package cc.blynk.server.launcher; import cc.blynk.cli.CommandLine; import cc.blynk.cli.DefaultParser; import cc.blynk.cli.Options; import cc.blynk.cli.ParseException; import cc.blynk.server.notifications.mail.MailWrapper; import cc.blynk.server.notifications.sms.SMSWrapper; import cc.blynk.utils.ParseUtil; import cc.blynk.utils.ServerProperties; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; /** * Simple class for command line arguments parsing. * * The Blynk Project. * Created by Dmitriy Dumanskiy. * Created on 25.03.15. */ class ArgumentsParser { private static final Options options; private static final String HARDWARE_PORT_OPTION = "hardPort"; private static final String APPLICATION_PORT_OPTION = "appPort"; private static final String WORKER_THREADS_OPTION = "workerThreads"; private static final String DATA_FOLDER_OPTION = "dataFolder"; private static final String SERVER_CONFIG_PATH_OPTION = "serverConfig"; private static final String MAIL_CONFIG_PATH_OPTION = "mailConfig"; private static final String SMS_CONFIG_PATH_OPTION = "smsConfig"; public static final String RESTORE_OPTION = "restore"; static { options = new Options(); options.addOption(HARDWARE_PORT_OPTION, true, "Hardware server port.") .addOption(APPLICATION_PORT_OPTION, true, "Application server port.") .addOption(WORKER_THREADS_OPTION, true, "Server worker threads.") .addOption(DATA_FOLDER_OPTION, true, "Folder where user profiles will be stored.") .addOption(SERVER_CONFIG_PATH_OPTION, true, "Path to config file.") .addOption(MAIL_CONFIG_PATH_OPTION, true, "Path to config file.") .addOption(SMS_CONFIG_PATH_OPTION, true, "Path to config file.") .addOption(RESTORE_OPTION, false, "Restore data from DB."); } /** * Simply parsers command line arguments and sets it to server properties for future use. * * @param args - command line arguments * @throws ParseException */ static Map<String, String> parse(String[] args) throws ParseException { CommandLine cmd = new DefaultParser().parse(options, args); String hardPort = cmd.getOptionValue(HARDWARE_PORT_OPTION); String appPort = cmd.getOptionValue(APPLICATION_PORT_OPTION); String workerThreadsString = cmd.getOptionValue(WORKER_THREADS_OPTION); String dataFolder = cmd.getOptionValue(DATA_FOLDER_OPTION); String serverConfigPath = cmd.getOptionValue(SERVER_CONFIG_PATH_OPTION); String mailConfigPath = cmd.getOptionValue(MAIL_CONFIG_PATH_OPTION); String smsConfigPath = cmd.getOptionValue(SMS_CONFIG_PATH_OPTION); boolean restore = cmd.hasOption(RESTORE_OPTION); Map<String, String> properties = new HashMap<>(); if (hardPort != null) { ParseUtil.parseInt(hardPort); properties.put("hardware.default.port", hardPort); } if (appPort != null) { ParseUtil.parseInt(appPort); properties.put("app.ssl.port", appPort); } if (workerThreadsString != null) { ParseUtil.parseInt(workerThreadsString); properties.put("server.worker.threads", workerThreadsString); } if (dataFolder != null) { properties.put("data.folder", dataFolder); } if (serverConfigPath != null) { properties.put(ServerProperties.SERVER_PROPERTIES_FILENAME, serverConfigPath); } if (mailConfigPath != null) { properties.put(MailWrapper.MAIL_PROPERTIES_FILENAME, mailConfigPath); } if (smsConfigPath != null) { properties.put(SMSWrapper.SMS_PROPERTIES_FILENAME, smsConfigPath); } properties.put(RESTORE_OPTION, Boolean.toString(restore)); return properties; } }