package org.jfrog.bamboo.configuration; import; import com.atlassian.bamboo.collections.ActionParametersMap; import com.atlassian.bamboo.configuration.AdministrationConfiguration; import com.atlassian.bamboo.repository.NameValuePair; import com.atlassian.bamboo.task.*; import com.atlassian.bamboo.utils.error.ErrorCollection; import; import; import com.atlassian.sal.api.message.I18nResolver; import com.atlassian.spring.container.ContainerManager; import; import; import org.apache.commons.configuration.ConversionException; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import org.jfrog.bamboo.admin.ServerConfig; import org.jfrog.bamboo.admin.ServerConfigManager; import org.jfrog.bamboo.context.AbstractBuildContext; import org.jfrog.bamboo.release.vcs.git.GitAuthenticationType; import org.jfrog.bamboo.release.vcs.VcsTypes; import; import org.jfrog.bamboo.util.TaskUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.*; import; /** * Base class for all {@link com.atlassian.bamboo.task.TaskConfigurator}s that are used by the plugin. It sets the * {@link ServerConfigManager} to be used for populating the Artifactory relevant fields. It also serves as a common * ground for setting common fields in the context of the build. * * @author Tomer Cohen */ public abstract class AbstractArtifactoryConfiguration extends AbstractTaskConfigurator implements TaskTestResultsSupport, BuildTaskRequirementSupport { protected I18nResolver i18nResolver; public static final String CFG_TEST_RESULTS_FILE_PATTERN_OPTION_CUSTOM = "customTestDirectory"; public static final String CFG_TEST_RESULTS_FILE_PATTERN_OPTION_STANDARD = "standardTestDirectory"; private static final Map TEST_RESULTS_FILE_PATTERN_TYPES = ImmutableMap .of(CFG_TEST_RESULTS_FILE_PATTERN_OPTION_STANDARD, "Look in the standard test results directory.", CFG_TEST_RESULTS_FILE_PATTERN_OPTION_CUSTOM, "Specify custom results directories"); public static final Map<String, String> SIGN_METHOD_MAP = ImmutableMap.of( "false", "Don't Sign", "true", "Sign"); public static final String SIGN_METHOD_MAP_KEY = "signMethods"; protected transient ServerConfigManager serverConfigManager; protected AdministrationConfiguration administrationConfiguration; protected UIConfigSupport uiConfigSupport; private String builderContextPrefix; private String capabilityPrefix; private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(AbstractArtifactoryConfiguration.class); protected AbstractArtifactoryConfiguration() { this(null, null); } protected AbstractArtifactoryConfiguration(String builderContextPrefix) { this(builderContextPrefix, null); } protected AbstractArtifactoryConfiguration(String builderContextPrefix, @Nullable String capabilityPrefix) { serverConfigManager = ServerConfigManager.getInstance(); if (administrationConfiguration == null) { administrationConfiguration = (AdministrationConfiguration) ContainerManager.getComponent("administrationConfiguration"); } this.builderContextPrefix = builderContextPrefix; this.capabilityPrefix = capabilityPrefix; } public String getTestDirectory(AbstractBuildContext buildContext) { String directoryOption = buildContext.getTestDirectoryOption(); if (CFG_TEST_RESULTS_FILE_PATTERN_OPTION_STANDARD.equals(directoryOption)) { return getDefaultTestDirectory(); } else if (CFG_TEST_RESULTS_FILE_PATTERN_OPTION_CUSTOM.equals(directoryOption)) { return buildContext.getTestDirectory(); } return null; } @Override public void populateContextForEdit(@NotNull Map<String, Object> context, @NotNull TaskDefinition taskDefinition) { super.populateContextForEdit(context, taskDefinition); serverConfigManager = ServerConfigManager.getInstance(); populateContextForAllOperations(context); } @Override public void populateContextForCreate(@NotNull Map<String, Object> context) { super.populateContextForCreate(context); serverConfigManager = ServerConfigManager.getInstance(); populateContextForAllOperations(context); } @NotNull @Override public Map<String, String> generateTaskConfigMap(@NotNull ActionParametersMap params, @Nullable TaskDefinition previousTaskDefinition) { Map<String, String> taskConfigMap = super.generateTaskConfigMap(params, previousTaskDefinition); taskConfigMap.put("baseUrl", administrationConfiguration.getBaseUrl()); return taskConfigMap; } @Override public void validate(@NotNull ActionParametersMap params, @NotNull ErrorCollection errorCollection) { String serverKey = "builder." + getKey() + "." + AbstractBuildContext.SERVER_ID_PARAM; if (!params.containsKey(serverKey)) { return; } long configuredServerId; try { configuredServerId = params.getLong(serverKey, -1); } catch (ConversionException ce) { configuredServerId = -1; } if (configuredServerId == -1) { return; } ServerConfig serverConfig = serverConfigManager.getServerConfigById(configuredServerId); if (serverConfig == null) { errorCollection.addError(serverKey, "Could not find Artifactory server configuration by the ID " + configuredServerId); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(getDeployableRepoKey())) { String deployerRepoKey = "builder." + getKey() + "." + getDeployableRepoKey(); if (StringUtils.isBlank(params.getString(deployerRepoKey))) { errorCollection.addError(deployerRepoKey, "Please choose a repository to deploy to."); } } String runLicensesKey = "builder." + getKey() + "." + AbstractBuildContext.RUN_LICENSE_CHECKS; String runLicenseChecksValue = params.getString(runLicensesKey); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(runLicenseChecksValue) && Boolean.valueOf(runLicenseChecksValue)) { String violationsKey = "builder." + getKey() + "." + AbstractBuildContext.LICENSE_VIOLATION_RECIPIENTS; String recipients = params.getString(violationsKey); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(recipients)) { String[] recipientTokens = StringUtils.split(recipients, ' '); for (String recipientToken : recipientTokens) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(recipientToken) && (!recipientToken.contains("@")) || recipientToken.startsWith("@") || recipientToken.endsWith("@")) { errorCollection .addError(violationsKey, "'" + recipientToken + "' is not a valid e-mail address."); break; } } } } } @NotNull @Override public Set<Requirement> calculateRequirements(@NotNull TaskDefinition taskDefinition, @NotNull Job job) { Set<Requirement> requirements = Sets.newHashSet(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(builderContextPrefix)) { taskConfiguratorHelper.addJdkRequirement(requirements, taskDefinition, builderContextPrefix + TaskConfigConstants.CFG_JDK_LABEL); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(capabilityPrefix)) { taskConfiguratorHelper.addSystemRequirementFromConfiguration(requirements, taskDefinition, builderContextPrefix + AbstractBuildContext.EXECUTABLE, capabilityPrefix); } } return requirements; } protected void populateContextWithConfiguration(@NotNull Map<String, Object> context, @NotNull TaskDefinition taskDefinition, Set<String> fieldsToCopy) { // Encrypt the password fields, so that they do not appear as free-text on the task configuration UI. encryptFields(taskDefinition.getConfiguration()); taskConfiguratorHelper.populateContextWithConfiguration(context, taskDefinition, fieldsToCopy); // Decrypt back the password fields. decryptFields(taskDefinition.getConfiguration()); } // populate common objects into context private void populateContextForAllOperations(@NotNull Map<String, Object> context) { context.put("uiConfigBean", uiConfigSupport); context.put("testDirectoryTypes", TEST_RESULTS_FILE_PATTERN_TYPES); context.put(AbstractBuildContext.PUBLISH_BUILD_INFO_PARAM, "true"); context.put(AbstractBuildContext.ENV_VARS_EXCLUDE_PATTERNS, "*password*,*secret*"); context.put(SIGN_METHOD_MAP_KEY, SIGN_METHOD_MAP); } /** * Sets the UI config bean from bamboo. NOTE: This method is called from Bamboo upon instantiation of this class by * reflection. * * @param uiConfigSupport The UI config bean for select values. */ public void setUiConfigSupport(UIConfigSupport uiConfigSupport) { this.uiConfigSupport = uiConfigSupport; } public void setAdministrationConfiguration(AdministrationConfiguration administrationConfiguration) { this.administrationConfiguration = administrationConfiguration; } protected String readFileByKey(final ActionParametersMap params, String keyToRead) { final File private_key_file = params.getFiles().get(keyToRead); if (private_key_file != null) { try { return FileUtils.readFileToString(private_key_file); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Cannot read uploaded file", e); } } else { log.error("Unable to load file from config submission!"); } return null; } private boolean isEncrypted(String value) { try { value = URLDecoder.decode(value, "UTF-8"); } catch (Exception ignore) { // Ignore. Trying to decode password that was not encoded. } String decryptedValue = TaskUtils.decryptIfNeeded(value); return !decryptedValue.equals(value); } /** * This method is used by the encryptFields and decryptFields methods. * It encrypts or decrypts the task config fields, if their key ends with 'password'. * While encrypting / decrypting, if the keys are already encrypted / decrypted, * the keys values will not change. * * @param taskConfigMap The task config fields map. * @param enc If true - encrypt, else - decrypt. */ private void encOrDecFields(Map<String, String> taskConfigMap, boolean enc) { for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : taskConfigMap.entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey().toLowerCase(); if (shouldEncrypt(key)) { String value = entry.getValue(); if (isEncrypted(value)) { try { value = URLDecoder.decode(value, "UTF-8"); } catch (Exception ignore) { /* Ignore. Trying to decode password that was not encoded. */ } value = TaskUtils.decryptIfNeeded(value); } if (enc) { value = EncryptionHelper.encrypt(value); try { value = URLEncoder.encode(value, "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } entry.setValue(value); } } } private boolean shouldEncrypt(String key) { return key.contains("artifactory") && (key.contains("password") || key.contains("ssh")); } /** * Encrypt the task config fields, if their key ends with 'password'. * If the keys are already encrypted, their value will not change. * * @param taskConfigMap The task config fields map. */ private void encryptFields(Map<String, String> taskConfigMap) { encOrDecFields(taskConfigMap, true); } /** * Decrypt the task config fields, if their key ends with 'password'. * If the keys are already decrypted, their value will not change. * * @param taskConfigMap The task config fields map. */ protected void decryptFields(Map<String, String> taskConfigMap) { encOrDecFields(taskConfigMap, false); } /** * Reset the build context configuration back to the default values if no server id was selected * * @param buildContext The build context which holds the environment for the configuration. */ protected void resetConfigIfNeeded(AbstractBuildContext buildContext) { long serverId = buildContext.getArtifactoryServerId(); if (serverId == -1) { buildContext.resetContextToDefault(); } } /** * @return The unique key identifier of the task configuration. */ protected abstract String getKey(); /** * @return The key for the deployable/publishing repo key for the environment. */ protected abstract String getDeployableRepoKey(); protected String getDefaultTestDirectory() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This method is not implemented for class " + this.getClass()); } /** * In version 1.8.1 the key containing the Artifactory Server ID was changed * in the Generic Resolve and Deploy configurations. * This method migrates to the new name. */ protected void migrateServerKeyIfNeeded(Map<String, String> configuration) { String oldServerId = configuration.get("artifactory.generic.artifactoryServerId"); String newServerId = configuration.get("builder.artifactoryGenericBuilder.artifactoryServerId"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(oldServerId)) { configuration.put("builder.artifactoryGenericBuilder.artifactoryServerId", oldServerId); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(newServerId)) { configuration.put("artifactory.generic.artifactoryServerId", newServerId); } } protected List<NameValuePair> getGitAuthenticationTypes() { return .map(Enum::name) .map(name -> new NameValuePair(name, getAuthTypeName(name))) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } protected List<NameValuePair> getVcsTypes() { return .map(Enum::name) .map(name -> new NameValuePair(name, getVcsTypeName(name))) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } protected Map<String, String> getSshFileContent(ActionParametersMap params, TaskDefinition previousTaskDefinition) { Map<String, String> taskConfigMap = new HashMap<>(); String sshFileKey = AbstractBuildContext.VCS_PREFIX + AbstractBuildContext.GIT_SSH_KEY; String sshFileContent = readFileByKey(params, sshFileKey); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(sshFileContent)) { taskConfigMap.put(sshFileKey, sshFileContent); } else { if (previousTaskDefinition != null) { taskConfigMap.put(sshFileKey, previousTaskDefinition.getConfiguration().get(sshFileKey)); } } return taskConfigMap; } private String getVcsTypeName(final String vcsType) { return i18nResolver.getText("artifactory.vcs.type." + StringUtils.lowerCase(vcsType)); } private String getAuthTypeName(final String authType) { return i18nResolver.getText("artifactory.vcs.git.authenticationType." + StringUtils.lowerCase(authType)); } public void setI18nResolver(final I18nResolver i18nResolver) { this.i18nResolver = i18nResolver; } }