package net.thirdy.blackmarket.samples; import javafx.scene.layout.StackPane; import javafx.scene.web.WebView; /** * A syntax highlighting code editor for JavaFX created by wrapping a * CodeMirror code editor in a WebView. * * See for more information on using the codemirror editor. */ public class CodeEditor extends StackPane { /** a webview used to encapsulate the CodeMirror JavaScript. */ final WebView webview = new WebView(); /** a snapshot of the code to be edited kept for easy initilization and reversion of editable code. */ private String editingCode; /** * a template for editing code - this can be changed to any template derived from the * supported modes at to allow syntax highlighted editing of * a wide variety of languages. */ private final String editingTemplate = "<!doctype html>" + "<html>" + "<head>" + " <link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"\">" + " <script src=\"\"></script>" + " <script src=\"\"></script>" + "</head>" + "<body>" + "<form><textarea id=\"code\" name=\"code\">\n" + "${code}" + "</textarea></form>" + "<script>" + " var editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(document.getElementById(\"code\"), {" + " lineNumbers: true," + " matchBrackets: true," + " mode: \"text/x-java\"" + " });" + "</script>" + "</body>" + "</html>"; /** applies the editing template to the editing code to create the html+javascript source for a code editor. */ private String applyEditingTemplate() { return editingTemplate.replace("${code}", editingCode); } /** sets the current code in the editor and creates an editing snapshot of the code which can be reverted to. */ public void setCode(String newCode) { this.editingCode = newCode; webview.getEngine().loadContent(applyEditingTemplate()); } /** returns the current code in the editor and updates an editing snapshot of the code which can be reverted to. */ public String getCodeAndSnapshot() { this.editingCode = (String ) webview.getEngine().executeScript("editor.getValue();"); return editingCode; } /** revert edits of the code to the last edit snapshot taken. */ public void revertEdits() { setCode(editingCode); } /** * Create a new code editor. * @param editingCode the initial code to be edited in the code editor. */ CodeEditor(String editingCode) { this.editingCode = editingCode; webview.setPrefSize(650, 325); webview.setMinSize(650, 325); webview.getEngine().loadContent(applyEditingTemplate()); this.getChildren().add(webview); } }