package; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.BooleanUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.http.Header; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.*; /** * Helper class for downloading dependencies * * @author Shay Yaakov */ public class DependenciesDownloaderHelper { private DependenciesDownloader downloader; private Log log; private final String LATEST = "LATEST"; private final String LAST_RELEASE = "LAST_RELEASE"; private static final String DELIMITER = "/"; private static final String ESCAPE_CHAR = "\\"; public DependenciesDownloaderHelper(DependenciesDownloader downloader, Log log) { this.downloader = downloader; this.log = log; } /** * Download dependencies by the provided spec from the given artifactory server. * returns list of downloaded artifacts * * @param serverUrl the server url * @param downloadSpec the download spec * @return list of downloaded artifacts * @throws IOException in case of IO error */ public List<Dependency> downloadDependencies(String serverUrl, Spec downloadSpec) throws IOException { AqlDependenciesHelper aqlHelper = new AqlDependenciesHelper(downloader, serverUrl, "", log); WildcardsDependenciesHelper wildcardHelper = new WildcardsDependenciesHelper(downloader, serverUrl, "", log); List<Dependency> resolvedDependencies = Lists.newArrayList(); for (FileSpec file : downloadSpec.getFiles()) { validateFileSpec(file); String buildName = getBuildName(file.getBuild()); String buildNumber = getBuildNumber(buildName, file.getBuild()); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(buildName) && StringUtils.isBlank(buildNumber)) { return resolvedDependencies; } if (file.getPattern() != null) { wildcardHelper.setTarget(file.getTarget()); wildcardHelper.setFlatDownload(BooleanUtils.toBoolean(file.getFlat())); wildcardHelper.setRecursive(!"false".equalsIgnoreCase(file.getRecursive())); wildcardHelper.setProps(file.getProps()); wildcardHelper.setBuildName(buildName); wildcardHelper.setBuildNumber(buildNumber); resolvedDependencies.addAll(wildcardHelper.retrievePublishedDependencies(file.getPattern())); } else if (file.getAql() != null) { aqlHelper.setTarget(file.getTarget()); aqlHelper.setFlatDownload(BooleanUtils.toBoolean(file.getFlat())); aqlHelper.setBuildName(buildName); aqlHelper.setBuildNumber(buildNumber); resolvedDependencies.addAll(aqlHelper.retrievePublishedDependencies(file.getAql())); } } return resolvedDependencies; } private String getBuildName(String build) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(build)) { return build; } // The delimiter must not be prefixed with escapeChar (if it is, it should be part of the build number) // the code below gets substring from before the last delimiter. // If the new string ends with escape char it means the last delimiter was part of the build number and we need // to go back to the previous delimiter. // If no proper delimiter was found the full string will be the build name. String buildName = StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(build, DELIMITER); while (StringUtils.isNotBlank(buildName) && buildName.contains(DELIMITER) && buildName.endsWith(ESCAPE_CHAR)) { buildName = StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(buildName, DELIMITER); } return buildName.endsWith(ESCAPE_CHAR) ? build : buildName; } public List<Dependency> downloadDependencies(Set<DownloadableArtifact> downloadableArtifacts) throws IOException { List<Dependency> dependencies = Lists.newArrayList(); Set<DownloadableArtifact> downloadedArtifacts = Sets.newHashSet(); for (DownloadableArtifact downloadableArtifact : downloadableArtifacts) { Dependency dependency = downloadArtifact(downloadableArtifact); if (dependency != null) { dependencies.add(dependency); downloadedArtifacts.add(downloadableArtifact); } } removeUnusedArtifactsFromLocal(downloadedArtifacts); return dependencies; } private String getBuildNumber(String buildName, String build) throws IOException { String buildNumber = ""; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(buildName)) { if (!build.startsWith(buildName)) { throw new IllegalStateException("build '" + build + "' does not start with build name '" + buildName + "'."); } // Case build number was not provided, the build name and the build are the same. build number will be latest if (build.equals(buildName)) { buildNumber = LATEST; } else { // Get build name by removing build name and the delimiter buildNumber = build.substring(buildName.length() + DELIMITER.length()); // Remove the escape chars before the delimiters buildNumber = buildNumber.replace(ESCAPE_CHAR + DELIMITER, DELIMITER); } if (LATEST.equals(buildNumber.trim()) || LAST_RELEASE.equals(buildNumber.trim())) { if (downloader.getClient().isArtifactoryOSS()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(buildNumber + " is not supported in Artifactory OSS."); } List<BuildPatternArtifactsRequest> artifactsRequest = Lists.newArrayList(); artifactsRequest.add(new BuildPatternArtifactsRequest(buildName, buildNumber)); List<BuildPatternArtifacts> artifactsResponses = downloader.getClient().retrievePatternArtifacts(artifactsRequest); // Artifactory returns null if no build was found if (artifactsResponses.get(0) != null) { buildNumber = artifactsResponses.get(0).getBuildNumber(); } else { logBuildNotFound(buildName, buildNumber); return null; } } } return buildNumber; } private void logBuildNotFound(String buildName, String buildNumber) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("The build name ").append(buildName); if (LAST_RELEASE.equals(buildNumber.trim())) { sb.append(" with the status RELEASED"); } sb.append(" could not be found."); log.warn(sb.toString()); } private void validateFileSpec(FileSpec file) throws IOException { if (file.getPattern() != null && file.getAql() != null ) { throw new InputMismatchException("Spec can include either the 'aql' or 'pattern' properties, but not both."); } } private void removeUnusedArtifactsFromLocal(Set<DownloadableArtifact> downloadableArtifacts) throws IOException { Set<String> forDeletionFiles = Sets.newHashSet(); Set<String> allResolvesFiles = Sets.newHashSet(); for (DownloadableArtifact downloadableArtifact : downloadableArtifacts) { String fileDestination = downloader.getTargetDir(downloadableArtifact.getTargetDirPath(), downloadableArtifact.getRelativeDirPath()); allResolvesFiles.add(fileDestination); if (PatternType.DELETE.equals(downloadableArtifact.getPatternType())) { forDeletionFiles.add(fileDestination); } } downloader.removeUnusedArtifactsFromLocal(allResolvesFiles, forDeletionFiles); } private Dependency downloadArtifact(DownloadableArtifact downloadableArtifact) throws IOException { Dependency dependencyResult = null; String filePath = downloadableArtifact.getFilePath(); String matrixParams = downloadableArtifact.getMatrixParameters(); final String uri = downloadableArtifact.getRepoUrl() + '/' + filePath; final String uriWithParams = (StringUtils.isBlank(matrixParams) ? uri : uri + ';' + matrixParams); Checksums checksums = downloadArtifactCheckSums(uriWithParams); // If Artifactory returned no checksums, this is probably because the URL points to a folder, // so there's no need to download it. if (StringUtils.isBlank(checksums.getMd5()) && StringUtils.isBlank(checksums.getSha1())) { return null; } String fileDestination = downloader.getTargetDir(downloadableArtifact.getTargetDirPath(), downloadableArtifact.getRelativeDirPath()); dependencyResult = getDependencyLocally(checksums, fileDestination); if (dependencyResult == null) {"Downloading '" + uriWithParams + "' ..."); HttpResponse httpResponse = downloader.getClient().downloadArtifact(uriWithParams); InputStream inputStream = httpResponse.getEntity().getContent(); Map<String, String> checksumsMap = downloader.saveDownloadedFile(inputStream, fileDestination); // If the checksums map is null then something went wrong and we should fail the build if (checksumsMap == null) { throw new IOException("Received null checksums map for downloaded file."); } String md5 = validateMd5Checksum(httpResponse, checksumsMap.get("md5")); String sha1 = validateSha1Checksum(httpResponse, checksumsMap.get("sha1"));"Successfully downloaded '" + uriWithParams + "' to '" + fileDestination + "'"); dependencyResult = new DependencyBuilder().md5(md5).sha1(sha1) .id(filePath.substring(filePath.lastIndexOf("/")+1)).build(); } return dependencyResult; } /** * Returns the dependency if it exists locally and has the sent checksums. * Otherwise return null. * * @param checksums The artifact checksums returned from Artifactory. * @param filePath The locally file path */ private Dependency getDependencyLocally(Checksums checksums, String filePath) throws IOException { if (downloader.isFileExistsLocally(filePath, checksums.getMd5(), checksums.getSha1())) {"The file '" + filePath + "' exists locally."); return new DependencyBuilder().md5(checksums.getMd5()).sha1(checksums.getSha1()) .id(filePath.substring(filePath.lastIndexOf(String.valueOf(IOUtils.DIR_SEPARATOR))+1)).build(); } return null; } private Checksums downloadArtifactCheckSums(String url) throws IOException { HttpResponse response = downloader.getClient().getArtifactChecksums(url); Checksums checksums = new Checksums(); checksums.setMd5(getMD5ChecksumFromResponse(response)); checksums.setSha1(getSHA1ChecksumFromResponse(response)); return checksums; } private String validateMd5Checksum(HttpResponse httpResponse, String calculatedMd5) throws IOException { String md5ChecksumFromResponse = getMD5ChecksumFromResponse(httpResponse); if (!StringUtils.equals(getMD5ChecksumFromResponse(httpResponse), calculatedMd5)) { String errorMessage = "Calculated MD5 checksum is different from original, " + "Original: '" + md5ChecksumFromResponse + "' Calculated: '" + calculatedMd5 + "'"; throw new IOException(errorMessage); } return md5ChecksumFromResponse == null ? "" : md5ChecksumFromResponse; } private String validateSha1Checksum(HttpResponse httpResponse, String calculatedSha1) throws IOException { String sha1ChecksumFromResponse = getSHA1ChecksumFromResponse(httpResponse); if (!StringUtils.equals(sha1ChecksumFromResponse, calculatedSha1)) { String errorMessage = "Calculated SHA-1 checksum is different from original, " + "Original: '" + sha1ChecksumFromResponse + "' Calculated: '" + calculatedSha1 + "'"; throw new IOException(errorMessage); } return sha1ChecksumFromResponse == null ? "" : sha1ChecksumFromResponse; } private String getSHA1ChecksumFromResponse(HttpResponse artifactChecksums) { String sha1 = null; Header sha1Header = artifactChecksums.getFirstHeader("X-Checksum-Sha1"); if (sha1Header != null) { sha1 = sha1Header.getValue(); } return sha1; } private String getMD5ChecksumFromResponse(HttpResponse artifactChecksums) { String md5 = null; Header md5Header = artifactChecksums.getFirstHeader("X-Checksum-Md5"); if (md5Header != null) { md5 = md5Header.getValue(); } return md5; } private static class Checksums { private String sha1; private String md5; public String getSha1() { return sha1; } public void setSha1(String sha1) { this.sha1 = sha1; } public String getMd5() { return md5; } public void setMd5(String md5) { this.md5 = md5; } } }