package; import; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class ILBCCodec implements Codec { protected static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger( ILBCCodec.class ); // Codec information private static final String codecName = "ILBC"; private static String[] codecMediaAttributes = { "fmtp:111 mode=30" }; private static final int codecId = 111; private static int sampleFrame20ms = 20; private static int sampleFrame30ms = 30; private static int defaultEncodedFrameSize20ms = ilbc_constants.NO_OF_BYTES_20MS; private static int defaultEncodedFrameSize30ms = ilbc_constants.NO_OF_BYTES_30MS; private static int defaultDecodedFrameSize20ms = ilbc_constants.BLOCKL_20MS; private static int defaultDecodedFrameSize30ms = ilbc_constants.BLOCKL_30MS; private static int defaultSampleRate = 8000; // For iLBC we must init this with default "mode" packetization. private int outgoingPacketization = 30; // For iLBC we must init this with default "mode" packetization. private int incomingPacketization = 30; private ilbc_encoder ilbcEncoder; private ilbc_decoder ilbcDecoder; public ILBCCodec() { } public void encodeInit( int defaultEncodePacketization ) { ilbcEncoder = new ilbc_encoder( outgoingPacketization ); } public void decodeInit( int defaultDecodePacketization ) { ilbcDecoder = new ilbc_decoder( incomingPacketization, 1 ); } public String codecNegotiateAttribute( String attributeName, String localAttributeValue, String remoteAttributeValue ) { Integer localMode = Codec.DEFAULT_PACKETIZATION; Integer remoteMode = 0; String finalAttributeValue = ""; printLog( "codecNegotiateAttribute ", "attributeName = [" + attributeName + "localAttributeValue = [" + localAttributeValue + "] remoteAttributeValue = [" + remoteAttributeValue + "]." ); if ( 0 == attributeName.compareTo( Codec.ATTRIBUTE_FMTP ) ) { if ( ( null == remoteAttributeValue ) || ( remoteAttributeValue.isEmpty() ) ) { finalAttributeValue = ""; } else { remoteMode = extractModeFromFmtpValue( remoteAttributeValue ); if ( ( null != localAttributeValue ) && ( !localAttributeValue.isEmpty() ) ) { localMode = extractModeFromFmtpValue( localAttributeValue ); } if ( remoteMode > localMode ) { finalAttributeValue = remoteAttributeValue; outgoingPacketization = remoteMode; incomingPacketization = remoteMode; } else if ( null == localAttributeValue ) { finalAttributeValue = remoteAttributeValue.substring( 0, remoteAttributeValue.indexOf( " mode=" ) + 6 ); finalAttributeValue.concat( localMode.toString() ); } } } printLog( "codecNegotiateAttribute ", "finalAttributeValue = [" + finalAttributeValue + "]." ); return finalAttributeValue; } protected int extractModeFromFmtpValue( String fmtpValue ) { int modePos = fmtpValue.indexOf( " mode=" ) + 6; return Integer.parseInt( fmtpValue.substring( modePos ) ); } public int getCodecBlankPacket( byte[] buffer, int offset ) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return 0; } public int codecToPcm( byte[] bufferIn, float[] bufferOut ) { short[] encodedData = CodecUtils.byteToShortArray(bufferIn, 0, bufferIn.length, false); bitstream encodedBitStream = new bitstream( getOutgoingDecodedFrameSize() * 2 ); for (int i = 0; i < encodedData.length; i++) { encodedBitStream.buffer[2*i+1] = (char) (encodedData[i] & 0xff); encodedBitStream.buffer[2*i] = (char) ((encodedData[i] >> 8) & 0xff); } ilbcDecoder.iLBC_decode(bufferOut, encodedBitStream, 1); return getOutgoingDecodedFrameSize(); } public int pcmToCodec( float[] bufferIn, byte[] bufferOut ) { short[] encodedData = new short[ getIncomingEncodedFrameSize() / 2 ]; bitstream encodedBitStream = new bitstream( getIncomingEncodedFrameSize() * 2 ); ilbcEncoder.iLBC_encode( encodedBitStream, bufferIn ); for ( int i = 0; i < encodedData.length; i++ ) { encodedData[ i ] = (short) ( ( ( encodedBitStream.buffer[ 2 * i ] << 8 ) & 0xff00 ) | ( ( (short) encodedBitStream.buffer[ 2 * i + 1 ] ) & 0x00ff ) ); } CodecUtils.shortArrToByteArr( encodedData, bufferOut, false ); return getIncomingEncodedFrameSize(); } public int getIncomingEncodedFrameSize() { if ( incomingPacketization == sampleFrame20ms ) { return defaultEncodedFrameSize20ms; } else if ( incomingPacketization == sampleFrame30ms ) { return defaultEncodedFrameSize30ms; } return defaultEncodedFrameSize20ms; } public int getIncomingDecodedFrameSize() { if ( incomingPacketization == sampleFrame20ms ) { return defaultDecodedFrameSize20ms; } else if ( incomingPacketization == sampleFrame30ms ) { return defaultDecodedFrameSize30ms; } return defaultDecodedFrameSize20ms; } public int getOutgoingEncodedFrameSize() { if ( outgoingPacketization == sampleFrame20ms ) { return defaultEncodedFrameSize20ms; } else if ( outgoingPacketization == sampleFrame30ms ) { return defaultEncodedFrameSize30ms; } return defaultEncodedFrameSize20ms; } public int getOutgoingDecodedFrameSize() { if ( outgoingPacketization == sampleFrame20ms ) { return defaultDecodedFrameSize20ms; } else if ( outgoingPacketization == sampleFrame30ms ) { return defaultDecodedFrameSize30ms; } return defaultDecodedFrameSize20ms; } public int getIncomingPacketization() { return incomingPacketization; } public int getOutgoingPacketization() { return outgoingPacketization; } public void setLocalPtime( int localPtime ) { // For iLBC we have a "mode" paramater setted and it // overcomes any ptime configuration. } public void setRemotePtime( int remotePtime ) { // For iLBC we have a "mode" paramater setted and it // overcomes any ptime configuration. } public int getSampleRate() { return defaultSampleRate; } public String getCodecName() { return codecName; } public int getCodecId() { return codecId; } public String[] getCodecMediaAttributes() { return codecMediaAttributes; } private static void printLog( String method, String message ) { log.debug( "SIPCodecUtils - " + method + " -> " + message ); System.out.println( "SIPCodecUtils - " + method + " -> " + message ); } }