package; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import; import; import java.util.*; /** * Helper class for merging JSON data. */ class JsonMergeHelper { String[] mapIdentifiers; JsonMergeHelper ( String ... mapIdentifiers ) { this.mapIdentifiers = mapIdentifiers; } String objectToJson ( Object o ) { try { return new ObjectMapper().writer().withDefaultPrettyPrinter().writeValueAsString( o ); } catch ( Exception e ) { throw new RuntimeException( String.format( "Failed to convert object '%s' to JSON", o ), e ); } } <T> T jsonToObject ( String jsonContent, Class<T> type ) { try { return new ObjectMapper().reader( type ).readValue( jsonContent ); } catch ( Exception e ) { throw new RuntimeException( String.format( "Failed to convert JSON '%s' to object", jsonContent ), e ); } } <T> T jsonToObject ( File jsonFile, Class<T> type ) { try { return new ObjectMapper().reader( type ).readValue( jsonFile ); } catch ( Exception e ) { throw new RuntimeException( String.format( "Failed to convert JSON file '%s' to object", jsonFile ), e ); } } Map<String, ?> mergeAndWrite ( Map<String, ?> source, Map<String, ?> destination, File destinationFile ) { return jsonWrite( mergeMaps( source, destination ), destinationFile ); } <T> List<T> mergeAndWrite ( List<T> source, List<T> destination, File destinationFile ) { return jsonWrite( mergeLists( source, destination ), destinationFile ); } String mergeJsons( String source, String destination ) { Object sourceObject = jsonToObject( source, Object.class ); Object destinationObject = jsonToObject( destination, Object.class ); Object mergedObject = (( sourceObject instanceof Map ) && ( destinationObject instanceof Map )) ? mergeMaps(( Map ) sourceObject, ( Map ) destinationObject ) : (( sourceObject instanceof List ) && ( destinationObject instanceof List )) ? mergeLists(( List ) sourceObject, ( List ) destinationObject ) : null; if ( mergedObject == null ) { throw new RuntimeException( String.format( "Unable to merge JSON content of '%s' and '%s'", source, destination )); } return objectToJson( mergedObject ); } Map<String,?> mergeMaps ( Map<String, ?> source, Map<String, ?> destination ){ if (( source == null ) || source.isEmpty()){ return destination; } if (( destination == null ) || destination.isEmpty()){ return source; } if ( source.equals( destination )){ return source; } Map<String,Object> result = new HashMap<String,Object>( destination ); for ( Map.Entry<String,?> entry : source.entrySet()) { String sourceKey = entry.getKey(); Object sourceValue = entry.getValue(); Object mergedValue = ( sourceValue instanceof List ) ? mergeLists(( List ) sourceValue, ( List ) result.get( sourceKey )) : ( sourceValue instanceof Map ) ? mergeMaps(( Map ) sourceValue, ( Map ) result.get( sourceKey )) : sourceValue; result.put( sourceKey, mergedValue ); } return result; } <T> List<T> mergeLists ( List<T> source, List<T> destination ) { if (( source == null ) || source.isEmpty()){ return destination; } if (( destination == null ) || destination.isEmpty()){ return source; } if ( source.equals( destination )){ return source; } if ( source.get( 0 ) instanceof Map ) { Map map = ( Map ) source.get( 0 ); for ( String mapIdentifier : mapIdentifiers ) { if ( map.get( mapIdentifier ) != null ) { return ( List<T> ) mergeListsOfMaps(( List<Map<String, ?>> ) source, ( List<Map<String, ?>> ) destination, mapIdentifier ); } } } List<T> result = new ArrayList<T>( destination ); result.addAll( source ); return new ArrayList<T>( new HashSet<T>( result )); } private <T> T jsonWrite ( T object, File destinationFile ) { try { FileUtils.write( destinationFile, objectToJson( object ), "UTF-8" ); return object; } catch ( Exception e ) { throw new RuntimeException( String.format( "Failed to write [%s] to [%s]", object, destinationFile ), e ); } } private List<Map<String,?>> mergeListsOfMaps ( List<Map<String, ?>> source, List<Map<String, ?>> destination, String mapIdentifier ) { if (( source == null ) || source.isEmpty()){ return destination; } if (( destination == null ) || destination.isEmpty()){ return source; } if ( source.equals( destination )){ return source; } List<Map<String,?>> result = new ArrayList<Map<String, ?>>( Math.max( source.size(), destination.size())); for ( Map<String,?> sourceMap: new ArrayList<Map<String, ?>>( source )) { boolean matchingMapFound = false; String sourceMapId = ( String ) sourceMap.get( mapIdentifier ); for ( Map<String,?> destinationMap: new ArrayList<Map<String, ?>>( destination )) { if ( ! matchingMapFound ){ String destinationMapId = ( String ) destinationMap.get( mapIdentifier ); if ( sourceMapId.equals( destinationMapId )) { matchingMapFound = true; result.add( mergeMaps( sourceMap, destinationMap )); source.remove( sourceMap ); destination.remove( destinationMap ); } } } } result.addAll( destination ); result.addAll( source ); return result; } }