package org.example.domain; import com.avaje.ebean.PagedList; import com.avaje.ebean.QueryEachConsumer; import org.example.ExampleBaseTestCase; import org.example.domain.query.QContact; import org.example.domain.query.QCustomer; import org.example.domain.query.QProduct; import org.example.service.LoadExampleData; import org.junit.Test; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; public class ExamplePartialObjectQueryTest extends ExampleBaseTestCase { @Test public void test() { QContact con = QContact.alias(); QCustomer cus = QCustomer.alias(); QProduct pro = QProduct.alias(); Customer customer = Customer.find.where() // tuning .select(, cus.registered) .orders.fetchAll() .orders.details.product.fetch( .contacts.fetch(con.firstName) // predicates .id.eq(12) .findUnique(); } @Test public void testSimpleQuery() { Country nz = Country.find.ref("NZ"); PagedList<Customer> pagedList = new QCustomer() .id.greaterThan(12) .name.istartsWith("Rob") .orderBy() .name.desc() .id.asc() .findPagedList(0, 100); pagedList.loadRowCount(); List<Customer> list = pagedList.getList(); int totalRowCount = pagedList.getTotalRowCount(); // // List<Customer> customers = new QCustomer() // .id.greaterThan(12) // .name.startsWith("Rob") // // .orderBy() // .name.asc() // .findList(); } @Test public void automaticallyAddJoins() { LoadExampleData.load(); // Ebean.find(Customer.class).where() // .disjunction() // .gt("id", 1) // .conjunction() // .icontains("name", "jim") // .eq("inactive", false) // .endJunction() // .endJunction(); Country nz = Country.find.ref("NZ"); List<Customer> customers = new QCustomer()"Auckland") .name.istartsWith("Rob") .version.between(1,100) .registered.before(new Date()) .or() .id.greaterThan(1) .and() .name.icontains("Jim") .inactive.isTrue() .endAnd() .endOr() .orderBy() .name.asc() .id.desc() .findList(); // where = ? // and lower( like ? escape'' // and t0.version between ? and ? // and t1.country_code = ? // and t0.registered < ? // and ( > ? or (lower( like ? escape'' and t0.inactive = ? ) ) ; // // --bind(Auckland,rob%,1,100,NZ,2015-09-16 06:58:26.777,1,%jim%,true) System.out.println(customers); } }