package org.example.domain.finder; import com.avaje.ebean.Finder; import org.example.domain.Contact; import org.example.domain.query.QContact; import java.util.List; public class ContactFinder extends Finder<Long,Contact> { /** * Construct using the default EbeanServer. */ public ContactFinder() { super(Contact.class); } /** * Construct with a given EbeanServer. */ public ContactFinder(String serverName) { super(Contact.class, serverName); } /** * Start a new typed query. */ protected QContact where() { return new QContact(db()); } /** * Find the contact by exact email address. */ public Contact byEmail(String email) { return where().email.equalTo(email).findUnique(); } /** * Find by email address ending in (case insensitive). */ public List<Contact> byEmailEndsWith(String emailEndsIn) { return where().email.iendsWith(emailEndsIn).findList(); } }