceof SimulatorPolicy) { SimulatorPolicy p = (SimulatorPolicy) c; for (Integer k : _trace) { ((SimulatorPolicy) c).record(k); } return p.getMissCount(); } long _missCount = 0; for (Integer k : _trace) { Integer v = c.getIfPresent(k); if (v == null) { c.put(k, k); _missCount++; } } return _missCount; } public final int runBenchmark(AccessTrace t, int _cacheSize) { BenchmarkCache<Integer, Integer> c; c = freshCache(t, _cacheSize); long _missCount = runBenchmark(c, t); logHitRate(c, t, _missCount); c.close(); return ((t.getTraceLength() - (int) _missCount) * 10000 + t.getTraceLength() / 2) / t.getTraceLength(); } public void logHitRate(BenchmarkCache c, AccessTrace _trace, long _missCount) { int _optHitRate = -1; int _optHitCount = -1; String _testName = extractTestName(); if (onlyOneResult.contains(_testName)) { return; } onlyOneResult.add(_testName); long _usedMem = -1; saveHitRate(_testName, c.getCacheSize(), _trace, _optHitRate,_optHitCount, _missCount, _usedMem); String _cacheStatistics = c.toString(); System.out.println(_cacheStatistics); System.out.flush(); } void saveHitRate(String _testName, int _cacheSize, AccessTrace _trace, int _optHitRate, int _optHitCount, long _missCount, long _usedMem) { double _hitRateTimes100 = (_trace.getTraceLength() - _missCount) * 100D / _trace.getTraceLength(); String _hitRate = String.format("%.2f", _hitRateTimes100); String s = ""; if (_cacheSize > 0) { s += "size=" + _cacheSize + ", "; } s += "accessCount=" + _trace.getTraceLength(); s += ", missCount=" + _missCount + ", hitRatePercent=" + _hitRate; if (_optHitRate >= 0) { s += ", optHitRatePercent=" + String.format("%.2f", _optHitRate * 1D / 100); s += ", optHitCount=" + _optHitCount; } s += ", uniqueValues=" + _trace.getValueCount(); System.out.println(_testName + ": " + s); int idx = _testName.lastIndexOf('.'); String _cacheImplementation = _testName.substring(0, idx); String _benchmarkName = _testName.substring(idx + 1); String _csvLine = _benchmarkName + "|" + // 1 _cacheImplementation + "|" + // 2 String.format("%.2f", _hitRateTimes100) + "|" + // 3 _cacheSize + "|" + // 4 _trace.getTraceLength() + "|" + // 5 _trace.getValueCount(); // 6 if (!benchmarkName2csv.containsKey(_testName)) { benchmarkName2csv.put(_testName, _csvLine); writeCsv(_csvLine); } } void writeCsv(String _csvLine) { String s = System.getProperty("cache2k.benchmark.result.csv"); if (s == null) { return; } try { PrintWriter w = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(s, true)); w.println(_csvLine); w.close(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } String extractTestName() { Exception e = new Exception(); int idx = 1; StackTraceElement[] _stackTrace = e.getStackTrace(); do { String n = _stackTrace[idx].getMethodName(); idx++; if (n.startsWith("benchmark") || n.startsWith("test")) { return this.getClass().getName() + "." + _stackTrace[idx - 1].getMethodName(); } } while (true); } }