package org.jfrog.bamboo.bintray; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.jfrog.bamboo.util.ConstantValues; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Map; /** * @author Aviad Shikloshi */ public class MavenSyncHelper { /** * Update the Push to Bintray context when using MavenCentralSync with descriptor file */ public static void updateBintrayActionContext(PushToBintrayAction action, Map<String, Object> bintrayJsonMap) { Map<String, String> aPackage = (Map<String, String>) bintrayJsonMap.get("package"); action.setPackageName(aPackage.get("name")); action.setRepository(aPackage.get("repo")); action.setSubject(aPackage.get("subject")); Map<String, String> version = (Map<String, String>) bintrayJsonMap.get("version"); action.setVersion(version.get("name")); } /** * Searching for the *bintray-info.json* descriptor file which is an artifact attached to the build */ public static String getBintrayDescriptorFileUrl(Map<String, Object> response) { ArrayList<Object> results = (ArrayList<Object>) response.get("results"); if (results.size() == 0) { throw new IllegalStateException("No Bintray descriptor files were find in the build."); } Map<String, String> jsonUrl = (Map<String, String>) results.get(0); return jsonUrl.get("downloadUri"); } /** * Create the body for the query we are sending to Artifactory fo find the ** file */ public static String createArtifactBuildSearchQuery(String buildName, String buildNumber) { return "{\n" + " \"buildName\": \"" + buildName + "\",\n" + " \"buildNumber\": \"" + buildNumber + "\",\n" + " \"mappings\": [\n" + " {\n" + " \"input\": \"(?i)[\\\\s\\\\S]*bintray-info[\\\\s\\\\S]*.json\"\n" + " }\n" + " ]\n" + "}"; } public static String getMavenSyncEndpoint() { String bintrayUrl = System.getenv("BAMBOO_BINTRAY_URL"); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(bintrayUrl)) { bintrayUrl = ConstantValues.BINTRAY_URL; } return bintrayUrl + "/maven_central_sync/"; } }