package net.thirdy.blackmarket.fxcontrols; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeSet; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import javafx.application.Platform; import; import; import javafx.beans.value.ChangeListener; import javafx.beans.value.ObservableValue; import javafx.collections.FXCollections; import javafx.collections.ObservableList; import javafx.event.ActionEvent; import javafx.event.EventHandler; import javafx.geometry.Point2D; import javafx.scene.Node; import javafx.scene.control.Button; import javafx.scene.control.Label; import javafx.scene.control.ListCell; import javafx.scene.control.ListView; import javafx.scene.control.PopupControl; import javafx.scene.control.TextField; import javafx.scene.layout.HBox; import javafx.scene.layout.Pane; import javafx.scene.text.Text; import javafx.scene.text.TextFlow; import javafx.stage.Popup; import javafx.stage.PopupWindow.AnchorLocation; import javafx.util.Callback; /** * Modified version of: * * This class is a TextField which implements an "autocomplete" functionality, * based on a supplied list of entries. * * @author Caleb Brinkman * @author Vicente de Rivera III */ public class AutoCompleteTextField<T> extends TextField { /** The existing autocomplete entries. */ private final SortedSet<T> entries; /** The popup used to select an entry. */ private PopupControl entriesPopup; /** * Use for checking if current text value has actually changed, for * efficiency. */ private String currentTextValue; private ObjectProperty<T> selectedItemProperty; public ObjectProperty<T> selectedItemProperty() { return selectedItemProperty; } private ObservableList<T> listViewItems; private ListView<T> listView; /** Construct a new AutoCompleteTextField. */ public AutoCompleteTextField(Collection<T> items, double prefWidth) { super(); entries = new TreeSet<>(); entriesPopup = new PopupControl(); entriesPopup.setPrefWidth(USE_PREF_SIZE); entriesPopup.setAutoFix(true); entriesPopup.setAutoHide(true); setupListView(prefWidth); ((Pane) entriesPopup.getScene().getRoot()).getChildren().setAll(listView); entriesPopup.setAnchorLocation(AnchorLocation.WINDOW_TOP_LEFT); setItems(items); textProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<String>() { @Override public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends String> observableValue, String oldVal, String newVal) { System.out.println(" textProperty old: " + oldVal + " new: " + newVal); updatePopup(); } }); setOnMouseClicked(e -> { showPopupAllItems(); }); focusedProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<Boolean>() { @Override public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends Boolean> observableValue, Boolean oldValue, Boolean newValue) { entriesPopup.hide(); currentTextValue = null; } }); } private void setupListView(double prefWidth) { listView = new ListView<>(); listView.setPrefWidth(prefWidth); // Focusing on this node makes it blurry for some reason // listView.setStyle( "-fx-background-color: -fx-outer-border, -fx-inner-border, -fx-body-color; -fx-background-insets: 0, 1, 2; -fx-background-radius: 5, 4, 3;"); setupListViewCellFactory(); listView.getSelectionModel().selectedItemProperty().addListener((observe, oldVal, newVal) -> { // System.out.println("old: " + oldVal + " new: " + newVal); T selectedItem = listView.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem(); if (selectedItem != null) { System.out.println("CLICK: " + selectedItem); // AutoCompleteTextField.this.setText(selectedItem.toString()); // selectedItemProperty().setValue(selectedItem); // entriesPopup.hide(); } }); } private void setupListViewCellFactory() { listView.setCellFactory(new Callback<ListView<T>, ListCell<T>>(){ @Override public ListCell<T> call(ListView<T> p) { return new ListCell<T>() { @Override protected void updateItem(T t, boolean empty) { super.updateItem(t, empty); if (!empty) { Button button = new Button(t.toString()); // button.setStyle("-fx-background-color: transparent;"); button.setOnAction(e -> System.out.println("CLICKED: " + t.toString())); button.setMaxWidth(Double.MAX_VALUE); // setGraphic(new TextFlow(button)); setGraphic(button); } else { setGraphic(null); } } @Override public void startEdit() { super.startEdit(); System.out.println("START EDIT"); } }; } }); } public void setItems(Collection<T> items) { initializeSelectedItemProperty(items.iterator().next()); initializeListViewItems(items); entries.clear(); entries.addAll(items); } private void initializeListViewItems(Collection<T> items) { if (listViewItems == null) { listViewItems = FXCollections.observableArrayList(items); } listView.setItems(listViewItems); } private void initializeSelectedItemProperty(T t) { if (selectedItemProperty == null) { selectedItemProperty = new SimpleObjectProperty<>(); } selectedItemProperty.set(t); } private void updatePopup() { System.out.println("updatePopup()"); T selectedItem = listView.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem(); if (selectedItem != null && getText().equals(selectedItem.toString())) { System.out.println("listview selected is equal to getText()"); // listView.getSelectionModel().clearSelection(); return; } if (StringUtils.equals(currentTextValue, getText())) { return; } else { currentTextValue = getText(); } LinkedList<T> searchResult = new LinkedList<>(); searchResult.addAll( -> StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(x.toString(), getText())) .collect(Collectors.toList())); if (entries.size() > 0) { listViewItems.setAll(searchResult); if (!entriesPopup.isShowing()) { Point2D p = this.localToScene(0.0, 0.0); double x = p.getX() + this.getScene().getX() + this.getScene().getWindow().getX(); double y = p.getY() + this.getScene().getY() + this.getScene().getWindow().getY() + this.getHeight();, x, y); } } else { entriesPopup.hide(); currentTextValue = null; } } private void showPopupAllItems() { System.out.println("showPopupAllItems()"); if (!entriesPopup.isShowing()) { listViewItems.setAll(entries); Point2D p = this.localToScene(0.0, 0.0); double x = p.getX() + this.getScene().getX() + this.getScene().getWindow().getX(); double y = p.getY() + this.getScene().getY() + this.getScene().getWindow().getY() + this.getHeight();, x, y); } } /** * Get the existing set of autocomplete entries. * * @return The existing autocomplete entries. */ public SortedSet<T> getEntries() { return entries; } }