/* * Copyright (C) 2011-2016 Samuel Audet * * Licensed either under the Apache License, Version 2.0, or (at your option) * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation (subject to the "Classpath" exception), * either version 2, or any later version (collectively, the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ * http://www.gnu.org/software/classpath/license.html * * or as provided in the LICENSE.txt file that accompanied this code. * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.bytedeco.javacpp.tools; import java.io.Closeable; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.io.Writer; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.nio.Buffer; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.CharBuffer; import java.nio.DoubleBuffer; import java.nio.FloatBuffer; import java.nio.IntBuffer; import java.nio.LongBuffer; import java.nio.ShortBuffer; import java.util.ArrayDeque; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Deque; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.bytedeco.javacpp.BoolPointer; import org.bytedeco.javacpp.BytePointer; import org.bytedeco.javacpp.CLongPointer; import org.bytedeco.javacpp.CharPointer; import org.bytedeco.javacpp.ClassProperties; import org.bytedeco.javacpp.DoublePointer; import org.bytedeco.javacpp.FloatPointer; import org.bytedeco.javacpp.FunctionPointer; import org.bytedeco.javacpp.IntPointer; import org.bytedeco.javacpp.Loader; import org.bytedeco.javacpp.LongPointer; import org.bytedeco.javacpp.Pointer; import org.bytedeco.javacpp.PointerPointer; import org.bytedeco.javacpp.ShortPointer; import org.bytedeco.javacpp.SizeTPointer; import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.Adapter; import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.Allocator; import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.ArrayAllocator; import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.ByPtr; import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.ByPtrPtr; import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.ByPtrRef; import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.ByRef; import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.ByVal; import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.Cast; import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.Const; import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.Convention; import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.Function; import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.Index; import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.MemberGetter; import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.MemberSetter; import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.Name; import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.Namespace; import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.NoDeallocator; import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.NoException; import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.NoOffset; import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.Opaque; import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.Platform; import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.Raw; import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.ValueGetter; import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.ValueSetter; import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.Virtual; /** * The Generator is where all the C++ source code that we need gets generated. * It has not been designed in any meaningful way since the requirements were * not well understood. It is basically a prototype and is really quite a mess. * Now that we understand better what we need, it could use some refactoring. * <p> * When attempting to understand what the Generator does, try to run experiments * and inspect the generated code: It is quite readable. * <p> * Moreover, although Generator is the one ultimately doing something with the * various annotations it relies on, it was easier to describe the behavior its * meant to have with them as part of the documentation of the annotations, so * we can refer to them to understand more about how Generator should work: * * @see Adapter * @see Allocator * @see ArrayAllocator * @see ByPtr * @see ByPtrPtr * @see ByPtrRef * @see ByRef * @see ByVal * @see Cast * @see Const * @see Convention * @see Function * @see Index * @see MemberGetter * @see MemberSetter * @see Name * @see Namespace * @see NoDeallocator * @see NoException * @see NoOffset * @see Opaque * @see Platform * @see Raw * @see ValueGetter * @see ValueSetter * * @author Samuel Audet */ public class Generator implements Closeable { public Generator(Logger logger, ClassProperties properties) { this.logger = logger; this.properties = properties; } static final String JNI_VERSION = "JNI_VERSION_1_4"; static final List<Class> baseClasses = Arrays.asList(new Class[] { Pointer.class, //FunctionPointer.class, BytePointer.class, ShortPointer.class, IntPointer.class, LongPointer.class, FloatPointer.class, DoublePointer.class, CharPointer.class, PointerPointer.class, BoolPointer.class, CLongPointer.class, SizeTPointer.class }); final Logger logger; final ClassProperties properties; PrintWriter out, out2; IndexedSet<String> callbacks; IndexedSet<Class> functions, deallocators, arrayDeallocators, jclasses; Map<Class,Set<String>> members, virtualFunctions, virtualMembers; Map<Method,MethodInformation> annotationCache; boolean mayThrowExceptions, usesAdapters, passesStrings; public boolean generate(String sourceFilename, String headerFilename, String classPath, Class<?> ... classes) throws FileNotFoundException { // first pass using a null writer to fill up the IndexedSet objects out = new PrintWriter(new Writer() { @Override public void write(char[] cbuf, int off, int len) { } @Override public void flush() { } @Override public void close() { } }); out2 = null; callbacks = new IndexedSet<String>(); functions = new IndexedSet<Class>(); deallocators = new IndexedSet<Class>(); arrayDeallocators = new IndexedSet<Class>(); jclasses = new IndexedSet<Class>(); members = new HashMap<Class,Set<String>>(); virtualFunctions = new HashMap<Class,Set<String>>(); virtualMembers = new HashMap<Class,Set<String>>(); annotationCache = new HashMap<Method,MethodInformation>(); mayThrowExceptions = false; usesAdapters = false; passesStrings = false; for (Class<?> cls : baseClasses) { jclasses.index(cls); } if (classes(true, true, true, classPath, classes)) { // second pass with a real writer out = new PrintWriter(sourceFilename); if (headerFilename != null) { out2 = new PrintWriter(headerFilename); } return classes(mayThrowExceptions, usesAdapters, passesStrings, classPath, classes); } else { return false; } } public void close() { if (out != null) { out.close(); } if (out2 != null) { out2.close(); } } boolean classes(boolean handleExceptions, boolean defineAdapters, boolean convertStrings, String classPath, Class<?> ... classes) { String version = Generator.class.getPackage().getImplementationVersion(); if (version == null) { version = "unknown"; } String warning = "// Generated by JavaCPP version " + version + ": DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE"; out.println(warning); out.println(); if (out2 != null) { out2.println(warning); out2.println(); } for (String s : properties.get("platform.pragma")) { out.println("#pragma " + s); } for (String s : properties.get("platform.define")) { out.println("#define " + s); } out.println(); out.println("#ifdef _WIN32"); out.println(" #define _JAVASOFT_JNI_MD_H_"); out.println(); out.println(" #define JNIEXPORT __declspec(dllexport)"); out.println(" #define JNIIMPORT __declspec(dllimport)"); out.println(" #define JNICALL __stdcall"); out.println(); out.println(" typedef int jint;"); out.println(" typedef long long jlong;"); out.println(" typedef signed char jbyte;"); out.println("#elif defined(__GNUC__)"); out.println(" #define _JAVASOFT_JNI_MD_H_"); out.println(); out.println(" #define JNIEXPORT __attribute__((visibility(\"default\")))"); out.println(" #define JNIIMPORT"); out.println(" #define JNICALL"); out.println(); out.println(" typedef int jint;"); out.println(" typedef long long jlong;"); out.println(" typedef signed char jbyte;"); out.println("#endif"); out.println(); out.println("#include <jni.h>"); if (out2 != null) { out2.println("#include <jni.h>"); } out.println(); out.println("#ifdef ANDROID"); out.println(" #include <android/log.h>"); out.println("#elif defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__OBJC__)"); out.println(" #include <TargetConditionals.h>"); out.println(" #include <Foundation/Foundation.h>"); out.println("#endif"); out.println("#if defined(ANDROID) || TARGET_OS_IPHONE"); out.println(" #define NewWeakGlobalRef(obj) NewGlobalRef(obj)"); out.println(" #define DeleteWeakGlobalRef(obj) DeleteGlobalRef(obj)"); out.println("#endif"); out.println(); out.println("#include <limits.h>"); out.println("#include <stddef.h>"); out.println("#ifndef _WIN32"); out.println(" #include <stdint.h>"); out.println("#endif"); out.println("#include <stdio.h>"); out.println("#include <stdlib.h>"); out.println("#include <string.h>"); out.println("#include <exception>"); out.println("#include <memory>"); out.println("#include <new>"); out.println(); out.println("#if defined(NATIVE_ALLOCATOR) && defined(NATIVE_DEALLOCATOR)"); out.println(" void* operator new(std::size_t size, const std::nothrow_t&) throw() {"); out.println(" return NATIVE_ALLOCATOR(size);"); out.println(" }"); out.println(" void* operator new[](std::size_t size, const std::nothrow_t&) throw() {"); out.println(" return NATIVE_ALLOCATOR(size);"); out.println(" }"); out.println(" void* operator new(std::size_t size) throw(std::bad_alloc) {"); out.println(" return NATIVE_ALLOCATOR(size);"); out.println(" }"); out.println(" void* operator new[](std::size_t size) throw(std::bad_alloc) {"); out.println(" return NATIVE_ALLOCATOR(size);"); out.println(" }"); out.println(" void operator delete(void* ptr) throw() {"); out.println(" NATIVE_DEALLOCATOR(ptr);"); out.println(" }"); out.println(" void operator delete[](void* ptr) throw() {"); out.println(" NATIVE_DEALLOCATOR(ptr);"); out.println(" }"); out.println("#endif"); out.println(); out.println("#define jlong_to_ptr(a) ((void*)(uintptr_t)(a))"); out.println("#define ptr_to_jlong(a) ((jlong)(uintptr_t)(a))"); out.println(); out.println("#if defined(_MSC_VER)"); out.println(" #define JavaCPP_noinline __declspec(noinline)"); out.println(" #define JavaCPP_hidden /* hidden by default */"); out.println("#elif defined(__GNUC__)"); out.println(" #define JavaCPP_noinline __attribute__((noinline))"); out.println(" #define JavaCPP_hidden __attribute__((visibility(\"hidden\")))"); out.println("#else"); out.println(" #define JavaCPP_noinline"); out.println(" #define JavaCPP_hidden"); out.println("#endif"); out.println(); List[] include = { properties.get("platform.include"), properties.get("platform.cinclude") }; for (int i = 0; i < include.length; i++) { if (include[i] != null && include[i].size() > 0) { if (i == 1) { out.println("extern \"C\" {"); if (out2 != null) { out2.println("#ifdef __cplusplus"); out2.println("extern \"C\" {"); out2.println("#endif"); } } for (String s : (List<String>)include[i]) { String line = "#include "; if (!s.startsWith("<") && !s.startsWith("\"")) { line += '"'; } line += s; if (!s.endsWith(">") && !s.endsWith("\"")) { line += '"'; } out.println(line); if (out2 != null) { out2.println(line); } } if (i == 1) { out.println("}"); if (out2 != null) { out2.println("#ifdef __cplusplus"); out2.println("}"); out2.println("#endif"); } } out.println(); } } out.println("static JavaVM* JavaCPP_vm = NULL;"); out.println("static bool JavaCPP_haveAllocObject = false;"); out.println("static bool JavaCPP_haveNonvirtual = false;"); out.println("static const char* JavaCPP_classNames[" + jclasses.size() + "] = {"); Iterator<Class> classIterator = jclasses.iterator(); int maxMemberSize = 0; while (classIterator.hasNext()) { Class c = classIterator.next(); out.print(" \"" + c.getName().replace('.','/') + "\""); if (classIterator.hasNext()) { out.println(","); } Set<String> m = members.get(c); if (m != null && m.size() > maxMemberSize) { maxMemberSize = m.size(); } } out.println(" };"); out.println("static jclass JavaCPP_classes[" + jclasses.size() + "] = { NULL };"); out.println("static jfieldID JavaCPP_addressFID = NULL;"); out.println("static jfieldID JavaCPP_positionFID = NULL;"); out.println("static jfieldID JavaCPP_limitFID = NULL;"); out.println("static jfieldID JavaCPP_capacityFID = NULL;"); out.println("static jfieldID JavaCPP_deallocatorFID = NULL;"); out.println("static jfieldID JavaCPP_ownerAddressFID = NULL;"); out.println("static jmethodID JavaCPP_initMID = NULL;"); out.println("static jmethodID JavaCPP_arrayMID = NULL;"); out.println("static jmethodID JavaCPP_stringMID = NULL;"); out.println("static jmethodID JavaCPP_getBytesMID = NULL;"); out.println("static jmethodID JavaCPP_toStringMID = NULL;"); out.println(); out.println("static inline void JavaCPP_log(const char* fmt, ...) {"); out.println(" va_list ap;"); out.println(" va_start(ap, fmt);"); out.println("#ifdef ANDROID"); out.println(" __android_log_vprint(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR, \"javacpp\", fmt, ap);"); out.println("#elif defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__OBJC__)"); out.println(" NSLogv([NSString stringWithUTF8String:fmt], ap);"); out.println("#else"); out.println(" vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap);"); out.println(" fprintf(stderr, \"\\n\");"); out.println("#endif"); out.println(" va_end(ap);"); out.println("}"); out.println(); out.println("static JavaCPP_noinline jclass JavaCPP_getClass(JNIEnv* env, int i) {"); out.println(" if (JavaCPP_classes[i] == NULL && env->PushLocalFrame(1) == 0) {"); out.println(" jclass cls = env->FindClass(JavaCPP_classNames[i]);"); out.println(" if (cls == NULL || env->ExceptionCheck()) {"); out.println(" JavaCPP_log(\"Error loading class %s.\", JavaCPP_classNames[i]);"); out.println(" return NULL;"); out.println(" }"); out.println(" JavaCPP_classes[i] = (jclass)env->NewWeakGlobalRef(cls);"); out.println(" if (JavaCPP_classes[i] == NULL || env->ExceptionCheck()) {"); out.println(" JavaCPP_log(\"Error creating global reference of class %s.\", JavaCPP_classNames[i]);"); out.println(" return NULL;"); out.println(" }"); out.println(" env->PopLocalFrame(NULL);"); out.println(" }"); out.println(" return JavaCPP_classes[i];"); out.println("}"); out.println(); out.println("static JavaCPP_noinline jfieldID JavaCPP_getFieldID(JNIEnv* env, int i, const char* name, const char* sig) {"); out.println(" jclass cls = JavaCPP_getClass(env, i);"); out.println(" if (cls == NULL) {"); out.println(" return NULL;"); out.println(" }"); out.println(" jfieldID fid = env->GetFieldID(cls, name, sig);"); out.println(" if (fid == NULL || env->ExceptionCheck()) {"); out.println(" JavaCPP_log(\"Error getting field ID of %s/%s\", JavaCPP_classNames[i], name);"); out.println(" return NULL;"); out.println(" }"); out.println(" return fid;"); out.println("}"); out.println(); out.println("static JavaCPP_noinline jmethodID JavaCPP_getMethodID(JNIEnv* env, int i, const char* name, const char* sig) {"); out.println(" jclass cls = JavaCPP_getClass(env, i);"); out.println(" if (cls == NULL) {"); out.println(" return NULL;"); out.println(" }"); out.println(" jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(cls, name, sig);"); out.println(" if (mid == NULL || env->ExceptionCheck()) {"); out.println(" JavaCPP_log(\"Error getting method ID of %s/%s\", JavaCPP_classNames[i], name);"); out.println(" return NULL;"); out.println(" }"); out.println(" return mid;"); out.println("}"); out.println(); out.println("static JavaCPP_noinline jmethodID JavaCPP_getStaticMethodID(JNIEnv* env, int i, const char* name, const char* sig) {"); out.println(" jclass cls = JavaCPP_getClass(env, i);"); out.println(" if (cls == NULL) {"); out.println(" return NULL;"); out.println(" }"); out.println(" jmethodID mid = env->GetStaticMethodID(cls, name, sig);"); out.println(" if (mid == NULL || env->ExceptionCheck()) {"); out.println(" JavaCPP_log(\"Error getting static method ID of %s/%s\", JavaCPP_classNames[i], name);"); out.println(" return NULL;"); out.println(" }"); out.println(" return mid;"); out.println("}"); out.println(); out.println("static JavaCPP_noinline jobject JavaCPP_createPointer(JNIEnv* env, int i, jclass cls = NULL) {"); out.println(" if (cls == NULL && (cls = JavaCPP_getClass(env, i)) == NULL) {"); out.println(" return NULL;"); out.println(" }"); out.println(" if (JavaCPP_haveAllocObject) {"); out.println(" return env->AllocObject(cls);"); out.println(" } else {"); out.println(" jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(cls, \"<init>\", \"(Lorg/bytedeco/javacpp/Pointer;)V\");"); out.println(" if (mid == NULL || env->ExceptionCheck()) {"); out.println(" JavaCPP_log(\"Error getting Pointer constructor of %s, while VM does not support AllocObject()\", JavaCPP_classNames[i]);"); out.println(" return NULL;"); out.println(" }"); out.println(" return env->NewObject(cls, mid, NULL);"); out.println(" }"); out.println("}"); out.println(); out.println("static JavaCPP_noinline void JavaCPP_initPointer(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj, const void* ptr, long long size, void* owner, void (*deallocator)(void*)) {"); out.println(" if (deallocator != NULL) {"); out.println(" jvalue args[4];"); out.println(" args[0].j = ptr_to_jlong(ptr);"); out.println(" args[1].j = (jlong)size;"); out.println(" args[2].j = ptr_to_jlong(owner);"); out.println(" args[3].j = ptr_to_jlong(deallocator);"); out.println(" if (JavaCPP_haveNonvirtual) {"); out.println(" env->CallNonvirtualVoidMethodA(obj, JavaCPP_getClass(env, " + jclasses.index(Pointer.class) + "), JavaCPP_initMID, args);"); out.println(" } else {"); out.println(" env->CallVoidMethodA(obj, JavaCPP_initMID, args);"); out.println(" }"); out.println(" } else {"); out.println(" env->SetLongField(obj, JavaCPP_addressFID, ptr_to_jlong(ptr));"); out.println(" env->SetLongField(obj, JavaCPP_limitFID, (jlong)size);"); out.println(" env->SetLongField(obj, JavaCPP_capacityFID, (jlong)size);"); out.println(" }"); out.println("}"); out.println(); if (handleExceptions || convertStrings) { out.println("static JavaCPP_noinline jstring JavaCPP_createString(JNIEnv* env, const char* ptr) {"); out.println(" if (ptr == NULL) {"); out.println(" return NULL;"); out.println(" }"); out.println("#ifdef MODIFIED_UTF8_STRING"); out.println(" return env->NewStringUTF(ptr);"); out.println("#else"); out.println(" size_t length = strlen(ptr);"); out.println(" jbyteArray bytes = env->NewByteArray(length < INT_MAX ? length : INT_MAX);"); out.println(" env->SetByteArrayRegion(bytes, 0, length < INT_MAX ? length : INT_MAX, (signed char*)ptr);"); out.println(" return (jstring)env->NewObject(JavaCPP_getClass(env, " + jclasses.index(String.class) + "), JavaCPP_stringMID, bytes);"); out.println("#endif"); out.println("}"); out.println(); } if (convertStrings) { out.println("static JavaCPP_noinline const char* JavaCPP_getStringBytes(JNIEnv* env, jstring str) {"); out.println(" if (str == NULL) {"); out.println(" return NULL;"); out.println(" }"); out.println("#ifdef MODIFIED_UTF8_STRING"); out.println(" return env->GetStringUTFChars(str, NULL);"); out.println("#else"); out.println(" jbyteArray bytes = (jbyteArray)env->CallObjectMethod(str, JavaCPP_getBytesMID);"); out.println(" if (bytes == NULL || env->ExceptionCheck()) {"); out.println(" JavaCPP_log(\"Error getting bytes from string.\");"); out.println(" return NULL;"); out.println(" }"); out.println(" jsize length = env->GetArrayLength(bytes);"); out.println(" signed char* ptr = new (std::nothrow) signed char[length + 1];"); out.println(" if (ptr != NULL) {"); out.println(" env->GetByteArrayRegion(bytes, 0, length, ptr);"); out.println(" ptr[length] = 0;"); out.println(" }"); out.println(" return (const char*)ptr;"); out.println("#endif"); out.println("}"); out.println(); out.println("static JavaCPP_noinline void JavaCPP_releaseStringBytes(JNIEnv* env, jstring str, const char* ptr) {"); out.println("#ifdef MODIFIED_UTF8_STRING"); out.println(" if (str != NULL) {"); out.println(" env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(str, ptr);"); out.println(" }"); out.println("#else"); out.println(" delete[] ptr;"); out.println("#endif"); out.println("}"); out.println(); } out.println("class JavaCPP_hidden JavaCPP_exception : public std::exception {"); out.println("public:"); out.println(" JavaCPP_exception(const char* str) throw() {"); out.println(" if (str == NULL) {"); out.println(" strcpy(msg, \"Unknown exception.\");"); out.println(" } else {"); out.println(" strncpy(msg, str, sizeof(msg));"); out.println(" msg[sizeof(msg) - 1] = 0;"); out.println(" }"); out.println(" }"); out.println(" virtual const char* what() const throw() { return msg; }"); out.println(" char msg[1024];"); out.println("};"); out.println(); if (handleExceptions) { out.println("#ifndef GENERIC_EXCEPTION_CLASS"); out.println("#define GENERIC_EXCEPTION_CLASS std::exception"); out.println("#endif"); out.println("static JavaCPP_noinline jthrowable JavaCPP_handleException(JNIEnv* env, int i) {"); out.println(" jstring str = NULL;"); out.println(" try {"); out.println(" throw;"); out.println(" } catch (GENERIC_EXCEPTION_CLASS& e) {"); out.println(" str = JavaCPP_createString(env, e.what());"); out.println(" } catch (...) {"); out.println(" str = JavaCPP_createString(env, \"Unknown exception.\");"); out.println(" }"); out.println(" jmethodID mid = JavaCPP_getMethodID(env, i, \"<init>\", \"(Ljava/lang/String;)V\");"); out.println(" if (mid == NULL) {"); out.println(" return NULL;"); out.println(" }"); out.println(" return (jthrowable)env->NewObject(JavaCPP_getClass(env, i), mid, str);"); out.println("}"); out.println(); } Class deallocator, nativeDeallocator; try { deallocator = Class.forName(Pointer.class.getName() + "$Deallocator", false, Pointer.class.getClassLoader()); nativeDeallocator = Class.forName(Pointer.class.getName() + "$NativeDeallocator", false, Pointer.class.getClassLoader()); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } if (defineAdapters) { out.println("static JavaCPP_noinline void* JavaCPP_getPointerOwner(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj) {"); out.println(" if (obj != NULL) {"); out.println(" jobject deallocator = env->GetObjectField(obj, JavaCPP_deallocatorFID);"); out.println(" if (deallocator != NULL && env->IsInstanceOf(deallocator, JavaCPP_getClass(env, " + jclasses.index(nativeDeallocator) + "))) {"); out.println(" return jlong_to_ptr(env->GetLongField(deallocator, JavaCPP_ownerAddressFID));"); out.println(" }"); out.println(" }"); out.println(" return NULL;"); out.println("}"); out.println(); out.println("#include <vector>"); out.println("template<typename P, typename T = P> class JavaCPP_hidden VectorAdapter {"); out.println("public:"); out.println(" VectorAdapter(const P* ptr, typename std::vector<T>::size_type size, void* owner) : ptr((P*)ptr), size(size), owner(owner),"); out.println(" vec2(ptr ? std::vector<T>((P*)ptr, (P*)ptr + size) : std::vector<T>()), vec(vec2) { }"); out.println(" VectorAdapter(const std::vector<T>& vec) : ptr(0), size(0), owner(0), vec2(vec), vec(vec2) { }"); out.println(" VectorAdapter( std::vector<T>& vec) : ptr(0), size(0), owner(0), vec(vec) { }"); out.println(" VectorAdapter(const std::vector<T>* vec) : ptr(0), size(0), owner(0), vec(*(std::vector<T>*)vec) { }"); out.println(" void assign(P* ptr, typename std::vector<T>::size_type size, void* owner) {"); out.println(" this->ptr = ptr;"); out.println(" this->size = size;"); out.println(" this->owner = owner;"); out.println(" vec.assign(ptr, ptr + size);"); out.println(" }"); out.println(" static void deallocate(void* owner) { operator delete(owner); }"); out.println(" operator P*() {"); out.println(" if (vec.size() > size) {"); out.println(" ptr = (P*)(operator new(sizeof(P) * vec.size(), std::nothrow_t()));"); out.println(" }"); out.println(" if (ptr) {"); out.println(" std::copy(vec.begin(), vec.end(), ptr);"); out.println(" }"); out.println(" size = vec.size();"); out.println(" owner = ptr;"); out.println(" return ptr;"); out.println(" }"); out.println(" operator const P*() { return &vec[0]; }"); out.println(" operator std::vector<T>&() { return vec; }"); out.println(" operator std::vector<T>*() { return ptr ? &vec : 0; }"); out.println(" P* ptr;"); out.println(" typename std::vector<T>::size_type size;"); out.println(" void* owner;"); out.println(" std::vector<T> vec2;"); out.println(" std::vector<T>& vec;"); out.println("};"); out.println(); out.println("#include <string>"); out.println("class JavaCPP_hidden StringAdapter {"); out.println("public:"); out.println(" StringAdapter(const char* ptr, size_t size, void* owner) : ptr((char*)ptr), size(size), owner(owner),"); out.println(" str2(ptr ? (char*)ptr : \"\", ptr ? (size > 0 ? size : strlen((char*)ptr)) : 0), str(str2) { }"); out.println(" StringAdapter(const signed char* ptr, size_t size, void* owner) : ptr((char*)ptr), size(size), owner(owner),"); out.println(" str2(ptr ? (char*)ptr : \"\", ptr ? (size > 0 ? size : strlen((char*)ptr)) : 0), str(str2) { }"); out.println(" StringAdapter(const unsigned char* ptr, size_t size, void* owner) : ptr((char*)ptr), size(size), owner(owner),"); out.println(" str2(ptr ? (char*)ptr : \"\", ptr ? (size > 0 ? size : strlen((char*)ptr)) : 0), str(str2) { }"); out.println(" StringAdapter(const std::string& str) : ptr(0), size(0), owner(0), str2(str), str(str2) { }"); out.println(" StringAdapter( std::string& str) : ptr(0), size(0), owner(0), str(str) { }"); out.println(" StringAdapter(const std::string* str) : ptr(0), size(0), owner(0), str(*(std::string*)str) { }"); out.println(" void assign(char* ptr, size_t size, void* owner) {"); out.println(" this->ptr = ptr;"); out.println(" this->size = size;"); out.println(" this->owner = owner;"); out.println(" str.assign(ptr ? ptr : \"\", ptr ? (size > 0 ? size : strlen((char*)ptr)) : 0);"); out.println(" }"); out.println(" void assign(const char* ptr, size_t size, void* owner) { assign((char*)ptr, size, owner); }"); out.println(" void assign(const signed char* ptr, size_t size, void* owner) { assign((char*)ptr, size, owner); }"); out.println(" void assign(const unsigned char* ptr, size_t size, void* owner) { assign((char*)ptr, size, owner); }"); out.println(" static void deallocate(void* owner) { delete[] (char*)owner; }"); out.println(" operator char*() {"); out.println(" const char* data = str.data();"); out.println(" if (str.size() > size) {"); out.println(" ptr = new (std::nothrow) char[str.size()+1];"); out.println(" if (ptr) memset(ptr, 0, str.size()+1);"); out.println(" }"); out.println(" if (ptr && memcmp(ptr, data, str.size()) != 0) {"); out.println(" memcpy(ptr, data, str.size());"); out.println(" if (size > str.size()) ptr[str.size()] = 0;"); out.println(" }"); out.println(" size = str.size();"); out.println(" owner = ptr;"); out.println(" return ptr;"); out.println(" }"); out.println(" operator signed char*() { return (signed char*)(operator char*)(); }"); out.println(" operator unsigned char*() { return (unsigned char*)(operator char*)(); }"); out.println(" operator const char*() { return str.c_str(); }"); out.println(" operator const signed char*() { return (signed char*)str.c_str(); }"); out.println(" operator const unsigned char*() { return (unsigned char*)str.c_str(); }"); out.println(" operator std::string&() { return str; }"); out.println(" operator std::string*() { return ptr ? &str : 0; }"); out.println(" char* ptr;"); out.println(" size_t size;"); out.println(" void* owner;"); out.println(" std::string str2;"); out.println(" std::string& str;"); out.println("};"); out.println(); out.println("#ifdef SHARED_PTR_NAMESPACE"); out.println("template<class T> class SharedPtrAdapter {"); out.println("public:"); out.println(" typedef SHARED_PTR_NAMESPACE::shared_ptr<T> S;"); out.println(" SharedPtrAdapter(const T* ptr, size_t size, void* owner) : ptr((T*)ptr), size(size), owner(owner),"); out.println(" sharedPtr2(owner != NULL && owner != ptr ? *(S*)owner : S((T*)ptr)), sharedPtr(sharedPtr2) { }"); out.println(" SharedPtrAdapter(const S& sharedPtr) : ptr(0), size(0), owner(0), sharedPtr2(sharedPtr), sharedPtr(sharedPtr2) { }"); out.println(" SharedPtrAdapter( S& sharedPtr) : ptr(0), size(0), owner(0), sharedPtr(sharedPtr) { }"); out.println(" void assign(T* ptr, size_t size, S* owner) {"); out.println(" this->ptr = ptr;"); out.println(" this->size = size;"); out.println(" this->owner = owner;"); out.println(" this->sharedPtr = owner != NULL && owner != ptr ? *(S*)owner : S((T*)ptr);"); out.println(" }"); out.println(" static void deallocate(void* owner) { delete (S*)owner; }"); out.println(" operator T*() {"); out.println(" ptr = sharedPtr.get();"); out.println(" if (owner == NULL || owner == ptr) {"); out.println(" owner = new S(sharedPtr);"); out.println(" }"); out.println(" return ptr;"); out.println(" }"); out.println(" operator const T*() { return sharedPtr.get(); }"); out.println(" operator S&() { return sharedPtr; }"); out.println(" operator S*() { return ptr ? &sharedPtr : 0; }"); out.println(" T* ptr;"); out.println(" size_t size;"); out.println(" void* owner;"); out.println(" S sharedPtr2;"); out.println(" S& sharedPtr;"); out.println("};"); out.println("#endif"); out.println(); } if (!functions.isEmpty() || !virtualFunctions.isEmpty()) { out.println("static JavaCPP_noinline void JavaCPP_detach(bool detach) {"); out.println(" if (detach && JavaCPP_vm->DetachCurrentThread() != JNI_OK) {"); out.println(" JavaCPP_log(\"Could not detach the JavaVM from the current thread.\");"); out.println(" }"); out.println("}"); out.println(); out.println("static JavaCPP_noinline bool JavaCPP_getEnv(JNIEnv** env) {"); out.println(" bool attached = false;"); out.println(" JavaVM *vm = JavaCPP_vm;"); out.println(" if (vm == NULL) {"); if (out2 != null) { out.println("#if !defined(ANDROID) && !TARGET_OS_IPHONE"); out.println(" int size = 1;"); out.println(" if (JNI_GetCreatedJavaVMs(&vm, 1, &size) != JNI_OK || size == 0) {"); out.println("#endif"); } out.println(" JavaCPP_log(\"Could not get any created JavaVM.\");"); out.println(" *env = NULL;"); out.println(" return false;"); if (out2 != null) { out.println("#if !defined(ANDROID) && !TARGET_OS_IPHONE"); out.println(" }"); out.println("#endif"); } out.println(" }"); out.println(" if (vm->GetEnv((void**)env, " + JNI_VERSION + ") != JNI_OK) {"); out.println(" struct {"); out.println(" JNIEnv **env;"); out.println(" operator JNIEnv**() { return env; } // Android JNI"); out.println(" operator void**() { return (void**)env; } // standard JNI"); out.println(" } env2 = { env };"); out.println(" if (vm->AttachCurrentThread(env2, NULL) != JNI_OK) {"); out.println(" JavaCPP_log(\"Could not attach the JavaVM to the current thread.\");"); out.println(" *env = NULL;"); out.println(" return false;"); out.println(" }"); out.println(" attached = true;"); out.println(" }"); out.println(" if (JavaCPP_vm == NULL) {"); out.println(" if (JNI_OnLoad(vm, NULL) < 0) {"); out.println(" JavaCPP_detach(attached);"); out.println(" *env = NULL;"); out.println(" return false;"); out.println(" }"); out.println(" }"); out.println(" return attached;"); out.println("}"); out.println(); } for (Class c : functions) { String[] typeName = cppTypeName(c); String[] returnConvention = typeName[0].split("\\("); returnConvention[1] = constValueTypeName(returnConvention[1]); String parameterDeclaration = typeName[1].substring(1); String instanceTypeName = functionClassName(c); out.println("struct JavaCPP_hidden " + instanceTypeName + " {"); out.println(" " + instanceTypeName + "() : ptr(NULL), obj(NULL) { }"); out.println(" " + returnConvention[0] + "operator()" + parameterDeclaration + ";"); out.println(" " + typeName[0] + "ptr" + typeName[1] + ";"); out.println(" jobject obj; static jmethodID mid;"); out.println("};"); out.println("jmethodID " + instanceTypeName + "::mid = NULL;"); } out.println(); for (Class c : jclasses) { Set<String> functionList = virtualFunctions.get(c); if (functionList == null) { continue; } Set<String> memberList = virtualMembers.get(c); String[] typeName = cppTypeName(c); String valueTypeName = valueTypeName(typeName); String subType = "JavaCPP_" + mangle(valueTypeName); out.println("class JavaCPP_hidden " + subType + " : public " + valueTypeName + " {"); out.println("public:"); out.println(" jobject obj;"); for (String s : functionList) { out.println(" static jmethodID " + s + ";"); } out.println(); for (String s : memberList) { out.println(s); } out.println("};"); for (String s : functionList) { out.println("jmethodID " + subType + "::" + s + " = NULL;"); } } out.println(); for (String s : callbacks) { out.println(s); } out.println(); for (Class c : deallocators) { String name = "JavaCPP_" + mangle(c.getName()); out.print("static void " + name + "_deallocate(void *p) { "); if (FunctionPointer.class.isAssignableFrom(c)) { String typeName = functionClassName(c) + "*"; out.println("JNIEnv *e; bool a = JavaCPP_getEnv(&e); if (e != NULL) e->DeleteWeakGlobalRef((jweak)((" + typeName + ")p)->obj); delete (" + typeName + ")p; JavaCPP_detach(a); }"); } else if (virtualFunctions.containsKey(c)) { String[] typeName = cppTypeName(c); String valueTypeName = valueTypeName(typeName); String subType = "JavaCPP_" + mangle(valueTypeName); out.println("JNIEnv *e; bool a = JavaCPP_getEnv(&e); if (e != NULL) e->DeleteWeakGlobalRef((jweak)((" + subType + "*)p)->obj); delete (" + subType + "*)p; JavaCPP_detach(a); }"); } else { String[] typeName = cppTypeName(c); out.println("delete (" + typeName[0] + typeName[1] + ")p; }"); } } for (Class c : arrayDeallocators) { String name = "JavaCPP_" + mangle(c.getName()); String[] typeName = cppTypeName(c); out.println("static void " + name + "_deallocateArray(void* p) { delete[] (" + typeName[0] + typeName[1] + ")p; }"); } out.println(); out.println("extern \"C\" {"); if (out2 != null) { out2.println(); out2.println("#ifdef __cplusplus"); out2.println("extern \"C\" {"); out2.println("#endif"); out2.println("JNIIMPORT int JavaCPP_init(int argc, const char *argv[]);"); out.println(); out.println("JNIEXPORT int JavaCPP_init(int argc, const char *argv[]) {"); out.println("#if defined(ANDROID) || TARGET_OS_IPHONE"); out.println(" return JNI_OK;"); out.println("#else"); out.println(" if (JavaCPP_vm != NULL) {"); out.println(" return JNI_OK;"); out.println(" }"); out.println(" int err;"); out.println(" JavaVM *vm;"); out.println(" JNIEnv *env;"); out.println(" int nOptions = 1 + (argc > 255 ? 255 : argc);"); out.println(" JavaVMOption options[256] = { { NULL } };"); out.println(" options[0].optionString = (char*)\"-Djava.class.path=" + classPath.replace('\\', '/') + "\";"); out.println(" for (int i = 1; i < nOptions && argv != NULL; i++) {"); out.println(" options[i].optionString = (char*)argv[i - 1];"); out.println(" }"); out.println(" JavaVMInitArgs vm_args = { " + JNI_VERSION + ", nOptions, options };"); out.println(" return (err = JNI_CreateJavaVM(&vm, (void**)&env, &vm_args)) == JNI_OK && vm != NULL && (err = JNI_OnLoad(vm, NULL)) >= 0 ? JNI_OK : err;"); out.println("#endif"); out.println("}"); } out.println(); // XXX: JNI_OnLoad() should ideally be protected by some mutex out.println("JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL JNI_OnLoad(JavaVM* vm, void* reserved) {"); out.println(" JNIEnv* env;"); out.println(" if (vm->GetEnv((void**)&env, " + JNI_VERSION + ") != JNI_OK) {"); out.println(" JavaCPP_log(\"Could not get JNIEnv for " + JNI_VERSION + " inside JNI_OnLoad().\");"); out.println(" return JNI_ERR;"); out.println(" }"); out.println(" if (JavaCPP_vm == vm) {"); out.println(" return env->GetVersion();"); out.println(" }"); out.println(" JavaCPP_vm = vm;"); out.println(" JavaCPP_haveAllocObject = env->functions->AllocObject != NULL;"); out.println(" JavaCPP_haveNonvirtual = env->functions->CallNonvirtualVoidMethodA != NULL;"); out.println(" const char* members[" + jclasses.size() + "][" + maxMemberSize + "] = {"); classIterator = jclasses.iterator(); while (classIterator.hasNext()) { out.print(" { "); Set<String> m = members.get(classIterator.next()); Iterator<String> memberIterator = m == null ? null : m.iterator(); if (memberIterator == null) { out.print("NULL"); } else while (memberIterator.hasNext()) { out.print("\"" + memberIterator.next() + "\""); if (memberIterator.hasNext()) { out.print(", "); } } out.print(" }"); if (classIterator.hasNext()) { out.println(","); } } out.println(" };"); out.println(" int offsets[" + jclasses.size() + "][" + maxMemberSize + "] = {"); classIterator = jclasses.iterator(); while (classIterator.hasNext()) { out.print(" { "); Class c = classIterator.next(); Set<String> m = members.get(c); Iterator<String> memberIterator = m == null ? null : m.iterator(); if (memberIterator == null) { out.print("-1"); } else while (memberIterator.hasNext()) { String[] typeName = cppTypeName(c); String valueTypeName = valueTypeName(typeName); String memberName = memberIterator.next(); if ("sizeof".equals(memberName)) { if ("void".equals(valueTypeName)) { valueTypeName = "void*"; } out.print("sizeof(" + valueTypeName + ")"); } else { out.print("offsetof(" + valueTypeName + ", " + memberName + ")"); } if (memberIterator.hasNext()) { out.print(", "); } } out.print(" }"); if (classIterator.hasNext()) { out.println(","); } } out.println(" };"); out.print(" int memberOffsetSizes[" + jclasses.size() + "] = { "); classIterator = jclasses.iterator(); while (classIterator.hasNext()) { Set<String> m = members.get(classIterator.next()); out.print(m == null ? 1 : m.size()); if (classIterator.hasNext()) { out.print(", "); } } out.println(" };"); out.println(" jmethodID putMemberOffsetMID = JavaCPP_getStaticMethodID(env, " + jclasses.index(Loader.class) + ", \"putMemberOffset\", \"(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;I)Ljava/lang/Class;\");"); out.println(" if (putMemberOffsetMID == NULL) {"); out.println(" return JNI_ERR;"); out.println(" }"); out.println(" for (int i = 0; i < " + jclasses.size() + " && !env->ExceptionCheck(); i++) {"); out.println(" for (int j = 0; j < memberOffsetSizes[i] && !env->ExceptionCheck(); j++) {"); out.println(" if (env->PushLocalFrame(3) == 0) {"); out.println(" jvalue args[3];"); out.println(" args[0].l = env->NewStringUTF(JavaCPP_classNames[i]);"); out.println(" args[1].l = members[i][j] == NULL ? NULL : env->NewStringUTF(members[i][j]);"); out.println(" args[2].i = offsets[i][j];"); out.println(" jclass cls = (jclass)env->CallStaticObjectMethodA(JavaCPP_getClass(env, " + jclasses.index(Loader.class) + "), putMemberOffsetMID, args);"); out.println(" if (cls == NULL || env->ExceptionCheck()) {"); out.println(" JavaCPP_log(\"Error putting member offsets for class %s.\", JavaCPP_classNames[i]);"); out.println(" return JNI_ERR;"); out.println(" }"); out.println(" JavaCPP_classes[i] = (jclass)env->NewWeakGlobalRef(cls);"); // cache here for custom class loaders out.println(" if (JavaCPP_classes[i] == NULL || env->ExceptionCheck()) {"); out.println(" JavaCPP_log(\"Error creating global reference of class %s.\", JavaCPP_classNames[i]);"); out.println(" return JNI_ERR;"); out.println(" }"); out.println(" env->PopLocalFrame(NULL);"); out.println(" }"); out.println(" }"); out.println(" }"); out.println(" JavaCPP_addressFID = JavaCPP_getFieldID(env, " + jclasses.index(Pointer.class) + ", \"address\", \"J\");"); out.println(" if (JavaCPP_addressFID == NULL) {"); out.println(" return JNI_ERR;"); out.println(" }"); out.println(" JavaCPP_positionFID = JavaCPP_getFieldID(env, " + jclasses.index(Pointer.class) + ", \"position\", \"J\");"); out.println(" if (JavaCPP_positionFID == NULL) {"); out.println(" return JNI_ERR;"); out.println(" }"); out.println(" JavaCPP_limitFID = JavaCPP_getFieldID(env, " + jclasses.index(Pointer.class) + ", \"limit\", \"J\");"); out.println(" if (JavaCPP_limitFID == NULL) {"); out.println(" return JNI_ERR;"); out.println(" }"); out.println(" JavaCPP_capacityFID = JavaCPP_getFieldID(env, " + jclasses.index(Pointer.class) + ", \"capacity\", \"J\");"); out.println(" if (JavaCPP_capacityFID == NULL) {"); out.println(" return JNI_ERR;"); out.println(" }"); out.println(" JavaCPP_deallocatorFID = JavaCPP_getFieldID(env, " + jclasses.index(Pointer.class) + ", \"deallocator\", \"" + signature(deallocator) + "\");"); out.println(" if (JavaCPP_deallocatorFID == NULL) {"); out.println(" return JNI_ERR;"); out.println(" }"); out.println(" JavaCPP_ownerAddressFID = JavaCPP_getFieldID(env, " + jclasses.index(nativeDeallocator) + ", \"ownerAddress\", \"J\");"); out.println(" if (JavaCPP_ownerAddressFID == NULL) {"); out.println(" return JNI_ERR;"); out.println(" }"); out.println(" JavaCPP_initMID = JavaCPP_getMethodID(env, " + jclasses.index(Pointer.class) + ", \"init\", \"(JJJJ)V\");"); out.println(" if (JavaCPP_initMID == NULL) {"); out.println(" return JNI_ERR;"); out.println(" }"); out.println(" JavaCPP_arrayMID = JavaCPP_getMethodID(env, " + jclasses.index(Buffer.class) + ", \"array\", \"()Ljava/lang/Object;\");"); out.println(" if (JavaCPP_arrayMID == NULL) {"); out.println(" return JNI_ERR;"); out.println(" }"); out.println(" JavaCPP_stringMID = JavaCPP_getMethodID(env, " + jclasses.index(String.class) + ", \"<init>\", \"([B)V\");"); out.println(" if (JavaCPP_stringMID == NULL) {"); out.println(" return JNI_ERR;"); out.println(" }"); out.println(" JavaCPP_getBytesMID = JavaCPP_getMethodID(env, " + jclasses.index(String.class) + ", \"getBytes\", \"()[B\");"); out.println(" if (JavaCPP_getBytesMID == NULL) {"); out.println(" return JNI_ERR;"); out.println(" }"); out.println(" JavaCPP_toStringMID = JavaCPP_getMethodID(env, " + jclasses.index(Object.class) + ", \"toString\", \"()Ljava/lang/String;\");"); out.println(" if (JavaCPP_toStringMID == NULL) {"); out.println(" return JNI_ERR;"); out.println(" }"); out.println(" return env->GetVersion();"); out.println("}"); out.println(); if (out2 != null) { out2.println("JNIIMPORT int JavaCPP_uninit();"); out2.println(); out.println("JNIEXPORT int JavaCPP_uninit() {"); out.println("#if defined(ANDROID) || TARGET_OS_IPHONE"); out.println(" return JNI_OK;"); out.println("#else"); out.println(" JavaVM *vm = JavaCPP_vm;"); out.println(" JNI_OnUnload(JavaCPP_vm, NULL);"); out.println(" return vm->DestroyJavaVM();"); out.println("#endif"); out.println("}"); } out.println(); out.println("JNIEXPORT void JNICALL JNI_OnUnload(JavaVM* vm, void* reserved) {"); out.println(" JNIEnv* env;"); out.println(" if (vm->GetEnv((void**)&env, " + JNI_VERSION + ") != JNI_OK) {"); out.println(" JavaCPP_log(\"Could not get JNIEnv for " + JNI_VERSION + " inside JNI_OnUnLoad().\");"); out.println(" return;"); out.println(" }"); out.println(" for (int i = 0; i < " + jclasses.size() + "; i++) {"); out.println(" env->DeleteWeakGlobalRef((jweak)JavaCPP_classes[i]);"); out.println(" JavaCPP_classes[i] = NULL;"); out.println(" }"); out.println(" JavaCPP_vm = NULL;"); out.println("}"); out.println(); List<Class> allClasses = new ArrayList<Class>(); allClasses.addAll(baseClasses); allClasses.addAll(Arrays.asList(classes)); boolean supportedPlatform = false; for (Class<?> cls : classes) { supportedPlatform |= checkPlatform(cls); } boolean didSomethingUseful = false; for (Class<?> cls : allClasses) { try { didSomethingUseful |= methods(cls); } catch (NoClassDefFoundError e) { logger.warn("Could not generate code for class " + cls.getCanonicalName() + ": " + e); } } out.println("}"); out.println(); if (out2 != null) { out2.println("#ifdef __cplusplus"); out2.println("}"); out2.println("#endif"); } return supportedPlatform && didSomethingUseful; } boolean methods(Class<?> cls) { if (!checkPlatform(cls)) { return false; } Set<String> memberList = members.get(cls); if (!cls.isAnnotationPresent(Opaque.class) && !FunctionPointer.class.isAssignableFrom(cls) && cls.getEnclosingClass() != Pointer.class) { if (memberList == null) { members.put(cls, memberList = new LinkedHashSet<String>()); } if (!memberList.contains("sizeof")) { memberList.add("sizeof"); } } boolean didSomething = false; for (Class<?> c : cls.getDeclaredClasses()) { if (Pointer.class.isAssignableFrom(c) || Pointer.class.isAssignableFrom(c.getEnclosingClass())) { didSomething |= methods(c); } } Method[] methods = cls.getDeclaredMethods(); MethodInformation[] methodInfos = new MethodInformation[methods.length]; for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) { methodInfos[i] = methodInformation(methods[i]); } Class<?> c = cls.getSuperclass(); while (c != null && c != Object.class) { // consider non-duplicate virtual functions from superclasses as well for (Method m : c.getDeclaredMethods()) { if (m.isAnnotationPresent(Virtual.class)) { boolean found = false; String name = m.getName(); Class<?>[] types = m.getParameterTypes(); for (Method m2 : methods) { if (name.equals(m2.getName()) && Arrays.equals(types, m2.getParameterTypes())) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { methods = Arrays.copyOf(methods, methods.length + 1); methods[methods.length - 1] = m; methodInfos = Arrays.copyOf(methodInfos, methodInfos.length + 1); methodInfos[methods.length - 1] = methodInformation(m); methodInfos[methods.length - 1].cls = cls; } } } c = c.getSuperclass(); } boolean[] callbackAllocators = new boolean[methods.length]; Method functionMethod = functionMethod(cls, callbackAllocators); boolean firstCallback = true; for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) { if (!checkPlatform(methods[i].getAnnotation(Platform.class), null)) { continue; } MethodInformation methodInfo = methodInfos[i]; String nativeName = mangle(cls.getName()) + "_" + mangle(methods[i].getName()); String callbackName = callbackAllocators[i] && methodInfo.parameterTypes.length > 0 ? null : "JavaCPP_" + nativeName + "_callback"; if (callbackAllocators[i] && functionMethod == null) { logger.warn("No callback method call() or apply() has been not declared in \"" + cls.getCanonicalName() + "\". No code will be generated for callback allocator."); continue; } else if (callbackAllocators[i] || (methods[i].equals(functionMethod) && !Modifier.isNative(methods[i].getModifiers()))) { functions.index(cls); Name name = methods[i].getAnnotation(Name.class); if (name != null && name.value().length > 0 && name.value()[0].length() > 0) { callbackName = name.value()[0]; } callback(cls, functionMethod, callbackName, firstCallback, null); firstCallback = false; didSomething = true; } if ((Modifier.isNative(methods[i].getModifiers()) || Modifier.isAbstract(methods[i].getModifiers())) && !methodInfo.valueGetter && !methodInfo.valueSetter && !methodInfo.memberGetter && !methodInfo.memberSetter && !cls.isInterface() && (methods[i].isAnnotationPresent(Virtual.class) || methodInfo.allocator)) { callback(cls, methods[i], methodInfo.memberName[0], !methodInfo.allocator, methodInfo); } if (!Modifier.isNative(methods[i].getModifiers())) { continue; } if ((methodInfo.memberGetter || methodInfo.memberSetter) && !methodInfo.noOffset && memberList != null && !Modifier.isStatic(methodInfo.modifiers)) { if (!memberList.contains(methodInfo.memberName[0])) { memberList.add(methodInfo.memberName[0]); } } didSomething = true; out.print("JNIEXPORT " + jniTypeName(methodInfo.returnType) + " JNICALL Java_" + nativeName); if (methodInfo.overloaded) { out.print("__" + mangle(signature(methodInfo.parameterTypes))); } if (Modifier.isStatic(methodInfo.modifiers)) { out.print("(JNIEnv* env, jclass cls"); } else { out.print("(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj"); } for (int j = 0; j < methodInfo.parameterTypes.length; j++) { out.print(", " + jniTypeName(methodInfo.parameterTypes[j]) + " arg" + j); } out.println(") {"); if (callbackAllocators[i]) { callbackAllocator(cls, callbackName); continue; } else if (!Modifier.isStatic(methodInfo.modifiers) && !methodInfo.allocator && !methodInfo.arrayAllocator && !methodInfo.deallocator) { // get our "this" pointer String[] typeName = cppTypeName(cls); if ("void*".equals(typeName[0]) && !cls.isAnnotationPresent(Opaque.class)) { typeName[0] = "char*"; } else if (FunctionPointer.class.isAssignableFrom(cls)) { functions.index(cls); typeName[0] = functionClassName(cls) + "*"; typeName[1] = ""; } out.println(" " + typeName[0] + " ptr" + typeName[1] + " = (" + typeName[0] + typeName[1] + ")jlong_to_ptr(env->GetLongField(obj, JavaCPP_addressFID));"); out.println(" if (ptr == NULL) {"); out.println(" env->ThrowNew(JavaCPP_getClass(env, " + jclasses.index(NullPointerException.class) + "), \"This pointer address is NULL.\");"); out.println(" return" + (methodInfo.returnType == void.class ? ";" : " 0;")); out.println(" }"); if (FunctionPointer.class.isAssignableFrom(cls)) { out.println(" if (ptr->ptr == NULL) {"); out.println(" env->ThrowNew(JavaCPP_getClass(env, " + jclasses.index(NullPointerException.class) + "), \"This function pointer address is NULL.\");"); out.println(" return" + (methodInfo.returnType == void.class ? ";" : " 0;")); out.println(" }"); } if (!cls.isAnnotationPresent(Opaque.class)) { out.println(" jlong position = env->GetLongField(obj, JavaCPP_positionFID);"); out.println(" ptr += position;"); if (methodInfo.bufferGetter) { out.println(" jlong size = env->GetLongField(obj, JavaCPP_limitFID);"); out.println(" size -= position;"); } } } parametersBefore(methodInfo); String returnPrefix = returnBefore(methodInfo); call(methodInfo, returnPrefix, false); returnAfter(methodInfo); parametersAfter(methodInfo); if (methodInfo.throwsException != null) { out.println(" if (exc != NULL) {"); out.println(" env->Throw(exc);"); out.println(" }"); } if (methodInfo.returnType != void.class) { out.println(" return rarg;"); } out.println("}"); } out.println(); return didSomething; } void parametersBefore(MethodInformation methodInfo) { String adapterLine = ""; AdapterInformation prevAdapterInfo = null; int skipParameters = methodInfo.parameterTypes.length > 0 && methodInfo.parameterTypes[0] == Class.class ? 1 : 0; for (int j = skipParameters; j < methodInfo.parameterTypes.length; j++) { if (!methodInfo.parameterTypes[j].isPrimitive()) { Annotation passBy = by(methodInfo, j); String cast = cast(methodInfo, j); String[] typeName = methodInfo.parameterRaw[j] ? new String[] { "" } : cppTypeName(methodInfo.parameterTypes[j]); AdapterInformation adapterInfo = methodInfo.parameterRaw[j] ? null : adapterInformation(false, methodInfo, j); if (FunctionPointer.class.isAssignableFrom(methodInfo.parameterTypes[j])) { functions.index(methodInfo.parameterTypes[j]); if (methodInfo.parameterTypes[j] == FunctionPointer.class) { logger.warn("Method \"" + methodInfo.method + "\" has an abstract FunctionPointer parameter, " + "but a concrete subclass is required. Compilation will most likely fail."); } typeName[0] = functionClassName(methodInfo.parameterTypes[j]) + "*"; typeName[1] = ""; } if (typeName[0].length() == 0 || methodInfo.parameterRaw[j]) { methodInfo.parameterRaw[j] = true; typeName[0] = jniTypeName(methodInfo.parameterTypes[j]); out.println(" " + typeName[0] + " ptr" + j + " = arg" + j + ";"); continue; } if ("void*".equals(typeName[0]) && !methodInfo.parameterTypes[j].isAnnotationPresent(Opaque.class)) { typeName[0] = "char*"; } out.print(" " + typeName[0] + " ptr" + j + typeName[1] + " = "); if (Pointer.class.isAssignableFrom(methodInfo.parameterTypes[j])) { out.println("arg" + j + " == NULL ? NULL : (" + typeName[0] + typeName[1] + ")jlong_to_ptr(env->GetLongField(arg" + j + ", JavaCPP_addressFID));"); if ((j == 0 && FunctionPointer.class.isAssignableFrom(methodInfo.cls) && methodInfo.cls.isAnnotationPresent(Namespace.class)) || (passBy instanceof ByVal && ((ByVal)passBy).nullValue().length() == 0) || (passBy instanceof ByRef && ((ByRef)passBy).nullValue().length() == 0)) { // in the case of member ptr, ptr0 is our object pointer, which cannot be NULL out.println(" if (ptr" + j + " == NULL) {"); out.println(" env->ThrowNew(JavaCPP_getClass(env, " + jclasses.index(NullPointerException.class) + "), \"Pointer address of argument " + j + " is NULL.\");"); out.println(" return" + (methodInfo.returnType == void.class ? ";" : " 0;")); out.println(" }"); } if (adapterInfo != null || prevAdapterInfo != null) { out.println(" jlong size" + j + " = arg" + j + " == NULL ? 0 : env->GetLongField(arg" + j + ", JavaCPP_limitFID);"); out.println(" void* owner" + j + " = JavaCPP_getPointerOwner(env, arg" + j + ");"); } if (!methodInfo.parameterTypes[j].isAnnotationPresent(Opaque.class)) { out.println(" jlong position" + j + " = arg" + j + " == NULL ? 0 : env->GetLongField(arg" + j + ", JavaCPP_positionFID);"); out.println(" ptr" + j + " += position" + j + ";"); if (adapterInfo != null || prevAdapterInfo != null) { out.println(" size" + j + " -= position" + j + ";"); } } } else if (methodInfo.parameterTypes[j] == String.class) { passesStrings = true; out.println("JavaCPP_getStringBytes(env, arg" + j + ");"); if (adapterInfo != null || prevAdapterInfo != null) { out.println(" jlong size" + j + " = 0;"); out.println(" void* owner" + j + " = (void*)ptr" + j + ";"); } } else if (methodInfo.parameterTypes[j].isArray() && methodInfo.parameterTypes[j].getComponentType().isPrimitive()) { out.print("arg" + j + " == NULL ? NULL : "); String s = methodInfo.parameterTypes[j].getComponentType().getName(); if (methodInfo.valueGetter || methodInfo.valueSetter || methodInfo.memberGetter || methodInfo.memberSetter) { out.println("(j" + s + "*)env->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(arg" + j + ", NULL);"); } else { s = Character.toUpperCase(s.charAt(0)) + s.substring(1); out.println("env->Get" + s + "ArrayElements(arg" + j + ", NULL);"); } if (adapterInfo != null || prevAdapterInfo != null) { out.println(" jlong size" + j + " = arg" + j + " == NULL ? 0 : env->GetArrayLength(arg" + j + ");"); out.println(" void* owner" + j + " = (void*)ptr" + j + ";"); } } else if (Buffer.class.isAssignableFrom(methodInfo.parameterTypes[j])) { out.println("arg" + j + " == NULL ? NULL : (" + typeName[0] + typeName[1] + ")env->GetDirectBufferAddress(arg" + j + ");"); if (adapterInfo != null || prevAdapterInfo != null) { out.println(" jlong size" + j + " = arg" + j + " == NULL ? 0 : env->GetDirectBufferCapacity(arg" + j + ");"); out.println(" void* owner" + j + " = (void*)ptr" + j + ";"); } if (methodInfo.parameterTypes[j] != Buffer.class) { // given the component type, we can also fetch the array of non-direct buffers String paramName = methodInfo.parameterTypes[j].getSimpleName(); paramName = paramName.substring(0, paramName.length() - 6); String paramNameLowerCase = Character.toLowerCase(paramName.charAt(0)) + paramName.substring(1); out.println(" j" + paramNameLowerCase + "Array arr" + j + " = NULL;"); out.println(" if (arg" + j + " != NULL && ptr" + j + " == NULL) {"); out.println(" arr" + j + " = (j" + paramNameLowerCase + "Array)env->CallObjectMethod(arg" + j + ", JavaCPP_arrayMID);"); out.println(" if (env->ExceptionOccurred() != NULL) {"); out.println(" env->ExceptionClear();"); out.println(" } else {"); out.println(" ptr" + j + " = arr" + j + " == NULL ? NULL : env->Get" + paramName + "ArrayElements(arr" + j + ", NULL);"); if (adapterInfo != null || prevAdapterInfo != null) { out.println(" size" + j + " = env->GetArrayLength(arr" + j + ");"); } out.println(" }"); out.println(" }"); } } else { out.println("arg" + j + ";"); logger.warn("Method \"" + methodInfo.method + "\" has an unsupported parameter of type \"" + methodInfo.parameterTypes[j].getCanonicalName() + "\". Compilation will most likely fail."); } if (adapterInfo != null) { usesAdapters = true; adapterLine = " " + adapterInfo.name + " adapter" + j + "("; prevAdapterInfo = adapterInfo; } if (prevAdapterInfo != null) { if (!FunctionPointer.class.isAssignableFrom(methodInfo.cls)) { // sometimes we need to use the Cast annotation for declaring functions only adapterLine += cast; } adapterLine += "ptr" + j + ", size" + j + ", owner" + j; if (--prevAdapterInfo.argc > 0) { adapterLine += ", "; } } if (prevAdapterInfo != null && prevAdapterInfo.argc <= 0) { out.println(adapterLine + ");"); prevAdapterInfo = null; } } } } String returnBefore(MethodInformation methodInfo) { String returnPrefix = ""; if (methodInfo.returnType == void.class) { if (methodInfo.allocator || methodInfo.arrayAllocator) { jclasses.index(methodInfo.cls); // makes sure to index all POD structs String[] typeName = cppTypeName(methodInfo.cls); returnPrefix = typeName[0] + " rptr" + typeName[1] + " = "; } } else { String cast = cast(methodInfo.returnType, methodInfo.annotations); String[] typeName = methodInfo.returnRaw ? new String[] { "" } : cppCastTypeName(methodInfo.returnType, methodInfo.annotations); if (methodInfo.valueSetter || methodInfo.memberSetter || methodInfo.noReturnGetter) { out.println(" jobject rarg = obj;"); } else if (methodInfo.returnType.isPrimitive()) { out.println(" " + jniTypeName(methodInfo.returnType) + " rarg = 0;"); returnPrefix = typeName[0] + " rvalue" + typeName[1] + " = " + cast; } else { Annotation returnBy = by(methodInfo.annotations); String valueTypeName = valueTypeName(typeName); returnPrefix = "rptr = " + cast; if (typeName[0].length() == 0 || methodInfo.returnRaw) { methodInfo.returnRaw = true; typeName[0] = jniTypeName(methodInfo.returnType); out.println(" " + typeName[0] + " rarg = NULL;"); out.println(" " + typeName[0] + " rptr;"); } else if (Pointer.class.isAssignableFrom(methodInfo.returnType) || Buffer.class.isAssignableFrom(methodInfo.returnType) || (methodInfo.returnType.isArray() && methodInfo.returnType.getComponentType().isPrimitive())) { if (FunctionPointer.class.isAssignableFrom(methodInfo.returnType)) { functions.index(methodInfo.returnType); returnPrefix = "if (rptr != NULL) rptr->ptr = "; if (methodInfo.method.isAnnotationPresent(Virtual.class)) { // cast from member function pointers declared in Java returnPrefix += "(" + typeName[0] + typeName[1] + ")&"; } typeName[0] = functionClassName(methodInfo.returnType) + "*"; typeName[1] = ""; valueTypeName = valueTypeName(typeName); } if (returnBy instanceof ByVal) { returnPrefix += (noException(methodInfo.returnType, methodInfo.method) ? "new (std::nothrow) " : "new ") + valueTypeName + typeName[1] + "("; } else if (returnBy instanceof ByRef) { returnPrefix += "&"; } else if (returnBy instanceof ByPtrPtr) { if (cast.length() > 0) { typeName[0] = typeName[0].substring(0, typeName[0].length()-1); } returnPrefix = "rptr = NULL; " + typeName[0] + "* rptrptr" + typeName[1] + " = " + cast; } // else ByPtr || ByPtrRef if (methodInfo.bufferGetter) { out.println(" jobject rarg = NULL;"); out.println(" char* rptr;"); } else { out.println(" " + jniTypeName(methodInfo.returnType) + " rarg = NULL;"); out.println(" " + typeName[0] + " rptr" + typeName[1] + ";"); } if (FunctionPointer.class.isAssignableFrom(methodInfo.returnType)) { out.println(" rptr = new (std::nothrow) " + valueTypeName + ";"); } } else if (methodInfo.returnType == String.class) { out.println(" jstring rarg = NULL;"); out.println(" const char* rptr;"); if (returnBy instanceof ByRef) { returnPrefix = "std::string rstr("; } else { returnPrefix += "(const char*)"; } } else { logger.warn("Method \"" + methodInfo.method + "\" has unsupported return type \"" + methodInfo.returnType.getCanonicalName() + "\". Compilation will most likely fail."); } AdapterInformation adapterInfo = adapterInformation(false, valueTypeName, methodInfo.annotations); if (adapterInfo != null) { usesAdapters = true; returnPrefix = adapterInfo.name + " radapter("; } } } if (methodInfo.throwsException != null) { out.println(" jthrowable exc = NULL;"); out.println(" try {"); } return returnPrefix; } void call(MethodInformation methodInfo, String returnPrefix, boolean secondCall) { boolean needSecondCall = false; String indent = secondCall ? "" : methodInfo.throwsException != null ? " " : " "; String prefix = "("; String suffix = ")"; int skipParameters = methodInfo.parameterTypes.length > 0 && methodInfo.parameterTypes[0] == Class.class ? 1 : 0; boolean index = methodInfo.method.isAnnotationPresent(Index.class) || (methodInfo.pairedMethod != null && methodInfo.pairedMethod.isAnnotationPresent(Index.class)); if (methodInfo.deallocator) { out.println(indent + "void* allocatedAddress = jlong_to_ptr(arg0);"); out.println(indent + "void (*deallocatorAddress)(void*) = (void(*)(void*))jlong_to_ptr(arg1);"); out.println(indent + "if (deallocatorAddress != NULL && allocatedAddress != NULL) {"); out.println(indent + " (*deallocatorAddress)(allocatedAddress);"); out.println(indent + "}"); return; // nothing else should be appended here for deallocator } else if (methodInfo.valueGetter || methodInfo.valueSetter || methodInfo.memberGetter || methodInfo.memberSetter) { boolean wantsPointer = false; int k = methodInfo.parameterTypes.length-1; if ((methodInfo.valueSetter || methodInfo.memberSetter) && !(by(methodInfo, k) instanceof ByRef) && adapterInformation(false, methodInfo, k) == null && methodInfo.parameterTypes[k] == String.class) { // special considerations for char arrays as strings out.print(indent + "strcpy((char*)"); wantsPointer = true; prefix = ", "; } else if (k >= 1 && methodInfo.parameterTypes[0].isArray() && methodInfo.parameterTypes[0].getComponentType().isPrimitive() && (methodInfo.parameterTypes[1] == int.class || methodInfo.parameterTypes[1] == long.class)) { // special considerations for primitive arrays out.print(indent + "memcpy("); wantsPointer = true; prefix = ", "; if (methodInfo.memberGetter || methodInfo.valueGetter) { out.print("ptr0 + arg1, "); } else { // methodInfo.memberSetter || methodInfo.valueSetter prefix += "ptr0 + arg1, "; } skipParameters = 2; suffix = " * sizeof(*ptr0)" + suffix; } else { out.print(indent + returnPrefix); prefix = methodInfo.valueGetter || methodInfo.memberGetter ? "" : " = "; suffix = ""; } if (Modifier.isStatic(methodInfo.modifiers)) { out.print(cppScopeName(methodInfo)); } else if (methodInfo.memberGetter || methodInfo.memberSetter) { if (index) { out.print("(*ptr)"); prefix = "." + methodInfo.memberName[0] + prefix; } else { out.print("ptr->" + methodInfo.memberName[0]); } } else { // methodInfo.valueGetter || methodInfo.valueSetter out.print(index ? "(*ptr)" : methodInfo.dim > 0 || wantsPointer ? "ptr" : "*ptr"); } } else if (methodInfo.bufferGetter) { out.print(indent + returnPrefix + "ptr"); prefix = ""; suffix = ""; } else { // function call out.print(indent + returnPrefix); if (FunctionPointer.class.isAssignableFrom(methodInfo.cls)) { if (methodInfo.cls.isAnnotationPresent(Namespace.class)) { out.print("(ptr0->*(ptr->ptr))"); skipParameters = 1; } else { out.print("(*ptr->ptr)"); } } else if (methodInfo.allocator) { String[] typeName = cppTypeName(methodInfo.cls); String valueTypeName = valueTypeName(typeName); if (virtualFunctions.containsKey(methodInfo.cls)) { String subType = "JavaCPP_" + mangle(valueTypeName); valueTypeName = subType; } if (methodInfo.cls == Pointer.class) { // can't allocate a "void", so simply assign the argument instead prefix = ""; suffix = ""; } else { out.print((noException(methodInfo.cls, methodInfo.method) ? "new (std::nothrow) " : "new ") + valueTypeName + typeName[1]); if (methodInfo.arrayAllocator) { prefix = "["; suffix = "]"; } } } else if (Modifier.isStatic(methodInfo.modifiers)) { out.print(cppScopeName(methodInfo)); } else { String name = methodInfo.memberName[0]; String[] typeName = cppTypeName(methodInfo.cls); String valueTypeName = valueTypeName(typeName); if (virtualFunctions.containsKey(methodInfo.cls) && !secondCall) { String subType = "JavaCPP_" + mangle(valueTypeName); if (Modifier.isPublic(methodInfo.method.getModifiers())) { // non-protected method that could be from any subclass, so check for ours out.print("(dynamic_cast<" + subType + "*>(ptr) != NULL ? "); needSecondCall = true; } if (methodInfo.method.isAnnotationPresent(Virtual.class)) { name = "super_" + name; } out.print("((" + subType + "*)ptr)->" + name); } else if (index) { out.print("(*ptr)"); prefix = "." + name + prefix; } else { String op = name.startsWith("operator") ? name.substring(8).trim() : ""; if (methodInfo.parameterTypes.length > 0 && (op.equals("=") || op.equals("+") || op.equals("-") || op.equals("*") || op.equals("/") || op.equals("%") || op.equals("==") || op.equals("!=") || op.equals("<") || op.equals(">") || op.equals("<=") || op.equals(">="))) { out.print("((*ptr)"); prefix = op + prefix; suffix += ")"; } else { out.print("ptr->" + name); } } } } for (int j = skipParameters; j <= methodInfo.parameterTypes.length; j++) { if (j == skipParameters + methodInfo.dim) { if (methodInfo.memberName.length > 1) { out.print(methodInfo.memberName[1]); } out.print(prefix); if (methodInfo.withEnv) { out.print(Modifier.isStatic(methodInfo.modifiers) ? "env, cls" : "env, obj"); if (methodInfo.parameterTypes.length - skipParameters - methodInfo.dim > 0) { out.print(", "); } } } if (j == methodInfo.parameterTypes.length) { break; } if (j < skipParameters + methodInfo.dim) { // print array indices to access array members, or whatever // the C++ operator does with them when the Index annotation is present out.print("["); } Annotation passBy = by(methodInfo, j); String cast = cast(methodInfo, j); AdapterInformation adapterInfo = methodInfo.parameterRaw[j] ? null : adapterInformation(false, methodInfo, j); if (("(void*)".equals(cast) || "(void *)".equals(cast)) && methodInfo.parameterTypes[j] == long.class) { out.print("jlong_to_ptr(arg" + j + ")"); } else if (methodInfo.parameterTypes[j].isPrimitive()) { out.print(cast + "arg" + j); } else if (adapterInfo != null) { cast = adapterInfo.cast.trim(); if (cast.length() > 0 && !cast.startsWith("(") && !cast.endsWith(")")) { cast = "(" + cast + ")"; } out.print(cast + "adapter" + j); j += adapterInfo.argc - 1; } else if (FunctionPointer.class.isAssignableFrom(methodInfo.parameterTypes[j]) && !(passBy instanceof ByVal || passBy instanceof ByRef)) { out.print(cast + "(ptr" + j + " == NULL ? NULL : " + (passBy instanceof ByPtrPtr ? "&ptr" : "ptr") + j + "->ptr)"); } else if (passBy instanceof ByVal || (passBy instanceof ByRef && methodInfo.parameterTypes[j] != String.class)) { String nullValue = passBy instanceof ByVal ? ((ByVal)passBy).nullValue() : passBy instanceof ByRef ? ((ByRef)passBy).nullValue() : ""; out.print((nullValue.length() > 0 ? "ptr" + j + " == NULL ? " + nullValue + " : " : "") + "*" + cast + "ptr" + j); } else if (passBy instanceof ByPtrPtr) { out.print(cast + "(arg" + j + " == NULL ? NULL : &ptr" + j + ")"); } else { // ByPtr || ByPtrRef || (ByRef && std::string) out.print(cast + "ptr" + j); } if (j < skipParameters + methodInfo.dim) { out.print("]"); } else if (j < methodInfo.parameterTypes.length - 1) { out.print(", "); } } out.print(suffix); if (methodInfo.memberName.length > 2) { out.print(methodInfo.memberName[2]); } if (by(methodInfo.annotations) instanceof ByRef && methodInfo.returnType == String.class) { // special considerations for std::string out.print(");\n" + indent + "rptr = rstr.c_str()"); } if (needSecondCall) { call(methodInfo, " : ", true); out.print(")"); } } void returnAfter(MethodInformation methodInfo) { String indent = methodInfo.throwsException != null ? " " : " "; String[] typeName = methodInfo.returnRaw ? new String[] { "" } : cppCastTypeName(methodInfo.returnType, methodInfo.annotations); Annotation returnBy = by(methodInfo.annotations); String valueTypeName = valueTypeName(typeName); AdapterInformation adapterInfo = adapterInformation(false, valueTypeName, methodInfo.annotations); String suffix = methodInfo.deallocator ? "" : ";"; if (!methodInfo.returnType.isPrimitive() && adapterInfo != null) { suffix = ")" + suffix; } if ((Pointer.class.isAssignableFrom(methodInfo.returnType) || (methodInfo.returnType.isArray() && methodInfo.returnType.getComponentType().isPrimitive()) || Buffer.class.isAssignableFrom(methodInfo.returnType))) { if (returnBy instanceof ByVal && adapterInfo == null) { suffix = ")" + suffix; } else if (returnBy instanceof ByPtrPtr) { out.println(suffix); suffix = ""; out.println(indent + "if (rptrptr == NULL) {"); out.println(indent + " env->ThrowNew(JavaCPP_getClass(env, " + jclasses.index(NullPointerException.class) + "), \"Return pointer address is NULL.\");"); out.println(indent + "} else {"); out.println(indent + " rptr = *rptrptr;"); out.println(indent + "}"); } } out.println(suffix); if (methodInfo.returnType == void.class) { if (methodInfo.allocator || methodInfo.arrayAllocator) { out.println(indent + "jlong rcapacity = " + (methodInfo.arrayAllocator ? "arg0;" : "1;")); boolean noDeallocator = methodInfo.cls == Pointer.class || methodInfo.cls.isAnnotationPresent(NoDeallocator.class) || methodInfo.method.isAnnotationPresent(NoDeallocator.class); out.print(indent + "JavaCPP_initPointer(env, obj, rptr, rcapacity, rptr, "); if (noDeallocator) { out.println("NULL);"); } else if (methodInfo.arrayAllocator) { out.println("&JavaCPP_" + mangle(methodInfo.cls.getName()) + "_deallocateArray);"); arrayDeallocators.index(methodInfo.cls); } else { out.println("&JavaCPP_" + mangle(methodInfo.cls.getName()) + "_deallocate);"); deallocators.index(methodInfo.cls); } if (virtualFunctions.containsKey(methodInfo.cls)) { typeName = cppTypeName(methodInfo.cls); valueTypeName = valueTypeName(typeName); String subType = "JavaCPP_" + mangle(valueTypeName); out.println(indent + "((" + subType + "*)rptr)->obj = env->NewWeakGlobalRef(obj);"); } } } else { if (methodInfo.valueSetter || methodInfo.memberSetter || methodInfo.noReturnGetter) { // nothing } else if (methodInfo.returnType.isPrimitive()) { out.println(indent + "rarg = (" + jniTypeName(methodInfo.returnType) + ")rvalue;"); } else if (methodInfo.returnRaw) { out.println(indent + "rarg = rptr;"); } else { boolean needInit = false; if (adapterInfo != null) { out.println(indent + "rptr = radapter;"); if (methodInfo.returnType != String.class) { out.println(indent + "jlong rcapacity = (jlong)radapter.size;"); if (Pointer.class.isAssignableFrom(methodInfo.returnType)) { out.println(indent + "void* rowner = radapter.owner;"); } out.println(indent + "void (*deallocator)(void*) = " + (adapterInfo.constant ? "NULL;" : "&" + adapterInfo.name + "::deallocate;")); } needInit = true; } else if (returnBy instanceof ByVal || FunctionPointer.class.isAssignableFrom(methodInfo.returnType)) { out.println(indent + "jlong rcapacity = 1;"); out.println(indent + "void* rowner = (void*)rptr;"); out.println(indent + "void (*deallocator)(void*) = &JavaCPP_" + mangle(methodInfo.returnType.getName()) + "_deallocate;"); deallocators.index(methodInfo.returnType); needInit = true; } if (Pointer.class.isAssignableFrom(methodInfo.returnType)) { out.print(indent); if (!(returnBy instanceof ByVal)) { // check if we can reuse one of the Pointer objects from the arguments if (Modifier.isStatic(methodInfo.modifiers) && methodInfo.parameterTypes.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < methodInfo.parameterTypes.length; i++) { String cast = cast(methodInfo, i); if (Arrays.equals(methodInfo.parameterAnnotations[i], methodInfo.annotations) && methodInfo.parameterTypes[i] == methodInfo.returnType) { out.println( "if (rptr == " + cast + "ptr" + i + ") {"); out.println(indent + " rarg = arg" + i + ";"); out.print(indent + "} else "); } } } else if (!Modifier.isStatic(methodInfo.modifiers) && methodInfo.cls == methodInfo.returnType) { out.println( "if (rptr == ptr) {"); out.println(indent + " rarg = obj;"); out.print(indent + "} else "); } } out.println( "if (rptr != NULL) {"); out.println(indent + " rarg = JavaCPP_createPointer(env, " + jclasses.index(methodInfo.returnType) + (methodInfo.parameterTypes.length > 0 && methodInfo.parameterTypes[0] == Class.class ? ", arg0);" : ");")); out.println(indent + " if (rarg != NULL) {"); if (needInit) { out.println(indent + " JavaCPP_initPointer(env, rarg, rptr, rcapacity, rowner, deallocator);"); } else { out.println(indent + " env->SetLongField(rarg, JavaCPP_addressFID, ptr_to_jlong(rptr));"); } out.println(indent + " }"); out.println(indent + "}"); } else if (methodInfo.returnType == String.class) { passesStrings = true; out.println(indent + "if (rptr != NULL) {"); out.println(indent + " rarg = JavaCPP_createString(env, rptr);"); out.println(indent + "}"); } else if (methodInfo.returnType.isArray() && methodInfo.returnType.getComponentType().isPrimitive()) { if (adapterInfo == null && !(returnBy instanceof ByVal)) { out.println(indent + "jlong rcapacity = rptr != NULL ? 1 : 0;"); } String componentName = methodInfo.returnType.getComponentType().getName(); String componentNameUpperCase = Character.toUpperCase(componentName.charAt(0)) + componentName.substring(1); out.println(indent + "if (rptr != NULL) {"); out.println(indent + " rarg = env->New" + componentNameUpperCase + "Array(rcapacity < INT_MAX ? rcapacity : INT_MAX);"); out.println(indent + " env->Set" + componentNameUpperCase + "ArrayRegion(rarg, 0, rcapacity < INT_MAX ? rcapacity : INT_MAX, (j" + componentName + "*)rptr);"); out.println(indent + "}"); if (adapterInfo != null) { out.println(indent + "if (deallocator != 0 && rptr != NULL) {"); out.println(indent + " (*(void(*)(void*))jlong_to_ptr(deallocator))((void*)rptr);"); out.println(indent + "}"); } } else if (Buffer.class.isAssignableFrom(methodInfo.returnType)) { if (methodInfo.bufferGetter) { out.println(indent + "jlong rcapacity = size;"); } else if (adapterInfo == null && !(returnBy instanceof ByVal)) { out.println(indent + "jlong rcapacity = rptr != NULL ? 1 : 0;"); } out.println(indent + "if (rptr != NULL) {"); out.println(indent + " jlong rcapacityptr = rcapacity * sizeof(rptr[0]);"); out.println(indent + " rarg = env->NewDirectByteBuffer((void*)rptr, rcapacityptr < INT_MAX ? rcapacityptr : INT_MAX);"); out.println(indent + "}"); } } } } void parametersAfter(MethodInformation methodInfo) { if (methodInfo.throwsException != null) { mayThrowExceptions = true; out.println(" } catch (...) {"); out.println(" exc = JavaCPP_handleException(env, " + jclasses.index(methodInfo.throwsException) + ");"); out.println(" }"); out.println(); } int skipParameters = methodInfo.parameterTypes.length > 0 && methodInfo.parameterTypes[0] == Class.class ? 1 : 0; for (int j = skipParameters; j < methodInfo.parameterTypes.length; j++) { if (methodInfo.parameterRaw[j]) { continue; } Annotation passBy = by(methodInfo, j); String cast = cast(methodInfo, j); String[] typeName = cppCastTypeName(methodInfo.parameterTypes[j], methodInfo.parameterAnnotations[j]); AdapterInformation adapterInfo = adapterInformation(true, methodInfo, j); if ("void*".equals(typeName[0]) && !methodInfo.parameterTypes[j].isAnnotationPresent(Opaque.class)) { typeName[0] = "char*"; } // If const array, then use JNI_ABORT to avoid copying unmodified data back to JVM final String releaseArrayFlag; if (cast.contains(" const *") || cast.startsWith("(const ")) { releaseArrayFlag = "JNI_ABORT"; } else { releaseArrayFlag = "0"; } if (Pointer.class.isAssignableFrom(methodInfo.parameterTypes[j])) { if (adapterInfo != null) { for (int k = 0; k < adapterInfo.argc; k++) { out.println(" " + typeName[0] + " rptr" + (j+k) + typeName[1] + " = " + cast + "adapter" + j + ";"); out.println(" jlong rsize" + (j+k) + " = (jlong)adapter" + j + ".size" + (k > 0 ? (k+1) + ";" : ";")); out.println(" void* rowner" + (j+k) + " = adapter" + j + ".owner" + (k > 0 ? (k+1) + ";" : ";")); out.println(" if (rptr" + (j+k) + " != " + cast + "ptr" + (j+k) + ") {"); out.println(" JavaCPP_initPointer(env, arg" + j + ", rptr" + (j+k) + ", rsize" + (j+k) + ", rowner" + (j+k) + ", &" + adapterInfo.name + "::deallocate);"); out.println(" } else {"); out.println(" env->SetLongField(arg" + j + ", JavaCPP_limitFID, rsize" + (j+k) + " + position" + (j+k) + ");"); out.println(" }"); } } else if ((passBy instanceof ByPtrPtr || passBy instanceof ByPtrRef) && !methodInfo.valueSetter && !methodInfo.memberSetter) { if (!methodInfo.parameterTypes[j].isAnnotationPresent(Opaque.class)) { out.println(" ptr" + j + " -= position" + j + ";"); } out.println(" if (arg" + j + " != NULL) env->SetLongField(arg" + j + ", JavaCPP_addressFID, ptr_to_jlong(ptr" + j + "));"); } } else if (methodInfo.parameterTypes[j] == String.class) { out.println(" JavaCPP_releaseStringBytes(env, arg" + j + ", ptr" + j + ");"); } else if (methodInfo.parameterTypes[j].isArray() && methodInfo.parameterTypes[j].getComponentType().isPrimitive()) { for (int k = 0; adapterInfo != null && k < adapterInfo.argc; k++) { out.println(" " + typeName[0] + " rptr" + (j+k) + typeName[1] + " = " + cast + "adapter" + j + ";"); out.println(" void* rowner" + (j+k) + " = adapter" + j + ".owner" + (k > 0 ? (k+1) + ";" : ";")); out.println(" if (rptr" + (j+k) + " != " + cast + "ptr" + (j+k) + ") {"); out.println(" " + adapterInfo.name + "::deallocate(rowner" + (j+k) + ");"); out.println(" }"); } out.print(" if (arg" + j + " != NULL) "); if (methodInfo.valueGetter || methodInfo.valueSetter || methodInfo.memberGetter || methodInfo.memberSetter) { out.println("env->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(arg" + j + ", ptr" + j + ", " + releaseArrayFlag + ");"); } else { String componentType = methodInfo.parameterTypes[j].getComponentType().getName(); String componentTypeUpperCase = Character.toUpperCase(componentType.charAt(0)) + componentType.substring(1); out.println("env->Release" + componentTypeUpperCase + "ArrayElements(arg" + j + ", (j" + componentType + "*)ptr" + j + ", " + releaseArrayFlag + ");"); } } else if (Buffer.class.isAssignableFrom(methodInfo.parameterTypes[j]) && methodInfo.parameterTypes[j] != Buffer.class) { for (int k = 0; adapterInfo != null && k < adapterInfo.argc; k++) { out.println(" " + typeName[0] + " rptr" + (j+k) + typeName[1] + " = " + cast + "adapter" + j + ";"); out.println(" void* rowner" + (j+k) + " = adapter" + j + ".owner" + (k > 0 ? (k+1) + ";" : ";")); out.println(" if (rptr" + (j+k) + " != " + cast + "ptr" + (j+k) + ") {"); out.println(" " + adapterInfo.name + "::deallocate(rowner" + (j+k) + ");"); out.println(" }"); } out.print(" if (arr" + j + " != NULL) "); String parameterSimpleName = methodInfo.parameterTypes[j].getSimpleName(); parameterSimpleName = parameterSimpleName.substring(0, parameterSimpleName.length() - 6); String parameterSimpleNameLowerCase = Character.toLowerCase(parameterSimpleName.charAt(0)) + parameterSimpleName.substring(1); out.println("env->Release" + parameterSimpleName + "ArrayElements(arr" + j + ", " + "(j" + parameterSimpleNameLowerCase + "*)ptr" + j + ", " + releaseArrayFlag + ");"); } } } void callback(Class<?> cls, Method callbackMethod, String callbackName, boolean needDefinition, MethodInformation methodInfo) { Class<?> callbackReturnType = callbackMethod.getReturnType(); Class<?>[] callbackParameterTypes = callbackMethod.getParameterTypes(); Annotation[] callbackAnnotations = callbackMethod.getAnnotations(); Annotation[][] callbackParameterAnnotations = callbackMethod.getParameterAnnotations(); String instanceTypeName = functionClassName(cls); String[] callbackTypeName = cppFunctionTypeName(callbackMethod); String[] returnConvention = callbackTypeName[0].split("\\("); returnConvention[1] = constValueTypeName(returnConvention[1]); String parameterDeclaration = callbackTypeName[1].substring(1); String fieldName = mangle(callbackMethod.getName()) + "__" + mangle(signature(callbackMethod.getParameterTypes())); String firstLine = ""; if (methodInfo != null) { // stuff from a virtualized class String nonconstParamDeclaration = parameterDeclaration.endsWith(" const") ? parameterDeclaration.substring(0, parameterDeclaration.length() - 6) : parameterDeclaration; String[] typeName = methodInfo.returnRaw ? new String[] { "" } : cppTypeName(methodInfo.cls); String valueTypeName = valueTypeName(typeName); String subType = "JavaCPP_" + mangle(valueTypeName); Set<String> memberList = virtualMembers.get(cls); if (memberList == null) { virtualMembers.put(cls, memberList = new LinkedHashSet<String>()); } String member = " "; if (methodInfo.arrayAllocator) { return; } else if (methodInfo.allocator) { member += subType + nonconstParamDeclaration + " : " + valueTypeName + "("; for (int j = 0; j < callbackParameterTypes.length; j++) { member += "arg" + j; if (j < callbackParameterTypes.length - 1) { member += ", "; } } member += "), obj(NULL) { }"; } else { Set<String> functionList = virtualFunctions.get(cls); if (functionList == null) { virtualFunctions.put(cls, functionList = new LinkedHashSet<String>()); } member += "using " + valueTypeName + "::" + methodInfo.memberName[0] + ";\n " + "virtual " + returnConvention[0] + (returnConvention.length > 1 ? returnConvention[1] : "") + methodInfo.memberName[0] + parameterDeclaration + ";\n " + returnConvention[0] + "super_" + methodInfo.memberName[0] + nonconstParamDeclaration + " { "; if (methodInfo.method.getAnnotation(Virtual.class).value()) { member += "throw JavaCPP_exception(\"Cannot call a pure virtual function.\"); }"; } else { member += (callbackReturnType != void.class ? "return " : "") + valueTypeName + "::" + methodInfo.memberName[0] + "("; for (int j = 0; j < callbackParameterTypes.length; j++) { member += "arg" + j; if (j < callbackParameterTypes.length - 1) { member += ", "; } } member += "); }"; } firstLine = returnConvention[0] + (returnConvention.length > 1 ? returnConvention[1] : "") + subType + "::" + methodInfo.memberName[0] + parameterDeclaration + " {"; functionList.add(fieldName); } memberList.add(member); } else if (callbackName != null) { callbacks.index("static " + instanceTypeName + " " + callbackName + "_instance;"); Convention convention = cls.getAnnotation(Convention.class); if (convention != null && !convention.extern().equals("C")) { out.println("extern \"" + convention.extern() + "\" {"); if (out2 != null) { out2.println("extern \"" + convention.extern() + "\" {"); } } if (out2 != null) { out2.println("JNIIMPORT " + returnConvention[0] + (returnConvention.length > 1 ? returnConvention[1] : "") + callbackName + parameterDeclaration + ";"); } out.println("JNIEXPORT " + returnConvention[0] + (returnConvention.length > 1 ? returnConvention[1] : "") + callbackName + parameterDeclaration + " {"); out.print((callbackReturnType != void.class ? " return " : " ") + callbackName + "_instance("); for (int j = 0; j < callbackParameterTypes.length; j++) { out.print("arg" + j); if (j < callbackParameterTypes.length - 1) { out.print(", "); } } out.println(");"); out.println("}"); if (convention != null && !convention.extern().equals("C")) { out.println("}"); if (out2 != null) { out2.println("}"); } } firstLine = returnConvention[0] + instanceTypeName + "::operator()" + parameterDeclaration + " {"; } if (!needDefinition) { return; } out.println(firstLine); String returnPrefix = ""; if (callbackReturnType != void.class) { out.println(" " + jniTypeName(callbackReturnType) + " rarg = 0;"); returnPrefix = "rarg = "; if (callbackReturnType == String.class) { returnPrefix += "(jstring)"; } } String callbackReturnCast = cast(callbackReturnType, callbackAnnotations); Annotation returnBy = by(callbackAnnotations); String[] returnTypeName = cppTypeName(callbackReturnType); String returnValueTypeName = valueTypeName(returnTypeName); AdapterInformation returnAdapterInfo = adapterInformation(false, returnValueTypeName, callbackAnnotations); out.println(" jthrowable exc = NULL;"); out.println(" JNIEnv* env;"); out.println(" bool attached = JavaCPP_getEnv(&env);"); out.println(" if (env == NULL) {"); out.println(" goto end;"); out.println(" }"); out.println("{"); if (callbackParameterTypes.length > 0) { out.println(" jvalue args[" + callbackParameterTypes.length + "];"); for (int j = 0; j < callbackParameterTypes.length; j++) { if (callbackParameterTypes[j].isPrimitive()) { out.println(" args[" + j + "]." + signature(callbackParameterTypes[j]).toLowerCase() + " = (" + jniTypeName(callbackParameterTypes[j]) + ")arg" + j + ";"); } else { Annotation passBy = by(callbackParameterAnnotations[j]); String[] typeName = cppTypeName(callbackParameterTypes[j]); String valueTypeName = valueTypeName(typeName); AdapterInformation adapterInfo = adapterInformation(false, valueTypeName, callbackParameterAnnotations[j]); if (adapterInfo != null) { usesAdapters = true; out.println(" " + adapterInfo.name + " adapter" + j + "(arg" + j + ");"); } if (Pointer.class.isAssignableFrom(callbackParameterTypes[j]) || Buffer.class.isAssignableFrom(callbackParameterTypes[j]) || (callbackParameterTypes[j].isArray() && callbackParameterTypes[j].getComponentType().isPrimitive())) { String cast = "(" + typeName[0] + typeName[1] + ")"; if (FunctionPointer.class.isAssignableFrom(callbackParameterTypes[j])) { functions.index(callbackParameterTypes[j]); typeName[0] = functionClassName(callbackParameterTypes[j]) + "*"; typeName[1] = ""; valueTypeName = valueTypeName(typeName); } else if (virtualFunctions.containsKey(callbackParameterTypes[j])) { String subType = "JavaCPP_" + mangle(valueTypeName); valueTypeName = subType; } out.println(" " + jniTypeName(callbackParameterTypes[j]) + " obj" + j + " = NULL;"); out.println(" " + typeName[0] + " ptr" + j + typeName[1] + " = NULL;"); if (FunctionPointer.class.isAssignableFrom(callbackParameterTypes[j])) { out.println(" ptr" + j + " = new (std::nothrow) " + valueTypeName + ";"); out.println(" if (ptr" + j + " != NULL) {"); out.println(" ptr" + j + "->ptr = " + cast + "&arg" + j + ";"); out.println(" }"); } else if (adapterInfo != null) { out.println(" ptr" + j + " = adapter" + j + ";"); } else if (passBy instanceof ByVal && callbackParameterTypes[j] != Pointer.class) { out.println(" ptr" + j + (noException(callbackParameterTypes[j], callbackMethod) ? " = new (std::nothrow) " : " = new ") + valueTypeName + typeName[1] + "(*" + cast + "&arg" + j + ");"); } else if (passBy instanceof ByVal || passBy instanceof ByRef) { out.println(" ptr" + j + " = " + cast + "&arg" + j + ";"); } else if (passBy instanceof ByPtrPtr) { out.println(" if (arg" + j + " == NULL) {"); out.println(" JavaCPP_log(\"Pointer address of argument " + j + " is NULL in callback for " + cls.getCanonicalName() + ".\");"); out.println(" } else {"); out.println(" ptr" + j + " = " + cast + "*arg" + j + ";"); out.println(" }"); } else { // ByPtr || ByPtrRef out.println(" ptr" + j + " = " + cast + "arg" + j + ";"); } } boolean needInit = false; if (adapterInfo != null) { if (callbackParameterTypes[j] != String.class) { out.println(" jlong size" + j + " = (jlong)adapter" + j + ".size;"); out.println(" void* owner" + j + " = adapter" + j + ".owner;"); out.println(" void (*deallocator" + j + ")(void*) = &" + adapterInfo.name + "::deallocate;"); } needInit = true; } else if ((passBy instanceof ByVal && callbackParameterTypes[j] != Pointer.class) || FunctionPointer.class.isAssignableFrom(callbackParameterTypes[j])) { out.println(" jlong size" + j + " = 1;"); out.println(" void* owner" + j + " = ptr" + j + ";"); out.println(" void (*deallocator" + j + ")(void*) = &JavaCPP_" + mangle(callbackParameterTypes[j].getName()) + "_deallocate;"); deallocators.index(callbackParameterTypes[j]); needInit = true; } if (Pointer.class.isAssignableFrom(callbackParameterTypes[j])) { String s = " obj" + j + " = JavaCPP_createPointer(env, " + jclasses.index(callbackParameterTypes[j]) + ");"; adapterInfo = adapterInformation(true, valueTypeName, callbackParameterAnnotations[j]); if (adapterInfo != null || passBy instanceof ByPtrPtr || passBy instanceof ByPtrRef) { out.println(s); } else { out.println(" if (ptr" + j + " != NULL) { "); out.println(" " + s); out.println(" }"); } out.println(" if (obj" + j + " != NULL) { "); if (needInit) { out.println(" JavaCPP_initPointer(env, obj" + j + ", ptr" + j + ", size" + j + ", owner" + j + ", deallocator" + j + ");"); } else { out.println(" env->SetLongField(obj" + j + ", JavaCPP_addressFID, ptr_to_jlong(ptr" + j + "));"); } out.println(" }"); out.println(" args[" + j + "].l = obj" + j + ";"); } else if (callbackParameterTypes[j] == String.class) { passesStrings = true; out.println(" jstring obj" + j + " = JavaCPP_createString(env, (const char*)" + (adapterInfo != null ? "adapter" : "arg") + j + ");"); out.println(" args[" + j + "].l = obj" + j + ";"); } else if (callbackParameterTypes[j].isArray() && callbackParameterTypes[j].getComponentType().isPrimitive()) { if (adapterInfo == null) { out.println(" jlong size" + j + " = ptr" + j + " != NULL ? 1 : 0;"); } String componentType = callbackParameterTypes[j].getComponentType().getName(); String S = Character.toUpperCase(componentType.charAt(0)) + componentType.substring(1); out.println(" if (ptr" + j + " != NULL) {"); out.println(" obj" + j + " = env->New" + S + "Array(size" + j + " < INT_MAX ? size" + j + " : INT_MAX);"); out.println(" env->Set" + S + "ArrayRegion(obj" + j + ", 0, size" + j + " < INT_MAX ? size" + j + " : INT_MAX, (j" + componentType + "*)ptr" + j + ");"); out.println(" }"); if (adapterInfo != null) { out.println(" if (deallocator" + j + " != 0 && ptr" + j + " != NULL) {"); out.println(" (*(void(*)(void*))jlong_to_ptr(deallocator" + j + "))((void*)ptr" + j + ");"); out.println(" }"); } } else if (Buffer.class.isAssignableFrom(callbackParameterTypes[j])) { if (adapterInfo == null) { out.println(" jlong size" + j + " = ptr" + j + " != NULL ? 1 : 0;"); } out.println(" if (ptr" + j + " != NULL) {"); out.println(" jlong sizeptr = size" + j + " * sizeof(ptr" + j + "[0]);"); out.println(" obj" + j + " = env->NewDirectByteBuffer((void*)ptr" + j + ", sizeptr < INT_MAX ? sizeptr : INT_MAX);"); out.println(" }"); } else { logger.warn("Callback \"" + callbackMethod + "\" has unsupported parameter type \"" + callbackParameterTypes[j].getCanonicalName() + "\". Compilation will most likely fail."); } } } } if (methodInfo != null) { out.println(" if (" + fieldName + " == NULL) {"); out.println(" " + fieldName + " = JavaCPP_getMethodID(env, " + jclasses.index(cls) + ", \"" + methodInfo.method.getName() + "\", \"(" + signature(methodInfo.method.getParameterTypes()) + ")" + signature(methodInfo.method.getReturnType()) + "\");"); out.println(" }"); out.println(" jmethodID mid = " + fieldName + ";"); } else if (callbackName != null) { out.println(" if (obj == NULL) {"); out.println(" obj = JavaCPP_createPointer(env, " + jclasses.index(cls) + ");"); out.println(" obj = obj == NULL ? NULL : env->NewGlobalRef(obj);"); out.println(" if (obj == NULL) {"); out.println(" JavaCPP_log(\"Error creating global reference of " + cls.getCanonicalName() + " instance for callback.\");"); out.println(" } else {"); out.println(" env->SetLongField(obj, JavaCPP_addressFID, ptr_to_jlong(this));"); out.println(" }"); out.println(" ptr = &" + callbackName + ";"); out.println(" }"); out.println(" if (mid == NULL) {"); out.println(" mid = JavaCPP_getMethodID(env, " + jclasses.index(cls) + ", \"" + callbackMethod.getName() + "\", \"(" + signature(callbackMethod.getParameterTypes()) + ")" + signature(callbackMethod.getReturnType()) + "\");"); out.println(" }"); } out.println(" if (env->IsSameObject(obj, NULL)) {"); out.println(" JavaCPP_log(\"Function pointer object is NULL in callback for " + cls.getCanonicalName() + ".\");"); out.println(" } else if (mid == NULL) {"); out.println(" JavaCPP_log(\"Error getting method ID of function caller \\\"" + callbackMethod + "\\\" for callback.\");"); out.println(" } else {"); String s = "Object"; if (callbackReturnType.isPrimitive()) { s = callbackReturnType.getName(); s = Character.toUpperCase(s.charAt(0)) + s.substring(1); } out.println(" " + returnPrefix + "env->Call" + s + "MethodA(obj, mid, " + (callbackParameterTypes.length == 0 ? "NULL);" : "args);")); out.println(" if ((exc = env->ExceptionOccurred()) != NULL) {"); out.println(" env->ExceptionClear();"); out.println(" }"); out.println(" }"); for (int j = 0; j < callbackParameterTypes.length; j++) { if (Pointer.class.isAssignableFrom(callbackParameterTypes[j])) { String[] typeName = cppTypeName(callbackParameterTypes[j]); Annotation passBy = by(callbackParameterAnnotations[j]); String cast = cast(callbackParameterTypes[j], callbackParameterAnnotations[j]); String valueTypeName = valueTypeName(typeName); AdapterInformation adapterInfo = adapterInformation(true, valueTypeName, callbackParameterAnnotations[j]); if ("void*".equals(typeName[0]) && !callbackParameterTypes[j].isAnnotationPresent(Opaque.class)) { typeName[0] = "char*"; } if (adapterInfo != null || passBy instanceof ByPtrPtr || passBy instanceof ByPtrRef) { out.println(" " + typeName[0] + " rptr" + j + typeName[1] + " = (" + typeName[0] + typeName[1] + ")jlong_to_ptr(env->GetLongField(obj" + j + ", JavaCPP_addressFID));"); if (adapterInfo != null) { out.println(" jlong rsize" + j + " = env->GetLongField(obj" + j + ", JavaCPP_limitFID);"); out.println(" void* rowner" + j + " = JavaCPP_getPointerOwner(env, obj" + j + ");"); } if (!callbackParameterTypes[j].isAnnotationPresent(Opaque.class)) { out.println(" jlong rposition" + j + " = env->GetLongField(obj" + j + ", JavaCPP_positionFID);"); out.println(" rptr" + j + " += rposition" + j + ";"); if (adapterInfo != null) { out.println(" rsize" + j + " -= rposition" + j + ";"); } } if (adapterInfo != null) { out.println(" adapter" + j + ".assign(rptr" + j + ", rsize" + j + ", rowner" + j + ");"); } else if (passBy instanceof ByPtrPtr) { out.println(" if (arg" + j + " != NULL) {"); out.println(" *arg" + j + " = *" + cast + "&rptr" + j + ";"); out.println(" }"); } else if (passBy instanceof ByPtrRef) { out.println(" arg" + j + " = " + cast + "rptr" + j + ";"); } } } if (!callbackParameterTypes[j].isPrimitive()) { out.println(" env->DeleteLocalRef(obj" + j + ");"); } } out.println("}"); out.println("end:"); if (callbackReturnType != void.class) { if ("void*".equals(returnTypeName[0]) && !callbackReturnType.isAnnotationPresent(Opaque.class)) { returnTypeName[0] = "char*"; } if (Pointer.class.isAssignableFrom(callbackReturnType)) { out.println(" " + returnTypeName[0] + " rptr" + returnTypeName[1] + " = rarg == NULL ? NULL : (" + returnTypeName[0] + returnTypeName[1] + ")jlong_to_ptr(env->GetLongField(rarg, JavaCPP_addressFID));"); if (returnAdapterInfo != null) { out.println(" jlong rsize = rarg == NULL ? 0 : env->GetLongField(rarg, JavaCPP_limitFID);"); out.println(" void* rowner = JavaCPP_getPointerOwner(env, rarg);"); } if (!callbackReturnType.isAnnotationPresent(Opaque.class)) { out.println(" jlong rposition = rarg == NULL ? 0 : env->GetLongField(rarg, JavaCPP_positionFID);"); out.println(" rptr += rposition;"); if (returnAdapterInfo != null) { out.println(" rsize -= rposition;"); } } } else if (callbackReturnType == String.class) { passesStrings = true; out.println(" " + returnTypeName[0] + " rptr" + returnTypeName[1] + " = JavaCPP_getStringBytes(env, rarg);"); if (returnAdapterInfo != null) { out.println(" jlong rsize = 0;"); out.println(" void* rowner = (void*)rptr"); } } else if (Buffer.class.isAssignableFrom(callbackReturnType)) { out.println(" " + returnTypeName[0] + " rptr" + returnTypeName[1] + " = rarg == NULL ? NULL : env->GetDirectBufferAddress(rarg);"); if (returnAdapterInfo != null) { out.println(" jlong rsize = rarg == NULL ? 0 : env->GetDirectBufferCapacity(rarg);"); out.println(" void* rowner = (void*)rptr;"); } } else if (!callbackReturnType.isPrimitive()) { logger.warn("Callback \"" + callbackMethod + "\" has unsupported return type \"" + callbackReturnType.getCanonicalName() + "\". Compilation will most likely fail."); } } out.println(" if (exc != NULL) {"); out.println(" jstring str = (jstring)env->CallObjectMethod(exc, JavaCPP_toStringMID);"); out.println(" env->DeleteLocalRef(exc);"); out.println(" const char *msg = JavaCPP_getStringBytes(env, str);"); out.println(" JavaCPP_exception e(msg);"); out.println(" JavaCPP_releaseStringBytes(env, str, msg);"); out.println(" env->DeleteLocalRef(str);"); out.println(" JavaCPP_detach(attached);"); out.println(" throw e;"); out.println(" } else {"); out.println(" JavaCPP_detach(attached);"); out.println(" }"); if (callbackReturnType != void.class) { if (callbackReturnType.isPrimitive()) { out.println(" return " + callbackReturnCast + "rarg;"); } else if (returnAdapterInfo != null) { usesAdapters = true; out.println(" return " + returnAdapterInfo.name + "(" + callbackReturnCast + "rptr, rsize, rowner);"); } else if (FunctionPointer.class.isAssignableFrom(callbackReturnType)) { functions.index(callbackReturnType); out.println(" return " + callbackReturnCast + "(rptr == NULL ? NULL : rptr->ptr);"); } else if (returnBy instanceof ByVal || returnBy instanceof ByRef) { out.println(" if (rptr == NULL) {"); out.println(" JavaCPP_log(\"Return pointer address is NULL in callback for " + cls.getCanonicalName() + ".\");"); out.println(" static " + returnConvention[0] + " empty" + returnTypeName[1] + ";"); out.println(" return empty;"); out.println(" } else {"); out.println(" return *" + callbackReturnCast + "rptr;"); out.println(" }"); } else if (returnBy instanceof ByPtrPtr) { out.println(" return " + callbackReturnCast + "&rptr;"); } else { // ByPtr || ByPtrRef out.println(" return " + callbackReturnCast + "rptr;"); } } out.println("}"); } void callbackAllocator(Class cls, String callbackName) { // XXX: Here, we should actually allocate new trampolines on the heap somehow... // For now it just bumps out from the global variable the last object that called this method String[] typeName = cppTypeName(cls); String instanceTypeName = functionClassName(cls); out.println(" obj = env->NewWeakGlobalRef(obj);"); out.println(" if (obj == NULL) {"); out.println(" JavaCPP_log(\"Error creating global reference of " + cls.getCanonicalName() + " instance for callback.\");"); out.println(" return;"); out.println(" }"); out.println(" " + instanceTypeName + "* rptr = new (std::nothrow) " + instanceTypeName + ";"); out.println(" if (rptr != NULL) {"); out.println(" rptr->ptr = " + (callbackName == null ? "(" + typeName[0] + typeName[1] + ")jlong_to_ptr(arg0)" : "&" + callbackName) + ";"); out.println(" rptr->obj = obj;"); out.println(" JavaCPP_initPointer(env, obj, rptr, 1, rptr, &JavaCPP_" + mangle(cls.getName()) + "_deallocate);"); deallocators.index(cls); if (callbackName != null) { out.println(" " + callbackName + "_instance = *rptr;"); } out.println(" }"); out.println("}"); } boolean checkPlatform(Class<?> cls) { // check in priority this class for platform information, before the enclosing class Class<?> enclosingClass = Loader.getEnclosingClass(cls); while (!cls.isAnnotationPresent(org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.Properties.class) && !cls.isAnnotationPresent(Platform.class) && cls.getSuperclass() != null) { if (enclosingClass != null && cls.getSuperclass() == Object.class) { cls = enclosingClass; enclosingClass = null; } else { cls = cls.getSuperclass(); } } org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.Properties classProperties = cls.getAnnotation(org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.Properties.class); if (classProperties != null) { Class[] classes = classProperties.inherit(); // get default platform names, searching in inherited classes as well String[] defaultNames = classProperties.names(); Deque<Class> queue = new ArrayDeque<Class>(Arrays.asList(classes)); while (queue.size() > 0 && (defaultNames == null || defaultNames.length == 0)) { Class<?> c = queue.removeFirst(); org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.Properties p = c.getAnnotation(org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.Properties.class); if (p != null) { defaultNames = p.names(); queue.addAll(Arrays.asList(p.inherit())); } } // check in priority the platforms inside our properties annotation, before inherited ones Platform[] platforms = classProperties.value(); if (platforms != null) { for (Platform p : platforms) { if (checkPlatform(p, defaultNames)) { return true; } } } else if (classes != null) { for (Class c : classes) { if (checkPlatform(c)) { return true; } } } } else if (checkPlatform(cls.getAnnotation(Platform.class), null)) { return true; } return false; } boolean checkPlatform(Platform platform, String[] defaultNames) { if (platform == null) { return true; } if (defaultNames == null) { defaultNames = new String[0]; } String platform2 = properties.getProperty("platform"); String[][] names = { platform.value().length > 0 ? platform.value() : defaultNames, platform.not() }; boolean[] matches = { false, false }; for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { for (String s : names[i]) { if (platform2.startsWith(s)) { matches[i] = true; break; } } } if ((names[0].length == 0 || matches[0]) && (names[1].length == 0 || !matches[1])) { return true; } return false; } static String functionClassName(Class<?> cls) { Name name = cls.getAnnotation(Name.class); return name != null ? name.value()[0] : "JavaCPP_" + mangle(cls.getName()); } static Method functionMethod(Class<?> cls, boolean[] callbackAllocators) { if (!FunctionPointer.class.isAssignableFrom(cls)) { return null; } Method[] methods = cls.getDeclaredMethods(); Method functionMethod = null; for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) { String methodName = methods[i].getName(); int modifiers = methods[i].getModifiers(); Class[] parameterTypes = methods[i].getParameterTypes(); Class returnType = methods[i].getReturnType(); if (Modifier.isStatic(modifiers)) { continue; } if (callbackAllocators != null && methodName.startsWith("allocate") && Modifier.isNative(modifiers) && returnType == void.class && (parameterTypes.length == 0 || (parameterTypes.length == 1 && (parameterTypes[0] == int.class || parameterTypes[0] == long.class)))) { // found a callback allocator method callbackAllocators[i] = true; } else if (methodName.startsWith("call") || methodName.startsWith("apply")) { // found a function caller method and/or callback method functionMethod = methods[i]; } } return functionMethod; } MethodInformation methodInformation(Method method) { MethodInformation info = new MethodInformation(); info.cls = method.getDeclaringClass(); info.method = method; info.annotations = method.getAnnotations(); info.modifiers = method.getModifiers(); info.returnType = method.getReturnType(); info.name = method.getName(); Name name = method.getAnnotation(Name.class); info.memberName = name != null ? name.value() : new String[] { info.name }; Index index = method.getAnnotation(Index.class); info.dim = index != null ? index.value() : 0; info.parameterTypes = method.getParameterTypes(); info.parameterAnnotations = method.getParameterAnnotations(); info.returnRaw = method.isAnnotationPresent(Raw.class); info.withEnv = info.returnRaw ? method.getAnnotation(Raw.class).withEnv() : false; info.parameterRaw = new boolean[info.parameterAnnotations.length]; for (int i = 0; i < info.parameterAnnotations.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < info.parameterAnnotations[i].length; j++) { if (info.parameterAnnotations[i][j] instanceof Raw) { info.parameterRaw[i] = true; info.withEnv |= ((Raw)info.parameterAnnotations[i][j]).withEnv(); } } } boolean canBeGetter = info.returnType != void.class || (info.parameterTypes.length > 0 && info.parameterTypes[0].isArray() && info.parameterTypes[0].getComponentType().isPrimitive()); boolean canBeSetter = (info.returnType == void.class || info.returnType == info.cls) && info.parameterTypes.length > 0; boolean canBeAllocator = !Modifier.isStatic(info.modifiers) && info.returnType == void.class; boolean canBeArrayAllocator = canBeAllocator && info.parameterTypes.length == 1 && (info.parameterTypes[0] == int.class || info.parameterTypes[0] == long.class); boolean valueGetter = false; boolean valueSetter = false; boolean memberGetter = false; boolean memberSetter = false; boolean noReturnGetter = false; Method pairedMethod = null; for (Method method2 : info.cls.getDeclaredMethods()) { MethodInformation info2 = annotationCache.get(method2); if (info2 == null) { annotationCache.put(method2, info2 = new MethodInformation()); info2.modifiers = method2.getModifiers(); info2.returnType = method2.getReturnType(); info2.name = method2.getName(); info2.parameterTypes = method2.getParameterTypes(); info2.annotations = method2.getAnnotations(); info2.parameterAnnotations = method2.getParameterAnnotations(); } int skipParameters = info.parameterTypes.length > 0 && info.parameterTypes[0] == Class.class ? 1 : 0; int skipParameters2 = info2.parameterTypes.length > 0 && info2.parameterTypes[0] == Class.class ? 1 : 0; if (method.equals(method2) || !Modifier.isNative(info2.modifiers)) { continue; } boolean canBeValueGetter = false; boolean canBeValueSetter = false; boolean canBeMemberGetter = false; boolean canBeMemberSetter = false; if (canBeGetter && "get".equals(info.name) && "put".equals(info2.name)) { canBeValueGetter = true; } else if (canBeSetter && "put".equals(info.name) && "get".equals(info2.name)) { canBeValueSetter = true; } else if (info2.name.equals(info.name)) { info.overloaded = true; canBeMemberGetter = canBeGetter; canBeMemberSetter = canBeSetter; for (int j = skipParameters; j < info.parameterTypes.length; j++) { if (info.parameterTypes[j] != int.class && info.parameterTypes[j] != long.class) { canBeMemberGetter = false; if (j < info.parameterTypes.length - 1) { canBeMemberSetter = false; } } } } else { continue; } boolean sameIndexParameters = true; for (int j = 0; j < info.parameterTypes.length - skipParameters && j < info2.parameterTypes.length - skipParameters2; j++) { if (info.parameterTypes[j + skipParameters] != info2.parameterTypes[j + skipParameters2]) { sameIndexParameters = false; } } if (!sameIndexParameters) { continue; } boolean parameterAsReturn = canBeValueGetter && info.parameterTypes.length > 0 && info.parameterTypes[0].isArray() && info.parameterTypes[0].getComponentType().isPrimitive(); boolean parameterAsReturn2 = canBeValueSetter && info2.parameterTypes.length > 0 && info2.parameterTypes[0].isArray() && info2.parameterTypes[0].getComponentType().isPrimitive(); if (canBeGetter && info2.parameterTypes.length - (parameterAsReturn ? 0 : 1) == info.parameterTypes.length - skipParameters && (parameterAsReturn ? info.parameterTypes[info.parameterTypes.length - 1] : info.returnType) == info2.parameterTypes[info2.parameterTypes.length - 1] && (info2.returnType == void.class || info2.returnType == info.cls) && (info2.parameterAnnotations[info2.parameterAnnotations.length - 1].length == 0 || (Arrays.equals(info2.parameterAnnotations[info2.parameterAnnotations.length - 1], info.annotations)))) { pairedMethod = method2; valueGetter = canBeValueGetter; memberGetter = canBeMemberGetter; noReturnGetter = parameterAsReturn; } else if (canBeSetter && info.parameterTypes.length - (parameterAsReturn2 ? 0 : 1) == info2.parameterTypes.length - skipParameters2 && (parameterAsReturn2 ? info2.parameterTypes[info2.parameterTypes.length - 1] : info2.returnType) == info.parameterTypes[info.parameterTypes.length - 1] && (info.returnType == void.class || info.returnType == info.cls) && (info.parameterAnnotations[info.parameterAnnotations.length - 1].length == 0 || (Arrays.equals(info.parameterAnnotations[info.parameterAnnotations.length - 1], info2.annotations)))) { pairedMethod = method2; valueSetter = canBeValueSetter; memberSetter = canBeMemberSetter; } } Annotation behavior = behavior(info.annotations); if (canBeGetter && behavior instanceof ValueGetter) { info.valueGetter = true; info.noReturnGetter = noReturnGetter; } else if (canBeSetter && behavior instanceof ValueSetter) { info.valueSetter = true; } else if (canBeGetter && behavior instanceof MemberGetter) { info.memberGetter = true; info.noReturnGetter = noReturnGetter; } else if (canBeSetter && behavior instanceof MemberSetter) { info.memberSetter = true; } else if (canBeAllocator && behavior instanceof Allocator) { info.allocator = true; } else if (canBeArrayAllocator && behavior instanceof ArrayAllocator) { info.allocator = info.arrayAllocator = true; } else if (behavior == null) { // try to guess the behavior of the method if (info.returnType == void.class && "deallocate".equals(info.name) && !Modifier.isStatic(info.modifiers) && info.parameterTypes.length == 2 && info.parameterTypes[0] == long.class && info.parameterTypes[1] == long.class) { info.deallocator = true; } else if (canBeAllocator && "allocate".equals(info.name)) { info.allocator = true; } else if (canBeArrayAllocator && "allocateArray".equals(info.name)) { info.allocator = info.arrayAllocator = true; } else if (info.returnType.isAssignableFrom(ByteBuffer.class) && "asDirectBuffer".equals(info.name) && !Modifier.isStatic(info.modifiers) && info.parameterTypes.length == 0) { info.bufferGetter = true; } else if (valueGetter) { info.valueGetter = true; info.noReturnGetter = noReturnGetter; info.pairedMethod = pairedMethod; } else if (valueSetter) { info.valueSetter = true; info.pairedMethod = pairedMethod; } else if (memberGetter) { info.memberGetter = true; info.noReturnGetter = noReturnGetter; info.pairedMethod = pairedMethod; } else if (memberSetter) { info.memberSetter = true; info.pairedMethod = pairedMethod; } } else if (!(behavior instanceof Function)) { logger.warn("Method \"" + method + "\" cannot behave like a \"" + behavior.annotationType().getSimpleName() + "\". No code will be generated."); return null; } if (name == null && info.pairedMethod != null) { name = info.pairedMethod.getAnnotation(Name.class); if (name != null) { info.memberName = name.value(); } } info.noOffset = info.cls.isAnnotationPresent(NoOffset.class) || method.isAnnotationPresent(NoOffset.class) || method.isAnnotationPresent(Index.class); if (!info.noOffset && info.pairedMethod != null) { info.noOffset = info.pairedMethod.isAnnotationPresent(NoOffset.class) || info.pairedMethod.isAnnotationPresent(Index.class); } if (info.parameterTypes.length == 0 || !info.parameterTypes[0].isArray()) { if (info.valueGetter || info.memberGetter) { info.dim = info.parameterTypes.length; } else if (info.memberSetter || info.valueSetter) { info.dim = info.parameterTypes.length-1; } } info.throwsException = null; if (!noException(info.cls, method)) { if ((by(info.annotations) instanceof ByVal && !noException(info.returnType, method)) || !info.deallocator && !info.valueGetter && !info.valueSetter && !info.memberGetter && !info.memberSetter && !info.bufferGetter) { Class<?>[] exceptions = method.getExceptionTypes(); info.throwsException = exceptions.length > 0 ? exceptions[0] : RuntimeException.class; } } return info; } static boolean noException(Class<?> cls, Method method) { boolean noException = baseClasses.contains(cls) || method.isAnnotationPresent(NoException.class); while (!noException && cls != null) { if (noException = cls.isAnnotationPresent(NoException.class)) { break; } cls = cls.getDeclaringClass(); } return noException; } AdapterInformation adapterInformation(boolean out, MethodInformation methodInfo, int j) { if (out && (methodInfo.parameterTypes[j] == String.class || methodInfo.valueSetter || methodInfo.memberSetter)) { return null; } String typeName = cast(methodInfo, j); if (typeName != null && typeName.startsWith("(") && typeName.endsWith(")")) { typeName = typeName.substring(1, typeName.length()-1); } if (typeName == null || typeName.length() == 0) { typeName = cppCastTypeName(methodInfo.parameterTypes[j], methodInfo.parameterAnnotations[j])[0]; } String valueTypeName = valueTypeName(typeName); AdapterInformation adapter = adapterInformation(out, valueTypeName, methodInfo.parameterAnnotations[j]); if (adapter == null && methodInfo.pairedMethod != null && j == methodInfo.parameterTypes.length - 1 && (methodInfo.valueSetter || methodInfo.memberSetter)) { adapter = adapterInformation(out, valueTypeName, methodInfo.pairedMethod.getAnnotations()); } return adapter; } AdapterInformation adapterInformation(boolean out, String valueTypeName, Annotation ... annotations) { AdapterInformation adapterInfo = null; boolean constant = false; String cast = ""; for (Annotation a : annotations) { Adapter adapter = a instanceof Adapter ? (Adapter)a : a.annotationType().getAnnotation(Adapter.class); if (adapter != null) { adapterInfo = new AdapterInformation(); adapterInfo.name = adapter.value(); adapterInfo.argc = adapter.argc(); if (a != adapter) { try { Class cls = a.annotationType(); if (cls.isAnnotationPresent(Const.class)) { constant = true; } try { String value = cls.getDeclaredMethod("value").invoke(a).toString(); if (value != null && value.length() > 0) { valueTypeName = value; } // else use inferred type } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { // this adapter does not support a template type valueTypeName = null; } Cast c = (Cast)cls.getAnnotation(Cast.class); if (c != null && cast.length() == 0) { cast = c.value()[0]; if (valueTypeName != null) { cast += "< " + valueTypeName + " >"; } if (c.value().length > 1) { cast += c.value()[1]; } } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.warn("Could not invoke the value() method on annotation \"" + a + "\": " + ex); } if (valueTypeName != null && valueTypeName.length() > 0) { adapterInfo.name += "< " + valueTypeName + " >"; } } } else if (a instanceof Const) { constant = true; } else if (a instanceof Cast) { Cast c = ((Cast)a); if (c.value().length > 1) { cast = c.value()[1]; } } } if (adapterInfo != null) { adapterInfo.cast = cast; adapterInfo.constant = constant; } return out && constant ? null : adapterInfo; } String cast(MethodInformation methodInfo, int j) { String cast = cast(methodInfo.parameterTypes[j], methodInfo.parameterAnnotations[j]); if ((cast == null || cast.length() == 0) && j == methodInfo.parameterTypes.length-1 && (methodInfo.valueSetter || methodInfo.memberSetter) && methodInfo.pairedMethod != null) { cast = cast(methodInfo.pairedMethod.getReturnType(), methodInfo.pairedMethod.getAnnotations()); } return cast; } String cast(Class<?> type, Annotation ... annotations) { String[] typeName = null; for (Annotation a : annotations) { if ((a instanceof Cast && ((Cast)a).value()[0].length() > 0) || a instanceof Const) { typeName = cppCastTypeName(type, annotations); break; } } return typeName != null && typeName.length > 0 ? "(" + typeName[0] + typeName[1] + ")" : ""; } Annotation by(MethodInformation methodInfo, int j) { Annotation passBy = by(methodInfo.parameterAnnotations[j]); if (passBy == null && methodInfo.pairedMethod != null && (methodInfo.valueSetter || methodInfo.memberSetter)) { passBy = by(methodInfo.pairedMethod.getAnnotations()); } return passBy; } Annotation by(Annotation ... annotations) { Annotation byAnnotation = null; for (Annotation a : annotations) { if (a instanceof ByPtr || a instanceof ByPtrPtr || a instanceof ByPtrRef || a instanceof ByRef || a instanceof ByVal) { if (byAnnotation != null) { logger.warn("\"By\" annotation \"" + byAnnotation + "\" already found. Ignoring superfluous annotation \"" + a + "\"."); } else { byAnnotation = a; } } } return byAnnotation; } Annotation behavior(Annotation ... annotations) { Annotation behaviorAnnotation = null; for (Annotation a : annotations) { if (a instanceof Function || a instanceof Allocator || a instanceof ArrayAllocator || a instanceof ValueSetter || a instanceof ValueGetter || a instanceof MemberGetter || a instanceof MemberSetter) { if (behaviorAnnotation != null) { logger.warn("Behavior annotation \"" + behaviorAnnotation + "\" already found. Ignoring superfluous annotation \"" + a + "\"."); } else { behaviorAnnotation = a; } } } return behaviorAnnotation; } static String constValueTypeName(String ... typeName) { String type = typeName[0]; if (type.endsWith("*") || type.endsWith("&")) { type = type.substring(0, type.length()-1); } return type; } static String valueTypeName(String ... typeName) { String type = typeName[0]; if (type.startsWith("const ")) { type = type.substring(6, type.length()-1); } else if (type.endsWith("*") || type.endsWith("&")) { type = type.substring(0, type.length()-1); } return type; } String[] cppAnnotationTypeName(Class<?> type, Annotation ... annotations) { String[] typeName = cppCastTypeName(type, annotations); String prefix = typeName[0]; String suffix = typeName[1]; boolean casted = false; for (Annotation a : annotations) { if ((a instanceof Cast && ((Cast)a).value()[0].length() > 0) || a instanceof Const) { casted = true; break; } } Annotation by = by(annotations); if (by instanceof ByVal) { prefix = constValueTypeName(typeName); } else if (by instanceof ByRef) { prefix = constValueTypeName(typeName) + "&"; } else if (by instanceof ByPtrPtr && !casted) { prefix = prefix + "*"; } else if (by instanceof ByPtrRef) { prefix = prefix + "&"; } // else ByPtr typeName[0] = prefix; typeName[1] = suffix; return typeName; } String[] cppCastTypeName(Class<?> type, Annotation ... annotations) { String[] typeName = null; boolean warning = false, adapter = false; for (Annotation a : annotations) { if (a instanceof Cast) { warning = typeName != null; String prefix = ((Cast)a).value()[0], suffix = ""; int parenthesis = prefix.indexOf(')'); if (parenthesis > 0) { suffix = prefix.substring(parenthesis).trim(); prefix = prefix.substring(0, parenthesis).trim(); } typeName = prefix.length() > 0 ? new String[] { prefix, suffix } : null; } else if (a instanceof Const) { if (warning = typeName != null) { // prioritize @Cast continue; } typeName = cppTypeName(type); boolean[] b = ((Const)a).value(); if (b.length > 1 && b[1]) { typeName[0] = valueTypeName(typeName) + " const *"; } if (b.length > 0 && b[0]) { typeName[0] = "const " + typeName[0]; } Annotation by = by(annotations); if (by instanceof ByPtrPtr) { typeName[0] += "*"; } else if (by instanceof ByPtrRef) { typeName[0] += "&"; } } else if (a instanceof Adapter || a.annotationType().isAnnotationPresent(Adapter.class)) { adapter = true; } } if (warning && !adapter) { logger.warn("Without \"Adapter\", \"Cast\" and \"Const\" annotations are mutually exclusive."); } if (typeName == null) { typeName = cppTypeName(type); } return typeName; } String[] cppTypeName(Class<?> type) { String prefix = "", suffix = ""; if (type == Buffer.class || type == Pointer.class) { prefix = "void*"; } else if (type == byte[].class || type == ByteBuffer.class || type == BytePointer.class) { prefix = "signed char*"; } else if (type == short[].class || type == ShortBuffer.class || type == ShortPointer.class) { prefix = "short*"; } else if (type == int[].class || type == IntBuffer.class || type == IntPointer.class) { prefix = "int*"; } else if (type == long[].class || type == LongBuffer.class || type == LongPointer.class) { prefix = "jlong*"; } else if (type == float[].class || type == FloatBuffer.class || type == FloatPointer.class) { prefix = "float*"; } else if (type == double[].class || type == DoubleBuffer.class || type == DoublePointer.class) { prefix = "double*"; } else if (type == char[].class || type == CharBuffer.class || type == CharPointer.class) { prefix = "unsigned short*"; } else if (type == boolean[].class) { prefix = "unsigned char*"; } else if (type == PointerPointer.class) { prefix = "void**"; } else if (type == String.class) { prefix = "const char*"; } else if (type == byte.class) { prefix = "signed char"; } else if (type == long.class) { prefix = "jlong"; } else if (type == char.class) { prefix = "unsigned short"; } else if (type == boolean.class) { prefix = "unsigned char"; } else if (type.isPrimitive()) { prefix = type.getName(); } else if (FunctionPointer.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) { Method functionMethod = functionMethod(type, null); if (functionMethod != null) { return cppFunctionTypeName(functionMethod); } } else { String scopedType = cppScopeName(type); if (scopedType.length() > 0) { prefix = scopedType + "*"; } else { logger.warn("The class " + type.getCanonicalName() + " does not map to any C++ type. Compilation will most likely fail."); } } return new String[] { prefix, suffix }; } String[] cppFunctionTypeName(Method functionMethod) { String prefix, suffix; Class<?> type = functionMethod.getDeclaringClass(); Convention convention = type.getAnnotation(Convention.class); String callingConvention = convention == null ? "" : convention.value() + " "; // for virtual functions, the namespace is managed by the enclosing class Namespace namespace = FunctionPointer.class.isAssignableFrom(type) ? type.getAnnotation(Namespace.class) : null; String spaceName = namespace == null ? "" : namespace.value(); if (spaceName.length() > 0 && !spaceName.endsWith("::")) { spaceName += "::"; } Class returnType = functionMethod.getReturnType(); Class[] parameterTypes = functionMethod.getParameterTypes(); Annotation[] annotations = functionMethod.getAnnotations(); Annotation[][] parameterAnnotations = functionMethod.getParameterAnnotations(); String[] returnTypeName = cppAnnotationTypeName(returnType, annotations); AdapterInformation returnAdapterInfo = adapterInformation(false, valueTypeName(returnTypeName), annotations); if (returnAdapterInfo != null && returnAdapterInfo.cast.length() > 0) { prefix = returnAdapterInfo.cast; } else { prefix = returnTypeName[0] + returnTypeName[1]; } prefix += " (" + callingConvention + spaceName + "*"; suffix = ")("; if (FunctionPointer.class.isAssignableFrom(type) && namespace != null && (parameterTypes.length == 0 || !Pointer.class.isAssignableFrom(parameterTypes[0]))) { logger.warn("First parameter of caller method call() or apply() for member function pointer " + type.getCanonicalName() + " is not a Pointer. Compilation will most likely fail."); } for (int j = namespace == null ? 0 : 1; j < parameterTypes.length; j++) { String[] paramTypeName = cppAnnotationTypeName(parameterTypes[j], parameterAnnotations[j]); AdapterInformation paramAdapterInfo = adapterInformation(false, valueTypeName(paramTypeName), parameterAnnotations[j]); if (paramAdapterInfo != null && paramAdapterInfo.cast.length() > 0) { suffix += paramAdapterInfo.cast + " arg" + j; } else { suffix += paramTypeName[0] + " arg" + j + paramTypeName[1]; } if (j < parameterTypes.length - 1) { suffix += ", "; } } suffix += ")"; if (type.isAnnotationPresent(Const.class)) { suffix += " const"; } return new String[] { prefix, suffix }; } static String cppScopeName(MethodInformation methodInfo) { String scopeName = cppScopeName(methodInfo.cls); if (methodInfo.method.isAnnotationPresent(Virtual.class)) { String subType = "JavaCPP_" + mangle(scopeName); scopeName = subType; } Namespace namespace = methodInfo.method.getAnnotation(Namespace.class); String spaceName = namespace == null ? "" : namespace.value(); if ((namespace != null && namespace.value().length() == 0) || spaceName.startsWith("::")) { scopeName = ""; // user wants to reset namespace here } if (scopeName.length() > 0 && !scopeName.endsWith("::")) { scopeName += "::"; } scopeName += spaceName; if (spaceName.length() > 0 && !spaceName.endsWith("::")) { scopeName += "::"; } return scopeName + methodInfo.memberName[0]; } static String cppScopeName(Class<?> type) { String scopeName = ""; while (type != null) { Namespace namespace = type.getAnnotation(Namespace.class); String spaceName = namespace == null ? "" : namespace.value(); if (Pointer.class.isAssignableFrom(type) && (!baseClasses.contains(type) || type.isAnnotationPresent(Name.class))) { Name name = type.getAnnotation(Name.class); String s; if (name == null) { s = type.getName(); int i = s.lastIndexOf("$"); if (i < 0) { i = s.lastIndexOf("."); } s = s.substring(i+1); } else { s = name.value()[0]; } if (spaceName.length() > 0 && !spaceName.endsWith("::")) { spaceName += "::"; } spaceName += s; } if (scopeName.length() > 0 && !spaceName.endsWith("::")) { spaceName += "::"; } scopeName = spaceName + scopeName; if ((namespace != null && namespace.value().length() == 0) || spaceName.startsWith("::")) { // user wants to reset namespace here break; } type = type.getDeclaringClass(); } return scopeName; } static String jniTypeName(Class type) { if (type == byte.class) { return "jbyte"; } else if (type == short.class) { return "jshort"; } else if (type == int.class) { return "jint"; } else if (type == long.class) { return "jlong"; } else if (type == float.class) { return "jfloat"; } else if (type == double.class) { return "jdouble"; } else if (type == char.class) { return "jchar"; } else if (type == boolean.class) { return "jboolean"; } else if (type == byte[].class) { return "jbyteArray"; } else if (type == short[].class) { return "jshortArray"; } else if (type == int[].class) { return "jintArray"; } else if (type == long[].class) { return "jlongArray"; } else if (type == float[].class) { return "jfloatArray"; } else if (type == double[].class) { return "jdoubleArray"; } else if (type == char[].class) { return "jcharArray"; } else if (type == boolean[].class) { return "jbooleanArray"; } else if (type.isArray()) { return "jobjectArray"; } else if (type == String.class) { return "jstring"; } else if (type == Class.class) { return "jclass"; } else if (type == void.class) { return "void"; } else { return "jobject"; } } static String signature(Class ... types) { StringBuilder signature = new StringBuilder(2*types.length); for (Class type : types) { if (type == byte.class) { signature.append("B"); } else if (type == short.class) { signature.append("S"); } else if (type == int.class) { signature.append("I"); } else if (type == long.class) { signature.append("J"); } else if (type == float.class) { signature.append("F"); } else if (type == double.class) { signature.append("D"); } else if (type == boolean.class) { signature.append("Z"); } else if (type == char.class) { signature.append("C"); } else if (type == void.class) { signature.append("V"); } else if (type.isArray()) { signature.append(type.getName().replace('.', '/')); } else { signature.append("L").append(type.getName().replace('.', '/')).append(";"); } } return signature.toString(); } static String mangle(String name) { StringBuilder mangledName = new StringBuilder(2*name.length()); for (int i = 0; i < name.length(); i++) { char c = name.charAt(i); if ((c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z')) { mangledName.append(c); } else if (c == '_') { mangledName.append("_1"); } else if (c == ';') { mangledName.append("_2"); } else if (c == '[') { mangledName.append("_3"); } else if (c == '.' || c == '/') { mangledName.append("_"); } else { String code = Integer.toHexString(c); mangledName.append("_0"); switch (code.length()) { case 1: mangledName.append("0"); case 2: mangledName.append("0"); case 3: mangledName.append("0"); default: mangledName.append(code); } } } return mangledName.toString(); } }