package org.geopublishing.geopublisher; import java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment; import; import; import java.util.Enumeration; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter; import org.apache.commons.cli.Option; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException; import org.apache.commons.cli.PosixParser; import org.apache.log4j.Appender; import org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout; import org.geopublishing.atlasViewer.AtlasConfig; import org.geopublishing.geopublisher.export.JarExportUtil; import org.geopublishing.geopublisher.swing.GeopublisherGUI; import; import de.schmitzm.versionnumber.ReleaseUtil; import de.schmitzm.versionnumber.ReleaseUtil.License; /** * This class manages all the command line options of Geopublisher. */ public class CliOptions extends Options { final static Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(CliOptions.class); public static final String VERBOSE = "v"; public static final String HELP = "h"; public static final String EXPORT = "e"; public static final String AWCFOLDER = "a"; public static final String FORCE = "f"; public static final String DISK = "d"; public static final String JWS = "j"; // public static final String GS_URL = "gs"; // public static final String GS_USER = "gsu"; // public static final String GS_PASSWORD = "gsp"; static final String ZIPDISK = "z"; private static final String LICENSE = "l"; private static final String KEEPTEMP = "t"; private static final String JWSURL = "u"; private static final String SAVEANDEXIT = "s"; private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(CliOptions.class); public static enum Errors { PARSEEXCEPTION(1), AWCPARAM_MISSING(2), AWCPARAM_ILLEGAL(3), EXPORTDIR_MISSING( 4), EXPORTDIR_ILLEGAL(5), EXPORTDIR_NOTEMPTYNOFORCE(6), EXPORT_FAILED( 7), NOHEAD(8), SAVEERROR(9), GS_EXPORTERROR(10); private final int errCode; Errors(int errCode) { this.errCode = errCode; }; public boolean equals(int errCode) { return getErrCode() == errCode; } public int getErrCode() { return errCode; } } public CliOptions() { addOption(new Option(HELP, "help", false, "print this message.")); addOption(new Option(VERBOSE, "verbose", false, "Print verbose information while running.")); addOption(new Option(LICENSE, "license", false, "Print license information.")); Option optAwc = new Option(AWCFOLDER, "atlas", true, "Folder to load the atlas from (atlas.gpa). The path may not contain spaces!"); optAwc.setArgName("srcDir"); addOption(optAwc); addOption(new Option( SAVEANDEXIT, "saveandexit", false, "Save the atlas after loading and exit. This will update atlas.xml to the lastest format.")); Option optExport = new Option( EXPORT, "export", true, "exports an atlas as a stand-alone application to a given directory, combine this option with -f / -d and/or -j. The path may not contain spaces!"); optExport.setArgName("dstDir"); addOption(optExport); Option diskOption = new Option(DISK, "disk", false, "Create DISK version of atlas when exporting."); addOption(diskOption); // Option gsOption = new Option(GS_URL, "gsurl", true, // "URL of Geoserver to configure during export."); // addOption(gsOption); // // Option gsUserOption = new Option(GS_USER, "gsuser", true, // "Geoserver username"); // addOption(gsUserOption); // // Option gsPwdOption = new Option(GS_PASSWORD, "gspassword", true, // "Geoserver password"); // addOption(gsPwdOption); addOption(new Option(ZIPDISK, "zipdisk", false, "Zip the DISK folder after export.")); addOption(new Option(JWS, "jws", false, "Create JavaWebStart version of atlas when exporting.")); Option jwsUrlOp = new Option( JWSURL, "jwsurl", true, "Set the JNLP export URL specifically, overriding the URL stored in the atlas.xml. Must end with a /."); jwsUrlOp.setArgName("jnlpUrl"); addOption(jwsUrlOp); addOption(new Option(FORCE, "force", false, "Overwrite any existing files during export.")); addOption(new Option(KEEPTEMP, "keeptemp", false, "Do not clean temp files, needed if exporting in parallel")); } public CommandLine parse(String[] args) throws ParseException { CommandLineParser parser = new PosixParser(); return parser.parse(this, args); } public void printHelp() { // automatically generate the help statement HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.printHelp("geopublisher", this); } /** * @return <code>-1</code> means the application GUI is open and the program * should not exit. <code>0</code> the program exits normally after * successful execution. */ public static int performArgs(final String[] args) { /** Any number >= 0 will result in exit **/ boolean exitAfterInterpret = false; CliOptions.Errors errorDuringInterpret = null; boolean startGui = false; /** Any atlas to load **/ File awcFile = null; /** Export folder to use **/ File exportFile = null; CliOptions cliOptions = new CliOptions(); try { final CommandLine commandLine = cliOptions.parse(args); // Help if (commandLine.hasOption(CliOptions.HELP)) { cliOptions.printHelp(); exitAfterInterpret = true; } // Show license if (commandLine.hasOption(CliOptions.LICENSE)) { /** Output information about the GPL license **/ System.out.println(ReleaseUtil.getLicense(License.GPL3, "Geopublisher")); } // AWC folder if (!commandLine.hasOption(CliOptions.AWCFOLDER) && commandLine.hasOption(CliOptions.EXPORT)) { System.out.println("Parameter " + CliOptions.AWCFOLDER + " is needed."); exitAfterInterpret = true; errorDuringInterpret = Errors.AWCPARAM_MISSING; } else if (commandLine.hasOption(CliOptions.AWCFOLDER)) { awcFile = new File(commandLine.getOptionValue( CliOptions.AWCFOLDER).trim()); if (AtlasConfig.isAtlasDir(awcFile)) { } else if (AtlasConfig.isAtlasDir(awcFile.getParentFile())) { awcFile = awcFile.getParentFile(); } else { // first argument when invoking gp under Linux now is the // directory from where it is called File awcFile2 = new File(args[0], commandLine .getOptionValue(CliOptions.AWCFOLDER).trim()); if (AtlasConfig.isAtlasDir(awcFile2)) { awcFile = awcFile2; } else if (AtlasConfig.isAtlasDir(awcFile2.getParentFile())) { awcFile = awcFile2.getParentFile(); } else { System.out .println("'" + awcFile + "' is no valid atlas directory. It should contain an atlas.gpa."); exitAfterInterpret = true; errorDuringInterpret = Errors.AWCPARAM_ILLEGAL; } } } // export? if (!commandLine.hasOption(CliOptions.EXPORT) && !commandLine.hasOption(CliOptions.SAVEANDEXIT) // && !commandLine.hasOption(CliOptions.GS_URL) ) { // Use the GUI startGui = true; } else if (commandLine.hasOption(CliOptions.EXPORT)) { /** * Read the export Directory */ exportFile = new File(commandLine.getOptionValue( CliOptions.EXPORT).trim()); if (exportFile != null) { if (!exportFile.isDirectory()) { exportFile = new File(args[0], commandLine .getOptionValue(CliOptions.EXPORT).trim()); if (!exportFile.isDirectory()) { System.out.println("Not a valid export directory: " + exportFile); exitAfterInterpret = true; errorDuringInterpret = Errors.EXPORTDIR_ILLEGAL; } } else { // Check export dir if (exportFile.list().length > 0 && !commandLine.hasOption(CliOptions.FORCE)) { System.out .println("Export directory is not empty. Use --force to delete any older atlases."); exitAfterInterpret = true; errorDuringInterpret = Errors.EXPORTDIR_NOTEMPTYNOFORCE; } } } } if (startGui && GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless() && !exitAfterInterpret && errorDuringInterpret == null) { exitAfterInterpret = true; errorDuringInterpret = Errors.NOHEAD; System.err .println("Can't open Geopublisher GUI because your environment doesn't provide a window system. You may only use pure CLI commands:"); cliOptions.printHelp(); } if (exitAfterInterpret || errorDuringInterpret != null) { if (errorDuringInterpret != null) { System.out.println("Error " + errorDuringInterpret.getErrCode()); // System.exit(); return errorDuringInterpret.getErrCode(); } else return 0; } /*** * Start Running the commands */ if (startGui) { final File awcFileToLoad = awcFile; try { NativeInterface.initialize();; } catch (Throwable e) { LOGGER.warn("Couldn't initialize the SWT subsystem. Trying fallback to Swing.",e); } SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { // Load an atlas with GUI GeopublisherGUI instance = GeopublisherGUI .getInstance(false); if (commandLine.hasOption(CliOptions.VERBOSE)) { // exitAfterInterpret = true; // Logger.getLogger("root").setLevel(Level.ALL); Logger.getRootLogger().setLevel( org.apache.log4j.Level.DEBUG); } else { // Logger.getRootLogger().setLevel( // org.apache.log4j.Level.WARN); // Logger.getLogger("root").setLevel(Level.WARNING); } if (awcFileToLoad != null) instance.loadAtlasFromDir(awcFileToLoad); } }); try { NativeInterface.initialize(); NativeInterface.runEventPump(); } catch (Throwable e) { LOGGER.warn("Couldn't initialize the SWT subsystem. Trying fallback to Swing.",e); } return -1; } else { // Not starting GUI, initialize logging. If other appends // already exist, don't to anything initLoggingForConsole(); if (commandLine.hasOption(CliOptions.VERBOSE)) Logger.getRootLogger().setLevel( org.apache.log4j.Level.DEBUG); if (awcFile != null) { final AtlasConfigEditable ace = new AMLImportEd() .parseAtlasConfig(null, awcFile);"Successfully loaded atlas: '" + ace.getTitle() + "'"); if (commandLine.hasOption(SAVEANDEXIT)) { // Save and exit.. AMLExporter amlExporter = new AMLExporter(ace); try { amlExporter.saveAtlasConfigEditable(); return 0; } catch (Exception e) { errorDuringInterpret = Errors.SAVEERROR; log.error("Error while saving the atlas", e); ace.dispose(); return Errors.SAVEERROR.errCode; } } else { // Export if (exportFile != null) { try { boolean toDisk = commandLine.hasOption(DISK); boolean toJws = commandLine.hasOption(JWS); // If nothing is selected, all export modes are // selected if (!toDisk && !toJws) toDisk = toJws = true; JarExportUtil jeu = new JarExportUtil(ace, null, exportFile, toDisk, toJws, false); jeu.setZipDiskAfterExport(commandLine .hasOption(ZIPDISK)); // Is an extra JNLP base url specified? if (commandLine.hasOption(JWSURL)) { URL jwsUrl = new URL( commandLine.getOptionValue(JWSURL)); jeu.setOverwriteJnlpBaseUrl(jwsUrl); if (!toJws) log.error("Paraeter -" + JWSURL + " ignored because not exporting to JWS."); } jeu.setKeepTempFiles(commandLine .hasOption(KEEPTEMP)); jeu.export(); } catch (Exception e) { errorDuringInterpret = Errors.EXPORT_FAILED; log.error(Errors.EXPORT_FAILED.toString(), e); return Errors.EXPORT_FAILED.errCode; } } // Export to disk or jws // if (commandLine.hasOption(GS_URL)) { // // Export to Geoserver // String gsUrl = commandLine.getOptionValue(GS_URL); // try { // GsServerSettings gsServer = new GsServerSettings(); // gsServer.setUrl(gsUrl); // gsServer.setUsername(commandLine // .getOptionValue(GS_USER)); // gsServer.setPassword(commandLine // .getOptionValue(GS_PASSWORD)); // AtlasGeoserverExporter gse = new // AtlasGeoserverExporter( // ace, gsServer); // ResultProgressHandle progress = null; // gse.export(progress); // } catch (Exception e) { // log.error("Problem with geoserver at url " // + gsUrl); // return Errors.GS_EXPORTERROR.errCode; // } // } } } } // Do not System.exit() return 0; } catch (ParseException exp) { // oops, something went wrong System.err.println("Parsing failed. Reason: " + exp.getMessage()); cliOptions.printHelp(); return CliOptions.Errors.PARSEEXCEPTION.getErrCode(); } } /** * Does nothing if there already is an {@link ConsoleAppender} registered to * the root logger. Otherwise adds a console Logger. */ private static void initLoggingForConsole() { { Enumeration<Appender> allAppenders = Logger.getRootLogger() .getAllAppenders(); while (allAppenders.hasMoreElements()) { Appender app = allAppenders.nextElement(); if (app instanceof ConsoleAppender) return; } ConsoleAppender cp = new ConsoleAppender(new PatternLayout( PatternLayout.TTCC_CONVERSION_PATTERN)); cp.setName("CLI output"); cp.setTarget("System.out"); Logger.getRootLogger().addAppender(cp); } } }